ADAS & Autonomous Driving at CES in Las Vegas

Thanks to Business France for having organised this CES mission and to Moveo sponsoring.
The show is bigger than everybody says us before. There is thousands of boothes in several places in Las Vegas. It is impossible to see all in four days long. This year, French Tech was well represented in the Venetian Hotel and at the Convention Center near the Westgate Hotel. In the last news we talked about Leddartech and today we make a focus on three major companies that built the future of smart mobility.

New ADAS demos by VALEO

Valeo onboard demos area at Golden Lot was completely crowed during the four days of the Convention. But we were lucky happy few to test Valeo XtraVue and Valeo 360AEB Nearshield.

Valeo XtraVue is a system based on a set of connected cameras that eliminates visual obstacles. It takes two vehicles equipped with the system. The driver of the vehicle B, which follows the vehicle A, can see on its control screen what happens in front of the vehicle A by seeing through it.

Valeo 360AEB Nearshield (Autonomous Emergency Braking) is an innovative technology to protect nearby pedestrians when vehicles perform low-speed maneuvers. With a full 360 degrees system of cameras and ultrasonic sensors, this ADAS helps the driver to avoid accident due to blind spots around large vehicles such as SUV and pick-up trucks.
Read more about Valeo at CES

HERE Indoor Positioning brings precision to the industrial IoT.

The NEXYAD team present in Las Vegas was invited by officials on the HERE booth at Convention Center Central Plazza.
When we entered the booth, we saw a table with mini robotic forklifts in a warehouse, all built with real technology. The robots moved around a simulated environment picking up and delivering containers based on high-accuracy positioning, bringing the real-world applications to life.
It was one of the numerous technologies presented by HERE at CES this year.
More about HERE here

CES Valeo & Here
                         VALEO XtraVue demo car                                          HERE Indoor Positionning demo

Visteon Demonstrates Augmented Reality Driving Experience and Latest Head-Up Display Technology at CES® 2017.

Complementing the vehicle’s HUD, embedded front-view and driver monitoring cameras trigger “smart alerts” in the form of lights and sounds when the driver is not paying attention to the road, if the vehicle strays from its lane, or if the vehicle is at risk of potentially hitting an object. For example, when a pedestrian or bicycle is present on the side of the road, an LED light projects onto the windshield within a 90-degree angle of the driver’s line of sight, giving a visual alert without the driver needing to turn his or her head.

Read more about Visteon here

Two onboard cameras look at the front of the car (a video for the demo),
detect obstacles and alerts the driver via a HUD.

« Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications »
Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14 is Available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14, December 23th, 2016

Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications

Headlines :

– Demo video of SafetyNex : Smartphone App Onboard Real Time for Driving Risk Assessment
– Cercle LAB Symposium : new digital technologies for Insurance and Bank
– FinTech Community Symposium
– New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies
– Nexyad Technologies for Car Industry and New Mobility : SafetyNex – RoadNex – ObstaNex – VisiNex
– R&D project BIKER ANGEL (Driving Risk Assessment for Motorbikes) has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION
– Business Trip to CES at Las Vegas

Read the Newsletter #14


R&D project BIKER ANGEL has been certified

R&D project BIKER ANGEL has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
This project consists in making SafetyNex available for motorcycles.
Partners of this project are : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
NEXYAD is the project leader.
Submission of this project has been sent to FUI (Fond Unifié Interministériel – France).

Biker Angel - Label Finance Innovation

Le project BIKER ANGEL a été labellisé par le Pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
Ce projet consiste à adapter SafetyNex pour les motards.
Les partenaires de ce projet sont : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
BIKER ANGEL est porté par NEXYAD.
Ce projet fait l’objet d’une demande FUI.

SafetyNex labellisé FINANCE INNOVATION

Nexyad SafetyNex, Onboard Real Time App of Driving Risk assessment, received Label Finance Innovation 2016 from world cluster Finance Innovation !

FINTECH COMMUNITY 4e édition à Paris le 7 décembre, le plus grand rendez-vous bi-annuel de rencontres entre le monde des financeurs et des sociétés de technologies innovantes. Nexyad, au travers de l’application de mesure temps réel du risque en conduite : SafetyNex, a reçu le Label Finance Innovation 2016 par le pôle de compétitivité mondial Finance Innovation.

Label Finance Innovation - SafetyNex

Plus tard dans la matinée, Gérard Yahiaoui, le P-DG de Nexyad, a pitché dans la catégorie Assurances FinTech et a récolté le plus grand nombre de votes de la part de l’assistance, recevant un autre prix à cette occasion qui permettra une exposition conséquente de SafetyNex.

Gérard Yahiaoui - Pole Finance Innovation

Gérard Yahiaoui en haut au centre

NEXYAD won the French Insurance « coup de coeur » (crush) Special Prize with our Driving Risk Assessment Smartphone App SafetyNex

30th Nov 2016, seven high-tech startups had to pitch in front of almost all French Insurance Companies. This was organized by the Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Assurance Banque), at ALLIANZ tower (Paris La Défense) : « colloque prospective annuel du cercle LAB ».

NEXYAD was introduced to Cercle LAB by the competitiveness cluster FINANCE & INNOVATION.
It was an interesting challenge and the jury had to pick only ONE startup from seven talented ones, to give the special prize « coup de coeur des assureurs ».

France Innovation - Cercle LAB - Nexyad SafetyNex
             Gérard Yahiaoui pitching at Allianz Tower                       « Coup de Cœur des Assureurs » Diploma

NEXYAD pitched on SafetyNex : a smartphone App for real time onboard driving risk assessment (with vocal alerts that warn the driver before a potential danger), that can reduce accident rate by 20%.

Winner : NEXYAD !!!

We thank all the insurers that came to this high tech day that gave a broadchurch view on research and development for Insurance applications (artificial intelligence, deep learning, iot, blockchain, telematics, …), we thank Pôle FINANCE INNOVATION & Cercle LAB.


Read more about SafetyNex

Evaluation of return on investment (ROI) with SafetyNex
for a Car Insurance Company

New Nexyad paper :

Real time App for onboard driving risk assessment SafetyNex used by Insurance Companies
(onboard telematics with smartphone for car insurance)
Evaluation of return on investment (ROI)

European and American car Insurance Companies are all currently testing onboard telematics systems (on professional electronics devices or on Smartphones), in order to study new opportunities provided by digital technologies in the evolution of their business and business models [1].
We also can see now some experiments in Asia. Indeed, digitization of the economy has an impact on insurance industry too, as new competitors such as GAFAMs (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) come to their car insurance market with new approaches, always ready to capture value.
The main idea behind testing telematics is that it would be nice to adjust at best pricing of insurance depending on the driver. Onboard telematics is expected to « measure » usage (kind of road, day/night, number of km, et …) and to estimate risk taken by the driver.

Read the entire paper

ADAS Technologies of Nexyad about to be deployed Worldwide

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #13, November 25th, 2016

ADAS Technologies of Nexyad
about to be deployed Worldwide

Headlines :

– New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies

– Update of RoadNex & ObstaNex : Road Detection and Obstacles Detection for ADAS and Driverless

– CESA Automotive 2016 : Symposium on Automotive Innovation

– First issue of ADAS Morning on ADAS for Road Safety

– New white paper : ROI Evaluation for Car Insurance Companies with SafetyNex (Real TimeDriving Risk Assessment)

– Vision Systems presented their ADAS Solution Smart-Vision at Automotive Techdays 2016 and announced their partnership with Nexyad

– Nexyad in Media

* * * * *

New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies

Reminder :
. SafetyNex App gives risk of accident
. No Big Data on Cloud, but risk is fully calculated inside driver’s smartphone
. The App warns the driver in case of high risk able to generate dangerous situation
. With 4 secondes anticipation that let time to reduce speed or to brake
. Risk construction implements concept of near accident invented by searchers in accidentology
. Near accident is explainable by cause/effect relations
. Regularity of this concept ensures the perfect correlation of calculated risk by SafetyNex with accidentology
. Nexyad work since 2001 and work basis used came from scientific publications

General ergonomics of SafetyNex has changed and after each run you have immediate results of your driving score with Gold Cup if you are safe.

SafetyNex Screenshots
SafetyNex comprehensive HMI

* * * * *

Update of RoadNex & ObstaNex : Road Detection and Obstacles Detection for ADAS and Driverless

Nexyad realised a major update of RoadNex v3.0 & ObstaNex v3.1

Obstacle Detection with ObstaNex by Nexyad: this run was made with a single camera

Obstacle Detection with ObstaNex by Nexyad : city traffic

* * * * *

CESA Automotive 2016 :
Symposium on Automotive Innovation

Nexyad on the booth Groupement ADAS at CESA Automotive 2016


Gérard Yahiaoui & Jochen Langheim













RENAULT ZOE of Adaccess on Groupement ADAS booth at CESA Automotive 2016.






Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad and Jochen Langheim Vice President of ST microelectronics and Chairman of CESA Automotive 2016 on Groupement ADAS booth at CESA in Versailles.

Nexyad Presented SafetyNex at CESA 4.0 2016

Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad presented SafetyNex Real Time Onboard Driving Risk Assessment for Car Telematics at the Conference « Highly Automated Driving New Sensors » of CESA 2016 in Versailles.

Groupement ADAS booth shows top technologies and competences of 9 companies dedicated to ADAS and  sponsored by MOVEO.

. ADACCESS is a French engineering company specialized in embedded measurement and vehicle prototyping.

. CAR&D : Creative Automotive Research and Development (Car Dynamics)

. GLOBALSENSING Technologies : pattern recognition and embedded electronic system specialist

. INTEMPORA : MultiSensor Software Solutions, editor of RT-Maps

. LEDDARTECH : Mastering Lidar Sensor Technology

. NEXYAD: your host

. NOMADIC Solutions : Mobility Creator, electronic devices

. SHERPA Engineering is a company specialized in modeling, simulation and control design

. TRANSPOLIS : Exploring innovative Urban mobility solutions (tracks)



* * * * *

First issue of ADAS Morning on ADAS for Road Safety

Cluster « Groupement ADAS » Launched the october 18th first ADAS Morning co-organized with MOVEO in Paris. Thema was ADAS and Road Safety : to discuss challenges, solutions and opportunities with many specialists personalities in the field in front of a large audience.

Les enjeux
Les enjeux humains
ADAS et véhicules autonomes quels enjeux pour les personnes ayant des besoins spécifiques –  Claude Dumas – CEREMH 
Les chiffres de l’insécurité routière : Christophe Ramond – Prévention Routière
ADAS et facteurs humains : Apports des sciences cognitives- Franck Techer – IFFSTAR
Les enjeux économiques
Risque routier lié au travail: quel coût pour les entreprises ? Patrick Oberto – Promotion et Suivi de la Sécurité Routière en Entreprise
ADAS et TIC, outils de disruption de la chaîne assurancielle :  Philippe Caton – COVEA
Diminution de la sinistralité responsable : Jean Zermati – ORANGE

Les solutions actuelles 
Les systèmes de sécurité active et les ADAS
Evolution technique de l’accidentologie et de la problématique d’estimation du gain des ADAS  : Philippe Chrétien – CEESAR 
Nouvelles mobilités et sécurité routière : quelles  évolutions pour l’infrastructure ?  : Eric Violette – CEREMA 
Assistant nomade à la conduite sûre et responsable : Gérard Yahiaoui – NEXYAD

Les Perspectives 
Le défi de la sécurité routière : l’intégration des facteurs humains dans les cas d’usages d’expérimentation des ADAS :  Stéphane Barbier – TRANSPOLIS
Véhicule autonome, une révolution de la mobilité  – Rémi BASTIEN–RENAULT 

Eric Violette – Cerema

Jean Zermati – Orange

Philippe Caton – COVEA

Gérard Yahiaou – Nexyad

Franck Techer – IFSTTAR
Christophe Ramon – Prévention Routière

Rémi Bastien – Renault

Nicolas du Lac - Intempora

Nicolas du Lac – Intempora

Stéphane Fernier - Transpolis

Stéphane Fernier – Transpolis

You’ll find all the videos of presentations HERE

NEXYAD presented SafetyNex Driving Risk Assessment Smartphone App
Download the presentation of SafetyNex by Nexyad

* * * * *

New white paper : ROI Evaluation for Insurance Companies with SafetyNex

New Nexyad paper :

Real time App for onboard driving risk assessment SafetyNex used by Insurance Companies
(onboard telematics with smartphone for car insurance)
Evaluation of return on investment (ROI)
European and American car Insurance Companies are all currently testing onboard telematics systems (on professional electronics devices or on Smartphones), in order to study new opportunities provided by digital technologies in the evolution of their business and business models [1].
We also can see now some experiments in Asia. Indeed, digitization of the economy has an impact on insurance industry too, as new competitors such as GAFAMs (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) come to their car insurance market with new approaches, always ready to capture value.
The main idea behind testing telematics is that it would be nice to adjust at best pricing of insurance depending on the driver. Onboard telematics is expected to « measure » usage (kind of road, day/night, number of km, et …) and to estimate risk taken by the driver.
Read the entire paper

* * * * *

Vision Systems presenting Smart-Vision
at Automotive Techdays 2016

Friday, november 4th, at Automotive Techdays in Lyon (Rhône-Alpes), Vision System announced its new technology Smart-Vision. This ADAS innovation is fully developed by the firm from Brignais in partnership with Nexyad.
Techdays 2016
Smart-Vision is a unique and complete rearview and surround view system replacing traditional mirrors with HD digital cameras and interior screens.This system informs the driver :
. When a vehicle is coming from the back 80 meters away
. When a vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian enters the blind spot area, each with a specific signal, regardless of the speed of the vehicle or the external environment.
. When they can safely change lane (for example, after overtaking).
Smart Vision
Smart-Vision reduces power/fuel consumption significantly, enhances ergonomics and improves safety.
Both hardware and software are tailor-made by Vision Systems.

* * * * *

Nexyad in Media

Article de la PFA (Filières Automobile et Mobilités) citant Nexyad :

Retour sur le congrès du CESA 4.0 – « Automotive Electronic Systems »

un article de la PFA qui cite Nexyad

Pitch of Nexyad at CESA Automotive 2016 in Versailles
Pitch de Nexyad au Congrès CESA Automotive 2016 à Versailles

Validation database for camera-based ADAS

Version française plus bas

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #4, the 26th of August 2015

Validation database for camera-based ADAS

The company NEXYAD started building a database for validation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS and Autonomous car) using the methodology AGENDA published in the 90 by Gérard Yahiaoui (methodology initially developped for control construction of learning and test databases for the implementation of artificial neural networks).
This database has two essential characteristics:

1) Known life situations
Indeed, the methodology AGENDA proposes to describe potential changes of signals and images came into factors of variability and their crosses.
Example, for obstacle detection :
   . weather (dry overcast, sunny weather, rain, fog)
   . overall brightness (low, medium, high)
   . speed of the carrier vehicle (low, moderate, high)
   . type of road (highway, road with marking, road without marking …)
   . coating (bitumen 1, bitumen 2, …, cobblestones)
   . day / night (headlights and the lights switched infrastructure)
   . season (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
   . etc …

      > type of obstacle :
           – stopped
                      . infrastructure-related: work terminals, tolls, …
                      . related users: tire on the road, parcel felt from a truck lying on the road, biker following a road                       accident, disabled vehicle stopped on the floor, standing pedestrian on roadside edge (dodger /                       no sniper)
           – moving
                      . truck, car, vulnerable (pedestrian, bicycle, motorcycle) each with types trajectories (longitudinal
                      in rolling direction, longitudinally in the opposite direction of rolling side) and position (opposite
                      to right, left).
                      . Etc…

We see that if we cross these factors, we find fairly quickly a huge number of cases. However, the development of ADAS systems is complex, and it is necessary to proceed by successive iterations, starting from simple situations to move to complicated situations.
Our database allows this, since all records are described in terms of crossing the terms of the factors of variability. Thus knows exactly which cases were tested or not by the system.
Formalism ‘crossing of variability factors of the terms’ allows using design of experiments, and in particular orthogonal fractional plans to sharply reduce the number of cases to be tested while ensuring maximum coverage of life situations. One can in this context to develop a fractional ADAS on an orthogonal plan and test other hard fractional orthogonal planes for example.

2) Reality reference
This is to crop images barriers and infrastructure elements (markings, roadsides, etc.) so as to constitute a reference to measure system performance.

. Examples of life situations:
Life Situations

1.1, summer, overcast, unmarked road, moderate speed tire on the floor, dry weather
1.2, summer, overcast, unmarked road, moderate speed, parcels on the floor, dry weather
2.1, summer, overcast , unmarked road, moderate speed, standing pedestrians non ambush at the edges of the floor, dry weather
2.2, summer, overcast, unmarked road, moderate speed, lying on the floor human, dry weather
etc …

Not sure that you would meet those few cases, even with on million kilometers on open roads.

Our Goal

NEXYAD starts his collection of images and data:
      . video (towards the front of the vehicle) Color
      . accelerometers
      . gyros

The files are synchronized by RT-MAPS tool INTEMPORA society.
The files are saved as RT-MAPS format and replayable directly by this tool.

NEXYAD currently looking for contributors on this internal project. Co contributors fund and in return free access to the database, unlimited in time. This contribution will accelerate the work of collecting and labeling.
NEXYAD wishes to provide this basis before June 2016, free way to give the material to the community and the ADAS autonomous vehicle for a smaller version of the database, and pay way (as subscriptions) for complete database.
NEXYAD’s ambition is to spread its methodological expertise and allow everyone to assess the performance of vision systems for ADAS, whether systems developed by NEXYAD, or others.

“Methodology for ADAS Validation: Potential Contribution of Other Scientific Fields Which Have Already Answered the Same Questions”, Gérard Yahiaoui, Pierre Da Silva Dias, CESA congress Dec 2014, Paris, proc. Springer Verlag
“Methods and tools for ADAS validation”, Gérard Yahiaoui, Nicolas du Lac, Safetyweek congress, May 2015, Aschaffenburg

For questions, or if you wish to become a contributor, please contact NEXYAD : +33 139041360

NEXYAD vision-based ADAS modules for a demo car of “Université de Haute Alsace”

NEXYAD delivered a camera and two high-tech software modules :
. RoadNex : vision-based road detection in front of a car (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)
. ObstaNex : vision and inertial navigation – based obstacle detection (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)

Those two modules are integrated as component into the real time environment RT-MAPS (Intempora), and communicate with de neural network – based pattern recognition module Neuro-RBF (GlobalSensing Technologies).

NEXYAD will support Université de Haute Alsace during 2015 to integrate ObstaNex with their intertial
navigation unit.

NB : the 3 companies Nexyad, Intempora, GlobalSensing Technologies are members of the Mov’eo Groupement ADAS :


Presentation of NEXYAD products for European Car Industry (February 4, 2014)

Here are the powerpoint sildes of presentation of NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation : PDF Here

– Visibility measurement in your lab (Testing Application : for wipers, washer, windshield, rain sensor, lighting, demist, …) VisiNex

– Onboard Software (Artificial Vision) blocs for your ADAS development : (road detection) RoadNex, (road safety assessment) SafetyNex, (drowsiness detection) DrowsiNex, (visibility measurement) VisiNex Onboard, (obstacle/pedestrian detection) ObstaNex

Presentation of ADAS development scheme by NEXYAD at the Mov’eo Symposium Plénière DAS SUR (Sécurité des Usagers de la Route) (December 9, 2013)

NEXYAD presented their ADAS development scheme to the Mov’eo ADAS developers community (main French industrials, researchers, SMEs, …)

Presentation of ADAS development scheme by NEXYAD at the Mov’eo Symposium Plénière DAS SUR (Sécurité des Usagers de la Route)

Link to the presentation (French spoken): ADAS_NEXYAD-pléniaire_9_Décembre_2013_V1.ppsx