AI Services

Artificial Intelligence Services:

Strategy Consulting
Solutions to your Practical Problems
Introducing AI to your Staff (coaching)
Cost Effective Studies


Nexyad already worked on numerous studies and analysis using its powerful AI tools developed during more than 25 years.

    • The best maths and Artificial Intelligence methods are at your services: Deep Learning, Convolution Neural Networks, Neural Gas, Fozzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms
    • Problems solved are: Classification, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, Generative AI
    • Signals Processing algorithms: Fourier transforms, Wavelet transforms, Kalman filter, Luenberger observer, Monte carlo methods, Virtual Sensors, etc.
    • Images Processing algorithms: multi-resolution analysis, Integral Imaging, Mathematical morphology, Fractal signature, etc.
    • Vision and Pattern recognition: shape descriptors, Corner detection, etc.
    • Data Analysis algorithms: factorial analysis, relational analysis, etc.
    • Applied Mathematics: matrix inversion, vectorial product, operators, etc.
    • 150.000 lines of C++ code, tested, reused, and reusable in our AI factory
    • We generated source code on demand.

Artificial Intelligence Services: control of crack defects in gear wheels
Control of crack defects in gear wheels


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Artificial Intelligence Services
Our Homemade Tools are very Powerful
We Architected them to make a real Factory
At Your Service


Our Factory to make AIs

Artificial Intellgence Services: Nexyad AI Factory



Examples of Nexyad AI Studies

Artificial Intelligence Services: Experience of Nexyad Team
Marketing Study of Products Hypovigilance of Drivers Study Recognition of Passengers on Pressure Maps of Cars Seats
Artificial Intelligence Services: Experience of Nexyad Team
Chemical Study on Dose Response Texture Analysis of Material Study Defects Detection in Glass Bottles Odour Gas Sensor

Other examples : industrial vision, satisfaction studies (weight estimation), sales forecasting, pricing under constraints, etc.


Indoor Robot Free Space Detection by dSPACE



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AI Services Customers