NEXYAD member of VeDeCom

NEXYAD is now a member of the VeDeCoM research foundation as donator member.
NEXYAD is involved in research on ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle and is happy to contribute to the recruitment of young searchers by VeDeCom.

Groupement ADAS at SafetyWeek

INTEMPORA and NEXYAD showing their products together at safetyweek in Aschaffenburg (Germany).

Photo by Katrin Heyer

Photo by Katrin Heyer

Presentations of NEXYAD at SafetyWeek in Germany

At the safety week symposium in Aschaffenburg (Germany), NEXYAD presented :

. A paper about ADAS validation : methodology and tools
. The products on the booth : RoadNex (road detection), ObstaNex (Obstacles detection),
VisiNex Onboard (visibility measurement), SafetyNex (estimating safety level of driving).

NEXYAD at the Safety Week in Germany

NEXYAD has got a booth at the Safety Week symposium in Aschaffenburg in Germany from may 19th to 21st showing the module RoadNex (road detection), ObstaNex (obstacle detection) running in the real time environment RT-MAPS, and available for customers that want to quickly develop an autonomous vehicle/demo car. Those modules are under shifting to smart phones and electronic devices.

NEXYAD also presents a paper written with the company INTEMPORA, about ADAS validation methodology and tools.

NEXYAD is member of the “Groupement ADAS”.

Special announcement : the Nexyad software SafetyNex is being developed for RT-Maps of Intempora

SafetyNex is a high level functional bloc (sofware) for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : onboard measurement of driving behaviour, taking into account map and GPS geolocation (shape of the road, crossing roads, … ahead), speed, accelerations, visibility, adherence, distance to obstacle, etc.

[flashvideo filename= width= »580″ height= »436″ image= » » displayheight= »436″ /]

Very soon on RT-Maps…

Another demo film of RoadNex V2.0 (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle in urban traffic).

Another demo film of RoadNex V2.0 (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle in urban traffic).

This module runs as a component of the framework RT-MAPS (by INTEMPORA), and can recognize the road with or without white lines : even European countryside roads are detected.

RoadNex may be used for developing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Autonomous Vehicles.

In this demo, RoadNex detects the road shape, illustrated by green lines layer, and the road surface illustrated by the red paint layer.

Notice the scooter that takes over, pushing the green lines and the red paint… It is rare to see demos where objects come over road markings.

You can see on this demo that RoadNex may be an efficient preprocessing system for obstacles detection.

RoadNex V2.0 (new film demo on a deep forest road without markings)

NEXYAD is proud to show a demo film of the RoadNex V2.0 (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle).

This module runs as a component of the framework RT-MAPS (by INTEMPORA), and can recognize the road with or without white lines : even European countryside roads are detected.

RoadNex may be used for developing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Autonomous Vehicles.

In this demo, the road has got no markings at all, and is quite dark. RoadNex still works in this king of road.

RoadNex (new film demo)

NEXYAD is proud to show a demo film of the RoadNex (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle).

This module runs as a component of the framework RT-MAPS (by INTEMPORA), and can recognize the road with or without white lines : even European countryside roads are detected.

RoadNex provides 2 outputs :

. The detection of road sides (lines : you can chose you pasting colors) : as you can see on the film below, this works even without road signs (white lines)

. The detection of the road material (painted area : you can choose your colors) : a road is not only a shape with two sides, but also an aspect. If ever a pedestrian is standing in the middle of the road, then the aspect will change.

RoadNex is an advanced module for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and also for projects of Autonomous Vehicles.

RoadNex is currently under cross compilation on smartphones environments (Android, IOS, Windows phone).


NEXYAD recrute deux docteurs dans les secteurs des mathématiques appliquées (signal, images, données).

. Travail sur des programmes de recherche collaborative (type FUI, projets Européens, …)
. Travail sur des programmes de recherche non collaborative interne
. Travail sur le développement de produits de haute technologie

Les domaines sont :

. Vision robotique
. Détection de défauts, contrôle d’aspect, reconnaissance de formes
. Applications embarquées d’aide à la conduite (et véhicule autonome)
. Traitement d’images pour le cinéma
. Statistiques, analyse de données, modèles probabilistes pour le Big Data

Les profils recherchés sont :

. Fort niveau théorique
. Aptitude à concrétiser en pratique (à mettre en œuvre)
. Développement informatique
. Travail en équipe


Contact :, 01 39 04 13 60


NEXYAD is currently recruiting two Ph-D s in the areas of applied mathematics (signal, images, data).

. Work on collaborative research programs (FUI type European projects, …)
. Work on internal non-collaborative research programs
. Work on the development of high-tech products

The areas are:

. Robot vision
. Fault detection, aspect control, pattern recognition
. Embedded applications for driving assistance systems (autonomous vehicle)
. Image processing for movies
. Statistics, data analysis, probability models for Big Data

The profiles are:

. Strong theoretical level
. Ability to achieve in practice (to implement)
. IT development
. Teamwork


Contact:, 01 39 04 13 60