It’s time for BYOD & SDV

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #43, April 1st, 2024


It’s time for BYOD & SDV


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

Nexyad signed a co-Innovation Partnership with Stellantis

– Demonstration of Nexyad Dreamotor1 to Partners 

– New videos of Use-Cases in Dreamotor1 using SafetyNex

Colloque sur la sécurité Routière / Road Safety Conference




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Nexyad CEO Editorial



It is time for transformation for NEXYAD, the transition from a research and development activity to an activity of exploitation of results in two areas:
. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) which is developing with smartphones, connected watches, dash-cams which provide increasingly important services to the driver. This starts with fleet drivers and gradually extends to all drivers.

. The SDV (Software Defined Vehicle), a veritable computer on wheels, which transforms the OEM business into a software publisher that integrates parts developed elsewhere.


 The preventive ACC, or the autonomous driving, for example, can be seen as a software integration of our SafetyNex tool, which offers a caution metric.

The complexity of vehicles, from a software point of view, is growing faster than productivity and we have a blue ocean in terms of market.

Our AI systems considerably reduce complexity and that is why we are structured to help manufacturers implement our technologies.

We Save Lives  

Gerard, CEO of Nexyad


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NEXYAD signed a Co-Innovation Partnership with STELLANTIS


2024 has started strongly for Nexyad with this co-innovation partnership that we signed with Stellantis.


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Demonstrations of NexyadDreamotor1 to Partners


They have tested NEXYAD democar Dreamotor 1 from November 2023 to March 2024, around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt or Nexyad office in St Germain en Laye. Test for AVL in November 27th 2023, APTIV; in November 28th 2023, the same day February 13th 2024 GLOBAL LOGIC & NETWALK and RENAULT March 7th 2024.


Dreamotor 1 sponsors :
partners :



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New Videos of Use-Cases in Dreamotor1 using SafetyNex


SafetyNex provides in real time prudent recommended speed, lack of prudence alerts and instant prudent speed for Driver Assistance. See an example of use-case below :

  This video was made in our democar Dreamotor1. On the screen we can see the HMI (for engineers) with the road captured by a dashcam. On the top left of the screen there are the current speed of the vehicle, the speed limit sign, and just below the next speed limit read on the map. The colored square on the left says the driving is prudent, it can be yellow when it’s time to be vigilant and even red if driving is at risk. When a singularity is detected, the road sign is pasted with the distance where to apply recommended speed in order stay prudent. Below the colored square, risk target indicates the level of max accepted risk to stay green. In this example, we vary the risk target to see adaptation of the system to different drivings : from very prudent to prudent. On the top center, we show action of the blinkers indicating new direction at the Electronic Horizon.  



In this video we present a use-case of anticipation should do a good driver when some object (a truck here) masks surroundings of the pedestrian crossing. A case of bad visibility. We assume that the system detects and recognize the truck and have the information about the pedestrian crossing (on the map read by eHorizon). It is not possible to know (see) if the truck hides a pedestrian ready to cross the road or not. Staying at the same speed is playing dices with luck or bad luck. It is why our system, based on knowledge of road safety, recommends to reduce speed at 45km/h before this singularity.



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Colloque sur la sécurité Routière / Road Safety Conference


Paris, March 20th 2024.

« 3500 morts par an sur les routes depuis 10 ans : et maintenant on fait quoi ? »

La ligue de défense des conducteurs a organisé un colloque pour faire le point sur les mesures gouvernementales depuis plusieurs décennies en matière de sécurité routière.
Il ressort des interventions des trois tables rondes, que l’Etat Français a beaucoup misé sur la répression, que l’état des routes en France se dégrade depuis la décentralisation et la perte en compétence des équipes de l’équipement éclatées par département. Les nouvelles mobilités, bicyclettes et trotinettes partageant souvent une même infrastruture ont augmenté l’accidentologie des vulnérables peu protégés. Et les moyens financiers pour une bonne éducation des jeunes conducteurs semblent manquer.
Les points positifs étant l’amélioration de la sécurité active et passive des véhicules depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’années et la prise en charge plus rapide et plus efficace des blessés de la route par les services de santé et de traumatologie.

The French Drivers’ Defense League organized a conference to take stock of government measures over several decades in terms of road safety. Despite multiplication of speed cameras and lower speed limits, the number of fatalities is stable for 10 year around 3500 each year in France.
It emerges from the interventions of the three round tables that the French State has relied heavily on repression, that the state of the roads in France has deteriorated since decentralization and the loss of skills of the equipment teams split up by department. New forms of mobility, bicycles and scooters often sharing the same infrastructure, have increased the number of accidents among poorly protected vulnerable people. And the financial means for a good education of young drivers seem to be lacking.
The positive points being the improvement in active and passive safety of vehicles over more than twenty years and the faster and more effective treatment of road injuries by health and trauma services.


Tous les détails sur le programme de la demi-journée et les intervenants sont ici (all details here) :

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NEXYAD new big Adventure in 2024

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #42, November 30th, 2023


NEXYAD new big Adventure in 2024


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– NEXYAD Dreamotor1 in presentation at VEDECOM for Techday ALADIN

– NEXYAD at dSPACE Mecatronic Forum 2023 near Paris

– V2X Video Demo of Hazard Warning use-case: Cooperation between YoGoKo & Nexyad in Dreamotor1

– NEXYAD at HERE Technologies EMEA Tech Day 2023

– More tests of  NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1

– NEXYAD at the 4th Class of Autonomous & Connected Chair at INSA Rouen

– Tests of Dreamotor1 Intelligent and Predictive ACC at UTAC

– Nexyad CEO presented Autonomous Vehicles and Cyber Security to Telecom Paris



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Nexyad CEO Editorial



Big things are going to happen for Nexyad in 2024. Our software technologies will be deployed for the automotive, rail and fleet markets. The fundraising is now almost finalized and will accelerate the development of a second demonstration vehicle which will be dedicated to the North American continent: Dreamotor2. We will be recruiting staff throughout the year to lead Nexyad’s transformation into a leading ADAS and autonomous driving company.

So we prepare for the end of year festivities, take our breath and a little respite before the departure of a new big adventure.

We Save Lives





Gerard, CEO of Nexyad



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NEXYAD Dreamotor1 in presentation at VEDECOM for Techday ALADIN


Versaille, November 16th 2023. NEXYAD (We Save Lives) had the opportunity to show its Dreamotor1 democar alongside Nextcar and labcar dSPACE. Great day Thursday November 16th in Versailles at VEDECOM’s Mobilab during Techday ALADIN jointly organized by NextMove. ALADIN is a group of innovative French companies from the ADAS Group and produces the Argobox roof trunk. Argobox is modular and customizable, packed with sensors to collect data and help their customers develop ADAS and autonomous vehicles. Thank you all for the invitation to the conferences to discover very interesting companies such as Sector Group, Alkalee and see our partners YoGoKo, Intempora, SHERPA ENGINEERING, epicnpoc, CAR&D.

Eric Feunteun Software Republique Renault Group with the mic
Massimiliano Baslestreri, ALADIN President (in the middle)
Nexyad Dreamotor1 on the left and labcar dSPACE with Argobox roof box from ALADIN


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NEXYAD at dSPACE Mecatronic Forum 2023 near Paris


St Quentin en Yvelines, November 9th 2023. Thanks to dSPACE for their invitation to . The new product presentations were very interesting and also from customers showing use cases of work done with these powerful tools. NEXYAD (We Save Lives) hopes to strengthen its partnership with dSPACE in the near future. See below, an example (2022) of collaboration between Nexayd and dSPACE tools AURELION simulation on the asynchonous real time framework RTMaps, for guiding autonomous driving robots: drivable surface detection from a camera, with our AI perception module RoadNex. Special thanks to Benoit VidalieOmar ElzeinyDr.-Ing. Dominik DörrFabian BronnerNicolas du LacFlorian M. and Philippe LEBON

Conference Room
ALADIN Argobox with dSPACE


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V2X Video Demo of Hazard Warning use-case: Cooperation between YoGoKo & Nexyad in Dreamotor1


Guyancourt, October 13th 2023. YoGoKo staff members Didier Ledain and Christophe Couturier came from Britanny for this first Demo of Hazard Warning Use-Case in Nexyad Dreamotor1. Nexyad Dreamotor1 vehicle integrates Hybrid AI SafetyNex which performs on-board analysis of the Driving Behavior in relation with Road Context, in real time (20 times/s). SafetyNex allows to Anticipate singularities on road in order to assist drivers or pilot a predictive ACC. The exchange of data between the vehicle and other entities (other vehicles, road infrastructure, vulnerable road users such as pedestrians or 2-wheelers and the cloud) is performed using YoGoKo’s unified communication & data management software platform (Y-SMART).


YoGoKo Christophe Couturier & Nexyad Johann Brunet

The demonstration here shows reaction of SafetyNex to an incoming message originated from some Hazard Warning info platform, using V2X communications. The message informs that a motorcycle is laying on ground after an accident. When Dreamotor1 is informed of the hidden accident at some known distance ahead, it provides the information to the driver (asking to slow down), or it reduces automatically speed in ACC mode. This is a perfect exemple of the integration of Nexyad and YoGoKo technologies for cooperative use-cases. Play the demo video below.


Dreamotor 1 sponsors : partners :



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NEXYAD at HERE Technologies EMEA Tech Day 2023


Paris la Défense, september 19th 2023. Nexyad was present to the HERE Technologies EMEA Tech Day 2023 at their QG in La Défense Paris. For part of the day, Here directors and staff outlined their vision and products for the years to come. There has been a lot of talk about Software Defined Vehicle or SDV, which refers to the ability to evolve vehicle functions throughout its life, thanks to a centralized architecture, allowing the installation of new applications and over-the-air updates. Thanks to HERE, we had the opportunity to present our hybrid AI SafetyNex to the audience (KIA, NISSAN, CONTINENTAL, HARMAN, HYUNDAI, RENAULT, STELLANTIS, and many others). SafetyNex is a knowledge based Artificial Intelligence which give a metric of driving prudence. This prudence or lack of prudence is computed on board 20 time per second regarding static and dynamic road context. Information of static context (road infrastructure) comes from readed an analysed through enriched eHorizon. Thanks to Patrick Jean, Gilles Martinelli and Olivier Beldi.


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More tests of NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1


They have tested NEXYAD democar Dreamotor 1 from April to June 2023, around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt or other locations in Paris suburb. Tests for CORE for Tech in June 26th and 27th, dSPACE  October 6th, our partner YoGoKO October 13th, and for CIL4Sys  October 24th.


Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :


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NEXYAD at the 4th Class of Autonomous & Connected Chair at INSA Rouen


Rouen, September 14th 2023. Launch of the 4th class of the Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Chair as part of our partnership with INSA Rouen Normandie. Yesterday was the presentation of speakers to the students. Thanks a lot to Professor Aziz Bensrhair and Thierry Bapin from Nextmove partner for this chair. Gerard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO, will teach AI and road safety to future automotive engineers.



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Tests of Dreamotor1 Intelligent and Predictive ACC at UTAC


Linas-Monthléry Autodrome, July 5th 2023, Day of tests for our Intelligent and Predictive ACC powered by SafetyNex AI and Nexyad perception software RoadNex and ObstaNex at UTAC Autodrome. In the frame of PRISSMA project,  Vehicle Dreamotor1 by Nexyad was tested in various use-cases on road and city tracks. UTAC is a market-leading international group in digital & sustainable mobility, customisable testing solutions, customisable testing systems, vehicle engineering, type approval, regulatory expertise, certification, training, corporate events and classic & sportscars festivals. Thanks to UTAC team: Alain Piperno, Céline Serbouh and Mikael Dessaint.


Dreamotor 1 sponsors : partners :  


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Nexyad CEO presented Autonomous Vehicles and Cyber Security to Telecom Paris

Palaiseau, June 22th 2023. Our CEO, Gerard Yahiaoui, was invited by Jacques EHRLICH, Emeritus Director of Research at French University Gustave EIFFEL, Professor at the French Engineering school Telecom Paris that is member of Polytechnic Institute of Paris. Gerard presented “Autonomous Vehicle and Cyber Security” to an audience of Renault staff members. Always a pleasure to share. Thanks Jacques.



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NEXYAD AI Prudence Assessment in Electric Trucks

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #41, June 22th, 2023


NEXYAD AI Prudence Assessment in Electric Trucks


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– Conference of Nexyad CEO at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo in Stuttgart

– News of Nexyad democar Dreamotor1

– AWS invited Nexyad CTO to Le Mans free session 2023

– Our Partner SBG Systems test Dreamotor 1 that integrates their IMU Sensor

– More tests of  NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1

– NEXYAD and VOLTA TRUCKS join forces to explore the future of urban road safety

– NEXYAD at AWS Amazon Web Services Summit 2023 in Paris



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Nexyad CEO Editorial



The big news this month is our work with the modern trucks OEM VOLTA Trucks. NEXYAD and VOLTA will bring urban delivery to a new level of road safety.

See article below, enjoy entire newsletter and feel free to send us your feedback.

We Save Lives





Gerard, CEO of Nexyad



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Conference of Nexyad CEO at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo in Stuttgart


Stuttgart, thursday June 15th 2023.

Nexyad attended to the Congress ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo and the organisers invited NEXYAD CEO to speak at the event. The scientific paper is titled « NEW PARADIGM FOR AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – BASED PRUDENCE ASSESSMENT ». A cristal clear explanation of why AV arrival is posponed every year and the Nexyad solution tool to accelerate its development and market. Many questions in the audience.   Gérard Yahiaoui – Nexyad CEO    

Click to read the publication

Beside Nexyad CEO conference at Congress (see previous news) it was the occasion to meet partners and make new contacts with technological supplier Panasonic and turkish OEM TOGG which will market electric vehicles in 2024. Nexyad CEO with Philippe from Intempora (dSPACE) and with Pierre from Heex


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News of Nexyad democar Dreamotor1


St Germain en Laye, june 19th 2023.


A new step for Dreamotor1. Nexyad team installed camera and lidar ina box on the roof of the Renault Zoé. Our AI SafetyNex aggregates all available data in vehicle (digital map, GNSS, V2X, camera detection, radar inter-distance, lidar, weather conditions, DMS, speed, CAN buses, etc.) In most vehicles that are going to integrate SafetyNex, there are already perception ADAS available, but in Nexyad Dreamotor1 is now Nexyad detection software products : RoadNex (detection of the bitumen surface by camera), ObstaNex (detection of obstacles on road with both camera and lidar, plus inter-distance given by lidar), VisiNex (visibility measurement by camera for detection of fog, heavy rain, sand storm, snow storm, darkness, dust on camera, etc.) which operate. In near future, we will be able to demonstrate all Nexyad AI softwares onboard in typical use cases that interest public, OEM’s and tier one suppliers. Camera and lidar on roof box made by Nexyad.  


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AWS invited Nexyad CTO to Le Mans free session 2023


Le Mans, Wednesday June 7th 2023.


Thanks to Amazon Web Services (Stanislas Roëls Thomassin and Nicolas Pfeiffer) for the invitation to Le Mans free session on Ferrari paddock . Nexyad CTO Pierre Da Silva Dias is fund of car racing as fan and on a technical point of view. AWS group in Le Mans with Pierre in the center.



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Our Partner SBG Systems test Dreamotor 1 that integrates their IMU Sensor


Guyancourt, May 22th 2023.


Technical support staff of SBG Systems came in Guyancourt to test Dreamotor 1 of which they are partners with their fantastic micro Inertial Measurement Unit sensor (see picture below). They could see the good use of their IMU technology by Nexyad. The positionning is far more efficient since FH electronics integrated it for Dreamotor 1. SafetyNex provides in real time prudent recommended speed, lack of prudence alerts and instant prudent speed for predictive ACC and Autonomous Vehicle.

​ ​

Dreamotor 1 sponsors : partners :  



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More tests of NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1


They have tested NEXYAD democar Dreamotor 1 from April to June 2023, around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt or other locations in Paris suburb. Tests for Amazon Web Services in April 12th and 27th, Renault April 20th, our partner Heex april 21th, Transdev may 12th and 29th, SBG (see article above), and for Tomtom june 7th.


Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :


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NEXYAD and VOLTA TRUCKS join forces to explore the future of urban road safety


         May, 2023  

NEXYAD and VOLTA TRUCKS join forces to explore the future of urban road safety for drivers and vulnerable users using hybrid physics-informed SafetyNex AI. Both companies share the commitment to bring Advanced Driver Assistance Systems expertise into Electric Vehicles.   
Paris and Stockholm – NEXYAD, the embedded, real-time platform for aggregating on-board data, has announced a partnership with VOLTA TRUCKS, the leading and disruptive all-electric commercial vehicle manufacturer and services provider, to bring the next generation of driving coaching and scoring to aid drivers of the Volta Zero to achieve the safest driving style possible in an urban environment.  
It is all about Safety Safety is at the heart of Volta Trucks, with the ambition to produce the safest trucks for our cities. The Volta Zero was designed for electric from the outset, which facilitates a step-change in vehicle, driver and pedestrian safety. Thanks to the removal of the internal combustion engine, the operator of a Volta Zero sits in a central driving position, with a much lower seat height than a conventional truck. This combination, plus a glass house-style cab design, gives the driver a wide 220-degrees of visibility, minimising dangerous blind spots.  
On-board data  Nexyad uses hybrid physics-informed AI to aggregate various data sources in vehicles in real time and interprets them. This offers Volta Trucks’ drivers simple and relevant information that can help them develop an increasingly prudent driving style, minimizing risk for themselves and other vulnerable road users. Starting from a minimum viable product based on three sets of data: Map, Global Navigation Satellite System, Electronic Horizon, and vehicle Speed, Nexyad’s platform is also scalable and can be tailored to specific usages and vehicles like Volta Trucks’, by aggregating data from Advanced Driving Assistant Systems (ADAS) sensors to include camera, radar and lidar, weather (visibility and temperature), laden weight, traffic data, etc.  
Maximum speed recommended for a specific vehicle at a specific time Nexyad’s real-time data aggregation platform uses vehicle information and driving conditions to provide a maximum speed recommendation, considering the legal speed limit, road roughness, topography of the road, weather conditions, and traffic.Nexyad bases its analysis on 12 scientific collaborative research programs with road safety experts of 19 countries, using a set of rules from cutting edge Artificial Intelligence that includes knowledge-based systems, deep learning, neural gas, PAC (Possibly Approximatively Correct) learning, game theory, reinforcement learning, possibility theory and fuzzy logic.By recommending a “maximum cautious speed” based on real-time information, Nexyad’s approach goes beyond the European requirement ISA (Intelligent Speed Assist). Nexyad’s safety coach called SafetyNex also acts as a virtual co-pilot in cockpit while driving and provides anticipation guidance when necessary, helping to avoid emergency situations that may lead to an accident.  
A risk score for drivers, fleet managers and insurers The real-world information gathered from Nexyad SafetyNex can then provide drivers with a safety score that reflects their driving style and acts as a catalyst for a range of solutions that motivate safer driving practices. Meanwhile, fleet managers can effortlessly track and monitor their driver’s performance with greater precision, and insurance companies can accurately assess risk levels and offer tailor-made premiums for every driver’s individual risk profile.  
Contacts Gerard YAHIAOUI  
see Volta Trucks Press Release


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NEXYAD at AWS Amazon Web Services Summit 2023 in Paris



Paris, April 3rd and 4th.


Amazon Web Services has taken up its Summit at palais de Congrès in Paris. « AWS Summit Paris is a free event that brings the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn more about AWS. At the Summit, you can learn how to choose the right database, modernize your data warehouse, and drive digital transformation using AI. The event attracts tech specialists from all industries and skill levels who want to learn how AWS can help them innovate rapidly and deliver flexible, reliable solutions at scale. »

The Summit is a very impressive event, that attracts loads of people. Several dozens of AWS partner’s booths were dispatched on the three floors were crowded during the two days. More than 100 sessions o learn more about our customers’ use cases, to discover services and to ask your questions. The Ask an Expert area where you can get a one-on-one session with an AWS team member. AWS training to learn with help from AWS experts, Ddevelop skills and knowledge and build future with the AWS Cloud. And more…


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NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #40, March 31th, 2023




Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– NEXYAD 1st Fundraising

– NEXYAD visits Autonomy 2023 in Paris

– CEO of NEXYAD Teaching Autonomous Vehicle at TELECOM Paris

– More tests of  NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1

– NEXYAD Demo Vehicle DREAMOTOR 1 on its way to become a new Generation Autonomous Vehicle

– Visit at VOLTA TRUCKS hub near Paris

– News of Dreamotor1 democar by NEXYAD



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Nexyad CEO Editorial



We are happy to share with you the fact that NEXYAD is in the process of passing a decisive milestone in its development.

Some OEMs want to integrate our AI software modules in series cars and then mass-distribute them. It is the case in particular of our AI SafetyNex, which calculates the prudence of the vehicle’s movement in its environment at all times.
It can then alert driver if prudence is too low, and also paste recommended prudent speed at all times (function expected by EuroNCAP).

This recommended speed may also be used to control longitudinal behavior of an autonomous vehicle, or of a contextual predictive ACC (city, road, highway) in the traffic.

In parallel with this activity, which is starting for new vehicles, our Indian integrator and distributor MONTBLEU Technology is preparing a massive deployment for fleets and insurance companies (aftermarket) of this same IA SafetyNex.

They’ve been developing an impressive smartphone App that integrates our API and that brings a news generation function for road safety.


Indeed, prudence assessment brings anticipation and helps avoid emergency situations that may lead to accident.

Even our MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that uses only GNSS, vehicle speed, and digital map (read through an electronic horizon) can reduce accident rate by 25% (theoretically assessed AND practically measured by customers).

This MVP is easy to integrate into a smartphone for aftermarket, and may also interest OEMs for entry-range level vehicle (effective ADAS “without” sensors).

In order to support these technological and commercial successes, NEXYAD has started its fundraising cycle, with a first round of fundraising successfully closed in March 2023, and a second round in preparation.

We will be then able to help our customers make safer and simpler vehicles, all over the world.

You are welcome to contact us and ask for a demonstration of our DREAMOTOR1 vehicle in the Paris area: powerpoint is not enough, come try for real.

Join us and be proud to deploy advanced Artificial Intelligence for the good.

Gerard, CEO of Nexyad



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NEXYAD 1st Fundraising


St Germain en Laye, March 8th 2023.

NEXYAD just finished to raise funds, for the 1st time (1st time, 1st round).

Raised funds : 570 000€

A small fundraising that gives their first “market price” to actions. This price is rising everyday as we get more and more good news. Investors in NEXYAD will not be disappointed.

This 1st round is to be followed by 2 others, as car OEMs intend now to put NEXYAD AI software modules into series vehicles, and as Tier One Companies intend to integrate those AI modules into their products.

A new exciting adventure has started.

In addition, our integrators in aftermarket PRUDENCE assessment solutions for fleets and insurers are currently starting mass deployment. NEXYAD AI PRUDENCE calculation module SafetyNex (MVP version) will be soon used worldwide, running into smartphones and telematics devices (Minimum Viable Product).

Good news in this current depressed world.

We are proud to share. Take the wave with us.


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NEXYAD visits Autonomy 2023 in Paris


Paris, Porte de Versailles, March 22th 2023.

Nexyad visited Autonomy 2023 to discover what is new in the world of Mobility : electrification, soft mobility, charging facilities, Autonomous vehicles, car-sharing, insurances, technologies for fleets, etc.

Autonomy gives opportunity to meet all urban mobility key leading players, policy makers, governments, corporates, institutions, NGOs, and startups, to keep up to date with the latest market developments and regulations,and learn about latest innovations.

Autonomy is also conferences, workshops, test tracks, and we were happy to network with nice partners (who recognize themselves on pictures) and also with prospects and suppliers.

Autonomy Mobility World Expo (  



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CEO of NEXYAD Teaching Autonomous Vehicle at TELECOM Paris


Paris-Orsay,march the 14th 2023.

Our CEO, Gerard, was invited by Jacques EHRLICH, Emeritus Director of Research at French University Gustave EIFFEL, Professor at the French Engineering school Telecom Paris that is member of Polytechnic Institute of Paris.

Gerard teached “Autonomous Vehicle – from perception to Automation and Control”.

Very good students with lots of relevant questions. Always a pleasure to share.

Thanks Jacques!



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More tests of NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1


They have tested NEXYAD democar Dreamotor 1 from in february and March 2023, around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt or other locations in Paris suburb. Three tests for Renault the February 7th, 16th and 29th, for Covea the February 10th, and for RF.Tracking the March 23th.


Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :


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NEXYAD Demo Vehicle DREAMOTOR 1 on its way to become a new Generation Autonomous Vehicle


St Germain en Laye, March 10th 2023.

Now DREAMOTOR1 is piloted by our AI SafetyNex for vehicle automatic speed control (longitudinal part of autonomous vehicle, that  is also called sometimes Predictive ACC or Contextual ACC). Vehicle slows down automatically to stay PRUDENT (that the only criteria) when needed and else accelerates to speed limit. No complex control laws, no cut into use cases: process is continuous and the only value to control is PRUDENCE level. First implementation under fine tuning at NEXYAD is what we call our MVP (Minimum Viable Product): no ADAS sensors, only digital map, electronic horizon, and GNSS.

In the following months, we intend to integrate NEXYAD perception solution involving a camera (at least one) and a lidar. Perception will use NEXYAD perception AI software modules:

. VisiNex that measures visibility and detects lacks of visibility such as fog, heavy rain, lack of lighting, snow, etc

. RoadNex that detects drivable surface of the road plus lines

. ObstaNex that detects any object and recognizes vehicles, and pedestrians (soon more objects)

From this NEXYAD perception kit the 1st additional information that will feed the AI software module SafetyNex is interdistance, the second will be weather conditions, and the 3rd will be “presence of vulnarables”.

V2X will also feed SafetyNex with hazard warnings.

NEXYAD has shown that lateral control of vehicle is also possible by using the notion of PRUDENCE.

This will be done in 2023.

An Autonomous Vehicle on a new kind, based on PRUDENCE CONTROL, will then demonstrate that this new paradigm is lean (computing power, memory, …), efficient, in-used-monitored (with prudence assessed 20 times per second), and then finally TRUSTABLE (for people, for insurers, for authorities). A revolution that may enable market.

Contact us to know more.


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Visit at VOLTA TRUCKS hub near Paris


Bonneuil sur Marne, 2nd of February 2023.

Thanks to Volta Trucks Paris Team and especially to Alejandro and Maxime for the impressive visit of the french HUB in Bonneuil. Trucks are very innovative, well born, full of smart features. Great installations.

Just BRAVO !

Maxime Lamboley, Alejando Ortega Peniche and Gerard Yahiaoui



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News of Dreamotor1 democar by NEXYAD


St Germain en Laye, January 20th 2023.
Dreamotor1 has been automated for longitudinal function, acceleration and brake can be controled by SafetyNex AI via computer. YoGoKo and SBG Systems Antennas are now permanently fixed on roof. More use-cases to come for demos, in particular with V2X info. We organize demos of 30mn in Guyancourt around Renault technocentre for automotive, fleets and insurance professionals.
DREAMOTOR1 can be piloted: . manually: showing pasting of prudent recommended speed (required by EUroNCAP and UN) . by SafetyNex directly: if PRUDENCE is too low then slow down, else, accelerate to speed limit (one line of code, no complex servo-control laws)
It is the 1st step of development of NEXYAD Autonomous Vehicle piloting system. We have already shown that in theory our completely new approach based on PRUDENCE assessment is also applicable to lateral control, we are currently working on it to upgrade DREAMOTOR1.
Today, the longitudinal control in all traffic conditions may be called Predictive ACC, according to STELLANTIS Vocabulary. We published a scientific paper explaining the revolution we bring in Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS, pasting some results of STELLANTIS Predictive ACC piloted by our PRUDENCE assessment AI SafetyNex : LINK TO SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Just to summarize, look at the following situation:
 . If we know what is behind the bus, and if there is nothing (*), it is possible to drive straight ahead, not slowing down, and still be PRUDENT (because nothing and no one may surround from behind the bus): Autonomous Vehicle Behavior #1 (*) e.g., cameras on the infrastructure + V2X, or Front Camera of the bus + V2X
. If we do not know what is behind the bus, it is then NECESSARY to slow down, and if possible keep left, in order to be PRUDENT: Autonomous Vehicle Behavior #2
One can then notice that VEHICLE BEHAVIOR is no longer a desired prerequisite, but a consequence of PRUDENCE TARGET and of EQUIPMENT SET. Different vehicles with different equipment set can be automated and prudent, but with different behaviors. It is then possible to develop Autonomous Vehicle with a big variety of equipement (from cheap to complete): they will adjust their behavior to stay prudent, anyway.
This is a revolution for Autonomous personal Vehicle because behavior becomes the adjustment to what is not known by the vehicle.

A complete Game Changer, what we call at NEXYAD “flexible thinking”.

And in the end, Autonomous Vehicle piloted by PRUDENCE assessment can also PASTE its prudence profile: . insurance issues . road safety and legal issues
Our AI SafetyNex is an eXplanable (XAI) hybrid (or composite) physics-informed AI. SafetyNex is also a causal AI. And because it assesses PRUDENCE (which is a human notion), we can say SafetyNex is a Responsible AI. No black box effect.
AI can change the world faster than some people think.
Thanks to integrator team FH Electronics.


  Dreamotor 1 sponsors : partners :   #gamechanger #autonomousvehicle #prudence #Stellantis #PredictiveACC #vehiclebehavior #flexiblethinking #Nexyad #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #SafetyNex #PrudenceAssessment #AIrevolution #selfdriving #newparadigm #personalcar #AutonomousPersonalCar #smartrobot #smartAutonomousVehicle #PhysicsInformedAI #eXplanableArtificialIntelligence #XAI #HybridAI #HybridArtificialIntelligence #PhysicsInformed #PhysicsInformedAI #PhysicsInformedArtificialIntelligence #CompositeAI #causalAI #OperationalAIsystem #responsibleAI


NEXYAD at CES 2023

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #39, January 16th, 2023


NEXYAD at CES 2023


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– CES 2023

– NEXYAD was present at CESA 2022 Congress in Versailles

– Nextmove Techday at Continental with Nextcar & Dreamotor 1

– More tests of  NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1

– NEXYAD CEO expressed views at roundtable on future of Autonomous Vehicle at Mondial de l’Auto in Paris

– NEXYAD at Mondial de l’Auto in Paris

– NEXYAD at event EQUIPAUTO in Paris meeting French Minister of Industry

– French Forum Mathematics and Related Jobs

– Technological partnership between dSPACE & NEXYAD



* * * * *


Nexyad CEO Editorial



NEXYAD wishes you a Happy New Year from CES Las Vegas
NEXYAD is participating again this year in 2023 at CES Las Vegas. We have a video demonstration playing at the HERE Technologies booth in Central PLAZA.
We met automotive manufacturers interested in our SafetyNex AI, which measures the vehicle’s PRUDENCE in its environment while driving, in real time. This makes it possible to simplify applications by at least a factor of 100:
. autonomous vehicle
. ADAS, and in particular, Predictive ACC
. driver assistance cockpit applications: Safety Coach, Safety Score, recommended speed pasting on dashboard
The entire NEXYAD team joins me in wishing you a happy new year 2023, both professionally and personally.
Let’s succeed.

Gerard, CEO of Nexyad




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NEXYAD at CES 2023


The 2023 edition of CES in Las Vegas seemed to be the year of resurrection. Not quite the same CES as before COVID-19 period, but much bigger than in 2022, even if the Chinese were still absent.

We noticed the geant booth of Stellantis, a surprising Vinfast that presented 4 models, superb Mobileye with house of screens and Central Plaza alive with Waymo, Forvia, Valeo, Volkswagen, Aptiv aside and of course HERE Technologies that shows Nexyad video in a loop.


There are more and more lidar companies at each corner of West Hall. 

Nexyad special interest also drove us to Amazon Automotive, Magna the famous tier one, Map provider Tomtom, AVL, Nira Dynamics that brings Vehicle Onboard Analytics and Road Perception, software maker Cariad for Volkswagen, and we met people from Lucid Motors, GM, Albizia Capital and Software République.


Partnership of AEVA with Plus to propose highly automated trucks using 4D lidars long range detection. Paccar owner of DAF, Kenworth and Peterbilt, shown electric autonomous trucks L3 and L4 fast charger or hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.


There was quasi no Chinese this year in on the strip of Las Vegas as the Convention Center, however CES attracted lots of French people. They were everywhere. It was the right occasion to see our partners all together in the same place…
Nexyad was happy to meet Synox/SoFleet an important fleet management, telematics and more company based in south of France, YoGoKo that collects, transfers and manages data for secure connected and cooperative mobility, Geoflex regulary present at CES, ProtectEcran, Intempora on dSPACE Booth and Aladin with their Argobox roof-top.




* * * * *


NEXYAD was present at CESA 2022 Congress in Versailles


Nexyad presented its hybrid AI SafetyNex inside Nextcar the democar of the french Mobility Competitiveness Cluster Nextmove at CESA Congress 2022 in Versailles. CESA Congress is organised by SIA Société des ingénieurs de l’Automobile (Automotive Engineers Society) and presided by Jochen Langheim, STMicroelectronics.

Nextmove Booth at CESA 2022 in Versailles. On the left Marc Charlet, general manager of the cluster and Massimiliano Balestreri, Aladin Cluster President. On the right : Nextcar by Nextmove. Nextcar is on its way to be automated by Technomap in Dieppe, Normandy. Nexyad hybrid AI SafetyNex will pilot future Preventive & Connected ACC all roads.
Other technology contributors to Nextcar are Aladin Cluster, Kad!, Gulplug, and Good Angel. Partners are Ademe, Normandy Region and Seine Valley.




* * * * *


Nextmove Techday at Continental with Nextcar & Dreamotor1


Thursday, november 17th 2022 at Continental in Rambouillet, France. Presentation to Continental Rambouillet teams of the “NextCar” collaborative demonstrators of innovations driven by the NextMove competitiveness cluster and the « Dreamotor1 » demonstrator collaborative of the company Nexyad.
The NextCar demonstrator currently incorporates 5 innovations, technology bricks providing solutions on the main strategic axes of innovation of the sector: reduction of the footprint environment of vehicles, electrification, road safety, automation. This Techday was organized by Nextmove with its General Manager Marc Charlet and by Jean-Yves le Gall, Head of Research and Advanced Engineering at Continental.  


Nextcar by Nextmove on the left and Dreamotor1 by Nexyad on the right


Nextcar partners:



Dreamotor 1 sponsors :


Partners :



* * * * *


More tests of NEXYAD Democar Dreamotor 1


They have tested NEXYAD democar Dreamotor 1 from October 7th to December 9th 2022, around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt or other locations in Paris suburb.



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NEXYAD CEO expressed views at roundtable on future of
Autonomous Vehicle at Mondial de l’Auto in Paris


Friday, October 21th 2022 in Porte de Versailles, Paris. Specialists spoke on the Mobility TV set live from the Paris Motor Show (Mondial de l’Auto)  at a roundtable: autonomous vehicle or assisted driver. To answer questions of journalist animator Lionel ROSSO, the guests were:

  • Pierre MAILLOT, Vice President Of Business Development at Heex Technologies
  • Michel FORISSIER, Chief Engineering and Marketing Officer at Valeo
  • Vincent ABADIE, Vice President, Senior Expert ADAS and Autonomous Driving, at Stellantis
  • Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of Nexyad

From the left, Lionel Rosso, Pierre Maillot, Michel Forissier, Vincent Abadie, Gérard Yahiaoui

To see entire video (in french) click HERE.


* * * * *


NEXYAD at Mondial de l’Auto in Paris


Paris, October 19th 2022, NEXYAD had some very interesting professional meeting the 20th at MONDIAL DE L’AUTO. Some vehicles showed in Halls 4 and 6:

Dacia Manifesto Dacia Spring Renault 4ever trophy
Peugeot E208 Dacia Duster Renault Scenic Vision
DS 7 Wey Coffee 01 Vinfast VF8
Hopium NamX HUV BYD Tang
Alpine A110R DS E-Tense Performance Ferrari F8 Tributo
Peugeot 9X8 Alpine Alpenglow Beltoise BT01
Jeep Avenger XEV Yoyo Seres 5 ORA funky Cat GT


* * * * *


NEXYAD at event EQUIPAUTO in Paris meeting French Minister of Industry


Paris, October 18th 2022. NEXYAD’s Hybrid Physics-Informed eXplanable Artificial Intelligence is under integration into the vehicle prototype NEXTCAR of the French Research cluster NextMove. This vehicle gathers innovations from 5 high technology SMEs and startups and was shown at event EQUIPAUTO in Paris on the booth of NextMove.

On the left pic, CEO of NEXYAD discussing with the French Minister in charge of Industry, Mr Roland Lescure, in presence of Mr Claude Cham.
On picture right up, CEO of NEXYAD with Gilles Schaefer, CEO of CAR&D and member of the SMEs group ALADIN.
On picture right down, CEO of NEXYAD with Managing Director of the French Research cluster NextMove, Mr Marc Charlet.

Very interesting discussion of NEXYAD CEO with French Minister Roland Lescure about Artificial Intelligence for prudence measurement and road safety.
Good contacts made by NEXYAD on booths with companies that work for fleets and data collecting.

#Nexyad #Equipauto #Minister #RolanLescure #NextCar #NextMove #Prudence #RoadSafety #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #XAI #HybridAI #PhysicsInformed  


* * * * *


French Forum Mathematics and Related Jobs


The 11th October 2022. NEXYAD CEO spoke at a round table for Maths students from all French Universities, and he explained NEXYAD activity on advanced Artificial Intelligence for road safety, and the special place of maths in the company. In particular, he talked about AI Knowledge Representation, Fuzzy logic, Possibility Theory, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Neural Gas. He also insisted on Physics-Informed AI and on the complexity of transforming a real world problem in maths with simplicity. This round table was moderated by Juliette Venel, Professor-Researcher in Mathematics, CERAMATHS, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, and there were 3 other speakers with NEXYAD CEO:

(*)  French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (**) French National Basic Science Research Center

From left to right, Juliette Venel, Paola Goatin, NEXYAD CEO, Jean-Pierre Tyberghein, Sylvain Faure  


* * * * *


Technological partnership between dSPACE & NEXYAD


September 29th 2022. In the context of a technological partnership, DSPACE applied with success an advanced AI module of NEXYAD on the asynchonous real time framework RTMaps, for guiding autonomous driving robots: drivable surface detection from a camera, with our AI perception module RoadNex.

Note :  free space detection here is performed only based on the camera video stream. The lidar sensor that is displayed is not used for this free-space detection and can be used for other functions (e.g. SLAM-based positioning, objects detection, free-space redundancy… what so ever).


Step forward for Nexyad Hybrid AI SafetyNex

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #38, September 15th, 2022


Step forward for Nexyad Hybrid AI SafetyNex


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– People from these following companies have tested Nexyad democar Dreamotor1

– NEXYAD Scientific Paper: Hybrid AI for Automotive

– START 2022 – Annual Convention of NEXTMOVE french Competitiveness Cluster

– Dreamotor1 Demo in the Streets of Stuttgart for Technology Expo

– NEXYAD at Club Auto on AI organized by FIEV

– Dreamotor1 NEXYAD Democar Showcased at INSA Rouen Congress

– New NEXYAD Scientific Publication at INSA Rouen

– MtC shows Railways Driver Assistance System with NEXYAD Computer Vision Softwares

– Dreamotor1 at Autonomy Event in Paris



* * * * *


Nexyad CEO Editorial



This period is an intense moment for NEXYAD, whose 4 on-board AI modules for automotive and land mobility are validated and in the process of being deployed. We are proud of the product of our customer MtC which integrates our three vision modules (+ lidar) VisiNEx, RoadNex, and ObstaNex, for the detection of rails and obstacles on trams, metros, trains. Our integrator in India, MONTBLEU Technologies has put our SafetyNex prudence assessment module in a smartphone App for driving schools, insurers, and fleets. And we publish on September 21 and 22 at the SIA congress on AI for automobile and mobility ( a scientific paper showing, among other things, results obtained on a vehicle of the STELLANTIS group to pilot a predictive ACC with our cognitive AI of SafetyNex prudence assessment.

We arrive at the moment when all the efforts of the team are about to bear fruit, and we thank our partners, our customers, and even our competitors who have pushed us to excellence.

We have shown our DREAMOTOR1 demonstration vehicle to many companies (see and we will do everything to bring with us on success podium all the SMEs and technology start-ups that participate in this ambitious project. Together, we are stronger.

I wish you a good reading of this newsletter.

                                                                                                                                Gerard, CEO of NEXYAD





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People from these following companies have tested Nexyad democar Dreamotor1




Dreamotor 1 sponsors : partners :


More news about Dreamotor1


* * * * *


NEXYAD Scientific Paper: Hybrid AI for Automotive



As part of the « AI for New Mobilities » Congress of the SIA, Engineers Society of Automotive, September 21th & 22th 2022 (digital event), Gerard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, will present a Scientific Paper « Hybrid Artificial Intelligence for Automotive ». This shows very interesting achieved results on management of a Predictive & Connected ACC in partnership with Stellantis.

Subscribe to the SIA event



Read the paper by Gerard Yahiaoui & Pierre Da Silva Dias


* * * * *


START 2022 – Annual Convention of NEXTMOVE french Competitiveness Cluster


NEXTMOVE brings together 600 members Spread over 5 technological and industrial axes, these companies, car manufactures, tear ones, suppliers, SMEs, public and private laboratories, etc… are moving the lines of their sectors with their innovative technologies and services. Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, is Vice-President of NEXTMOVE in charge of the SMEs.  


Luc Chatel, PFA president
Dr Luc Julia, Renault Chief scientific Officer

Philippe Prével, President of NEXTMOVE and Rémi Bastien, Honorary President


 The Dreamotor1, Nexyad demo car, made some runs for testers in Le Havre


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Dreamotor1 Demo in the Streets of Stuttgart for Technology Expo


Stuttgart, June 21th 2022. On the side of Autonomous Vehicle TECHNOLOGY EXPO 2022, Nexyad came with Dreamotor1 for some demonstrations of safety functionnalities for tear one companies and OEMs.


Dreamotor1 on the left in streets of Stuttgart, Germany.




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NEXYAD at Club Auto on AI organized by FIEV


The seventh FIEV Auto Club took place on June 17, 2022 in Paris, titled Artificial Intelligence: a brain in the car. Two very interesting round tables : The car is connected before being autonomous, with : Antoine LAFAY, Driving Assistance Research Director of Valeo Dr Thierry LESTABLE, Executive Director, Digital Science Research Center (DSRC) of Technology Innovation Institute (TII) Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of Nexyad Sebastien RUFFINO, Director Automotive, South of Europe de Nvidia Alexis BEAUVILLAIN, Cross System Architecture Director of Aptiv Interior: towards tailor-made comfort, with : Thierry METAIS, President of ZF Mobility France Vanessa PICRON, Vice-President of Product Division Innovation, Strategy & Automated Driving of Forvia Pierre LECOINTRE, SVP Software Business & Product of Stellantis Eric LA FAY, Director, Head of Customer Center Multimedia and Connectivity of Continental Automotive France and a special Keynote by Dr Luc Julia, Chief Scientific Officer of Renault Group  

         Doctor Luc Julia (Renault) and Gérard Yahiaoui (Nexyad)                                     Round Table: The car is connected before being autonomous


Visit FIEV website  



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Dreamotor1 NEXYAD Democar Showcased at INSA Rouen Congress


DREAMOTOR1 was showcased in the exposition of intelligent vehicles during the congress on AI for Autonomous and Connected vehicles at INSA ROUEN.


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New NEXYAD Scientific Publication at INSA Rouen


Dreamotor1 «ADAS, Autonomous Vehicle : caution and risk measurement in real time using embedded real time AI », Gérard YAHIAOUI, Pierre DA SILVA DIAS, Scientific  Seminar at INSA Rouen, chair of AI for Intelligent vehicle directed by Pr Abdelaziz Bensrhair : « DE L’IA VERS LE VÉHICULE AUTONOME ET CONNECTÉ/FROM AI TO CONNECTED AND AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE », Rouen, 16 June 2022.



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MtC shows Railways Driver Assistance System with NEXYAD Computer Vision Softwares


First appearence for a new product by MtC (former OTN) at Global Industrie 2022 in Paris-Nord. After 4 years Global Industrie came back with responsible reindustrialisation leimotiv. This new Parisian edition has done everything possible to support the sector towards the industry of the future, relocation, ecological transition, energy independence, but also the tomorrow technologies (3D printing , cybersecurity, etc.). Our partner MtC More than Cables (former OTN) displayed demo of railway driver assistance by camera/lidar fusion.

Video demo of obstacles detection on railway by MtC


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Dreamotor1 at Autonomy Event in Paris


Dreamotor1 made a demonstration to prospect on side of Autonomy event march 16 & 17 2022 in Paris.



  This year, Autonomy finally returned to the Porte de Versailles in Paris. The participants seemed happy to be gathered after a long absence. We were surprised to see new exhibitors like Otonomo or Autoliv, which are international companies, proof that the show attracts more people than regulars of light, electro and shared mobility.


                        Autonomy in Paris, Parc des expositions Porte de Versailles                                                                                    Cosmo Connected Booth                                                                            Autoliv Booth                                                                                                                                        Otonomo Booth      


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More Demo Cars integrating Nexyad SafetyNex

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #37, March 18th, 2022


More Demo Cars integrating Nexyad SafetyNex


Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– NEXYAD Cognitive AI SafetyNex goes to India

– NEXYAD works with STELLANTIS on Advanced Embedded Road Safety Systems

– NEXYAD Demo car Dreamotor1 Showcased at RENAULT with our Partner HERE Technologies

– NEXYAD & HERE Webinar: Onboard Real Time Safety Coach & Safety Score

– Technologies Integration under Progress on Dreamotor1

– Presentation of Nextcar the demo car by Nextmove, french Automotive & Mobility Cluster

– Nextmove Techday at Renault January 25th

– Demonstration of Dreamotor1 to VALEO and CONTINENTAL



* * * * *


Nexyad CEO Editorial



As many of you have seen, NEXYAD have lots of news this month:

  • we collaborate successfully with OEMs, on three types of applications:
       Safety Score, Safety Coach, Preventive ACC or AD
  • our integrator in India MONBLEU Technologies, is starting the deployment of their product for road
    safety, and they started to develop their demo car “ROAD”
  • our DREAMOTOR1 demo vehicle is available in the Paris regionvfor demonstrations on real roads
  • the NEXTMOVE French Automotive cluster has decided to develop its demo car and demonstrate
    feasibility of technologies proposed by its member SMEs, and the cognitive AI of NEXYAD is one of them

Enjoy reading and see you soon

                                                                                                                                Gerard, CEO of NEXYAD





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NEXYAD Cognitive AI SafetyNex goes to India


Our Indian Partner and Integrator MONTBLEU Technologies will help Indian Automotive OEMS (cars, Trucks, Two-wheelers) Save More Lives soon. NEXYAD is very proud to show below the Montbleu Technologies Private Limited demo car « ROAD ».

This demo car is under integration : NEXYAD SA cognitive AI SafetyNex is embedded by Montbleu that develops very impressive application softwares to improve road safety, with adapted solutions for :
     . driving schools (driving behaviour)
     . insurance UBI
     . fleets
     . vehicles OEMs (car, truck, two-wheeler) : safety score safety coach, preventive ACC / Intelligent Speed Assist, Autonomous Driving.

We are glad to be a part of it.

“Every year in India there are around 450,000 road crashes, in which 150,000 people die. Accidents impose significant cost as much as 3% of GDP every year” says Mr Selva Ramanujam CEO of Montbleu Technologies Private Limited.

Together, we can have a significant impact on accident rate reduction and build a safer society, less CO2 emission, etc Let’s gather French and Indian talents to build a better world. Links to Montbleu and  


* * * * *


NEXYAD works with STELLANTIS on Advanced Embedded Road Safety Systems


 « NEXYAD SafetyNex cognitive AI brings a new paradigm for road safety in ADAS and Autonomous Driving »
Vincent ABADIE, VP Autonomous Vehicle at STELLANTIS

We are proud and glad to work on advanced robotized driving projects with STELLANTIS talented engineers team.

Let’s make it a reality for common people.

Vincent ABADIE, VP Autonomous Vehicle at STELLANTIS and Gerard YAHIAOUI, NEXYAD CEO



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NEXYAD Demo car Dreamotor1 Showcased at RENAULT with our Partner HERE Technologies


We could showcase DREAMOTOR1 yesterday at RENAULT with NEXYAD of course, and our partner HERE Technologies. Functions showcased: . Safety score, . Safety CoachThere will be many showcases of DREAMOTOR1 in France and in Europe during 2022.We have integrated technologies from NEXYAD, INTEMPORA, ECOTECHNILIN, and we wrote all the global and detailed specifications for integration of technologies from SBG Systems, YOGOKO, IMPORTANT.

We are discussing with GREENERWAVE to fancy the best way to integrate their technology. DREAMOTOR1 is already the smarter demo car and will remain it in time. On the picture at RENAULT Guyancourt, I am with Olivier Beldi from HERE Technologies.

HERE Technologies believed in NEXYAD from the very start, And we showcase together at RENAULT (that have signed with GOOGLE), and in a way, we « bring » HERE with us, and they help us being better.


Small teams may bring strategic advantages … We’re happy about this. Now that we have DREAMOTOR1, our unique embedded cognitive AI technology SafetyNex, which is second to none, can be showcased for 3 functions: . Safety Score: much more accurate and relevant than TESLA one. Think again ! it is not everyday that you have the opportinuty to take over TESLA ! . Safety Coach that advices driver during trip and helps to avoid most emergency situations (and then many accidents) . Preventive ACC / AD (soon available on DREAMOTOR1) that controls vehicle speed in order to keep driving behavior cautious regarding static and dynamic contexts Nobody stops Dreamotor1.

#NEXYAD #HERE #HEREtechnologies #TESLA #RENAULT #DREAMOTOR1 #AI #embedded #ADAS #GOOGLE #CognitiveAI #DemoCar #Emergency #EmergencySituations #Accident #RoadSafety #INTEMPORA #ECOTECHNILIN #SBGSystems #YOGOKO #GREENERWAVE #FHELECTRONICS #IMPORTANT



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NEXYAD Demo car Dreamotor1 Showcased at RENAULT with our Partner HERE Technologies


Thursday, April 14, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM CEST New embedded software offer for fleet risk management Tracking, eco-driving, fleet management, etc. : the uses of on-board telematics are multiple and contribute directly or indirectly to reducing the costs of a fleet. The systems are increasingly relevant and connected for the main services except road safety. Most offers only concern driver monitoring and a driving score that is only very slightly correlated with accidentology. SafetyNex technology allows to reduce immediately accident rate by 25% without ADAS sensors. Our cognitive AI allows to analyse driving behaviour (20 times per second) by comparing it to road context here and now. Click the link below to register Registration (  



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Technologies Integration under Progress on Dreamotor1




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Presentation of Nextcar the demo car by Nextmove, french Automotive & Mobility Cluster


Marc Charlet, the General Manager of Nextmove french Automotive & Mobility Cluster presented Nextcar, a demo car which integrates technologies of cluster members.

At 2:40 mn Marc Charlet present Nexyad and its Cognitive AI software SafetyNex.



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Nextmove Techday at Renault January 25th



Nextmove the French Automotive and Mobility cluster organized a Techday at RENAULT Technocentre in Guyancourt (near Paris) January, 25th. Nextmove presented the two democars Nextcar and Dreamotor1 of the project Demo ICIM funded by ADEME to several high people of Renault. General Director Marc Charlet of Nextmove was there to welcome the happy testers of the two vehicles. Nexyad thank all Renault people who took a ride in Dreamotor1.

Nextcar by:         

with :

partners :      



Dreamotor 1 (Renault ZOE ZE50 full electric)

Nextcar (Renault Megane hybrid PHEV)

Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :



* * * * *


Demonstration of Dreamotor1 to VALEO and CONTINENTAL



Feb 15th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of Continental around Renault Guyancourt (west of Paris).   Feb 7th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of VALEO Mobility Tech Center around Créteil (south of Paris).


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Nexyad Returns at CES

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #36, January 19th, 2022


Nexyad returns at CES


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial


– Communication of HERE Technologies for CES 2022

– Nexyad is glad to announce two sponsors for DREAMOTOR 1 !

– A new startup is joinging DREAMOTOR 1 with an original modern radar technology

– Presentation of Nextcar and Dreamotor 1 to french media

– New Article in a Fleet Professional media




All NEXYAD members wish you a happy new year 2022



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Nexyad CEO Editorial



We are just coming back from CES Las Vegas. This CES was very interesting:
             . there were much less visitors
             . most large companies were absent (except STELLANTIS in the automotive sector)

It was however by far the best CES for NEXYAD since 2016.
Two main reasons for this:
             . on the one hand NEXYAD is now ready with clear offers available for each road safety market (fleets & insurance, OEMs) and strong references
             . on the other hand, stands were less invaded by curious people so that it made it possible to discuss in a longer and more in-depth manner with key people from the exhibiting companies
We also could have key business discussions with our partner HERE Technologies for USA Business.


Main trend at CES : the arrival of new car OEMs with electric vehicle, e.g. FISKER and VINFAST.
Last but not least, we had the opportunity to have a presention of VSI Labs demo cars.
They seem to be a key partner for NEXYAD on the American market, to shocase our cognitive AI technology solving 3 main issues : Safety Score, Safety Coach, Preventive ACC / AD.
For NEXYAD, it should be the start of our big adventure in the USA.

Gerard, CEO of NEXYAD « We Save Lives »


* * * * *




January 2022 CES returned to Las Vegas, Nevada. And Nexyad Too. This year saw the opening of the brand new East Pavillon at Convention Center which welcome Automotive section of the CES. The building is huge like usual with several food stands and other commodities. Of course, some space seemed empty because of all the cancellations, but in france we say: « those who runaway are always in the wrong ». Nexyad already gives appointement to 2023 edition with, hopefully, a democar or two in the USA. We will drive then in the streets of Las Vegas to demonstrate our cognitive AI technology SafetyNex: the best safety score/safety coach on the market for the best driving experience ever, safe and serene and also the best preventive ACC/AD. Now, let’s go for an overview of our CES 2022 experience.

Big automakers were missing except Stellantis, the 14 brands group displayed numerous cars in the center of East pavillon. Very impressive stand.


Stellantis is the sixth-largest automaker worldwide. Beside big SUVs and Sedans, we noticed the AMI Citröen a micro electric car that allow to drive urban and countryside roads without licence and Fiat 500 with its funny face which seems to laught.  Stellantis Group owns: Abarth – Alfa Romeo – Chrysler – Citroen – Dodge – DS Automobiles – Fiat – Fiat Professional – Jeep – Lancia – Maserati – Opel – Peugeot – Ram – Vauxhall



Henrik Fisker has presented himself the zero emission SUV Ocean at CES in Las vegas. The Fisker Ocean features the SolarSky, a large solar roof. Thus, the sun’s rays are collected and generate energy which powers the vehicle’s electric motor. The cabin features premium upholstery, floor mats and details made from recycled plastic bottles, reclaimed rubber scrap, used t-shirts and discarded fishing nets from the ocean. See the video of presentation at CES : (15) Facebook Live | Facebook


VinFast is a new OEM that comes to us from Vietnam. Coming from Vingroup in Hanoi, the brand did not hesitate to hire experienced executives from, for example, GM, Pininfarina, and build partnerships with BMW, Magna Steyr, Siemens or Bosch. They presented three new models at CES, and they cover all segments from A to E. The electric SUV brand will soon be marketed in Europe and North America. See the video of EV Day Event: VinFast Global EV Day Event – YouTube

From the left our friend John Cooper, Phil Magney VSI CEO, Gérard and Matthew Linder

VSI Labs drove from Minneapolis Minnesota to Las Vegas (more than 1650 miles !) with their technological jewels. These two labcars are simply amazing, they embark the best of hardware, software and connectivity systems for research and demonstration purposes in the fields of Road safety, ADAS and Autonomous Driving. VSI organizes tours across the United States on the occasion of major events such as ADAS & Autonomous Technology Expo at San Jose (Ca) next march. They are certainly our best next partners in the US.


Nexyad is still very interested by computer vision technologies as we have now distributor in France that integrates our vision algorithmes into valuable product for railway safety: OTN. We found some companies that provide smart dashcams like Movon or Nextbase or Stonkam from Hong Kong, which offers a whole range of artificial vision products such as this rear-view camera systems with image reproduction on interior screens.


At last, this curiosity with an autonomous Indy racing car. We can see here a specimen of these single-seater or no-seater with electronics and artificial intelligence in place of the human pilot. CES organized a competition, the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC), on the Las Vegas racetrack with autonomous cars that can reach 175 mph.


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Communication of HERE Technologies for CES 2022 featuring Nexyad


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NEXYAD is glad to announce two sponsors for Dreamotor 1



We will show their logo, colors, and will relay their messages through our participation to events all over Europe in 2022. The commitment of those 2 major industrials of the automotive sector show how important our demo car project is.  




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A new startup is joinging DREAMOTOR 1 with an original modern radar technology


Welcome onboard !  An interview of Greenerwave will soon explain why this technology is a good complement to DREAMOTOR1. Go to Greenerwave website



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Presentation of Nextcar and Dreamotor 1 to french media during the Nextmove day.


The second of december at ESIGELEC in Saint Etienne du Rouvray, the french Automotive & Mobility Cluster NEXTMOVE has organized the presentation of two demo cars involved in Demo ICIM project : NextCar by Nextmove and Dreamotor1 by Nexyad.



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New Article in a Fleet Professional media



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Nexyad AI Excellence

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #35, November 23th, 2021


Nexyad AI Excellence


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– NEXYAD CEO Interviewed by HERE Technologies at ITS World Congress 2021 in Hamburg

– Another look on PFA event (french automotive sector day) in Paris

– New article from Auto News by Laurent Meillaud (in french)

– French Automovive Sector day « PFA » In Paris

– Nexyad has launched the cooperative demo car DREAMOTOR 1 at ITS World 2021 in Hamburg

– Nexyad Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Automotive




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Nexyad CEO Editorial



NEXYAD is in a phase of success as deep tech AI we’ve been developing those last 20 years is now a very quick and efficient answer to market needs.
A few years ago, we lost the battle vs MOBILEYE that brought computer vision perception to cars. We had the same offer with  our perception AI modules RoadNex and ObstaNex, but as said MOBILEYE won the game. We decided to offer our technology to another market : railways. And this time it seems that we won a battle and our integrator OTN is now presenting their valuable product, based on our perception AI, to railway companies worldwide. For this sector, we made a fusion of ObstaNex vision algorithm with lidar.


This makes our two perception AI modules 2 new solutions that may come back to automotive sector as car electronics architecture is about to change, letting more room for a pure software company like NEXYAD. We are ready for the second battle :-).
The second good point is that our perception AI module VisiNex is starting to interest automotive OEMs. Indeed, it was not very easy those last years to explain why this vision module is a real game changer for perception : it estimes « available visibility » for computer vision perception modules (our modules, competitors, our eyes, etc). Because this module doesn’t detect anything … it tells when detection is possible, easy, or impossible. Now is becomes very clear that automotive OEMs are ready for our VisiNex module :
     . detecting every lack of visibility and its cause : fog, rain, snow, dust on cameras (very important for cars that put cameras on non wiped areas, e.g. TESLA)
     . knowing the trust you can put on camera perception, in real time, so that your sensor fusion may be more relevant
     . Improving vision deep learning in bad weather and bad visibility conditions : if you give diagnosis from VisiNex to your deep learning, in addition to image sequences, the Artificial Neural Network will not only learn to recognize objects (pedestrians, vehicles, …) it will also learn how the aspect of those objects is modified in bad visibility condition. Improvement of performance is stunning !
And of course, last but not least, our cognitive AI SafetyNex is now featured through our current integrations for OEMs in Europe, and our partnership with the major map provider HERE Technologies. This cognitive AI can be seen as a « all in one » module as it brings 3 automotive functions :
     . safety score,
     . safety coach (digital co-pilot)
     . preventive ACC
This cognitive AI SafetyNex is a change of paradigm : it aggregates in real time during trip all available source of data (descriptors of driving behavior and driving context : static and dynamic), and it calculates 20 times per second :
     . a level of caution in driving behavior regarding context
     . a level of risk, defined as lack of caution
     . a setpoint speed that is the max speed, here and now, that garanties a cautious driving behavior regarding context
This cognitive AI module should be soon into series vehicles. It is available for cars, trucks, and two-wheelers.
So this is the NEXYAD mindset of the moment, and to make sure that our AI modules can be demonstrated, we decided to build our own demo car DREAMOTOR1 that integrates NEXYAD technologies with technologies coming from a bunch of talented startups and SMEs.
Soon showcased all aroud Europe, take you ticket for a tour.

Gerard, CEO of NEXYAD « We Save Lives »


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NEXYAD CEO Interviewed by HERE Technologies at ITS World Congress 2021 in Hamburg



Thanks to Karoline Jerchow and Franck Despouy for their nice welcome on Here Booth at ITS World 2021 in Hamburg.  


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Another look on PFA event (french automotive sector day) in Paris


Video of DREAMOTOR 1 at PFA event in Paris Oct. 26th 2021 Featured participant to DREAMOTOR 1 demo car : Nexyad, Nextmove, EcoTechnilin, Intempora, YoGoKo



Visit the PFA website  


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New article from Auto News by Laurent Meillaud (in french)



La PME française a mis au point un outil qui permet de calculer les risques en fonction du profil de la route, de l’environnement et de la vitesse. Ce système combine l’intelligence artificielle, des capteurs et des cartes de haute précision. Lors du récent congrès sur les transports intelligents (ITS) de Hambourg, on a pu voir tourner dans les rues de la ville une Renault ZOE baptisée « Dreamotor 1 ». Et elle serait, selon ses concepteurs, l’un des plus sûres au monde. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’elle intègre un système d’intelligence artificielle très évolué, fruit de 20 ans de recherche au sein de la PME Nexyad, et qui a fait ses preuves*. Ce système a pour nom SafetyNex et mesure 20 fois par seconde le niveau de risque en fonction du contexte routier (vitesse, analyse de l’environnement, type de route). Cet outil assez unique s’appuie sur les cartes pour GPS de haute précision de HERE Technologies, dans le cadre d’un partenariat. La ZOE intègre une fonction « safety coach » qui s’appuie sur des données en temps réel pour recommander au conducteur à quelle vitesse maximale il peut rouler. Précisons que ce coach peut aussi agir en cas d’urgence sur le régulateur de vitesse intelligent (ACC), s’il estime que le niveau de danger est trop élevé et en cas de non-réaction. Le système d’IA de Nexyad bénéficie à bord de ce prototype de l’apport d’autres technologies pour calculer encore plus précisément en temps réel le risque routier. Lire l’article en entier sur le site              


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French Automovive Sector day « PFA » In Paris


The 26th of october 2021 took place at la Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie in Paris, the day of the French Automotive Sector (PFA). Many officials, president of PFA, Luc Chatel, Industry miniter Bruno Lemaire, and automotive executives as Luca De Meo CEOof Renault Group were present. Nexyad participated and showed outside its demo car Dreamotor 1 (below).      

DEMO ICIM (above) is a demo car of the French Automotive & Mobility cluster NEXTMOVE that integrates technologies of member SMEs including NEXYAD Cognitive AI SafetyNex. This demo car Demo ICIM is a « sister » of DREAMOTOR 1. NEXYAD and NEXTMOVE have a signed partnership to promote the two cars together and show the excellence in clean and intelligent vehicles.



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Nexyad has launched the cooperative demo car DREAMOTOR 1 at ITS World 2021 in Hamburg


Our DREAMOTOR 1 car was not already available. What we call DREAMOTOR 1 V0 is a RENAULT ZOE that we’ve been renting in Hamburg. In this ZOE we installed a PC + sensors etc. and could showcase 3 automotive functions :

. Safety score : at the end of every trip, we give statistics of caution : driving behavior is described with caution profile, risk (= lack of caution) profile, and global scores such as driving caution score, anticipation ability score, driving skills score, and observed self-confidence score. . Safety coach : during driving, caution and risk are estimatied onboard in real time (20 times per second), and then are used to give advices to driver in order to avoid incautious behaviors. It has been validated that this system reduces accident rate by at least 25%. . Anticipative ACC and AD : in real time, knowing context, the same system can estimate 20 times per second what should be the good behavior in order not to exceed a max accepted risk (= lack of caution). In particular, what should be vehicle speed (which brings a setpoint value to ACC).

This V0 did not integrate already all the technologies of partners which bring for most of them new inputs to NEXYAD caution assessment cognitive AI in order to get a better description of context. This will be done in DREAMOTOR 1 V1.


Some OEMs tried DREAMOTOR1 V0 in the streets of Hamburg (real tests in real streets) and NEXYAD got very good feedbacks. Now we are on partners technologies integration to improve functions.

Soon the next episode at PFA Day (journée de la Plateforme Française de l’Automobile) à Paris.

See all information about DREAMOTOR 1.


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Nexyad Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Automotive


NEXYAD team’s multi-credited experience in AI for road safety development led to the participation of NEXYAD CEO to a very important book in the USA about Artificial Intelligence applied to modern vehicles. Especially the 1st chapter : « Artificial Intelligence for Vehicles »


1. Artificial Intelligence for Vehicles, Gérard Yahiaoui.
2. Conventional Vision or Not: A Selection of Low-level Algorithms, Fabien Bonardi, Samia Bouchafa, Hicham Hadj-Abdelkader and Désiré Sidibé.
3. Automated Driving, a Question of Trajectory Planning, Olivier Orfila, Dominique Gruyer and Rémi Sainct.
4. From Virtual to Real, How to Prototype, Test, Evaluate and Validate ADAS for the Automated and Connected Vehicle?, Dominique Gruyer, Serge Laverdure, Jean-Sébastien Berthy, Philippe Desouza and Mokrane Hadj-Bachir.
5. Standards for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), Thierry Ernst.
6. The Integration of Pedestrian Orientation for the Benefit of ADAS: A Moroccan Case Study, Aouatif Amine, Abdelaziz Bensrhair, Safaa Dafrallah and Stéphane Mousset.
7. Autonomous Vehicle: What Legal Issues?, Axelle Offroy.


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Democar Nexyad Dreamotor1

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #34, September 29th, 2021


Democar Nexyad Dreamotor1


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– HERE360 Article about Nexyad Cognitive AI for Road Safety

– SIA Study Day: AI Applied to AV

– Democar Nexyad DREAMOTOR1 

– New Book : From AI to Autonomous and Connected Vehicles 

– Chair VAC at INSA Rouen

– Press about Nexyad



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Nexyad CEO Editorial


NEXYAD is starting a new phase of company development, based on the upcoming massive deployment of our on-board artificial intelligence software modules for mobility and road safety.</ aftermarket distributors, and in particular BRIGHTMILE (UK), and MONTBLEU Technologies (India) are starting deployments for vehicle fleets (trucks, cars, two-wheelers), insurers, and driving schools. These deployments are starting fast because they bring by two main value creations:
. reduction in costs for operations: reduction in the number of accidents by at least 25% which reduces cost for operations especially for fleets and insurers.
. reduction of road accident social impact and helping improve skills of drivers and future drivers that become aware of driving risk they take in every situation.


In the sector of new vehicles, NEXYAD is integrating its AI for real-time aggregation of all data available in the vehicle for estimation of the prudence of driving behavior in regards to context. This integration has already started with several OEMs in Europe, and NEXYAD decided to develop its own demonstration vehicle, DREAMOTOR1, to show its excellence.

Since this AI called SafetyNex aggregates data from numerous sources, we are opening this demo to other high-tech SMEs on two main domains:
. data acquisition: sensors, telecommunications systems, etc.
. HMI and new materials for the vehicle cockpit
To date, the companies that have signed agreement to integrate their technologies into DREAMOTOR1 are listed below. 
Partnership announcements with the French research cluster on automotive and mobility NEXTMOVE of which NEXYAD is a member should soon be published.

NEXYAD’s other AI modules, dedicated to camera perception, also have deployment prospects:
. RoadNex and ObstaNex, which detect respectively taxiway and obstacles (pedestrians, vehicles, etc.), have two main markets: on the one hand applications in the world of railways, and on the other hand a real-time application embedded in the centralized architecture of future vehicles for on-the-fly images labeling and to allow building of complex functions. Those functions cannot be achieved with current perception solutions because they do not deliver intermediate data diagnosys only).
. VisiNex, which measures the available visibility defined as the probability of being able to detect objects in the scene taking into account visual quality (fog, night, snow, etc.), is currently in view to carry out two tasks: on the one hand, give a score usability of the cameras for sensor fusion stages, and on the other hand, a detection of dust accumulated on the cameras.

NEXYAD’s deep competence in AI was credited, through our participation to two major events:
. SIA congress « AI applied to Autonomous and Connected Vehicle »: CEO of NEXYAD was a member of the organizing committee of this congress and talked during round table this month (see article below)
. release of the scientific book on AI « From AI to Autonomous and Connected vehicle » published in the USA (ed Pr. Abdelaziz Benshair & Thierry Bain) at editions ISTE-WILEY, of which NEXYAD wrote the first chapter. 

As most of you have already seen in our various publications, in July we signed a very strong partnership with the digital maps provider HERE Technologies to jointly develop Road Safety solutions, by associating AI softwares and competence ​​of NEXYAD , to the high quality of data and services brought by HERE maps. (see article below)
It is then in this very positive context that this newsletter is sent to you, we are still open to new collaborations that would give us the opportunity to go on saving lives.

Gerard, CEO of NEXYAD « We Save Lives »


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HERE360 Article about Nexyad Cognitive AI for Road Safety



What if you could see a crash before it even happened? Welcome to the future of road safety with Nexyad and HERE.

Nexyad CEO: “Our artificial intelligence is a new way of reading maps.”

A car accident in Paris when he was a student would later set Gerard Yahiaoui on the path to making the roads safer for us all. The incident, which saw both cars damaged beyond repair, was unavoidable, and neither driver saw it coming. Fortunately, Gerard and the driver of the other car escaped without injury. But the incident left him with a yearning to do more to help other people avoid a similar situation. After his crash Gerard recalls thinking at the time: “I had this thought in my head that I should have been warned in advance.”

Read here the full article by Ian Dickson for HERE360




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SIA Study Day : AI Applied to AV


Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of Nexyad, participated to the round table discussion during this study day « AI Applied to AV », the september 16th at Marne la Vallée (near Paris).

Driver assistance and Autonomous Vehicles (AV) are an iconic theme for AI, which drives innovations as well as applications. The contributions of AI are rich and varied in several fields of application, such as environment perception or real-time control of the feedback loop on the effects of decisions, for examples.

The ambition of this Study Day was to identify, on the basis of the emblematic subject of Autonomous Vehicle (AV), how these new approaches using AI can be integrated within the automotive industry.

Beyond the AI algorithms used, the role of data is also an essential element, inseparable from AI, whether for the learning of models, the quality of data and their labeling, the validation of models, even acceptability for users.

The SIA is (Société des Ingénieurs de l’Automobile) or Automotive Engineers Society in France.

From the left: Prof. Fabien Moutarde, director of the Centre of  Robotics at Mines ParisTech; Luc Bourgeois, Expert Leader Systems Control at Renault Group; Frédéric Charon, Chief Executive of SIA; G. Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad; Fabrice Herveleu, Safety Regulation senior expert at UTAC

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Nexyad will launch DREAMOTOR1 in october. For now we have 8 contributors to this clean high tech and connected democar for road safety :

. Nexyad world leader in AI safety coach and Smart ACC
. YoGoKo a world expert of the connected vehicle (V2X)
. SBG Systems, leader in georeferenced dynamic positioning
. Intempora, leader real time and asynchronous environment for automotive systems
. FH Electronics, world-renowed expert in vehicle (autonomous vehicle)
. Eco_Technilin, leader of eco plant materials for vehicle interiors
. Nextmove, French Automotive Research Cluster 
. Normandy Region

DREAMOTOR1 will travel in all Europe during big Automotive Event such as :
. ITS World Congress, Hamburg october 11-15 2021
. EV Show, London december 7-9 2021
. Vehicle Electronics & Connected Services, Gothenburg may 17-18 2022
. Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo, Stuttgart june 21-23 2022
. Mondial de l’Auto, Paris october 17-23 2022
. and Many others…




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New Book : From AI to Autonomous & Connected Vehicles


Gérard YAHIAOUI, Nexyad CEO, participate to this new publication from ISTE-WILEY.  

From AI to Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Volume 2 – Digital Science SET Coordinated by Abdelkhalak El Hami  


1. Artificial Intelligence for Vehicles, Gérard Yahiaoui.

2. Conventional Vision or Not: A Selection of Low-level Algorithms, Fabien Bonardi, Samia Bouchafa, Hicham Hadj-Abdelkader and Désiré Sidibé.

3. Automated Driving, a Question of Trajectory Planning, Olivier Orfila, Dominique Gruyer and Rémi Sainct.

4. From Virtual to Real, How to Prototype, Test, Evaluate and Validate ADAS for the Automated and Connected Vehicle?, Dominique Gruyer, Serge Laverdure, Jean-Sébastien Berthy, Philippe Desouza and Mokrane Hadj-Bachir.

5. Standards for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), Thierry Ernst.

6. The Integration of Pedestrian Orientation for the Benefit of ADAS: A Moroccan Case Study, Aouatif Amine, Abdelaziz Bensrhair, Safaa Dafrallah and Stéphane Mousset.

7. Autonomous Vehicle: What Legal Issues?, Axelle Offroy.


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Chair VAC at INSA Rouen




Nexyad participates to the pedagogic chair VAC (Vehicle Autonomous & Connected) at INSA Rouen under supervision of Prof. Abdelaziz Bensrhair. This chair is the result of partnership between French Automotive Research Cluster Nextmove and INSA Rouen (National Institute of Applied Sciences).

  Gerard YAHIAOUI presenting Nexyad AI work about AV



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Press about Nexyad


Maximum speed recommended for a specific vehicle at a specific time

Nexyad’s real-time data aggregation platform provides two output values ​​20 times every second: the lack of caution of the driver and the maximum speed recommended given the road conditions – legal speed limit, road roughness, topography of the road, weather, and traffic. Nexyad bases its analysis on several thousand road accident reports, using a set of rules from modern hybrid AI which includes knowledge-based systems, deep learning, neural gas, PAC (Possibly Approximatively Correct) learning, game theory, reinforcement learning, possibility theory and fuzzy logic. By recommending a ‘maximum cautious speed’ based on real-time data and context-specific to every single vehicle, driver and driving environment, Nexyad’s approach goes much further than the European requirement for vehicles to be aware of the legal speed limit on each road segment (Intelligent Speed Assist). Nexyad’s safety coach called SafetyNex acts as a true co-pilot for the driver as it provides real-time guidance so as to anticipate possible emergency situations ahead that may lead to an accident. This proactive coaching activates while driving and has been demonstrated to reduce accident rates by at least 25%. Read full article on





Nexyad and HERE Technologies Deploy Next-Gen cognitive AI to Improve Vehicle Safety

Paris, France – Nexyad, an embedded, real-time platform for aggregating on-board data, and HERE Technologies, the leading location data, and technology platform, have teamed up to bring cognitive Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the world of road safety. Nexyad employs cognitive AI to aggregate and interpret extensive data sources in a vehicle in real-time to determine whether a particular driving behavior is appropriate given the surrounding context. This assessment can be easily delivered to a driver via mobile phone and is calculated using only four sets of data: HERE map, Global Navigation Satellite System, electronic horizon, and acceleration. Nexyad’s platform is also scalable, with the ability to aggregate data from Advanced Driving Assistant Systems (ADAS) sensors such as camera, radar and lidar, weather (visibility and temperature), and traffic data. Read full article on


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Announcement of Partnership HERE & NEXYAD

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #33, July 13th, 2021


Announcement of Partnership HERE & NEXYAD


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Press Release on HERE & NEXYAD Partnership

– Nexyad CEO interview on Mobility TV 

– Press about Nexyad

– Dreamotor One, the Nexyad project of demo car


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Nexyad CEO Editorial

This month of July 2021 is particularly positive for NEXYAD since the company HERE Technologies has just announced our partnership. HERE posted a press release on its website, presenting the cognitive AI of NEXYAD, for the aggregation of all the data available on board a vehicle, and the estimation, 20 times per second, of the level of prudence of driving in view of the context.

See: Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety with next generation, cognitive artificial intelligence | HERE

From this assessment, we deduce the risk of driving, and the maximum speed at any time, which guarantees sufficient caution. The applications of this AI are numerous:

  • for fleets and insurance, in aftermarket, it is on the one hand to be proactive, to coach the driver during the journey to avoid at least 25% of accidents (smartphone app, telematics box, dashcam)
  • for new vehicles, there is of course the same safety coach application, but in addition, predictive ACC (a system that automatically manages the speed of the vehicle depending on the context, for example which slows down when approaching a intersection, or slowing down in a narrow street where kids play football on the sidewalk, like good drivers do), and the autonomous vehicle « aware » of the risk it is taking. Today, our AI takes advantage of very high quality maps from HERE Technologies, which improves the quality of our assessment of prudence and risk. This partnership heralds applications around the world, with ambitious global deployment.


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Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety
with next generation, cognitive artificial intelligence



• Nexyad aggregates extensive data sources in a vehicle, including HERE data, in real time to assess driving behaviour given the surrounding context
• Based on this assessment, Nexyad recommends a maximum speed and delivers a driving score
• Nexyad’s technology is already being used by Brightmile in the UK, Montbleu in India and Milla in France

July 6, 2021

Paris and Amsterdam – Nexyad, the embedded, real-time platform for aggregating on-board data, and HERE Technologies, the leading location data and technology platform, are now working together to apply cognitive AI to road safety.

On-board data

Nexyad uses cognitive AI to aggregate extensive data sources in a vehicle in real time and interprets them to assess whether a certain driving behaviour is appropriate given the surrounding context. Nexyad’s assessment, that can easily be delivered to a driver via a mobile phone, can be calculated from four sets of data only: HERE map, Global Navigation Satellite System, electronic horizon and acceleration. Nexyad’s platform is also scalable and can aggregate data from Advanced Driving Assistant Systems (ADAS) sensors to include camera, radar and lidar, weather (visibility and temperature), and traffic data.

Maximum speed recommended for a specific vehicle at a specific time

Nexyad’s real-time data aggregation platform provides two output values 20 times every second: the lack of caution of the driver and the maximum speed recommended given the road conditions – legal speed limit, road roughness, topography of the road, weather, and traffic. Nexyad bases its analysis on several thousand road accident reports, using a set of rules from modern hybrid AI which includes knowledge-based systems, deep learning, neural gas, PAC (Possibly Approximatively Correct) learning, game theory, reinforcement learning, possibility theory and fuzzy logic.

By recommending a “maximum cautious speed” based on real-time data and context-specific to every single vehicle, driver and driving environment, Nexyad’s approach goes much further than the European requirement for vehicles to be aware of the legal speed limit on each road segment (Intelligent Speed Assist). Nexyad’s safety coach called SafetyNex acts as a true co-pilot for the driver as it provides real-time guidance so as to anticipate possible emergency situations ahead that may lead to an accident. This proactive coaching activates while driving and has been demonstrated to reduce accident rates by at least 25% (Impact assessment on road accident rate reduction of NEXYAD cognitive AI SafetyNex, available on demand).

A risk score for drivers and autonomous shuttles

Nexyad provides drivers with a score that reflects the risk associated with their driving behavior. Nexyad’s platform is being used by insurers to provide recommendations to drivers and generate a risk profile. For example, Brightmile, a start-up incubated by Kamet, AXA’s insurer tech studio, is using Nexyad’s SafetyNex software as one of the parameters of their smartphone-based telematics solutions for fleets. India’s Montbleu also relies on Nexyad’s SafetyNex for its smartphone-based app ‘ROAD-Drive it Safe’. Milla, the French autonomous electric shuttle, uses SafetyNex to adapt vehicle speeds according to driving conditions and alerts the service operator (on-board and/or off-board) to take appropriate action when the level of risk is estimated too high.

Nexyad has started to integrate the HERE HD Live Map to provide OEMs with Predictive Automotive Cruise Control services whereby appropriate speeds are not only being recommended but automatically implemented. Moving forward, connected vehicles will use SafetyNex to assess the level of caution of their own driving and will be able to adopt the appropriate speed even in unknown road conditions.

“We found that the maps from HERE are accurate to the centimetre and constantly updated to the second. Every detail counts for us – the topography of the road, the exact positioning of the crossing, the location of a school. With our mission being to save lives, we cannot settle for anything less than the best,” says Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad.

“Nexyad’s SafetyNex software is one of a kind – not only does it provide a score for the lack of caution of the driver, based on the environment in real time, it also recommends an appropriate driving speed. This is the future for Predictive Automotive Cruise Control systems, insurers and autonomous vehicles,” says Gilles Martinelli, Director of Automotive at HERE Technologies. Demos of Nexyad’s safety coach SafetyNext can be found here and here.

Media Contacts

Adrianne Montgobert
+49 151 72 11 67 81

Gerard Yahiaoui

About HERE Technologies
HERE, a location data and technology platform, moves people, businesses and cities forward by harnessing the power of location. By leveraging our open platform, we empower our customers to achieve better outcomes – from helping a city manage its infrastructure or a business optimize its assets to guiding drivers to their destination safely. To learn more about HERE, please visit and

About Nexyad
Nexyad is a Paris-based AI start-up founded by former professors and researchers of AI and applied maths, specialized in road safety. We propose a unique next generation hybrid cognitive AI that improves road safety, avoids emergency situations and road accidents, and saves lives. We help our customers integrate our technology into their valuable products for insurance & fleets, for automotive Safety Coach or Predictive ACC, and for Autonomous Vehicles « aware » of their level of caution in driving regardingcontext and able to adapt to unknown situations to keep caution level high enough.

See press release


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NEXYAD CEO Interview about OASIS Project at Mobility TV


Mobility TV – OASIS, when data improves road safety

When data, artificial intelligence and vehicle-to-vehicle connectivity improve road safety, that is the goal of the OASIS project. Fruit of the cross collaboration of 3 French SMEs, each expert in their field. A collaboration made possible thanks to the NextMove competitiveness cluster. An interview conducted by Pierre de Vilno, with Marc Charlet director at NextMove, Frédéric Mathis CEO of MILLA Group, Thierry Ernst CEO of YoGoKo, and Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad.



Mobility TV – OASIS, quand les data améliorent la sécurité routière

Quand les données, l’intelligence artificielle et la connectivité entre véhicules améliorent la sécurité routière, c’est l’objectif du projet OASIS. Fruit de la collaboration croisée de 3 PME françaises expertes chacune dans leur domaine. Une collaboration rendue possible grâce au pôle de compétitivité NextMove. Une interview conduite par Pierre de Vilno, avec Marc Charlet Directeur Général de NextMove, Frédéric Mathis PDG de MILLA Group, Thierry Ernst PDG de YoGoKo, et Gérard Yahiaoui PDG de Nexyad. See the original video


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Press about Nexyad


Read article


Links to different news about Nexyad in world media :

Automotive world: Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety with next generation cognitive artificial intelligence

Traffic Technology Today: Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety with next generation cognitive artificial intelligence

DécryptaGéo: Nexyad et HERE améliorent la sécurité routière grâce à l’intelligence artificielle cognitive

Nexyad和HERE合作 通过下一代认知AI提高车辆安全性

Auto Innovations: Nexyad et HERE améliorent la sécurité routière grâce à l’intelligence artificielle cognitive

Industrie Mag: Nexyad et HERE améliorent la sécurité routière grâce à l’IA cognitive

AI Authority: Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety with next generation cognitive artificial intelligence  

TU Auto: HERE claims next gen cognitive ai for driver rating

Autonomous vehicle international: Nexyad and HERE partner on next generation cognitive artificial intelligence

National Computrade News: Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety with next generation cognitive artificial intelligence

Telematics News: Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety with next generation cognitive artificial intelligence



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Dreamotor One, the Nexyad project of demo car


Nexyad launchs Dreamotor One a demo car that will demonstrate excellence and innovations of SMEs and startups embarking testers in real situations on open roads around Congresses and events about Automated Driving, and Connected Mobility in all Europe.

In France, Nexyad signed a partnership with Nextmove Demo ICIM project that will show the vehicle on all events the  cluster is involved with.

The values promoted by Dreamotor One are Electric Mobility, Road Safety, Artificial Intelligence, Ecology & Environment, Startups & SMEs.


Nexyad will integrate its cognitive AI which aggregates all the data available on board and which calculates 20 times per second: (unique features in real time, making it possible to correct driving behavior with anticipation, to avoid emergency situations, and by way of consequence, accidents).

  • The « safety coach » in manual driving: Nexyad’s AI is used informatively to coach the driver while driving, by offering anticipatory actions in order to avoid potential emergency situations as much as possible
  • “Predictive ACC” (driving delegation, by pressing an ACC button): the vehicle manages its speed automatically to remain cautious. This mode is automatically disengaged if the driver acts on the vehicle. allows to control an ACC which becomes predictive (slows down before difficulties to help the driver)
  • The vehicle can prove its level of caution at any time when it is delegated to drive

We encourage Startups and SMEs interested to contact us in order to put their high valuable technologies in the Dreamotor One.

Safety Coach for car manufacturers

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #32, June 8th, 2021


Safety Coach for car manufacturers


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Safety Coach for car manufacturers by SafetyNex NEXYAD

– Article and Video « Oasis is a total and integrated vision of road safety » by l’Automobile & l’Entreprise 

– NEXYAD CEO interview on top french RADIO Europe 1

– The discussing on government ordinances regarding Autonomous Vehicle data

– The Independant News Company foodnewstoday24 takls about OASIS  Project


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Nexyad CEO Editorial

NEXYAD has developed a unique cognitive AI platform that aggregates all available sources on board a vehicle, in real time during the trip. In particular it aggregates : digital map, electronic horizon, GNSS, accel, jerk, speed, diagnostics at the output of ADAS sensors (camera, radar, lidar, …) with detection of pedestrians, cars, truck etc, driver monitoring, V2X hazard warnings. This data aggregation technology is called SafetyNex. In real time, and while driving, 20 times per second, SafetyNex calculates:
. the level of driving caution in view of the context
. the contextualized level of lack of prudence called driving risk
. the maximum speed not to be exceeded to guarantee a good level of caution knowing the context
After deploying this data aggregation AI on aftermarket products for fleets and insurers (dashcam, telematics device, smartphone app), we are starting integrations for OEMs in vehicle projects.
Our AI architecture is what Silicon Valley experts use to call « hybrid next generation » AI.

The 3 typical applications are to date:
. the Safety Coach, copied from the fleet and insurance applications, but with more input data because it is integrated directly into the vehicle. Alerts inform driver before potential difficulties that it would be good to slow down a little (for instance). This avoids the major part of emergency situations (the nit avoids accident) and improves comfort and «zero stress» experience.


. the Intelligent ACC, which modulates the speed of the vehicle, including in dense urban areas, in order to guarantee a given level of caution. Every time that driving risk could rise because unsafe acts are detected in driving behavior, the car modulates its speed to stay in the « green zone ». Again, mitigating risk (driving in a cautious way) minimizes occurrence of emergency situations that may lead to accident, and then minimizes occurrence of emergency quick reflexes of the car (e.g. AEB) that are not good for comfort.
. the Autonomous Driving system controller which informs the autonomous vehicle at all times of the risk it is taking in order to allow AV to adapt and guarantee an acceptable level of caution, including in new and unknown situations

This entering in the automotive market is a second step for NEXYAD that has worked for 20 years to design, develop, perfect, and industrialize this hybrid cognitive AI. Together we will prevent more traffic accidents and save more lives.

                                                                     Gerard Yahiaoui, NEXYAD CEO


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The Safety Coach Application for car manufacturers by SafetyNex NEXYAD


SafetyNex is the first and unique on-board hybrid AI platform that aggregates in real time all the data available on board (static as dynamic) in the vehicle and calculates 20 times per second a level of caution, a value of driving risk, to deliver alerts, the maximum speed not to be exceeded in order to remain cautious, given the driving context (here and now).

The « Safety Coach » application is a variation of SafetyNex integrated into the vehicle and which benefits from the available input data (automotive quality). HMIs can, of course, differ from one OEM to another. The common thread is that they are proactive safety coaches: coaching takes place during the trip, a few seconds before potential difficulties, and advises the driver to slow down (for example), instead of doing so after the trip.

Important: this does not prevent the application from offering a debriefing after the trip which is suitable for professional drivers, as well as for privates. In the image below, we can see the value of the risk of a trip (level of lack of caution). As our risk scale has been calibrated with road safety experts from 19 countries, 95% of global accidents happen between 90% and 100% risk taking.


Proactivity of the Safety Coach

The Safety Coach is proactive, he doesn’t just send summaries, he interacts in real time (HMI to be developed as part of an OEM application, one of the avenues being integration into the navigation system): when the driver crosses the value 90%, it is important to alert it. This alert (red) is not an emergency alert, it is an anticipatory alert ultimately expressing « you are being reckless ».

The driver then has time to take his/her foot off the accelerator (in general), and to return to safe driving, without stress and without loss of comfort. In doing so, it decreases the bad luck of finding itself in an emergency situation that would trigger safety ADAS (such as emergency braking, for example). You can see a yellow-orange line called « yellow alert » or « orange alert ». We recommend leaving the setting of this alert in the hand of the driver: if the driver feels reassured by « talkative » assistance, then he will descend the yellow line. If, on the contrary, the driver does not like interfaces that interact too much with him, he will set the line high enough. In the latter case of adjustment, we can for example place the yellow line at 80%, which makes it possible to be alerted just before the red threshold of 90% and thus avoid exceeding it.

Behavioral coaching and profiling

At the end of the trip, our Safety Coach offers statistics returned to the driver, which is complementary to proactive coaching. These data make it possible to comprehensively assess the behavior and the nature of driving: it is the driver’s signature.

Our technology calculates a detailed signature that we restore in a summary, partial and synthetic way, with a « gamming » aspect.

For example: (case of a real test run in Normandy).

An overall safe driving score.

We developed this rating with our panel of 3,500 testers: it varies analogicaly with the level of caution. We have tried a lot of settings, and have opted for a rating that always gives the impression of being rather high, even if we only win « cups » (bronze – silver – gold) from 92% (out of 100%).  

Safety Coach and gamification

In order for the driver to want to play, he must be able to « win ». We have added a “facebook” button to our demo app: a sentence is automatically published on the user’s facebook (if they have accepted the connection), and only when the driver has won a cup: “I am a safe driver, today I won the bronze cup on a trip with the SafetyNex road safety tool ”. This part is there to suggest « gamification » or even incentive ideas to OEMs. An interesting incentive is the voucher at the car manufacturer brand’s store.

Safety Coach trip data

Also on our demo app (which is made to give ideas), we also offer the following data:

Driver knowledge

We are the only ones to offer this data:

  • the safe driving score is the one displayed on the « cup » page
  • anticipation is the driver’s ability to generate red alerts as little as possible
  • the self-confidence expressed on a trip depends on the most frequent level of risk: if the driver regulates his risk around 60% he has expressed greater self-confidence than that of a driver who has regulated his risk around 50 %.
  • driving skills: which represents the ability of a driver to reproduce his risk-taking identically throughout the trip. It is then easy to distinguish a pilot from a novice driver.

Tips for improving

Then, we propose a view of the risk on the duration of the trip:

The driver can visualize when he exceeded the yellow /orange threshold, and also threshold for red alerts, and what the difficulties were in front of the vehicle.

Finally, we give the driver a detailed coaching sentence:

This coaching phrase is « scalable » depending on the number of different variables that we want to be able to generate and the desired level of detail:

  • the safe driving score
  • the anticipation score
  • the self-confidence
  • the driving skills score
  • the types of infrastructure that gave rise to an alert,
  • etc…

The processing of the above variables makes it possible to generate approximately 1.000 different sentences, and if we decide to generate 3 equivalent sentences (different formatting but same coaching) per case, we then have 3.000 sentences: this gives the feeling to the driver that vehicle is « talking to him ». The « robot » effect is completely erased. We noted during our panel test that this is very important for the experience of the user who does not like to find the same advice.



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Article and Video « Oasis is a total and integrated vision of road safety »
by L’Automobile & L’Entreprise


« Président de Nexyad, qui a développé une IA cognitive globale, Gérard Yahiaoui nous présente le projet Oasis qui réunit aussi Yogoko, spécialiste des télécoms appliqués à la sécurité, et Milla Group, qui développe des navettes autonomes de dernière génération. Vers la fin des accidents ? »
« Toujours aussi brillant et pédagogue, Gérard Yahiaoui nous explique les détails du projet Oasis qui s’est formé dans le cadre de Nextmove (ex Mov’eo) : « Il faut le souligner car Nextmove est pleinement dans son rôle en créant des échanges entre des entreprises aux expertises variées et en faisant naître des projets ».
CEO of Nexyad, which has developed a global cognitive AI, Gérard Yahiaoui presents the Oasis project, which also brings together Yogoko, a specialist in telecommunications applied to safety, and Milla Group, which develops the latest generation of autonomous shuttles. Towards the end of accidents?
« Always brilliant and pedagogue, Gérard Yahiaoui explains the details of Oasis project which was formed as part of Nextmove (ex Mov’eo):« This must be emphasized because Nextmove is fully in its role by creating exchanges between companies with varied expertise and by giving birth to projects.”  
Source et suite de l’article


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NEXYAD CEO interview on top french RADIO Europe 1


Trois PME françaises élaborent une voiture capable d’anticiper les risques de la route.

Trois PME françaises spécialisées dans l’automobile du future et l’intelligence artificielle cherchent à développer un programme capable d’analyser la qualité des routes, les conditions de trafic et les comportements des conducteurs afin d’anticiper la conduite à adopter et prévenir ainsi les accidents de la route.

Three French SMEs are developing a car capable of anticipating the risks on roads.

Three French SMEs specializing in the automobile of the future and Artificial Intelligence are seeking to develop a program capable of analyzing the quality of roads, traffic conditions and driver behavior in order to anticipate the behavior to be adopted and thus prevent road accidents.

Trois PME françaises élaborent une voiture capable d’anticiper les risques de la route (


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The discussing on government ordinances regarding Autonomous Vehicle data


Données des véhicules : Nexyad salue les ordonnances gouvernementales

La prise de position du ministère des Transports et de la Transition écologique a été reçue favorablement par Nexyad. Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO de Nexyad, parle de la fin d’une omerta sur les données, mais appelle à plus de précisions. C’est un petit pas pour le véhicule autonome, mais c’est un grand pas pour le législateur. « Le texte ne va pas assez loin, mais il va dans le bon sens« , a commenté Gérard Yahiaoui, le fondateur et CEO de Nexyad. Interrogé sur la portée des ordonnances annoncées la semaine passée par le ministère des Transports et de la Transition écologique qui comprend un volet sur le véhicule autonome, celui qui assure par ailleurs la vice-présidence de NextMove (ex-Pôle Mov’eo) en Ile-de-France a salué la volonté de « casser l’omerta des datas » tout en précisant qu’il reste à définir un cadre clair. « Nous sommes encore limités dans l’accès aux données qui permettent de nourrir l’intelligence artificielle et ce, parfois, pour de bonnes raisons, a rappelé Gérard Yahiaoui. Mais nos concurrents américains et chinois vont vite et il faut trouver un équilibre entre l’éthique … »  

Vehicle data: Nexyad welcomes government orders

The position taken by the Ministry of Transport and Ecological Transition was favorably received by Nexyad. Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, talks about the end of a data omerta, but calls for more details. This is a small step for the autonomous vehicle, but it is a big step for the legislator. “The text does not go far enough, but it goes in the right direction,” commented Gérard Yahiaoui, founder and CEO of Nexyad. Asked about the scope of the ordinances announced last week by the Ministry of Transport and Ecological Transition which includes a component on the autonomous vehicle, the one which also ensures the vice-presidency of French research cluster NextMove (ex-Pôle Mov’eo) in Ile -de-France welcomed the desire to “break the omerta of data” while specifying that a clear framework remains to be defined. « We are still limited in access to the data that feeds artificial intelligence, sometimes for good reasons, » said Gérard Yahiaoui. But our American and Chinese competitors are going fast and we have to find a balance between ethics … « 

Lire la suite sur le JournalAuto

  Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO de Nexyad et VP de NextMove Ile de France


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The Independant News Company foodnewstoday24 talks about OASIS Project

Three French SMEs specializing in the automobile of the future and artificial intelligence are seeking to develop a program capable of analyzing the quality of roads, traffic conditions and driver behavior in order to anticipate the behavior to be adopted and thus prevent accidents. road accidents.

NEXYAD is Deploying AI for Road Safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #31, April 5th, 2021


Nexyad is Deploying Artificial Intelligence for Road Safety


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Nexyad’s Customer Testimony 

– Nexyad Change Logo 

– OASIS Project with MillaGroup, YoGoKo and Nexyad

– SafetyNex AI Technology for Driving Coach and Predictive ACC

– Intelligent & Predictive ACC with SafetyNex

– Road Safety Digital MAPS using Risk Data from SafetyNex

– They talk about Nexyad



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Nexyad CEO Editorial




Despite the economic situation due to Covid-19, Nexyad is on a ramp up in this beginning of the year. We continue pushing innovation for our customers and partners.
We are a deep tech team. We propose on-board embedded real time artificial intelligence software modules for a better road safety.
Our AI modules:
. work in the real world
. already have strong customers references
. run in standard hardware architectures (from smartphones to car computers)
. can generate valuable data for customers, some generated data are geolocated and may enhance maps power for safe mobility.
We serve our customers with a high level of involvement, quality, reliability, reactivity, and performance.
We will always be there to help you making roads safer for everyone.

We Save Lives



NEXYAD Change Logo



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MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad Launch OASIS Project


MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad launch OASIS project with driver assistance solution for everyone

French excellence for a decisive step towards road safety autonomous vehicles.

Meudon, February 2021 – MillaGroup, Nexyad and YoGoKo launch the project in partnership OASIS (cOoperative Assistance System In Safe road), which announces new technological advances around cooperative driving assistance systems for all. The OASIS project proposes to develop and integrate new enhanced driving assistance features, based on an innovative data fusion solution. The data comes from V2X communications, driving risk assessment, and predictive collision estimation.

Although the number of accidents decreases each year in France, more than a third of fatal accidents are linked to a collision. Today, cooperative ADAS solutions integrate data related to the human factor and driver inattention. The implementation of these driving aids (ADAS) takes into account the concept of risk. In driving, 75% of the risk is linked to inappropriate driver behavior, linked to road and urban infrastructure.

The technology developed within the partnership is based on Nexyad’s expertise and knowledge of road risks. Safetynex is a data aggregation software module that detects 20 times per second any lack of caution (also called risk of driving) in driving behavior in view of the road context. Integrated into a real-time on-board AI, the solution makes the vehicle smarter and teaches it to anticipate certain situations, such as by slowing down preventively. Combining the Y-CONNECT solution with Y-SMART communication technology from YoGoKo increases the perception of the vehicle’s environment. YoGoKo combines V2X communications between vehicles and with the road infrastructure with the collision risk calculations related to road behavior offered by Nexyad.


The OASIS project offers a global vision of road safety, deployed in marketed vehicles. This is experienced on the autonomous shuttles produced by MillaGroup. MillaGroup is a mobility provider offering on-demand and multimodal transport solutions (for people and goods) in rural and peri-urban areas. Since 2019, MILLA POD shuttles have been running on an open road every day at a speed of 30 km/h in autonomous mode.

This combination of expertise in the area of risk management with Nexyad, connectivity with YoGoKo and vehicles deployment by MillaGroup will allow, among other things, an autonomous vehicle to drive thru an intersection with low visibility and priorities.

Thus, the OASIS project brings new perspectives in response to the needs of improving road safety and increasing the perception of the vehicle’s environment. The system deployed, with risk traceability, takes into account the legal aspect and will make it possible to dispel the debate on liability in the event of an accident:

– an assessment of driver behavior based on risk

– improved predictive ACC and AD systems « aware » of the risk they are taking, and able to prove their level of caution at all times (in response to legal and insurance questions)

– a new collision warning

– a smarter predictive AEB

Whether it is for the detection of lack of caution, dangerous situations, or emergency situations, road safety is integrated. This decompart- mentalised approach is completely innovative compared to the segmented approach by « use case » of the automobile. A system vision that must bring rapid progress in road safety, and on a larger scale respond to societal challenges.



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SafetyNex AI Technology for Driving Coach and Predictive ACC


When you look at this video, imagine that information pasted by our module SafetyNex are inputs to your digital driving coach and your predictive ACC: easy to integrate and efficient

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Intelligent & Predictive ACC with SafetyNex


how to make ACC automatically follow rules of the road (slightly slow down before an intersection, etc.) without long and complex development?

New developments are starting up everywhere to make ACCs smarter, which could, for example, automatically slow down slightly before an intersection, and then pick up the speed of initial cruise. The whole question is: when should the vehicle be made to slow down? crossing? turn ? school zone ? roundabout ? pedestrian zone ? pedestrian crossing? Traffic light ? stop sign ? give way ? etc.
And how to deal with the whole combination of these simple cases? (school located behind a bend with an intersection at left…).
And if we have to slow down, when? of how much ? with what speed profile?
Finally, to sum up, the idea is to make ACC follow the rules of the road so that it modulates vehicle speed exactly as a driver should do on license day.
The combination of cases is huge. NEXYAD provides an elegant, reliable, efficient and very simple solution to integrate into a vehicle, which resolves all the simple cases and all their combinations. The modification to be made to a regular  ACC system is minimal and formal proof of safety (SIL) is very simple to do.
Indeed, NEXYAD has carried out research and development in AI for more than 20 years on road safety. and now offers a real-time on-board software module called SafetyNex.
SafetyNex permanently monitors both driving behavior (speed, accel) and driving context (in particular complexity of the infrastructure, via the navigation map).

  At every moment, SafetyNex detects any mismatch between driving behavior and driving context. Such a mismatch is interpreted as a lack of caution, and the degree of lack of caution is called « Driving risk »: this is the risk taken by the driver (human, human assisted by robots, or AD system).
The higher the risk, the greater the number of emergency situations encountered by the vehicle. Conversely, the lower the risk, the lower the number of emergencies statistically encountered.
Note : do not confuse the « driving risk » as defined above with criticality (probability of interpretation of trajectories, time to collision, etc.), the two concepts coexisting in road safety systems.
For a given driving context, the driving risk depends ONLY on the speed profile of the vehicle approaching a potential singularity of infratructure.
It then becomes clear that by regulating the speed we can keep the risk of driving below a maximum accepted value. SafetyNex is then used to define the setpoint speed value Vr (at each instant) which makes it possible to guarantee that we never exceed the maximum accepted.
On the other hand, any current ACC already defines a speed setpoint Vo.
By simply taking as the new speed setpoint the smaller of these two speeds, we obtain directly and without any further development, a vehicle that slows down before intersections (for example) with the « Good » speed profile which guarantees safe driving.
This simple, validated, efficient, and quick to integrate system is currently being integrated by OEMs with support by NEXYAD.

Contact us for more details.


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Road Safety Digital MAPS using Risk Data from SafetyNex

. Record into map layers the geolocated setpoint speed not to exceed in order to stay under a driving risk (lack of caution) of X%

. Deploy road safety alerts on smartphones and telematics devices without computing power (only reading the map)

. Deploy easy to develop Apps for insurers and fleets

. Deploy vehicle intelligent ACC at very low cost without computing power onboard

. Make your map THE map of reference for any mobility application (any market)


Contact us for more details.


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They Talk about NEXYAD

Journalist, Automotive Expert
Read more on the Blog:



« La technologie développée au sein du partenariat s’appuie sur l’expertise de Nexyad et sa connaissance des risques routiers. SafetyNex est un module logiciel d’agrégation de données qui détecte 20 fois par seconde tout mande de prudence (appelé aussi risque de conduite) dans le comportement de conduite et en fonction du contexte de circulation. Intégrée dans une IA temps réel embarquée, la solution rend le véhicule plus intelligent et lui apprend à anticiper certaines situations, comme par exemple en ralentissant de manière préventive.

Pour rendre ce module encore plus performant, l’idée est donc d’y associer la technologie de communication Y-SMART de YoGoKo. Cela permet d’augmenter la perception de l’environnement du véhicule. YoGoKo associe les communications V2X réalisées entre véhicules et avec l’infrastructure routière aux calculs de risques de collisions liés au comportement routier proposés par Nexyad.

Le projet OASIS est expérimenté sur les navettes autonomes produites par MillaGroup (un acteur dont j’ai déjà parlé sur ce blog). Depuis 2019, les navettes MILLAPOD circulent tous les jours sur route ouverte à la vitesse de 30km/h en mode autonome.


We Save Lives

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NEXYAD Change Logo



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MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad Launch OASIS Project


MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad launch OASIS project with driver assistance solution for everyone

French excellence for a decisive step towards road safety autonomous vehicles.

Meudon, February 2021 – MillaGroup, Nexyad and YoGoKo launch the project in partnership OASIS (cOoperative Assistance System In Safe road), which announces new technological advances around cooperative driving assistance systems for all. The OASIS project proposes to develop and integrate new enhanced driving assistance features, based on an innovative data fusion solution. The data comes from V2X communications, driving risk assessment, and predictive collision estimation.

Although the number of accidents decreases each year in France, more than a third of fatal accidents are linked to a collision. Today, cooperative ADAS solutions integrate data related to the human factor and driver inattention. The implementation of these driving aids (ADAS) takes into account the concept of risk. In driving, 75% of the risk is linked to inappropriate driver behavior, linked to road and urban infrastructure.

The technology developed within the partnership is based on Nexyad’s expertise and knowledge of road risks. Safetynex is a data aggregation software module that detects 20 times per second any lack of caution (also called risk of driving) in driving behavior in view of the road context. Integrated into a real-time on-board AI, the solution makes the vehicle smarter and teaches it to anticipate certain situations, such as by slowing down preventively. Combining the Y-CONNECT solution with Y-SMART communication technology from YoGoKo increases the perception of the vehicle’s environment. YoGoKo combines V2X communications between vehicles and with the road infrastructure with the collision risk calculations related to road behavior offered by Nexyad.


The OASIS project offers a global vision of road safety, deployed in marketed vehicles. This is experienced on the autonomous shuttles produced by MillaGroup. MillaGroup is a mobility provider offering on-demand and multimodal transport solutions (for people and goods) in rural and peri-urban areas. Since 2019, MILLA POD shuttles have been running on an open road every day at a speed of 30 km/h in autonomous mode.

This combination of expertise in the area of risk management with Nexyad, connectivity with YoGoKo and vehicles deployment by MillaGroup will allow, among other things, an autonomous vehicle to drive thru an intersection with low visibility and priorities.

Thus, the OASIS project brings new perspectives in response to the needs of improving road safety and increasing the perception of the vehicle’s environment. The system deployed, with risk traceability, takes into account the legal aspect and will make it possible to dispel the debate on liability in the event of an accident:

– an assessment of driver behavior based on risk

– improved predictive ACC and AD systems « aware » of the risk they are taking, and able to prove their level of caution at all times (in response to legal and insurance questions)

– a new collision warning

– a smarter predictive AEB

Whether it is for the detection of lack of caution, dangerous situations, or emergency situations, road safety is integrated. This decompart- mentalised approach is completely innovative compared to the segmented approach by « use case » of the automobile. A system vision that must bring rapid progress in road safety, and on a larger scale respond to societal challenges.



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SafetyNex AI Technology for Driving Coach and Predictive ACC


When you look at this video, imagine that information pasted by our module SafetyNex are inputs to your digital driving coach and your predictive ACC: easy to integrate and efficient

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Intelligent & Predictive ACC with SafetyNex


how to make ACC automatically follow rules of the road (slightly slow down before an intersection, etc.) without long and complex development?

New developments are starting up everywhere to make ACCs smarter, which could, for example, automatically slow down slightly before an intersection, and then pick up the speed of initial cruise. The whole question is: when should the vehicle be made to slow down? crossing? turn ? school zone ? roundabout ? pedestrian zone ? pedestrian crossing? Traffic light ? stop sign ? give way ? etc.
And how to deal with the whole combination of these simple cases? (school located behind a bend with an intersection at left…).
And if we have to slow down, when? of how much ? with what speed profile?
Finally, to sum up, the idea is to make ACC follow the rules of the road so that it modulates vehicle speed exactly as a driver should do on license day.
The combination of cases is huge. NEXYAD provides an elegant, reliable, efficient and very simple solution to integrate into a vehicle, which resolves all the simple cases and all their combinations. The modification to be made to a regular  ACC system is minimal and formal proof of safety (SIL) is very simple to do.
Indeed, NEXYAD has carried out research and development in AI for more than 20 years on road safety. and now offers a real-time on-board software module called SafetyNex.
SafetyNex permanently monitors both driving behavior (speed, accel) and driving context (in particular complexity of the infrastructure, via the navigation map).

  At every moment, SafetyNex detects any mismatch between driving behavior and driving context. Such a mismatch is interpreted as a lack of caution, and the degree of lack of caution is called « Driving risk »: this is the risk taken by the driver (human, human assisted by robots, or AD system).
The higher the risk, the greater the number of emergency situations encountered by the vehicle. Conversely, the lower the risk, the lower the number of emergencies statistically encountered.
Note : do not confuse the « driving risk » as defined above with criticality (probability of interpretation of trajectories, time to collision, etc.), the two concepts coexisting in road safety systems.
For a given driving context, the driving risk depends ONLY on the speed profile of the vehicle approaching a potential singularity of infratructure.
It then becomes clear that by regulating the speed we can keep the risk of driving below a maximum accepted value. SafetyNex is then used to define the setpoint speed value Vr (at each instant) which makes it possible to guarantee that we never exceed the maximum accepted.
On the other hand, any current ACC already defines a speed setpoint Vo.
By simply taking as the new speed setpoint the smaller of these two speeds, we obtain directly and without any further development, a vehicle that slows down before intersections (for example) with the « Good » speed profile which guarantees safe driving.
This simple, validated, efficient, and quick to integrate system is currently being integrated by OEMs with support by NEXYAD.

Contact us for more details.


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Road Safety Digital MAPS using Risk Data from SafetyNex

. Record into map layers the geolocated setpoint speed not to exceed in order to stay under a driving risk (lack of caution) of X%

. Deploy road safety alerts on smartphones and telematics devices without computing power (only reading the map)

. Deploy easy to develop Apps for insurers and fleets

. Deploy vehicle intelligent ACC at very low cost without computing power onboard

. Make your map THE map of reference for any mobility application (any market)


Contact us for more details.


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They Talk about NEXYAD

Journalist, Automotive Expert
Read more on the Blog:



« La technologie développée au sein du partenariat s’appuie sur l’expertise de Nexyad et sa connaissance des risques routiers. SafetyNex est un module logiciel d’agrégation de données qui détecte 20 fois par seconde tout mande de prudence (appelé aussi risque de conduite) dans le comportement de conduite et en fonction du contexte de circulation. Intégrée dans une IA temps réel embarquée, la solution rend le véhicule plus intelligent et lui apprend à anticiper certaines situations, comme par exemple en ralentissant de manière préventive.

Pour rendre ce module encore plus performant, l’idée est donc d’y associer la technologie de communication Y-SMART de YoGoKo. Cela permet d’augmenter la perception de l’environnement du véhicule. YoGoKo associe les communications V2X réalisées entre véhicules et avec l’infrastructure routière aux calculs de risques de collisions liés au comportement routier proposés par Nexyad.

Le projet OASIS est expérimenté sur les navettes autonomes produites par MillaGroup (un acteur dont j’ai déjà parlé sur ce blog). Depuis 2019, les navettes MILLAPOD circulent tous les jours sur route ouverte à la vitesse de 30km/h en mode autonome.


We Save Lives

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NEXYAD Change Logo



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MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad Launch OASIS Project


MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad launch OASIS project with driver assistance solution for everyone

French excellence for a decisive step towards road safety autonomous vehicles.

Meudon, February 2021 – MillaGroup, Nexyad and YoGoKo launch the project in partnership OASIS (cOoperative Assistance System In Safe road), which announces new technological advances around cooperative driving assistance systems for all. The OASIS project proposes to develop and integrate new enhanced driving assistance features, based on an innovative data fusion solution. The data comes from V2X communications, driving risk assessment, and predictive collision estimation.

Although the number of accidents decreases each year in France, more than a third of fatal accidents are linked to a collision. Today, cooperative ADAS solutions integrate data related to the human factor and driver inattention. The implementation of these driving aids (ADAS) takes into account the concept of risk. In driving, 75% of the risk is linked to inappropriate driver behavior, linked to road and urban infrastructure.

The technology developed within the partnership is based on Nexyad’s expertise and knowledge of road risks. Safetynex is a data aggregation software module that detects 20 times per second any lack of caution (also called risk of driving) in driving behavior in view of the road context. Integrated into a real-time on-board AI, the solution makes the vehicle smarter and teaches it to anticipate certain situations, such as by slowing down preventively. Combining the Y-CONNECT solution with Y-SMART communication technology from YoGoKo increases the perception of the vehicle’s environment. YoGoKo combines V2X communications between vehicles and with the road infrastructure with the collision risk calculations related to road behavior offered by Nexyad.


The OASIS project offers a global vision of road safety, deployed in marketed vehicles. This is experienced on the autonomous shuttles produced by MillaGroup. MillaGroup is a mobility provider offering on-demand and multimodal transport solutions (for people and goods) in rural and peri-urban areas. Since 2019, MILLA POD shuttles have been running on an open road every day at a speed of 30 km/h in autonomous mode.

This combination of expertise in the area of risk management with Nexyad, connectivity with YoGoKo and vehicles deployment by MillaGroup will allow, among other things, an autonomous vehicle to drive thru an intersection with low visibility and priorities.

Thus, the OASIS project brings new perspectives in response to the needs of improving road safety and increasing the perception of the vehicle’s environment. The system deployed, with risk traceability, takes into account the legal aspect and will make it possible to dispel the debate on liability in the event of an accident:

– an assessment of driver behavior based on risk

– improved predictive ACC and AD systems « aware » of the risk they are taking, and able to prove their level of caution at all times (in response to legal and insurance questions)

– a new collision warning

– a smarter predictive AEB

Whether it is for the detection of lack of caution, dangerous situations, or emergency situations, road safety is integrated. This decompart- mentalised approach is completely innovative compared to the segmented approach by « use case » of the automobile. A system vision that must bring rapid progress in road safety, and on a larger scale respond to societal challenges.



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SafetyNex AI Technology for Driving Coach and Predictive ACC


When you look at this video, imagine that information pasted by our module SafetyNex are inputs to your digital driving coach and your predictive ACC: easy to integrate and efficient

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Intelligent & Predictive ACC with SafetyNex


how to make ACC automatically follow rules of the road (slightly slow down before an intersection, etc.) without long and complex development?

New developments are starting up everywhere to make ACCs smarter, which could, for example, automatically slow down slightly before an intersection, and then pick up the speed of initial cruise. The whole question is: when should the vehicle be made to slow down? crossing? turn ? school zone ? roundabout ? pedestrian zone ? pedestrian crossing? Traffic light ? stop sign ? give way ? etc.
And how to deal with the whole combination of these simple cases? (school located behind a bend with an intersection at left…).
And if we have to slow down, when? of how much ? with what speed profile?
Finally, to sum up, the idea is to make ACC follow the rules of the road so that it modulates vehicle speed exactly as a driver should do on license day.
The combination of cases is huge. NEXYAD provides an elegant, reliable, efficient and very simple solution to integrate into a vehicle, which resolves all the simple cases and all their combinations. The modification to be made to a regular  ACC system is minimal and formal proof of safety (SIL) is very simple to do.
Indeed, NEXYAD has carried out research and development in AI for more than 20 years on road safety. and now offers a real-time on-board software module called SafetyNex.
SafetyNex permanently monitors both driving behavior (speed, accel) and driving context (in particular complexity of the infrastructure, via the navigation map).

  At every moment, SafetyNex detects any mismatch between driving behavior and driving context. Such a mismatch is interpreted as a lack of caution, and the degree of lack of caution is called « Driving risk »: this is the risk taken by the driver (human, human assisted by robots, or AD system).
The higher the risk, the greater the number of emergency situations encountered by the vehicle. Conversely, the lower the risk, the lower the number of emergencies statistically encountered.
Note : do not confuse the « driving risk » as defined above with criticality (probability of interpretation of trajectories, time to collision, etc.), the two concepts coexisting in road safety systems.
For a given driving context, the driving risk depends ONLY on the speed profile of the vehicle approaching a potential singularity of infratructure.
It then becomes clear that by regulating the speed we can keep the risk of driving below a maximum accepted value. SafetyNex is then used to define the setpoint speed value Vr (at each instant) which makes it possible to guarantee that we never exceed the maximum accepted.
On the other hand, any current ACC already defines a speed setpoint Vo.
By simply taking as the new speed setpoint the smaller of these two speeds, we obtain directly and without any further development, a vehicle that slows down before intersections (for example) with the « Good » speed profile which guarantees safe driving.
This simple, validated, efficient, and quick to integrate system is currently being integrated by OEMs with support by NEXYAD.

Contact us for more details.


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Road Safety Digital MAPS using Risk Data from SafetyNex

. Record into map layers the geolocated setpoint speed not to exceed in order to stay under a driving risk (lack of caution) of X%

. Deploy road safety alerts on smartphones and telematics devices without computing power (only reading the map)

. Deploy easy to develop Apps for insurers and fleets

. Deploy vehicle intelligent ACC at very low cost without computing power onboard

. Make your map THE map of reference for any mobility application (any market)


Contact us for more details.


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They Talk about NEXYAD

Journalist, Automotive Expert
Read more on the Blog:



« La technologie développée au sein du partenariat s’appuie sur l’expertise de Nexyad et sa connaissance des risques routiers. SafetyNex est un module logiciel d’agrégation de données qui détecte 20 fois par seconde tout mande de prudence (appelé aussi risque de conduite) dans le comportement de conduite et en fonction du contexte de circulation. Intégrée dans une IA temps réel embarquée, la solution rend le véhicule plus intelligent et lui apprend à anticiper certaines situations, comme par exemple en ralentissant de manière préventive.

Pour rendre ce module encore plus performant, l’idée est donc d’y associer la technologie de communication Y-SMART de YoGoKo. Cela permet d’augmenter la perception de l’environnement du véhicule. YoGoKo associe les communications V2X réalisées entre véhicules et avec l’infrastructure routière aux calculs de risques de collisions liés au comportement routier proposés par Nexyad.

Le projet OASIS est expérimenté sur les navettes autonomes produites par MillaGroup (un acteur dont j’ai déjà parlé sur ce blog). Depuis 2019, les navettes MILLAPOD circulent tous les jours sur route ouverte à la vitesse de 30km/h en mode autonome.


We Save Lives

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NEXYAD’s Customer Testimony


“We have integrated NEXYAD technology into our smartphone App BRIGHTMILE for insurers and fleets and our App reduces accident rate by 25-35% through its worldwide deployment in more than 50 countries. »
Dominic Saunders, CEO of BRIGHTMILE



CEO of NEXYAD (left) and CEO of BRIGHTMILE (right): a handshake to save lives



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NEXYAD Change Logo



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MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad Launch OASIS Project


MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad launch OASIS project with driver assistance solution for everyone

French excellence for a decisive step towards road safety autonomous vehicles.

Meudon, February 2021 – MillaGroup, Nexyad and YoGoKo launch the project in partnership OASIS (cOoperative Assistance System In Safe road), which announces new technological advances around cooperative driving assistance systems for all. The OASIS project proposes to develop and integrate new enhanced driving assistance features, based on an innovative data fusion solution. The data comes from V2X communications, driving risk assessment, and predictive collision estimation.

Although the number of accidents decreases each year in France, more than a third of fatal accidents are linked to a collision. Today, cooperative ADAS solutions integrate data related to the human factor and driver inattention. The implementation of these driving aids (ADAS) takes into account the concept of risk. In driving, 75% of the risk is linked to inappropriate driver behavior, linked to road and urban infrastructure.

The technology developed within the partnership is based on Nexyad’s expertise and knowledge of road risks. Safetynex is a data aggregation software module that detects 20 times per second any lack of caution (also called risk of driving) in driving behavior in view of the road context. Integrated into a real-time on-board AI, the solution makes the vehicle smarter and teaches it to anticipate certain situations, such as by slowing down preventively. Combining the Y-CONNECT solution with Y-SMART communication technology from YoGoKo increases the perception of the vehicle’s environment. YoGoKo combines V2X communications between vehicles and with the road infrastructure with the collision risk calculations related to road behavior offered by Nexyad.


The OASIS project offers a global vision of road safety, deployed in marketed vehicles. This is experienced on the autonomous shuttles produced by MillaGroup. MillaGroup is a mobility provider offering on-demand and multimodal transport solutions (for people and goods) in rural and peri-urban areas. Since 2019, MILLA POD shuttles have been running on an open road every day at a speed of 30 km/h in autonomous mode.

This combination of expertise in the area of risk management with Nexyad, connectivity with YoGoKo and vehicles deployment by MillaGroup will allow, among other things, an autonomous vehicle to drive thru an intersection with low visibility and priorities.

Thus, the OASIS project brings new perspectives in response to the needs of improving road safety and increasing the perception of the vehicle’s environment. The system deployed, with risk traceability, takes into account the legal aspect and will make it possible to dispel the debate on liability in the event of an accident:

– an assessment of driver behavior based on risk

– improved predictive ACC and AD systems « aware » of the risk they are taking, and able to prove their level of caution at all times (in response to legal and insurance questions)

– a new collision warning

– a smarter predictive AEB

Whether it is for the detection of lack of caution, dangerous situations, or emergency situations, road safety is integrated. This decompart- mentalised approach is completely innovative compared to the segmented approach by « use case » of the automobile. A system vision that must bring rapid progress in road safety, and on a larger scale respond to societal challenges.



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SafetyNex AI Technology for Driving Coach and Predictive ACC


When you look at this video, imagine that information pasted by our module SafetyNex are inputs to your digital driving coach and your predictive ACC: easy to integrate and efficient

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Intelligent & Predictive ACC with SafetyNex


how to make ACC automatically follow rules of the road (slightly slow down before an intersection, etc.) without long and complex development?

New developments are starting up everywhere to make ACCs smarter, which could, for example, automatically slow down slightly before an intersection, and then pick up the speed of initial cruise. The whole question is: when should the vehicle be made to slow down? crossing? turn ? school zone ? roundabout ? pedestrian zone ? pedestrian crossing? Traffic light ? stop sign ? give way ? etc.
And how to deal with the whole combination of these simple cases? (school located behind a bend with an intersection at left…).
And if we have to slow down, when? of how much ? with what speed profile?
Finally, to sum up, the idea is to make ACC follow the rules of the road so that it modulates vehicle speed exactly as a driver should do on license day.
The combination of cases is huge. NEXYAD provides an elegant, reliable, efficient and very simple solution to integrate into a vehicle, which resolves all the simple cases and all their combinations. The modification to be made to a regular  ACC system is minimal and formal proof of safety (SIL) is very simple to do.
Indeed, NEXYAD has carried out research and development in AI for more than 20 years on road safety. and now offers a real-time on-board software module called SafetyNex.
SafetyNex permanently monitors both driving behavior (speed, accel) and driving context (in particular complexity of the infrastructure, via the navigation map).

  At every moment, SafetyNex detects any mismatch between driving behavior and driving context. Such a mismatch is interpreted as a lack of caution, and the degree of lack of caution is called « Driving risk »: this is the risk taken by the driver (human, human assisted by robots, or AD system).
The higher the risk, the greater the number of emergency situations encountered by the vehicle. Conversely, the lower the risk, the lower the number of emergencies statistically encountered.
Note : do not confuse the « driving risk » as defined above with criticality (probability of interpretation of trajectories, time to collision, etc.), the two concepts coexisting in road safety systems.
For a given driving context, the driving risk depends ONLY on the speed profile of the vehicle approaching a potential singularity of infratructure.
It then becomes clear that by regulating the speed we can keep the risk of driving below a maximum accepted value. SafetyNex is then used to define the setpoint speed value Vr (at each instant) which makes it possible to guarantee that we never exceed the maximum accepted.
On the other hand, any current ACC already defines a speed setpoint Vo.
By simply taking as the new speed setpoint the smaller of these two speeds, we obtain directly and without any further development, a vehicle that slows down before intersections (for example) with the « Good » speed profile which guarantees safe driving.
This simple, validated, efficient, and quick to integrate system is currently being integrated by OEMs with support by NEXYAD.

Contact us for more details.


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Road Safety Digital MAPS using Risk Data from SafetyNex

. Record into map layers the geolocated setpoint speed not to exceed in order to stay under a driving risk (lack of caution) of X%

. Deploy road safety alerts on smartphones and telematics devices without computing power (only reading the map)

. Deploy easy to develop Apps for insurers and fleets

. Deploy vehicle intelligent ACC at very low cost without computing power onboard

. Make your map THE map of reference for any mobility application (any market)


Contact us for more details.


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They Talk about NEXYAD

Journalist, Automotive Expert
Read more on the Blog:



« La technologie développée au sein du partenariat s’appuie sur l’expertise de Nexyad et sa connaissance des risques routiers. SafetyNex est un module logiciel d’agrégation de données qui détecte 20 fois par seconde tout mande de prudence (appelé aussi risque de conduite) dans le comportement de conduite et en fonction du contexte de circulation. Intégrée dans une IA temps réel embarquée, la solution rend le véhicule plus intelligent et lui apprend à anticiper certaines situations, comme par exemple en ralentissant de manière préventive.

Pour rendre ce module encore plus performant, l’idée est donc d’y associer la technologie de communication Y-SMART de YoGoKo. Cela permet d’augmenter la perception de l’environnement du véhicule. YoGoKo associe les communications V2X réalisées entre véhicules et avec l’infrastructure routière aux calculs de risques de collisions liés au comportement routier proposés par Nexyad.

Le projet OASIS est expérimenté sur les navettes autonomes produites par MillaGroup (un acteur dont j’ai déjà parlé sur ce blog). Depuis 2019, les navettes MILLAPOD circulent tous les jours sur route ouverte à la vitesse de 30km/h en mode autonome.


We Save Lives

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Artificial Intelligence and Road Safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #30, September 14th, 2020


Artificial Intelligence and Road Safety


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Why do we develop real time hybrid Artificial Intelligence for road safety

– OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety

– SafetyNex Integrator BRIGHTMILE unveils partnership with AXA Insurance

– RoadNex Off Road Drivable Surface detection

– Hazard, Criticality, and Risk in Road Safety ?

– Gathering Computer Vision Detection with Prediction and Risk Assessment: This is what we do!

– SafetyNex: ADAS for Road Safety Using Map


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Nexyad CEO Editorial



The world is going through an unprecedented crisis and more than ever it is innovation that will allow industries to take advantage of the opportunities created by destabilization of markets. In this context, it is interesting to notice that NEXYAD finds itself at the center of many strategies of automotive industrial groups, rail, and mobility.

NEXYAD’s embedded software modules are intended to be integrated into application software programs and embedded electronic application platforms, and we are now present on several markets:

  •  advanced telematics, which deploys smartphone apps, electronic devices, and dashcams
  •  automotive, which deploys advanced driver assistance systems, and connected vehicle features
  •  public transport, including bus, tram, metro, train, etc.
  •  advanced autonomous vehicle projects
  •  road safety for motorcycles and bicycles

NEXYAD provides computer vision functions:

  • detection of any lack of visibility, with the VisiNex module (lack of visibility is a factor of risk,
    VisiNex detects fog, heavy rain, sand storm, snow storm, lack of lighting, dust on embedded cameras, …)
  • drivable surface detection, with the RoadNex module
  • detection and recognition of objects, obstacles, ‘a la MOBILEYE’, with the ObstaNex module

Note: VisiNex may also be used to automatically adapt parameters of a complex computer vision chain to image quality. This is used by NEXYAD to increase number of use cases where our computer vision modules lead to good performance. And when image quality (measured with SafetyNex) is not enough for any reliable detection, then NEXYAD modules are aware of it, they can end a special output “not applicable” which is very important for sensor fusion stages.

And our  company also strongly deploys its unique real time driving risk assessment* module SafetyNex, validated in terms of metrics, by global insurers, police of road safety,  one autonomous vehicles manufacturer, and major car OEMs. The current and upcoming deployments in the very short term are in Europe, USA, Asia, India, and China. We are proud of the deployments planned by our integrator customers, because it will allow us, through their high-level products, to save lives, which is our mission statement.

SafetyNex is a Knowledge Based System (Hybrid Artificial Intelligence) involving symbolic reasoning) that monitors in real time driving behavior to detect 20 time per second any lack of cautious. This helps not to go to emergency situations, and if ever, with a driving behavior (vehicle speed and accel) that will be adequate to let more time to ADAS systems for their detection, criticality assessment, decision-making, and action.

This is what we call ANTICIPATION skills.

Real time applications of SafetyNex today are:

  • alerting driver through advanced telematics tools (smartphone App, telematics device, dashcam), for fleets and insurers risk management
  • alerting driver through advanced cockpit HMI systems
  • automatically modulating vehicle speed and accel of ACC (Automated Cruise Control)
  • alerting the AI od AD system that risk is rising

*_Risk Assessment shouldn’t be confused with hazard detection or with criticality assessment during emergency situations. Risk is lack of cautious, it is NOT probability of collision,  and it must be assessed permanently during normal driving. (see our article on risk assessment  in the following articles).

We Save Lives


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Why do we develop real time hybrid Artificial Intelligence for road safety


« We believe that every single Human life on Earth deserves to be saved. We can avoid up to 840 million road accidents and save up to 250 thousand lives per year with Minimum Viable Version of our technology. Road accident is a huge factor of material & resources waste (repair) and pollution/CO2 emissions: by saving lives we also contribute saving the planet. After more then 25 years of high level R&D, we propose today validated onboard AI technology deployed by our customers through easy to use products, for a better road safety »

Check our 1 minute global presentation video :




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OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety


The companies OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety.

Saint Germain en Laye, April 20, 2020 – The company OTN, which develops safety products in the rail sector among others, announces the signature of a partnership with the company Nexyad, specializing in on-board risk assessment of accident, with the aim of developing solutions for predicting and preventing collision risks.

This partnership will significantly improve the performance of current detection systems, by offering a risk detection horizon adapted to the speed of traffic on trams, metros and trains.

This technological contribution will allow rapid migration from simple « detection » to « prediction », thereby improving the overall safety of users and the environment close to the traffic lanes.

The combination of the skills and experience of our two companies will allow us to quickly develop a high-performance analysis system (images, signals, data) to identify the risks of railway equipment in traffic. After six months spent evaluating the work necessary for the development and adaptation of the algorithms, initially intended for road safety, we are happy that this partnership results in the development of prototypes which we will be able to test in real situation in the short term.

OTN, a company based in Saône et Loire, France, manufactures, designs and markets electrical and electromechanical equipment intended for various advanced markets, including railway.

Nexyad, a company based near Paris, markets a global road safety platform for telematics, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and Autonomous Vehicles, currently adapted to railway focus.



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SafetyNex Integrator BRIGHTMILE unveils partnership with AXA Insurance


« AXA Insurance is offering the Brightmile app to its fleet customers as a way of supporting safe driving during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The motor insurer and the tech start-up are partnering on a smartphone telematics solution for fleets, which they are launching during lockdown. »

To reed more:




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RoadNex Off Road Drivable Surface Detection




In this demo video, NEXYAD RoadNex algorithmes are challenged with very bad conditions : There is no wheel angle, off road with kind of white gravels, high light thru trees in the darkness of wood which bring lots of shadows on the trail. The result is pretty good the green highlighting shows where the vehicle is able to go!



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Hazard, Criticality and Risk in Road Safety


Meanings of those words are very different and it is very important to distinguish them:

. HAZARD indicates presence of POTENTIAL DANGER: if behind a door there are toxic materials, you write « HAZARD » on the door. But if the operator who opens the door has the appropriate helmet, he/she can do so at no RISK.

. CRITICALITY indicates a measurable level of DANGER. During a road accident, CRITICALITY is measured by « time to collision », « probability of interception of trajectories », etc.

. RISK indicates the absence of caution: if you put a glass near the edge of the table, you take a RISK. In this case HAZARD is the edge of the table. If the glass falls, at every moment you can measure CRITICALITY of the situation. If you have good reflexes, you can catch the glass. This is what AEB does for vehicles (ADAS). If you want to avoid breaking the glass without using reflexes, you put the glass away from the edge. In road safety, it’s the same, and NEXYAD has developed a real-time embedded software tool that measures « how far we are from the edge ». Applications are: alert driver, or act automatically on the driving behavior of the vehicle (ACC, Autonomous Driving). thereby improving the overall safety of users and the environment close to the traffic lanes.





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Gathering Computer Vision Detection with Prediction and Risk Assessment:
This is what we do!


Because most automotive engineers have no knowledge in Road Safety, they usually do not know that 75% of driving-risk come from a driving behaviour that is inadequate to infrastructure characteristics (geometry of curve, narrowness, pattern of intersection – angles, number of input and output lanes, functionality of infrastructure – pedestrian crossing, school zone, … -, road signs – traffic light, stop sign, …). So they focus on vehicle performance in passive safety (deformation of vehicle during a crash, safety belt, air bag, etc… and active safety, vehicle detection and reflexe : emergency braking (AEB). NEXYAD do not build cars, but as software company, we worked for 20 years with road safety experts and road infrastructure experts on 8 major scientific programs to acquire this specific knowledge. This is why our minimum viable product for road safety can run onboard on a smartphone or any other device, and reduces accident rate by 25% with only a map, accelerometers, and GNSS. This year we can add NEXYAD computer vision modules that bring other risk factors; ObstaNex which brings interdistance and presence of vulrenables, RoadNex which brings size of drivable surface, and VisiNex which detects lacks of visibility. This brings a complete onboard road safety platform: under deployment for telematics (fleets and insurers), ADAS, and Autonomous Vehicle. Available for cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, trams, and soon for bicycles and other vulnerable mobility systems. It is time to join modernity, and integrate our best technology into your valuable solutions, available everywhere…  





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SafetyNex: ADAS for Road Safety Using Map


Sometimes, accurate detection both by human perception and by sensors are not enough for road safety. Nexyad has worked on some use cases for which classical ADAS can’t help. So we have developed SafetyNex that reads and analyses the digital map (HERE, TOMTOM, OSM, etc.) in front of the vehicle
(4-5 seconds ahead) as a bird view to anticipate singularities of the road. Then SafetyNex allows to vocally alert drivers when they approach these singularities (curves, intersections, pedestrian crossing, etc…) in order, for them, to reduce speed and to lower risk of accident.   Of course, it is possible to equip vehicles with Adaptative Cruise Control (ACC) to reduce speed automatically before these singularities. As a reminder, road safety studies show that if speed is reduced of 1mph to the right moment, risk of accident is lowered of 4% to 6%. With SafetyNex alerts, drivers have time (at least 4 seconds) to reduce speed far more than 1mph.


See 2 use cases below :


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NEXYAD at CTS & CES 2020 in Las Vegas

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #29, March 24th, 2020


NEXYAD at CTS & CES 2020 in Las Vegas


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– CTS 2020 (Consumer Telematics Show)

– CES 2020 (Consumer Electronics Show)

– Nexyad Quoted in a CNN Article

– Global Road Safety Platform by Nexyad

– Deep Learning Benchmark : Tensor Flow Vs Nexyad Internal Deep Learning Solution



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Nexyad CEO Editorial


NEXYAD newsletter: our Global Road Safety Platform                                               


In these difficult times of COVID19 epidemic, I would first like to wish everyone good health, for themselves and their loved ones. Our company NEXYAD continues its activity, with difficulty because organization of telework in a software development company is a complex security problem, but we achieve the planned deliveries. All our customers still can count on us.

Our company is about to open a new page of its development, with the achievement of our Glogal Road Safety Platform, presented in this newsletter, which allows our customers to develop their own mobility solutions.

Applications of this NEXYAD Global Road Safety Platform are mostly:

  1. Telematics: alerting driver when driving risk is too high avoids 20% of road accidents, which represents a very significant Return On Investment (ROI): 200€ per year per vehicle.
    . for fleets: Risk Management
    . for insurers: Usage Based Inssurance (UBI)

    2. Automotive:

    . we know how to calculate the speed of the vehicle and its acceleration, at all times, which guarantee to stay below an acceptable maximum level of risk. Those car speed and acceleration are the typical inputs of an Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) system;
    . we know how to inform the autonomous vehicle of the risk that it is taking, in real time, Thus allowing it, on the one hand can be used to modulate its behaviour by adapting to new and unknown situations, and on the other hand, to record situations where the risk has risen too high in order to add them to the deep learning databases. NEXYAD technology is a good lead to go from AD systems level 3 to level 5 without increasing the number of sensors and the computing power: human driver doesn’t have all those sensors and can drive safely in complex situations. We propose the same scheme based on anticipation.

Our technology is available for cars, trucks, and motorcycles. This technology is now starting its massive deployment in Europe, USA, Asia and India. We are proud of our customers’ products and solutions that integrate, among other things, our technology. 

We Save Lives



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CTS 2020

This year, for the first time, Nexyad has attented the Consumer Telematics Show January 6th in Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, Las Vegas. 

We followed several interesting speeches and round tables during a full day conference with speakers from Roborace, ZF Group, Nissan North America, Veoneer, Ford Motor Company, Karma Automotive, Volvo Car Group, Avis Budget Group, Toyota North America, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Audi, Amazon Web services, and many others.

Finnish companies were well represented on the booths corner :

Vaisala enhances safety, efficiency and decision making through environmental measurement and related services.

Tuxera creates quality-assured software to help to store and do more with data.

Forciot develops advanced IoT sensor solutions for  automotive, logistics and wearable technology sectors.

Flexound Augmented Audio™ adds the sensation of touch to audio-visual listening experience.

Unikie founded in 2015 is a company in software industry that provides  unmatched service and competence.

Vincit designs and engineer software, provides digital services, and products.

Note: the presence of car maker KARMA with a beautiful e-sport sedan (see below).



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CES 2020

View of Central Plaza at LVCC

For the third consecutive time, Nexyad took his quarter at Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Plaza into French Fab Pavillon just beside Faurecia and not far from Here Technologies and Google.


Inside this French Fab Pavillon, some SMEs of high technology received lots of visitors, prospects and customers. 

Actronika develop human-machine interface solutions using patented haptic technology.
Humans are born to touch in order to form relationships, to learn, and to be engaged with environment. Faced with an ever-digitizing world, this company made it as mission to re-engage people with tangible, material experiences.
Their hardware and software make that possible.

Since 2002, Benomad have been designing, developing and marketing mapping and navigation software tailored to helping companies manage their mobile resources as effectively as possible: Business and consumer navigation application; Mapping services with simple and low cost fleet management; Integration tools like mapping SDK and Navigation API, etc.

Eldim was born in 1992, its engineering teams has acquired a high knowledge in the optical analysis of angular properties of the light in transmissive and reflective mode. They develop and manufacture: Fourier optics viewing; angle systems; video photometers, colorimeters and temporal analysis systems; viewing NIR characterization sources and turn-key inspection systems.

Since 2012, Geoflex provides accuracy, continuity and integrity on radionavigation satellites measurements. Its partnership with CNES (French national center for space studies) allowed to industrialize and commercialize the PPP-CNES technology consisting to model and estimate in real time all the different errors affecting GNSS measurements, in order to add value in the fields of positioning and navigation, precise timing and meteorological forecast model.

Prove & Run was created with the idea that large-scale deployments of connected objects is an attractive target for remote cyberattacks and that the solutions used in the mobile industry are not sufficient to answer to the challenge. They provide cost-effective, highly secure, off-the-shelf TEEs and hypervisors that dramatically improve the level of security of connected systems.

SBG Systems designs, manufactures and market a complete line of inertial sensors based on the state-of-the-art MEMS technology such as Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Inertial Navigation Systems with embedded GPS (INS/GPS). They address, for more than 10 years, the most exciting markets.

Stemming from 15 years of know-how in connected, cooperative & autonomous mobility YoGoKo is an industry-leading communication solutions provider for the connected, cooperative & autonomous vehicles (CCAV) evolving in intelligent environments. For transport & mobility market players: autonomous vehicle manufacturers, legacy automotive OEM and Tier1, for intelligent mobility solutions developer and integrators.

Inside the big Automotive cluster MOV’EO, there is another cluster called Groupement ADAS obviously specialized in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles. 13 companies currently compose it, and this year Intempora and Nexyad were animators to explain synergie, skills, services and products providing by more than 200 engineers, doctors, professors and experts.


When a French SME wants to have a talk with French Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Ms. Agnès Pannier-Runacher, no better idea than travels 5400 miles going at CES in Nevada USA.



Nexyad has met American company VSI Labs with the goal to work together soonly. They are specialized in vehicle demo on open road or test road for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle technologies on the sidelines of congresses and shows. They mainly work in USA at the moment and they plan to organize sessions in Europe and Asia in near future. We plan to build a partnership with VSI Labs to show our global road safety platform to American market.


Next to the French Fab Pavillon, three big suppliers in Automotive have put their booth, Valeo, Here Technologies and Faurecia. These giants come to meet their customers and providers like Nexyad.


In North Hall, there are almost all the big car makers, the engineering companies, and Tear ones in luxurious spaces.


Some most impressive machines for next generation mobility:


Nexyad talked a lot with attendees, organisations and partners and many thought this year shows a little decline of shuttles and autonomous mobility exhibitors. For us, it could be the proof that market is becoming mature. At the same time, full autonomy technologies for road vehicles is postpone year after year. The safety asked by authorities and public fails yet to be demonstrate. We think this issue can be overcome if engineers worldwide considered driving risk as an explicit variable instead of an implicit one.



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Nexyad Quoted in a CNN Article

“Derq is not the only company working in this space. Humanising Autonomy has developed a “pedestrian intent prediction platform” intended to make autonomous vehicles safer;” Driveri is a platform that analyzes commercial vehicle drivers’ to improve their performance, and Nexyad creates software that can be built into cars to alert drivers of potential accidents.”

Click to read entire article

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Global Safety Platform by Nexyad

Here is the presentation of our global road safety platform: computing Driving risk taken by vehicle in its Driving context, 20 times per second allows to:

. act on human driver through risk alerts (accident rate reduction by 20% at least, validated by road safety experts and insurers).

. act on automated vehicle: Automatic Cruise Control desired speed and accels / Autonomous Driving system that is aware of the Driving risk it is currently taking: being servo-control to keep risk under a max accepted value, and triggering use case recording for next deep Learning versions.




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Deep Learning Benchmark : Tensor Flow Vs Nexyad Deep Learning Solution

Several times per year, we benchmark our internal Deep Learning solution (IP NEXYAD) (NxDev) vs Tensor Flow (Google) that is a very efficient Learning system. Results again this time (Feb2020) is that NxDev still beats Tensor Flow. Of course we are happy about it, and we still work (since 1995) on Learning efficiency improvement, But comparing 2 deep Learning systems is not that easy.

First : we select a database (the same for both) and a function. This time : classification.

Second : we choose a performance measurement. Many people use % of good classification, but we chose Khi-2 value.

Third : train with exactly the same number of neurons, layers … and on the same database.

Fourth : compare Khi-2 values.

We made iterations with a growing number of neurons to draw the Vapnik curves – check if a better performance couldn’t happen with Tensor Flow for a different architecture.

We also Added perturbations with mislabeled added Learning examples, and restarted the whole process.

If other teams already worked on Learning systems benchmarks (including Google team), we would be happy to share skills and improve comparison method.



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NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #28, October 4th, 2019


Technology SafetyNex Starting Worldwide Deployment


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Short News

– Motorbikes

– Trucks

– Teaching Chair at INSA Rouen Engineering School in Normandy

– NEXYAD at the VIVATECH Symposium, May 2019

– NEXYAD at the MOVEO IMAGINE MOBILITY Forum (2019 June at ESTACA in Montigny-le-Bretonneux (France)

– NEXYAD Scientific Publication about Driving Risk in “Electronic Components for Automotive Applications: proceeding of the 5th CESA Automotive Electronics Congress”, Paris 2018



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Nexyad CEO Editorial


NEXYAD finally sees the result of its hard work and of its industrial agreements signed those last two years with integrators that develop their own products for road safety on the basis, among other technologies, of our SafetyNex software component. This unique and disruptive SafetyNex technology revolutionizes both telematics on board and autonomous vehicle, and is starting then to be deployed by NEXYAD integrators at the end of 2019. SafetyNex for fleets and motor insurers brings a huge ROI : accident rate reduction by 20%.

This is a new start for the company that has spent some 20 years developing deep tech very high level Artificial Intelligence technologies:
. SafetyNex software component, that brings anticipation to drivers and to AD systems
. Three computer vision software components that can be considered as additional option bringing addition inputs that transform SafetyNex into “Augmented SafetyNex”:
          . VisiNex : detection of lacks of visibility such as fog, heavy rain, snow or sand storm, …
          . RoadNex : semantic segmentation that detects the drivable surface of the road (free space)
          . ObstaNex : detection of objcts (possible obstacles) such as cars, pedestrians, …
All those algorithms are now available as directly integrable software components (SDK / API) by our customers into their products.
See full presentation of Nexyad


We present in this issue of our newsletter the first products developed by our integrators, based on our technologies, that are starting their mass volume deployement, and we also present global news of NEXYAD activities.
Gerard, CEO of NEXYAD


#roadsafety #fleetsafety #insurance #accident #accidentrate #accidentratereduction #SafetyNex #AugmentedSafetyNex #VisiNex #lackofvisibility #fog #heavyrain #RoadNex #computervision #semanticsegmentation #freespace #roaddetection #ObstaNex #detection #cardetection #algorithms #NEXYAD



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Short News


NEXYAD was proud to see the first navigation tool based both on WAZE and SafetyNex, developed by SOFTEAM, amazing idea to gather WAZE powerful navigation skills with unique risk alerts (with anticipation) of NEXYAD SafetyNex technology that reduces accident rate by 20%.</ br>


See below the smartphone screen capture of some samples of a trip with alerts:


NEXYAD is partnering with Brightmile which is a Kamet Ventures company incubated & backed by AXA. Brightmile integrated (among other technologies) real time driving risk assessment software component SafetyNex into their complete risk management smartphone App.

We all could recently read on the press good news of this very talented team :


#Softeam #waze #brightmile #smartphone #navigation #intelligentnavigation #fleetmanagement #motorinsurance #carinsurance #insurance



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NEXYAD has worked those last two years on a collaborative R&D project, in partnership with HERE, IFSTTAR, POINT CORE, PREVENTION ROUTIERE. This project aimed to enable SafetyNex usage to motorbikers. We are glad to announce that this project, co-funded by Région Ile de France, and accredited by French Research cluster FINANCE INNOVATION is a success. The R&D consortium quality was unique (test and validation, field operational test, electronics, digital map, …)</ br>


SafetyNex will soon be deployed for motorbikes.



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NEXYAD integrators are currently deploying their telematics products (smartphone App, electronic device, dashcam), based among other technologies on SafetyNex. Main markets for those first deployments are :

. Motor insurance
. Fleet management
. Driving school

Some of our integrators then urgently needed to have a truck version that would paste right speed limits (for any kind of truck, any transported products, any country) and that would modulate risk assessment for truck use case. This version is available in Oct. 2019.



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Teaching Chair at INSA Rouen Engineering School in Normandy


September 18th, Nexyad still involved in training Master level students through the Pedagogic Chair under the direction of Pr. Aziz Bensrhair. Gérard Yahiaoui presented research activities of Nexyad and particularly Driving Risk calculation in real time to INSA Rouen Engineering School students, maths and computing option’s

CEO of NEXYAD presenting SafetyNex architecture involving applied maths and artificial intelligence for accident rate reduction (20%)


A pedagogical Chair dedicated to Autonomous & Connected Vehicle at INSA Rouen Normandy


#INSA #INSArouen #teachingchair #NEXYAD #moveo #intelligentcar



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NEXYAD at the VIVATECH Symposium, May 2019


NEXYAD had a booth at the famous Paris symposium VIVATECH. This booth was offered by French Ministry of Security/Police of the road (DSCR) that gave us the French Price of INNOVATION for road safety (for our software component SafetyNex):

SafetyNex technology is now validated and rewarded by experts on road safety. This makes the SafetyNex technology completely different from others. It is :

. proven
. validated by road safety experts, insurers, industrials
. real time on regular telematics devices, smartphones, and dashcams
. deployed for the masses through integrators

NEXYAD met new leads of customers from all over the world and will soon announce important collaborations. We also could meet other high-tech SMEs that will surely become new partners in the future.


#SafetyNex #award #towardssaferroads #vivatech #nexyad #roadsafety #DSCR #innovation



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NEXYAD at the MOVEO Imagine Mobility Forum (2019 June at ESTACA in Montigny-le-Bretonneux (France)


NEXYAD was part of the IMAGINE MOBILITY FORUM that took place at the Engineering School ESCATA in the Paris suburb. NEXYAD was present with both:

. Groupement ADAS: a business cluster of High-Tech SMEs focused on connected and intelligent vehicles
. Groupement AI4Cities: a business cluster of High-Tech SMEs focused on applications of digital technologies to smart cities and mobility

NEXYAD showed films and demos of their 4 software modules ready for integration into products by customers:

. SafetyNex that computes onboard in real time at each moment the driving risk that driver is currently taking
. VisiNex that detects (from a camera) lacks of visibility (fog, snow, sand, dust, lack of lighting, heavy rain, …)
. RoadNex that detects (from a camera) the road and especially the free space (where it is possible to drive)
. ObstaNex that detects (from a camera) obstacles, in particular other vehicles


#moveo #mobility #nexyad #SafetyNex #VisiNex #ObstaNex #RoadNex



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NEXYAD Scientific Publication about Driving Risk computing in “Electronic Components for Automotive Applications : proceeding of the 5th SIA CESA Automotive Electronics Congress”, Paris 2018


“Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Onboard Accident Prevention: Application to Vocal Driving Risk Assistant, ADAS, and Autonomous Driving”
by Johann Brunet, Pierre Da Silva Dias, Gérard Yahiaoui

This publication is available in “ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS” Proceedings of the 5th SIA CESA Automotive Electronics Congress, Paris, 2018.

Jochen Langheim, Editor, Springer publishing.


#carelectronics #CESAautomotive #proceedings #publication #scientificpublication #automotive #Springer #risk #riskassessment #automotive #SafetyNex


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Nexyad and Augmented Intelligence

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #27, May 13th, 2019


Nexyad and Augmented Intelligence


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO speaker at Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit
– High Level Nexyad at Secours&Vous Congress in Paris
– Rotary Digital Meeting 2019
– La Route Zéro wrote about Nexyad
– SafetyNex at VivaTech 16-18 may in Paris


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Nexyad CEO speaker at Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit



Vincent Beaufils interviewing Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO

NEXYAD was pleased to participate to this summit on Artificial Intelligence. We could explain how our Artificial Intelligence -based software component SafetyNex is now embedded in many products worldwide and how it transforms industry (aftermarket for telematics – fleets & insurance -, new vehicles – cockpit and AD systems ).

We also explained how such a module, via a reward system, can be used by B2C mass market distribution firms to acquire consumers at low cost, in a « nudge » positive loop that will save many lives.

And we were very interested in other speakers presentations with so many different interesting point of views on AI.

Many famous speakers gave their view during the day, such as Jacques Aschenbroich, Valeo CEO; Luc Julia, Samsung CTO & Senior Vice President Innovation; Antoine Bordes, Facebook AI Research Director; Luc Bretones, Orange Technocentre Director; Jean-François Copé, former minister: Marko Erman, Thales Technical & research Director;

Lunch Time, from the left: Luc Julia – CTO of Samsung, Gérard Yahiaoui – CEO of Nexyad and Jacques Aschenbroich – CEO of Valeo

Challenge Startup & Innovation

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Nexyad at Secours & Vous Congress in Paris


NEXYAD presenting SafetyNex for road accident prevention on the NEXYAD booth offered by French Government as a reward for the 2019 Innovation Prize of ROAD SAFETY that SafetyNex got last month from Ministry of Interior.

The French Road Safety invited other winners of 2019 Innovation Prize from different categories :

AWAKEN Car is a real solution to save motorists’ lives and reduce car theft. Real time notifications to emergency services, notifications during a vehicle theft, vehicle diagnostic, preventive maintenance, budget management and privacy policy.

ABEILLES is an editor of Kid’s Educational Games from 3 to 12 years old, around Road Safety, Nutrition, First Aid, Health, Environment & Discovery.

GOOD ANGEL provides a revolutionary Connected Alcohol Sensor, in order to reduce the risk of drunk driving and to compensate for the lack of management solutions for drivers under the influence of alcohol and accompanying passengers. The reusable device is connected to user’s smartphone. In case of positive detection, a concierge service is proposed to pick up driver and passengers 24/7.

ELLCIE HEALTHY proposes smart connected frames designed to look after user everyday without any discomfort. They will evolve thanks to software updates, and user will be able to benefit from new features with the same connected eyewear purchased. Today their connected eyewear detects drowsiness; tomorrow they will detect falls, and even prevent them, allow activity tracking and a lot more.

G-ADDICTION is an association that organized Escape Games on themes like:alcohol, speed, drugs, phone and hands-free kit while driving; seatbelt; dangers of 2 wheels; compliance with the Road Code, pedestrians, and disability after the accident.

Abeilles top left, G-Addiction top right, Awaken Car down left and Good Angel down right


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Rotary Digital Meeting 2019




2019, 10th April, at the prestigious Engineering School Mines ParisTech in Paris, the Rotary club has organized a Conference about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Two moderators from the Rotary Club Philippe Simon and Franck Simon interviewed four speakers:

– STIM: Frédéric ARNOUX, PhD
– GOOGLE: Béatrice de Clermont Tonnerre

Gérard YAHIAOUI, Nexyad CEO, explaining AI


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La Route Zéro wrote about Nexyad


AI to Serve Road Safety

Artificial Intelligence is developing in many sectors including automotive. Zérotracas met Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, who presented his SafetyNex driver alert solution. Thanks to its embedded artificial intelligence, SafetyNex computes at every moment the risk taken by the driver and the alert case of risk taking too important to improve its safety and avoid the accident.Check out the company that received the Innovation Award for Road Safety for this solution.

Read the French article


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Nexyad at VivaTech 16-18 may in Paris


Nexyad will present revolutionary SafetyNex, winner of 2019 Innovation prize by French Road Safety administration.

SafetyNex is a unique proactive solution to keep drivers safe on roads. This can reduce accident rate at least by 20%.

New Important Reward for SafetyNex

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #26, March 24th, 2019


New Important Reward for SafetyNex
Headlines :

– SafetyNex won Road Safety Innovation Prize
– Road Detection RoadNex New Update
– Go from Level 3 to Level 5 with SafetyNex
– High Level Fonctional Specification of a Self-Driving Vehicle (Point to Point, any Destination): What about Driving Risk ?
– News about NEXYAD in Global Fleet
– Nexyad CEO Speaker at two conferences on AI


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SafetyNex won Road Safety Innovation Prize
February 20th was held at the House of the RATP the award ceremony of the Innovation Road Safety Challenge and Innovation Road Safety Award. Through these two competitions, Delegation to road safety attached to French Ministry of Interior supports innovations that make the road safer.
Nexyad presented SafetyNex, Artificial Intelligence based software component that computes at each moment the Driving Risk (like the teacher besides you the day of the driving licence) that the driver is currently taking :
. for human drivers, a vocal alert makes you aware that your taking too much risk and then driver can slow down and avoid emergency situations
. for Autonomous Driving systems, it is possible to servo-control Driving Risk and keep it under a maximum accepted risk value : AD system becomes adaptive to risk.

All Nexyad Team is proud with this Innovation Prize !

French Road Safety Innovation Prize


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Road Detection RoadNex New Update

Some companies try to detect freespace with a regular camera, without IR (SWIR etc …), without fusion with LIDAR, just because it allows low cost applications especially for aftermarket. Here is an example of the NEXYAD module RoadNex. One can see that there are a lot of cracks, patches (highlights and dark zones), and that RoadNex still detects free space in front of the car. Especially useful in the roundabout (see video).
Note : It runs on a regular chip (real time on a regular smartphone, for instance). It means that cost of deployment is « cost of software only », NO NEED for a special smart hardware architecture (NVIDIA …) or a special camera. This is the differentiation of NEXYAD : we do not try to provide « perfect and beautiful » detection (that is already achieved by MOBILEYE for instance, but we think, beyond market price for markets we target), but rather an efficient quick detection for some valuable functions at market price. Our free space detection is currently under integration into dashcams.


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Go from Level 3 to Level 5 with SafetyNex
Do not change your AD System but enhance its Autonomy from level 3 to level 5 by making it Adaptative.
Yes, level of autonomy is not a matter of number of use cases taken into account during fine tuning or deep Learning, and during validation. Indeed, a feedforward chain cannot be trusted anyway because it is not adaptive. The number of use cases is quite infinite and there will alsways be a « hole » in your scenario crossings
So once your feedforward AD system chain seems to work at 94% (that’s what Elon MUSK said about new TESLA), it is not necessary to go on developing it. Yes, it is time to make it adaptive by integrating this AD system into a loop of safety monitoring. Of course, everyone thinks of functional safety (covariance, etc), and it must be done, but again it is not enough. We propose to measure at each moment the Driving risk that the AD system is taking (road safety) in order to adapt decision automatically to keep risk under a maximum accepted value. This is easy to do using our software component SafetyNex as an added layer to your existing AD system.
See figure below.

Schéma SafetyNex ADS adaptative


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High Level Fonctional Specification of a Self-Driving Vehicle
(Point to Point, any Destination): What about Driving Risk ?

A general usage self-Driving vehicle is an object that picks you at a point A (that may be anywhere) and takes you to a point B (that may be any reachable point from A), as fast as possible, in comfort and safety. And that’s it (main features).

a . as far as possible : it is the actual efficiency of transportation, as mobility is a key element of Economy
b . comfort : it is the fact that the travel is enjoyable
c . safety of Driving : risk of road accident is few because the vehicle controls the Driving risk that it takes. Note : we consider that the object in itself is already safe (functional safety solved).

How to control those 3 items ?
a . chronometer, speed measurement
b . score of comfort : noise, vibration, user friendly HMI that cancels stress (infotainment), entertainment, …
c . score of Driving risk (in terms of ROAD safety) that the vehicle is taking while Driving : it already exists and it is the module SafetyNex, developed by NEXYAD (validation on 50 million km).

This gives a clue about how SafetyNex is used by Tier One Companies for their AD system.


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News about NEXYAD in Global Fleet
The online network Global Fleet wrote an article about Nexyad:

Nexyad uses artificial intelligence to improve road safety

“75% of road accidents happen because of driver behaviour that is not adapted to local infrastructure,” said Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO, Nexyad. His company sells software components that use artificial intelligence to improve road safety. Fleet Europe wanted to know more about where his company came from and where it is going.

Read article here :

In June 2013, Nexus Communication has launched GLOBAL FLEET, the first networking and crossmedia platform for multinationals willing to optimize their fleet management through globalization. It provides professionals with in-depth knowledge and up-to-date information on global and regional fleet management as well as on BRICs and other economies on the rise.

Global Fleet


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Nexyad CEO Speaker at two conferences on AI
Do not miss Nexyad CEO, Gérard Yahiaoui:
– at round table on Artificial Intelligence & Industry Transformation for Startup Innovation Challenge March 27th 2019 (Paris).
See more :
– at ROTARY Digital Meeting april 10th 2019 (Paris).
See more :

Nexyad Report on CES 2019

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #25, January 24th, 2019


Nexyad Report on CES 2019
Headlines :

– Consumer Electronic Show 2019
– XAVIER DALLOZ Conference at CES 2019

Other events
– NEXYAD at Road Safety at Work Conference 2018
– NEXYAD Presentation at SIA CESA 5.0


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Consumer Electronic Show 2019

a view on Las Vegas Convention Center Central Plaza

It’s been an exceptional CES for NEXYAD :
. a major firm of car exlectronics presented on their booth 2 products that integrate our SafetyNex API
. we has about 30 qualified meeting (and we took good shoes J)

Between two meetings, NEXYAD has visited the gigantic section for Automotive in CES 2019 : Central Plaza and North Hall + a part of Central Hall
Four major trends caught our interest : Lidar, Vocal Driver Assistant, Autonomous Pods and French Tech.



The lidar (light detection and ranging) becomes an inescapable technology that will be present inside tomorrow vehicles, whether for the ADAS or for the autonomous vehicle. Investors seem to have made big bets on and yesterday Lidar actors still non-existent or tiny have now clearly visible in the aisles of the show. Lidar can be electromechanical or solid-state much cheaper technology. It is easy to split the following lidar companies in two: the north americans and others.

In California, we have Ouster that sided with the high resolution; and Cepton that provides long range lidars; also Velodyne with a whole range of different products for different uses; Then AEye with its iDar combination of camera and lidar. In Montana, there is Blackmore providing solid state technology; In North Carolina, a new comer Sense Photonics. And the Canadian Leddartech solid state technology for mass deployment thru a chip for perception analysis. LeddarTech is member of the MOVEO ADAS Group with NEXYAD and a dozen of other high-tech companies for intelligent mobility.

RoboSense the Chinese company proposes several technologies: mechanical, solid state, laser scanner and also perception algorithms. Innoviz Technologies the israeli makes solid state and software perception. In South Korea there is SOS Lab with a product for self driving cars.

LeddarVU & LeddarTech Cocoon


Everybody heard about vocal assistant, it is very popular for home use. Of course, those assistants arrive now into cars. Vocal Driver assistants make spoken human interaction with computers possible, using speech recognition to understand spoken commands and questions in natural language, and typically text to speech to play a reply. They are the primary way of interacting with virtual assistants on smartphones and smart speakers.

Difficult to miss Hey Google for example at CES this year. Besides Hey Google, there is OK Google and Google Allo. Google announces major automotive partnership with Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi to integrate its Android System into their future cars. Let’s bet that their Vocal Driving Assistant will be in the deal.

Android car

Amazon wishes putting Alexa into every car with Echo Auto. Anyway, Amazon Alexa Automotive and Here Technologies partnershiped for giving voice to car navigation.

Nuance is the pure player of this domain and showed this year an impressive new release of their Dragon Drive that brings the connected car to life through a natural language voice interface.

IBM Watson Assistant for Connected Vehicles is a digital assistant designed to enhance in-vehicle experiences, helping the automotive industry better understand and interact with drivers and passengers.

Vocal Driver Assistant

On the Pionner Booth, was demonstrated a Proactive Telematics product on smartphone with a beacon, and also a dashcam. Those 2 products send to driver vocal alerts before difficult ans dangerous situations and allow then to avoid accidents. Another way to assist driver (the Vocal Driving Assistant that can save your life).




Most of the Autonomous Vehicle presented to CES were manufacturers or tier one companies intentions for future or stylish Demo Car. Besides, future seems to be moving away year by year, full autonomy will be difficult to reach most professional say.
The French Milla Group showed their electric Mobility POD and claims to be not only a prototype, but ready for different use cases: cities, industrial sites, University campuses, gated communities and resorts, at the commercial speed of 19Mph / 30Kmh with a price target compatible with massive deployment.

Note : Milla Group is member of the MOVEO ADAS Groupe through their subsidiary ISFM. One can notice that MOVEO ADAS Group had an incredible presence at this CES 2019.

NB : ce serait pas mal de mettre une photo de face de MILLA parce que là on ne voit pas grand chose

CES pods


CES pods

Business France has brought together 26 high-tech companies, including NEXYAD, in the French Tech pavilion on Central Plaza, beside Here Technologies, Google, Faurecia, Valeo, etc… Half of those companies are members of ADAS Groupement, SME’s cluster inside larger competitiveness cluster MOVEO for Normandy and Paris area. ADAS Groupement offers numerous competences, services and products: EcoGyzer, eVA, I-Deep, LeddarCore, LeddarVu, Magic Vision CMOS, NeuroRBF, NSWeight, ObstaNex, Roadnex, RTMaps, SafetyNex, VisiNex, Widy Vision, Y-Konnect, 4DV-SIM, etc
Sherpa Engineering‘s mission is to support its customers in the deployment of methodologies tooled by models to design and validate piloted systems.
Intempora has developed RT-Maps for synchronizing and processing real-time data streams, and I-Deep a web-based application server for automating your algorithms test and validation procedures.
Yogoko is an industry-leading communication solutions provider for the connected, cooperative & autonomous vehicles (CCAV) evolving in intelligent environments, their target markets are transport & mobility players: autonomous vehicle manufacturers, legacy automotive OEM and Tier1, for intelligent mobility solutions developer and integrators.
Milla Group made the world premiere presentation of electric Mobility POD visible in the Pavillon. It was the big attraction of the pavilion. Mobility POD integrates Nexyad computer vision software modules RoadNex and soon ObstaNex and VisiNex and also SafetyNex on the top of the autonomous driving system to control Driving risk at each moment in real time.
– NEXYAD is the reference worldwide for risk driving computing, onboard, in real time, at each moment : what is the risk that driver (human or not) is currently taking. See LINK
Geoflex allows to give a very appreciable accuracy to gnss (less than a meter) only with software, using a hundred antenna distributed on the globe.
Benomad provides traditional GPS Navigation, EV Navigation, Intelligent Navigation for Collection Services, Mapping Services and Mapping SDK and Navigation API. NEXYAD API SafetyNex integrates the SDK of Benomad.


Luc Chatel & Gérard Yahiaoui
Luc Chatel president of PFA (Plateforme Française Automobile) , former french minister, and and Gerard Yahiaoui Nexyad CEO, discussing about the importance of real time driving risk computing for road safety improvement


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NEXYAD CEO speaker at XAVIER DALLOZ Conference at CES 2019


Hotel the Linq, wednesday january 10th.
It’s been a very interesting exchange about major trends on the CES this year, and NEXYAD presented an example of eXplanable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to the automotive sector with their software component SafetyNex that computes at each moment in real time and with anticipation the risk that the driver is currently taking, with applications to :
. alerting human drivers and reduce accident rate by 20%
. making autonomous Driving systems much safer Thanks for this perfect organization.

Xavier Dalloz Conference


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NEXYAD at Road Safety at Work Conference 2018


On December 17th, the 2nd edition of the National Symposium for Road Safety at Work was held at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance in Paris. This event was an opportunity to discuss the good practices implemented in this area for French companies and administrations. All day long, leaders, managers and experts gathered in front of 400 professionals, all types and sizes of corporates, to expose and cross theories, prevention strategies and feedback.

Emmanuel Barbe
Emmanuel Barbe, Monsieur Road Safety
To read more (french language)


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NEXYAD scientific paper at SIA CESA 5.0

The 5th and 6th december, International Conference SIA CESA 5.0 took place in Versailles (just near the Château).
The goal of the organisers is to build a bridge between traditional automotive electronics and the new developments in vehicle electrification and digitalization as well as those from the world of consumer electronics and the Internet of Things.
The event has presented a great opportunity to understand how the automotive business will evolve over the next five years, with a focus on products and services that are likely to transition from other markets into use-cases for automotive.

Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO was part of speakers for a new paper : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Onboard Accident Prevention : Application to Vocal Driving Risk Assistant, ADAS, and Autonomous Driving.

Nexyad Conference at SIA CESA
Gérard Yahiaoui on the left
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Deep Tech in Automotive

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #24, November 22th, 2018




NEXYAD Deep Tech Startup : AI and XAI onboard real time software modules for road safety applicable to ADAS, Autonomous Driving, Car Insurance, Fleet Management, and new Smart Mobility Services.

NEXYAD Executive Pitch video by CEO Gérard Yahiaoui











Here is a snapshot of car detection using RoadNex.
The big differenciation of ObstaNex is that is runs on a regular computer architecture (on a smartphone for instance) : no need for a heavy computing system. It is then much cheaper for mass volume deployment (new cars and aftermarket), because heavy computing architectures bring computing speed, but also high deployment cost, Energy consumption, heat, etc … not that good for onboard systems.










RoadNex Short (free space detection in front of the car) runs on regular computer architectures (even on a smartphone). This module is made for fast sensor fusion with lidar and radar.
It works even on dusty roads, stones (image below), cobblestones, etc …
RoadNex brings interpretation (drivable surface), telemeter (radar; lidar, …) brings measurement precision (in mm).
No need for a big computer (it means deployment cost reduction).
This disrupts some electronics architectures big firms that try to convince car manufacturers to put their computers Inside cars, but they do not bring only computing efficiency (they do), they also bring additional cost, weight, heat, integration room need, etc …
RoadNex runs on a regular ARM chip (for instance) and may be the next generation solution.

The next generation autonomous POD (Shuttle) MILLA made by ISFM uses RoadNex and will be shown at CES Las Vegas in Jan 2019.
Come to see it.







Smart Mobility in 2018

Mobility is the cornerstone of contemporary societies and the changes underway will profoundly transform our uses and our movements.
Valued by our society, travel, in addition to being a social integration link, represents a freedom or a pleasure that can just as much be a servitude and source of exhaustion.
The LOTI Act of 1982 has led to focus on the centers of agglomeration, the stakes of today now focus on the peripheries low density and delivered to the car for 95% of trips.






You want to measure the efficiency of your autonomous Driving system in terms of road safety ? Not easy with the regular validation methods : observing the number of km without accident is NOT the key. Indeed, accident is very rare for human driver anyway : on OCDE countries, 1 accident every 70 000 or 100 000 km (depending on the country), and on average 3 death every billion km !
We bring a way to build a metric between YOUR system and better human drivers … using our real time Driving risk assessment module SafetyNex.
A new solution for you to imagine validation process.







SafetyNex is now under deployment by fleet managers :
. alerting drivers BEFORE danger can reduce accident rate by 20% : this is money for the fleet, and also less personal injuries and death
. risk profiles at the end of every trip can be used to deploy serious games : awards and coupons for safer drivers
. risk information sharing : if one driver took a big risk at a given area, then it is possible to automatically warn all the other drivers during a few minutes about a potential danger at this area : « stay vigilant »

Two kinds of fleet managers :
. Professional fleet management companies
. Internal fleet managers of big firms
. for the commercial fleet for instance
. for every employee through Corporate Social Responsability budget

Those ongoing deployments will make big money and will save lives at the same time.







Automotive industry is currently integrating into vehicles high level automations systems : automatic emergency braking, line keeping, etc … Those systems are complex : complex to do, complex to integrate together (as A system of systems), complex to validate.

To read more click HERE

NEXYAD with Groupement INI at





The 2018 show was the Opportunity to see new mobility engines and solutions.

To read more click HERE

with SafetyNex




Reporter expert in technology for FRANCE INFO, Gérard Feldzer made the summary of high-tech best inventions of this Mondial Paris Motor Show 2018 and talked about NEXYAD real time Driving risk assessment module that can alert driver when risk rises too much and then reduce accident rate by 20%.

See text and listen to it in replay.





NEXYAD and partners of the GROUPEMENT ADAS




Groupement ADAS on their booth at MONDIAL.TECH.
Many good contacts for NEXYAD : potential OEMs, and other kinds of integrators for our 4 Artificial Intelligence software modules :
. SafetyNex : real time Driving risk assessment
. VisiNex : detection of lacks of visibility (fog, rain, sand, snow, …)
. RoadNex : detection of road borders and detection of free space
. ObstaNex : detection of obstacles (cars, …)








NEXYAD CEO speech at « Université des savoirs » of ORANGE Goup : Artificial Intelligence for Automotive

Gérard Yahiaoui talk on front of more than 120 head représentatives of ORANGE Group, october 4th in Clamart.
Program :
. What is Artificial Intelligence ?
. Techniques developed by AI Researchers
. Different between AI and Complex Automation
. Business Models of AI in big companies
. Example of SafetyNex (Real Time Driving Risk Assessment)
. Autonomous Vehicle
. Vocal Driving Assessment
. Customers Acquisition
. Conclusion






NEXYAD was kindly invited by ROSEDALE Products Engineering a Chinese Company to participate to this large event. We could discover the strongness of Chinese Automotive industry not well known in Europe, and appreciate kindness of officials of the organisation and chinese people in general. Many contacts were made for future business.

ROSEDALE Products Engineering







Nexyad at INSA ROUEN for pedagogic chair
on intellignet connected vehicle


NEXYAD presented the story of professors, researchers and research engineers who decided to set up a company together (NEXYAD), and the result : 3 artificial perception software components, and a unique real time Driving risk software component, all Under integration by OEMs, Tier One Companies, Final Users, … NEXYAD will describe theoretical and practical aspects of those software componants in the next courses.

To read more click HERE




Presentation of the SafetyNex technology by NEXYAD


This congress organized by INTEMPORA was impressive and gathered the French community of ADAS and Autonomous Driving around demos and presentations. Congrats to INTEMPORA.

To read more click HERE




New Scientific Paper Accepted



« All-weather vision for automotive safety : which spectral band ? »
22nd Int. Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2018).

“Smart Systems for Clean, Safe and Shared Road Vehicles” BERLIN, 11-12 September 2018 Authors : N. Pinchon1, O. Cassignol2, A. Nicolas2, F. Bernardin3, P. Leduc4, J-P. Tarel5, R. Brémond5, E. Bercier6, J. Brunet7

1: VALEO, 34 rue Saint André 93012 Bobigny Cedex, France
2: SAFRAN E&D, 21 Avenue du Gros chêne 95610 Éragny Sur Oise, France
3: CEREMA, 8-10 rue Bernard Palissy 63017 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 2, France
4: CEA / Léti – 17 rue des Martyrs – 38054 Grenoble cedex 9, France
5: Université Paris-Est, IFSTTAR, 14-20 Boulevard Newton, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne, France
6: ULIS, 364 Route de Valence, Actipole – CS 10027 – 38113 Veurey-Voroize, France
7: NEXYAD, 95 Rue Pereire 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

22nd International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2018)





Nexyad presenting SafetyNex :application to car insurance
at Finance & Innovation Congress in Paris




SafetyNex Real Time Driving Risk Assessment is used by car insurers to alert driver and to reduce accident rate by 20%, including personal injuries. The ROI of SafetyNex is then very easy to calculate and it is phenomenal !

To read more click HERE





Launch of Phase 4 of competitiveness clusters at Mov’eo


CEO of NEXYAD (also Vice President of the French research cluster for mobility « MOV’EO ») was discussing today at a round table with Delphine GENY-STEPHANN, French State Secretary (Minister) of Industry. This took place at MOV’EO headquarters location in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy, and it was about the future of French research clusters.
It’s been a very interesting information and points of view exchange session.
Thanks to Madame la Ministre.

To read more click HERE





New Image Capture Campaign for RoadNex & ObstaNex




NEXYAD is starting a new image capture campaign in the summer heat of Paris suburb.

To read more click HERE