Acceleration and Simplification of Development for ADAS & AD (Predictive ACC)

St Germain en Laye, July 3rd 2024.

This is a first result of a tough work since a few weeks, thanks to dSPACE Aurelion Simulation Software and map by HERE Technologies. Nexyad team created a virtual 3D environment from real roads around Paris. Then it is possible to integrate our software product SafetyNex into a virtual vehicle (our democar Dreamotor1) to test use-cases for ADAS and AD systems, in particular here Predictive ACC.

See below 6 differents use-cases around Pedestrian Crossing:

How it works ?

Nexyad works on EVENTS instead of scenarios.
Events are for example: a pedestrian crossing, a stop sign, a curve, a car ahead, a bicycle, etc.
We associate a PRUDENCE FUNCTION to each detected event in parallel. Prudence functions are dynamic as events are.
The combination of detected events make then a “dynamic scenario” that is taken into account FORMALLY by LOGICAL fusion of prudence functions*
Prudence functions are decomposition of driving in independent functions.
By doing so, we do not need an infinite number of  Scenarios to record in a large database. This reduces complexity by a 100 factor for design of Self-Driving tasks. Duration of development, test and validation are reduced with the same rate and computing is much lighter (energy consumption and heat production onboard).

* AI methods used are: Fuzzy Logic & Theory of Possibility


SafetyNex fusions all available informations onboard and computes 20 times per second Prudent Driving Behavior using the Metric of Driving Prudence also developed by Nexyad.

SafetyNex fusions all available inputs information (map, sensors, data streams) to compute Prudent Driving 20 times per second, thanks to the Nexyad Metric of Driving Prudence.

The Metric of Driving Prudence has been developed during more than 15 years thru 12 scientific collaborative research programs with experts of road safety, professional drivers, police of the road and insurers of 19 countries.


Demonstration of Nexyad SafetyNex AI in Dreamotor1 for ZF: a solution to decrease Complexity of Autonomous Driving and Predictive ACC

Velizy, June 19th 2024.

We had the pleasure to showcase our road safety AI SafetyNex for ZF around Stellantis techno centre in Velizy, with our DREAMOTOR1 demo car.
SafetyNex provides in real time prudent recommended speed, lack of prudence alerts and instant prudent speed for predictive ACC and Autonomous Vehicle.

Thanks to our friends coming from Germany and France.


Nexyad at HERE Technologies EMEA Tech Day 2024: the Metric a Prudence allows to Reduce Development time by 100 for Predictive ACC and Autonomous Driving

Paris la Défense, June 4th 2024.

Thanks to all HERE Technologies team for organisation of this yesterday event, which gave opportunity to NEXYAD (We Save Lives) to be up-to-date with automotive trend thru HERE vision, information and new products. We also met some of their customers attendees to present our own product SafetyNex for Safe Navigation, Driver Assistance and Automated Driving.

Nexyad is a partner of HERE Technologies.

Nexyad CEO presenting SafetyNex to HERE Tech Day 2024 attendees
Nexyad CEO presenting SafetyNex to HERE Tech Day 2024 attendees

Nexyad CEO interviewed by Mobility TV on Autonomous Driving boosted by AI: an Innovation Solution that can reduce Development time by 100 for Autonomous Driving and Predictive ACC

Paris, May 10th 2024.

Autonomous Driving boosted by AI
Generative artificial intelligence is coming to cockpits, but AI has been present in cars for many years. In particular to improve safety and driving aids. The 100% autonomous everyday car is not for now but the vehicle boosted by AI to become more and more autonomous is the present and this is the subject of the discussion with our guests.

Nicolas Léonetti / KPMG
Gérard Yahiaoui / Nexyad
Presented Aurélien Fleurot.

La conduite Autonome boostée par l’IA
L’intelligence artificielle générative arrive dans les cockpits mais cela fait de nombreuses années que l’IA est présente dans les voitures. En particulier pour améliorer la sécurité, les aides à la conduite. La voiture du quotidien 100% autonome, ce n’est pas pour tout de suite mais le véhicule boosté par l’IA pour devenir de plus en plus autonome, c’est le présent et c’est l’objet de la discussion avec nos invités.

Extract : « NEXYAD has developed the prudence metric for autonomous driving. This changes everything, autonomous vehicles drive like experienced humans. […] We work on road events instead of working on scenarios which are combinations of events. I’ll give you an example: presence of a truck, a bicycle and the approach of a roundabout. With these three events, we can construct many scenarios. At Nexyad, we assign a prudence function for each event in space and time (where they are at any moment) and combine them formally to fit any scenario. By doing so, we save a huge amount of time while being more safe. »

Nexyad Dreamotor1 tested at UTAC: shaping of Future of Autonomous Driving

Linas -Montlhéry, April 15th 2024.

UTAC rented Nexyad Dreamotor1 for a week of road safety tests about anticipation to some diffilculties. In particular, was tested the Dreamotor’s skills of its preventive ACC system as part of PRISSMA Project.
Thanks to Alain Piperno, Céline Serbouh, Michael Dessaint, Vignan Srikanthan and all UTAC staff.

UTAC est centre d’essais officiel Euro NCAP en France et possède également une place unique en Europe grâce à ses laboratoires d’essais accrédités ISO 17025.

NEXYAD Newsletter #43 « It’s Time for BYOD & SDV » is now available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #43, April 1st, 2024


It’s Time for BYOD & SDV


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– NEXYAD signed a co-Innovation Partnership with Stellantis

– Demonstration of NEXYAD Dreamotor1 to Partners

– New videos of Use-Cases in Dreamotor1 using SafetyNex

– Colloque sur la sécurité Routière / Road Safety Conference


Example of Use-Case with Dreamotor1 using SafetyNex :



Go to the Newsletter

Colloque sur la sécurité Routière / Road Safety Conference

Paris, March 20th 2024.

« 3500 morts par an sur les routes depuis 10 ans : et maintenant on fait quoi ? »

La ligue de défense des conducteurs a organisé un colloque pour faire le point sur les mesures gouvernementales depuis plusieurs décennies en matière de sécurité routière.
Il ressort des interventions des trois tables rondes, que l’Etat Français a beaucoup misé sur la répression, que l’état des routes en France se dégrade depuis la décentralisation et la perte en compétence des équipes de l’équipement éclatées par département. Les nouvelles mobilités, bicyclettes et trotinettes partageant souvent une même infrastruture ont augmenté l’accidentologie des vulnérables peu protégés. Et les moyens financiers pour une bonne éducation des jeunes conducteurs semblent manquer.
Les points positifs étant l’amélioration de la sécurité active et passive des véhicules depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’années et la prise en charge plus rapide et plus efficace des blessés de la route par les services de santé et de traumatologie.

The French Drivers’ Defense League organized a conference to take stock of government measures over several decades in terms of road safety. Despite multiplication of speed cameras and lower speed limits, the number of fatalities is stable for 10 year around 3500 each year in France.
It emerges from the interventions of the three round tables that the French State has relied heavily on repression, that the state of the roads in France has deteriorated since decentralization and the loss of skills of the equipment teams split up by department. New forms of mobility, bicycles and scooters often sharing the same infrastructure, have increased the number of accidents among poorly protected vulnerable people. And the financial means for a good education of young drivers seem to be lacking.
The positive points being the improvement in active and passive safety of vehicles over more than twenty years and the faster and more effective treatment of road injuries by health and trauma services.

Tous les détails sur le programme de la demi-journée et les intervenants sont ici (all details here) :

Test by Renault of Nexyad Democar Dreamotor1 around TechnoCentre: a Solution that greatly Simplifies Predictive Automated Cruise Control

Guyancourt, March 7th 2024.

We had the pleasure to carry two staff member of Renault for a test ride of Dreamotor1 around TechnoCentre.

SafetyNex provides in real time prudent recommended speed, lack of prudence alerts and instant prudent speed for Driver Assistance. See an example of use-case below :

This video was made in our democar Dreamotor1.
On the screen we can see the HMI (for engineers) with the road captured by a dashcam. On the top left of the screen there are the current speed of the vehicle, the speed limit sign, and just below the next speed limit read on the map.
The colored square on the left says the driving is prudent, it can be yellow when it’s time to be vigilant and even red if driving is at risk. When a singularity is detected, the road sign is pasted with the distance where to apply recommended speed in order stay prudent.
Below the colored square, risk target indicates the level of max accepted risk to stay green. In this example, we vary the risk target to see adaptation of the system to different drivings : from very prudent to prudent.
On the top center, we show action of the blinkers indicating new direction at the Electronic Horizon.

Global Logic executive on visit at Nexyad has tested Dreamotor1: Showcase of our Prudence Metric Prudence-Based Solution for reducing Complexity of Autonomous Driving

Saint Germain en Laye, February 13th 2024.

Nexyad invited a Global Logic executive for a test with Dreamotor1 today, on open roads around our office in St Germain en Laye.

SafetyNex provides in real time prudent recommended speed, lack of prudence alerts and instant prudent speed for predictive ACC and Autonomous Vehicle. SafetyNex goes further than Intelligent Speed Assitance ISA (which is just a reminder of speed limit signs on roads), SafetyNex gives the prudent speed by anticipation everywhere it can be tricky for the driver and his/her passengers.

Demonstration of AI SafetyNex in Dreamotor 1 for NETWALK: Prudence Metric Reduces time of Development by 100

Saint Germain en Laye, February 13th 2024.

We had the pleasure to showcase our road safety AI SafetyNex for NETWALK in the streets of St Germain en Laye and its neighbourghood, with our DREAMOTOR1 demo car.
SafetyNex provides in real time prudent recommended speed, lack of prudence alerts and instant prudent speed for predictive ACC and Autonomous Vehicle.

Thanks to our friend coming from Germany.

Nexyad Newsletter #42 « NEXYAD new big Adventure in 2024 » is now available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #42, November 30th, 2023


NEXYAD new big Adventure in 2024


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– NEXYAD Dreamotor1 in presentation at VEDECOM for Techday ALADIN

– NEXYAD at dSPACE Mecatronic Forum 2023 near Paris

– V2X Video Demo of Hazard Warning use-case: Cooperation between YoGoKo & Nexyad in Dreamotor1

– NEXYAD at HERE Technologies EMEA Tech Day 2023

– More tests of  NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1

– NEXYAD at the 4th Class of Autonomous & Connected Chair at INSA Rouen

– Tests of Dreamotor1 Intelligent and Predictive ACC at UTAC

– Nexyad CEO presented Autonomous Vehicles and Cyber Security to Telecom Paris  



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NEXYAD Dreamotor1 in presentation at VEDECOM for Techday ALADIN

Versaille, November 16th 2023.

NEXYAD (We Save Lives) had the opportunity to show its Dreamotor1 democar alongside Nextcar and labcar dSPACE.

Great day Thursday November 16th in Versailles at VEDECOM’s Mobilab during Techday ALADIN jointly organized by NextMove.
ALADIN is a group of innovative French companies from the ADAS Group and produces the Argobox roof trunk. Argobox is modular and customizable, packed with sensors to collect data and help their customers develop ADAS and autonomous vehicles.
Thank you all for the invitation to the conferences to discover very interesting companies such as Sector Group, Alkalee and see our partners YoGoKo, Intempora, SHERPA ENGINEERING, epicnpoc, CAR&D.

Eric Feunteun Software Republique Renault Group with the mic

Massimiliano Baslestreri, ALADIN President (in the middle)

Nexyad Dreamotor1 on the left and labcar dSPACE with Argobox roof box from ALADIN

NEXYAD at dSPACE Mecatronic Forum 2023 near Paris

St Quentin en Yvelines, November 9th 2023.

Thanks to dSPACE for their invitation to .

The new product presentations were very interesting and also from customers showing use cases of work done with these powerful tools.
NEXYAD (We Save Lives) hopes to strengthen its partnership with dSPACE in the near future. See below, an example (2022) of collaboration between Nexayd and dSPACE tools AURELION simulation on the asynchonous real time framework RTMaps, for guiding autonomous driving robots: drivable surface detection from a camera, with our AI perception module RoadNex.

Special thanks to Benoit VidalieOmar ElzeinyDr.-Ing. Dominik DörrFabian BronnerNicolas du LacFlorian M. and Philippe LEBON

Conference Room

ALADIN Argobox with dSPACE

CIL4Sys CEO has tested Dreamotor1 on open roads

Guyancourt, October 24th 2023.

It was a real pleasure to invite CIL4Sys CEO Philippe Gicquel in Nexyad democar Dreamotor1. CIL4Sys is a long time partner company located in Paris. The team is focus on accelerating innovation of products and services thanks to agile systems engineering. Go to discover what are their offers following this link : Agile systems engineering (

Integrated in Dreamotor1, SafetyNex provides in real time prudent recommended speed, lack of prudence alerts and instant prudent speed for predictive ACC and Autonomous Vehicle. SafetyNex goes further than Intelligent Speed Assitance ISA (which is just a reminder of speed limit signs on roads), SafetyNex gives the prudent speed by anticipation everywhere it can be tricky for the driver and his/her passengers.

CIL4Sys CEO Philippe Gicquel


Dreamotor 1 sponsors :
partners :