Conference on Machine Learning organized by SNCF

Very interesting conference on Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
SNCF RESEAUX welcomed a large audience last tuesday 28th march in Saint Denis.

French experts of A.I. field were introduced by Claude Solard SNCF réseau Chief Operating Officer and Jean-Jacques Thomas Director of Innovation.
Christophe Garcia, Full professor at INSA Lyon, deputy director of the LIRIS laboratory, gave an introduction to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence and answered to the audience’s questions.
Then, Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, Vice President of the MOV’EO Cluster, explained the Criteria for use and Methodology for implementation: the methodology AGENDA.

SNCF Conference Gerard Yahiaoui
Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad

From CEA List, Jean-Marc Philippe presented “Tools of the Network to the Optimized System”. The conference continued with a roundtable about the SNCF Cafeine Project or how to go from the industrial need to the applied solutions in SNCF Réseau; animated by Alain Rivero, SNCF Réseau Director of Cafeine Project; Xavier Roy, Head of Innovation of ITNovem; Michel Paindavoine, co-founder of Global Sensing Technologies and professor at University of Bourgogne; and Jean-Jacques Thomas Director of innovation of SNCF Réseau.

The CAFEINE Project proposes to use the Artificial Neural Networks to detect the defects of pantographs on moving trains, and also to read the number of each wagons, oars and containers.

Another roundtable was organized about Startups and A.I. with Kunthirvy Collin-Dy, Head of relationships with Startups of SNCF Réseau Robot Lab; and Yannick Gérard, Head of Project of DAVI.
Patrick Bastard, Director of Driving Assistance Systems engineering of Renault, ended the conference with a presentation on an opening to other fields of application : vehicles electrification, ADAS and autonomous driving.

Conference SNCF 3 speakers
From the left : Jean-Marc Philippe, Patrick Bastard et Christophe Garcia

NEXYAD vision-based ADAS modules for a demo car of “Université de Haute Alsace”

NEXYAD delivered a camera and two high-tech software modules :
. RoadNex : vision-based road detection in front of a car (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)
. ObstaNex : vision and inertial navigation – based obstacle detection (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)

Those two modules are integrated as component into the real time environment RT-MAPS (Intempora), and communicate with de neural network – based pattern recognition module Neuro-RBF (GlobalSensing Technologies).

NEXYAD will support Université de Haute Alsace during 2015 to integrate ObstaNex with their intertial
navigation unit.

NB : the 3 companies Nexyad, Intempora, GlobalSensing Technologies are members of the Mov’eo Groupement ADAS :