Visibility Measurement for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle

Visibility measurement for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and partial or total delegation of car control systems will integrate more and more cameras. Those cameras are used to capture video and images are inputs for obstacle detection algorithms, road detection algorithms, detection of pedestrians systems, …

However, a camera can « see » only under certain conditions, and the algorithms used to exploit image need a certain level of image quality. It is possible that some algorithms test themselves if they are in a case of good image quality or not, but in the general case, they don’t, and it is then prudent to have a qualification system that is independent of the detection systems.

The company NEXYAD has worked for years on atmospheric visibility measurement for military application, and was able to develop predictive models of the ability for a human to detect objects. This work can be easily set to pass from a performance prediction of the human vision to a prediction of performance for a machine vision system.

The models consist in comparing the contrast in the scene with the required contrast for detection and / or pattern recognition.
Such a system requires that is respected a compromise between several characteristics of the image:
. number of different gray levels (for a digital camera, it depends on the number of bits)
. size of the objects to be detected
. contrast of objects from their background

Note for Automotive engineers : a performance specification for a camera-based detection system, without giving the minimum contrast, le maximum number of pixels, the number of bits … does NOT have any sense. It is important to know that fact in order to make applications that work and application that know when they work.
For instance, we are all able to detect stars in a dark night sky : the size of objects is very small, the number of Grayscale is very low (pure black and pure white), and the contrast of objects from the background is huge.


Similarly, we are able to distinguish clouds over gray sky : the size of objects is very large, and even on edges there is no detail (no high frequency / contours), and the number of different gray levels is very large (gradual grey scale from black to white).


Between these two extremes are all possible cases, and in particular with all traffic scenes that may vary greatly from one to another :
. sunny day, overcast day, dark night, undergrowth, sunset, night in headlights, fog, rain, etc …


In addition to these technical compromise, there are criteria (eg criteria Johnson) that allow to objectify the subjective.

NEXYAD has developed a tool called VisiNex that integrates models and criteria described above, which led to two products:

. VisiNex Lab : test bench for visibility measurement. It sets a vehicle with calibrated visibility disturbances (rain machine, fog machine, …), and VisiNex Lab measures the evolution of the available visibility during the disturbance and during activation of visibility restoration systems (lighting, demisting, wiping, …).
VisiNex Lab is used to adjust the rain sensors, the wiper systems, the lighting systems. VisiNex is a world leader on this type of use :


. VisiNex Onboard : NEXYAD took his model into onboard applications to apply and qualify road visibility along the route running (important place to qualify for the road safety applications).
VisiNex Onboard is currently being integrated into the framework for asynchronous real-time applications development RT-MAPS, and will soon be in the NEXYAD vision modules pack for ADAS and driving delegation applications.

VisiNex Onboard
Standard visibility on a highway scene.                             Degraded visibility when approaching a tunnel

VisiNex Onboard can be used in automotive application on the following topics :
. visibility measurement to control Visibility restoration systems (wiper, lighting, …)
. qualification of visibility conditions where an obstacle detection or road detection system will work properly.

The second point is important because road safety applications require to maximize the reliability of vision systems.

To know more

Using the NEXYAD road detection (RoadNex)
to make obstacles detection more robust

The detection of obstacles on the road, or even recognition of those obstacles, has become an
important issue for the next few years, in order to propose to the driver:
. Smart Systems for driving assistance : ADAS
. Delegation (partial at first, later full) of the driving task, to go step by step to the so-called autonomous

NEXYAD developed a vision-based obstacle detection system (ObstaNex) that aims to offer an alternative to
the current reference product on the market (MobilEye).

We detail the general principles of detection in a previous article.

It is interesting to note that NEXYAD also developed a road detection module named RoadNex.

RoadNex indicates the edges of the rollable way (thus highlights tighter if an obstacle is wayside, this may
be useful) and also indicates the rollable flat area (surface) in front of the vehicle.

RoadNex v2.1
RoadNex (NEXYAD): the rollable lane detection. For a clear urban lane.

RoadNex v2.1 with obstacle
RoadNex (NEXYAD): the rollable lane detection. For a urban labe cluttered by a vulnerable road user
in motion

One can see on this picture that RoadNex, even if it does not detect obstacles (because it detects
lanes), finally finds the « negative » of obstacles.

One of the uses of RoadNex is eliminating rollable areas from possibly detected obstacles by another module
(camera, radar, lidar …): the above image.
A simple confirmation that RoadNex not colored area corresponds to obstacles detection alarms
is sufficient to confirm the presence of an obstacle and to initiate, for example, the braking.

This system of cooperation between RoadNex and an obstacle detection system (ObstaNex, other
Vision-based module, radar, lidar, …) is particularly useful in city (see pictures RoadNex above)
and on the highway :

RoadNex v2.1 Highway
RoadNex (NEXYAD): the rollable lane detection. Case of clear highway lane

RoadNex v2.1 Highway with obstacles
RoadNex (NEXYAD): rollable lane detection while taking over a truck on highway

NEXYAD is currently working on a low-level fusion of ObstaNex and RoadNex in the context presented above.

To contact us

Other NEXYAD publications about ADAS ON NEXYAD WEBSITE




Driving Delegation: key elements

Driving Delegation: key elements for an artificial perception system
Publication of September 2, 2015
Authors : Gérard YAHIAOUI & Pierre DA SILVA DIAS

The automotive industry starts offering ADAS, and plans to propose in the near future partial or total driving delegation systems.

Main cases to be processed first may be:
. Highway driving, where the number of events per kilometer is small because the infrastructure has been designed to minimize path irregularities (little or no turns, every car in the same direction, wide track, geometric visibility up to several kilometers, enough little interactions between vehicles, at least when the traffic is flowing).
. The city, where infrastructure complexity is very large, where interactions between the road users are very strong, making detection a difficult tasks, but where speed of the vehicle is low.
In all cases, these future ADAS require developing advanced systems of perception.

Perception consist in detecting objects, clustering, and possibly tracking them in their own trajectory, from selected sensors (cameras, radar, lidar, slam, ultrasound, …)

It is usually presented as several phases :
. Detection: we perceive that « something » comes off the background, but we do not know what it this is. The Johnson criteria for detection give a theoretical limit of one period, or a minimum width of two pixels to detect a stationary object.
. segmentation and tracking: when zones are detected as being detached from the background (the landscape for image processing, the cluter for a radar, …), the detection must be agglomerated to track large enough objects that may have a meaning.
. Recognition: Recognition is to be able to say what it is. The Johnson criteria for human vision is about 6 periods (for stationnary objects) which gives 12 pixels.
. identification: identification gives, in the recognized class, the precise name of the object.

Detection is by far the most complex. It is potentially based on several principles:
. breakage hypothesis : we made a number of assumptions about world geography. We choose this hypothesis and make sure they are verified for the landscape (or cluter), and not for the objects to be detected. The non-validation of assumptions corresponds to a detection.
. the confrontation of a knowledge of the landscape or cluter: Comparing the « background » as it is supposed to appear in the absence of additional objects with said background which contains objects lead to detection of those objects.
. the knowledge of the shape of the objects to be detected: in this case the detection and pattern recognition are the same. System detects an object in its environment because it recognizes this object.
Human perception jointly implements the three principles.

Perceptions systems incorporate sensors and methods of processing, and are generally effective in a frame capture conditions, and little or not effective in the other frames. For example, a camera in the visible wavelenghts (and its image processing methods), will generally not be effective at night or in fog because « you can not see anything. »

No detection system can operate in any case when dealing with a real problem in the open world.

Designing a detection system then comprises two important phases:
. extend the maximum possible number of cases where the detection system works.
. have a diagnosis that allows to know when it is or when it is not in a position to that the perception system is effective.

We talk about performance (very efficient detection of all objects of interest), strength (number of cases where the collection system remains effective), and reliability (Situational Awareness in which one is and thus the confidence that can be placed in the collection system).
These three elements, performance, robustness, reliability, should be fully known in order to cooperate collection systems (for example, a camera and a radar).

NEXYAD proposed the Methodology AGENDA for characterizing life situations, using the formalism of orthogonal plans of experiments. The recognition of cases of functioning mode can be based on the description of life situations with this methodology. This gives a theoretical and practical framework for an estimation of robustness and reliability.
Performance is measured with statistical comparison operators: in general, it is considered the output of a detection system is a categorical variable with two categories: « detected » and « not detected ». This variable must be compared to a qualitative variable of reference that also has two modalities: « Presence of an object to
be detected » and « absence of objects to be detected. » The comparison can not be made by calculating a percentage (yet it is often that performance is measured this way), but it must use tools such as contingency table, the Khi2, normalized Khi2, khi2 in the box, etc …
To extend the life situations of the domain where the system detects objects correctly, we use to make cooperate several detection systems which use complementary types of sensors (eg in fog, we will trust in radar or infrared detection, but not detection by conventional camera).
A reliable system is one that is able to answer « I do not know »: in the case of driving delegation a system that could detect all objects so powerful, robust, and reliable in 30% of the time has a great value.
The delegation of driving frees 30% time of the driver, which is a real value proposition.

Safety is a discipline that encompasses many issues with the objective of ensuring the proper functioning of the system in all cases.
In particular, we must be vigilant concerning detection systems which require to have several measurement channels, such as stereovision.
If detection works only when you can have both cameras, then safety experts refuse such a system because two cameras means 2 times more likely that one fails.
We then see that perception system must have quite still usable « degraded mode » when simulating glitches sensors. A good design of a perception system for ADAS incorporates all these elements.

The race for performance that interests the engineers is rarely the real issue in industrial systems. A system that allows to delegate the driving in 30% of cases (eg clear overcast day dry) and « knows » when there is a case for which it works or does not work, can delegate driving and release the driver for 30% of the time.
This is a proposal for a very high value for the driver.
A system that works effectively in 99% of cases without knowing precisely when it works is absolutely unusable. No manufacturer will put such a system in operation for road safety applications.
The company NEXYAD has been working on these issues for twenty years, especially on road detection, obstacles detection, measurement of visibility (to describe cases where the detection is reliable, for example), the estimation of road safety (suitability driving style with the infrastructure).

NEXYAD developed:
. efficient and very robust basic bricks: RoadNex, ObstaNex, VisiNex onboard, SafetyNex
. a methodology for characterizing life situations in which it develops and tests an ADAS: AGENDA (Improvement performance, the recognition of cases of good performance, and validation of ADAS).
. know-how in collaboration between multiple perception systems.

Road detection for ADAS and autonomous vehicle :
NEXYAD module RoadNex V2.1

The detection of the road is a key element of driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles.
Indeed, objects, obstacles, other road users, must be detected but also positioned relatively to the road.
The detection of the entire route, that is to say not only its markings or edges, but all the way, should enable
embedded intelligence to select appropriate action.

The company NEXYAD ihas been working on this issue for over 20 years without interruption, and has accumulated a large number of cases of road types, of coatings, in various atmospheric conditions.
This is to detect the rollable area on the road, without regard to, in a first step, lane markings.
Indeed, in Europe, there are many unmarked roads, and work on a marked road may change the markings and
make a « follow the markings strategy » dangerous.

In the images below you can see on the left a typical French countryside road with no markings, and on the right image, new markings was achieved while former markings still strongly visible.
Road without MarkingRoad with old and new Markings

These cases are quite common on our European roads and a driver assistance system, or a driving delegation
system, must at least understand such cases and if necessary tell the driver to cope with it by himself.

The NEXYAD road detection module, RoadNex V2.1 is a brick to go further to cope with these cases :
RoadNex V2.1

RoadNex V2.1 should be coupled with road signs detection, road markings detection, obstacle detection, in order to build an intelligent perception system. RoadNex is then a key module of such a system.

The road detection module NEXYAD, RoadNex V2.1 is available as a component into the asynchronous real time framework RT-MAPS : See HERE

NEXYAD member of VeDeCom

NEXYAD is now a member of the VeDeCoM research foundation as donator member.
NEXYAD is involved in research on ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle and is happy to contribute to the recruitment of young searchers by VeDeCom.

Groupement ADAS at SafetyWeek

INTEMPORA and NEXYAD showing their products together at safetyweek in Aschaffenburg (Germany).

Photo by Katrin Heyer

Photo by Katrin Heyer

Presentations of NEXYAD at SafetyWeek in Germany

At the safety week symposium in Aschaffenburg (Germany), NEXYAD presented :

. A paper about ADAS validation : methodology and tools
. The products on the booth : RoadNex (road detection), ObstaNex (Obstacles detection),
VisiNex Onboard (visibility measurement), SafetyNex (estimating safety level of driving).

NEXYAD at the Safety Week in Germany

NEXYAD has got a booth at the Safety Week symposium in Aschaffenburg in Germany from may 19th to 21st showing the module RoadNex (road detection), ObstaNex (obstacle detection) running in the real time environment RT-MAPS, and available for customers that want to quickly develop an autonomous vehicle/demo car. Those modules are under shifting to smart phones and electronic devices.

NEXYAD also presents a paper written with the company INTEMPORA, about ADAS validation methodology and tools.

NEXYAD is member of the “Groupement ADAS”.

Special announcement : the Nexyad software SafetyNex is being developed for RT-Maps of Intempora

SafetyNex is a high level functional bloc (sofware) for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : onboard measurement of driving behaviour, taking into account map and GPS geolocation (shape of the road, crossing roads, … ahead), speed, accelerations, visibility, adherence, distance to obstacle, etc.

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Very soon on RT-Maps…

Another demo film of RoadNex V2.0 (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle in urban traffic).

Another demo film of RoadNex V2.0 (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle in urban traffic).

This module runs as a component of the framework RT-MAPS (by INTEMPORA), and can recognize the road with or without white lines : even European countryside roads are detected.

RoadNex may be used for developing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Autonomous Vehicles.

In this demo, RoadNex detects the road shape, illustrated by green lines layer, and the road surface illustrated by the red paint layer.

Notice the scooter that takes over, pushing the green lines and the red paint… It is rare to see demos where objects come over road markings.

You can see on this demo that RoadNex may be an efficient preprocessing system for obstacles detection.

RoadNex V2.0 (new film demo on a deep forest road without markings)

NEXYAD is proud to show a demo film of the RoadNex V2.0 (by NEXYAD) module (road detection in front of a vehicle).

This module runs as a component of the framework RT-MAPS (by INTEMPORA), and can recognize the road with or without white lines : even European countryside roads are detected.

RoadNex may be used for developing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Autonomous Vehicles.

In this demo, the road has got no markings at all, and is quite dark. RoadNex still works in this king of road.