BYOD Solutions (Fleets)

We Monitor onboard and in real time Driver’s Anticipation  for Fleets
Lack of prudence is decreased by Alerts
We Reduce accidents, then costs for operations
Recorded data of prudence are revelant for drivers training
Compliant with GDPR, Privacy Policy and CSR
We Saves Lives


Motiv AI App ready for Use for Fleets

Rudu is a first class smartphone App available for iOS and Android.

This App gives in real time THE LACK OF PRUDENCE of the driver contextualized by events (curvature, pedestrian crossing, stop sign, intersection, roundabout, …)
It alerts driver before lack of prudence becomes critical (threshold tunable).
RUDU allows then to avoid 25% of accident (cost for repair, delivey delay, number of days the vehicle is immobilized, number of days off for injured driver, …). The cost for operation is optimized and driver is safer (Corporate Social Resp)
It collects data with 3 options : no data, data on your cloud, data on our cloud with privacy policy (GDPR).
Your social and business challenges are fulfilled:

  • Reduce the number of accidents (social impact)
  • Detects Crashes
  • Optimize costs for operations : 25%
  • Reduce repair costs
  • Reduce number of days vehicle downtime for repairs
  • Reduce number of days the driver was off work
  • Reduce delivery delay
  • Improve image
  • Corporation social responsibility
  • Mitigate insurance costs

BYOD Solutions for Fleets
Motiv AI is an integration of Nexyad Technology

Get the Best Data You Need

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You already have your own Application or you want to build it
Integrate our Prudence Driving based SDK/API


SDK/API for Integrators

Bring Your Own Device: SafetyNex SDK is available for iOS, Android, Windows, Linux.

This SDK (Software Development Kit) is the same used by RUDU App.

Integrate the lack of prudence metric directly into you smartphone App, App watch, or telematic device.
Add your own rules (i.e. harsh braking) and compute them in real time.
You can design exactly the product of your dream using the most advanced technology including the lack of prudence metric.

This technology is even used by STELLANTIS for Predictive ACC and Autonomous Vehicle. You have the best in a SDK to develop your App.

 BYOD Solutions for Fleets


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Explainations on Anticipation and Lack of Prudence also called Risk

Notion of Anticipation for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle What is the Notion of Risk or Lack of Prudence

Nexyad is laureat of Road Safety Innovation by French government - BYOD Solutions for Fleets
Nexyad is laureat of Road Safety Innovation by French government

Smartphone App Alerts Driver by Anticipations - BYOD Solutions for Fleets
Smartphone App Alerts Driver by Anticipations



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