CES 2019 NEXYAD first report


Thanks to Molly Swart and Georges Ucko from Business France, and Marc Charlet from Mov’eo, for their animation on French Tech Pavillon.
Nexyad was present with Groupement ADAS.

Nexyad is back to Paris pockets full of new contacts interested in our SafetyNex API (the only onboard API that compute, in real time, at each moment, the risk that driver is currently taking).
First CES where some big firms were exposing on their booth some products based, among other things, on SafetyNex.

And good new contacts for applications of SafetyNex in the following fields :
. car/trucks insurance
. car/trucks telematics
. aftermarket dashcams
. vocal Driving assistants
. autonomous Driving systems

We had a fine booth in the French Tech marquee at Central Plaza, with all the other startups of the MOVEO ADAS Group.

French Tech booth at CES

NEXYAD at CES 2019 in Las Vegas

Nexyad at CES 2019

Nexyad will presente his feature product SafetyNex, on-board Driving Risk Assessment in Real Time at CES 2019 from january 8th to 11th in Las Vegas, Nv.
SafetyNex is combinable with others Nexyad computer vision software modules as : RoadNex (road detection), ObstaNex (obstacle detection) and VisiNex (bad visibility detection).

We Save Lives

Nexyad CES 2019 access

NEXYAD SafetyNex in Media

Here is a news in French press that talks about the Academic Chair that the cluster
of startups and SMEs « MOVEO Groupement ADAS » organized with INSA Rouen.
NEXYAD is part of this cluster of high-tech startups and SMIs (on ADAS, connected
car, and autonomous driving) and is quoted in this article of Journal du Net (French spoken), they interviewed Mr Aziz Benrshair, director of the « Autonomous and Connected Vehicle » Academic Chair launched by INSA Rouen :
Comment ces partenaires contribuent-ils concrètement ?

« Ils assurent environ 50% de l’enseignement. Des experts de ces entreprises viennent enseigner sous forme de TP ou de TD. Ils transmettent leur savoir faire et expliquent les projets sur lesquels ils travaillent. La société Sherpa Engineering est par exemple intervenue sur les questions d’actionneurs, de prise de décision et de commande automatique. Nexyad a abordé l’analyse du comportement du conducteur, proposée par sa solution d’évaluation des risques d’accidents SafetyNex. Des partenaires historiques extérieurs à cette chaire, comme Valeo ou Vedecom, sont également intervenus. »

Aziz Benrshair
Aziz Benrshair

Reed the entire news

Others news about the Academic Chair : Normandinamik & paris-normandie.fr

Nexyad present with Groupement ADAS at Equip’Auto 2017

Equip'Auto_Groupement ADAS

Nexyad was present with Groupement ADAS at Equip’Auto Congress in Paris. Groupement ADAS is a SME’s cluster : 10 companies with expertise in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Connected car and Autonomous vehicle. Philippe Orvain CEO of Nomadic Solutions and competitiveness cluster MOV’EO Vice President has responsed to journalist Laurent Meillaud on Congress TV channel.

Watch Philippe Orvain interview on the congress channel with SafetyNex video demo :

ADAS Morning – ADAS & Sécurité Routière

Adas Morning 18 Octobre 2016

8h30: Accueil à la CCIP 2 rue de Viarmes, Paris 1er.


Claude Dumas – CEREMH 
Christophe Ramond – Prévention Routière
Franck Techer – IFFSTAR
Patrick Oberto – Promotion et Suivi de la Sécurité Routière en Entreprise
Philippe Caton – COVEA
Jean Zermati – ORANGE 
Philippe Chrétien – CEESAR 
Eric Violette – CEREMA 
Gérard Yahiaoui – NEXYAD
Stéphane Barbier – TRANSPOLIS

12h: Cocktail

Avec les sociétés : Car&D, GlobalSensing Technologies, Intempora, Nexyad, Nomadic Solutions, Sherpa Engineering & Transpolis

Second and last day in Munich at Active Safety Congress

Active Safety Europe : ADAS to Autonomous.

Lot’s of visitors yesterday and many contacts for Nexyad.
Today Nicolas du LAC CEO of Intempora and member of Groupement ADAS make a presentation for the congressmen : ADAS Validation: non-deterministic algorithms vs ISO-26262
Number crunching technologies and non-deterministic algorithms (image processing, neural networks, data fusion…) are taking in charge more and more functions and driving tasks in vehicles. Autonomous vehicles will be based on many of these. How to validate such functions when facing such different possible driving scenarios ?

Nicolas Dulac Intempora
Our colleague Nicolas du LAC of Groupement ADAS (SME’s cluster)

NEXYAD & INTEMPORA members of Groupement ADAS in Munich

Today Nexyad & Intempora are present in Munich at the European Active Safety Congress and Exhibition : ADAS to Autonomous. The both companies share a booth sponsorised by Moveo and Groupement ADAS (cluster).

Active Safety Munich
Here Gerard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO, and Philippe Lebon of Intempora on the right.

RoadNex V2.0 (new film demo on a deep forest road without markings)

NEXYAD is proud to show a demo film of the RoadNex V2.0 (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle).

This module runs as a component of the framework RT-MAPS (by INTEMPORA), and can recognize the road with or without white lines : even European countryside roads are detected.

RoadNex may be used for developing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Autonomous Vehicles.

In this demo, the road has got no markings at all, and is quite dark. RoadNex still works in this king of road.

NEXYAD vision-based ADAS modules for a demo car of “Université de Haute Alsace”

NEXYAD delivered a camera and two high-tech software modules :
. RoadNex : vision-based road detection in front of a car (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)
. ObstaNex : vision and inertial navigation – based obstacle detection (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)

Those two modules are integrated as component into the real time environment RT-MAPS (Intempora), and communicate with de neural network – based pattern recognition module Neuro-RBF (GlobalSensing Technologies).

NEXYAD will support Université de Haute Alsace during 2015 to integrate ObstaNex with their intertial
navigation unit.

NB : the 3 companies Nexyad, Intempora, GlobalSensing Technologies are members of the Mov’eo Groupement ADAS : http://groupementadas.canalblog.com/


Presentation of ADAS development scheme by NEXYAD at the Mov’eo Symposium Plénière DAS SUR (Sécurité des Usagers de la Route) (December 9, 2013)

NEXYAD presented their ADAS development scheme to the Mov’eo ADAS developers community (main French industrials, researchers, SMEs, …)

Presentation of ADAS development scheme by NEXYAD at the Mov’eo Symposium Plénière DAS SUR (Sécurité des Usagers de la Route)

Link to the presentation (French spoken): ADAS_NEXYAD-pléniaire_9_Décembre_2013_V1.ppsx

New release of RoadNex (Road recognition for ADAS)

New release of RoadNex (Road recognition for ADAS)

Road recognition: RoadNex
[flashvideo filename=https://www.nexyad.net/Automotive-Transportation/wp-content/themes/NEXYAD-V3.0/videos/NEXYAD-RoadNex-Demo-Web-03.mp4 width= »600″ height= »450″ image= »https://www.nexyad.net/Automotive-Transportation/wp-content/themes/NEXYAD-V3.0/videos/NEXYAD-RoadNex-Demo-01.jpg » displayheight= »450″ /]

NEXYAD at the “Carrefours Mov’eo Ile de France” in Paris, with the ADAS cluster (Groupement ADAS, Mov’eo Groupement) (November 20, 2013)

NEXYAD shows a demo car for innovative ADAS.
This demo car has been developed by 3 SMEs of Mov’eo that will be a part of the next Mov’eo high tech SMEs cluster (Groupement ADAS) : INTEMPORA, FH ELECTRONIQUE, and NEXYAD.

In this demo car, FH ELECTRONIQUE deals with physical integration into the car, INTEMPORA deals with real time management and time stamping (using their software RT-MAPS) and NEXYAD brings their ADAS bloc for road detection RoadNex. This ADAS demo car was developed for Université de Valenciennes.


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