NEXYAD is Deploying AI for Road Safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #31, April 5th, 2021


Nexyad is Deploying Artificial Intelligence for Road Safety


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Nexyad’s Customer Testimony 

– Nexyad Change Logo 

– OASIS Project with MillaGroup, YoGoKo and Nexyad

– SafetyNex AI Technology for Driving Coach and Predictive ACC

– Intelligent & Predictive ACC with SafetyNex

– Road Safety Digital MAPS using Risk Data from SafetyNex

– They talk about Nexyad



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Nexyad CEO Editorial




Despite the economic situation due to Covid-19, Nexyad is on a ramp up in this beginning of the year. We continue pushing innovation for our customers and partners.
We are a deep tech team. We propose on-board embedded real time artificial intelligence software modules for a better road safety.
Our AI modules:
. work in the real world
. already have strong customers references
. run in standard hardware architectures (from smartphones to car computers)
. can generate valuable data for customers, some generated data are geolocated and may enhance maps power for safe mobility.
We serve our customers with a high level of involvement, quality, reliability, reactivity, and performance.
We will always be there to help you making roads safer for everyone.

We Save Lives


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NEXYAD’s Customer Testimony


“We have integrated NEXYAD technology into our smartphone App BRIGHTMILE for insurers and fleets and our App reduces accident rate by 25-35% through its worldwide deployment in more than 50 countries. »
Dominic Saunders, CEO of BRIGHTMILE



CEO of NEXYAD (left) and CEO of BRIGHTMILE (right): a handshake to save lives



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NEXYAD Change Logo



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MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad Launch OASIS Project


MillaGroup, Yogoko and Nexyad launch OASIS project with driver assistance solution for everyone

French excellence for a decisive step towards road safety autonomous vehicles.

Meudon, February 2021 – MillaGroup, Nexyad and YoGoKo launch the project in partnership OASIS (cOoperative Assistance System In Safe road), which announces new technological advances around cooperative driving assistance systems for all. The OASIS project proposes to develop and integrate new enhanced driving assistance features, based on an innovative data fusion solution. The data comes from V2X communications, driving risk assessment, and predictive collision estimation.

Although the number of accidents decreases each year in France, more than a third of fatal accidents are linked to a collision. Today, cooperative ADAS solutions integrate data related to the human factor and driver inattention. The implementation of these driving aids (ADAS) takes into account the concept of risk. In driving, 75% of the risk is linked to inappropriate driver behavior, linked to road and urban infrastructure.

The technology developed within the partnership is based on Nexyad’s expertise and knowledge of road risks. Safetynex is a data aggregation software module that detects 20 times per second any lack of caution (also called risk of driving) in driving behavior in view of the road context. Integrated into a real-time on-board AI, the solution makes the vehicle smarter and teaches it to anticipate certain situations, such as by slowing down preventively. Combining the Y-CONNECT solution with Y-SMART communication technology from YoGoKo increases the perception of the vehicle’s environment. YoGoKo combines V2X communications between vehicles and with the road infrastructure with the collision risk calculations related to road behavior offered by Nexyad.


The OASIS project offers a global vision of road safety, deployed in marketed vehicles. This is experienced on the autonomous shuttles produced by MillaGroup. MillaGroup is a mobility provider offering on-demand and multimodal transport solutions (for people and goods) in rural and peri-urban areas. Since 2019, MILLA POD shuttles have been running on an open road every day at a speed of 30 km/h in autonomous mode.

This combination of expertise in the area of risk management with Nexyad, connectivity with YoGoKo and vehicles deployment by MillaGroup will allow, among other things, an autonomous vehicle to drive thru an intersection with low visibility and priorities.

Thus, the OASIS project brings new perspectives in response to the needs of improving road safety and increasing the perception of the vehicle’s environment. The system deployed, with risk traceability, takes into account the legal aspect and will make it possible to dispel the debate on liability in the event of an accident:

– an assessment of driver behavior based on risk

– improved predictive ACC and AD systems « aware » of the risk they are taking, and able to prove their level of caution at all times (in response to legal and insurance questions)

– a new collision warning

– a smarter predictive AEB

Whether it is for the detection of lack of caution, dangerous situations, or emergency situations, road safety is integrated. This decompart- mentalised approach is completely innovative compared to the segmented approach by « use case » of the automobile. A system vision that must bring rapid progress in road safety, and on a larger scale respond to societal challenges.



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SafetyNex AI Technology for Driving Coach and Predictive ACC


When you look at this video, imagine that information pasted by our module SafetyNex are inputs to your digital driving coach and your predictive ACC: easy to integrate and efficient

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Intelligent & Predictive ACC with SafetyNex


how to make ACC automatically follow rules of the road (slightly slow down before an intersection, etc.) without long and complex development?

New developments are starting up everywhere to make ACCs smarter, which could, for example, automatically slow down slightly before an intersection, and then pick up the speed of initial cruise. The whole question is: when should the vehicle be made to slow down? crossing? turn ? school zone ? roundabout ? pedestrian zone ? pedestrian crossing? Traffic light ? stop sign ? give way ? etc.
And how to deal with the whole combination of these simple cases? (school located behind a bend with an intersection at left…).
And if we have to slow down, when? of how much ? with what speed profile?
Finally, to sum up, the idea is to make ACC follow the rules of the road so that it modulates vehicle speed exactly as a driver should do on license day.
The combination of cases is huge. NEXYAD provides an elegant, reliable, efficient and very simple solution to integrate into a vehicle, which resolves all the simple cases and all their combinations. The modification to be made to a regular  ACC system is minimal and formal proof of safety (SIL) is very simple to do.
Indeed, NEXYAD has carried out research and development in AI for more than 20 years on road safety. and now offers a real-time on-board software module called SafetyNex.
SafetyNex permanently monitors both driving behavior (speed, accel) and driving context (in particular complexity of the infrastructure, via the navigation map).

  At every moment, SafetyNex detects any mismatch between driving behavior and driving context. Such a mismatch is interpreted as a lack of caution, and the degree of lack of caution is called « Driving risk »: this is the risk taken by the driver (human, human assisted by robots, or AD system).
The higher the risk, the greater the number of emergency situations encountered by the vehicle. Conversely, the lower the risk, the lower the number of emergencies statistically encountered.
Note : do not confuse the « driving risk » as defined above with criticality (probability of interpretation of trajectories, time to collision, etc.), the two concepts coexisting in road safety systems.
For a given driving context, the driving risk depends ONLY on the speed profile of the vehicle approaching a potential singularity of infratructure.
It then becomes clear that by regulating the speed we can keep the risk of driving below a maximum accepted value. SafetyNex is then used to define the setpoint speed value Vr (at each instant) which makes it possible to guarantee that we never exceed the maximum accepted.
On the other hand, any current ACC already defines a speed setpoint Vo.
By simply taking as the new speed setpoint the smaller of these two speeds, we obtain directly and without any further development, a vehicle that slows down before intersections (for example) with the « Good » speed profile which guarantees safe driving.
This simple, validated, efficient, and quick to integrate system is currently being integrated by OEMs with support by NEXYAD.

Contact us for more details.


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Road Safety Digital MAPS using Risk Data from SafetyNex

. Record into map layers the geolocated setpoint speed not to exceed in order to stay under a driving risk (lack of caution) of X%

. Deploy road safety alerts on smartphones and telematics devices without computing power (only reading the map)

. Deploy easy to develop Apps for insurers and fleets

. Deploy vehicle intelligent ACC at very low cost without computing power onboard

. Make your map THE map of reference for any mobility application (any market)


Contact us for more details.


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They Talk about NEXYAD

Journalist, Automotive Expert
Read more on the Blog:



« La technologie développée au sein du partenariat s’appuie sur l’expertise de Nexyad et sa connaissance des risques routiers. SafetyNex est un module logiciel d’agrégation de données qui détecte 20 fois par seconde tout mande de prudence (appelé aussi risque de conduite) dans le comportement de conduite et en fonction du contexte de circulation. Intégrée dans une IA temps réel embarquée, la solution rend le véhicule plus intelligent et lui apprend à anticiper certaines situations, comme par exemple en ralentissant de manière préventive.

Pour rendre ce module encore plus performant, l’idée est donc d’y associer la technologie de communication Y-SMART de YoGoKo. Cela permet d’augmenter la perception de l’environnement du véhicule. YoGoKo associe les communications V2X réalisées entre véhicules et avec l’infrastructure routière aux calculs de risques de collisions liés au comportement routier proposés par Nexyad.

Le projet OASIS est expérimenté sur les navettes autonomes produites par MillaGroup (un acteur dont j’ai déjà parlé sur ce blog). Depuis 2019, les navettes MILLAPOD circulent tous les jours sur route ouverte à la vitesse de 30km/h en mode autonome.


We Save Lives

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Intelligent and Predictive ACC with SafetyNex

how to make ACC automatically follow rules of the road (slightly slow down before an intersection, etc.) without long and complex development?

New developments are starting up everywhere to make ACCs smarter, which could, for example, automatically slow down slightly before an intersection, and then pick up the speed of initial cruise. The whole question is: when should the vehicle be made to slow down? crossing? turn ? school zone ? roundabout ? pedestrian zone ? pedestrian crossing? Traffic light ? stop sign ? give way ? etc.
And how to deal with the whole combination of these simple cases? (school located behind a bend with an intersection at left…).
And if we have to slow down, when? of how much ? with what speed profile?
Finally, to sum up, the idea is to make ACC follow the rules of the road so that it modulates vehicle speed exactly as a driver should do on license day.
The combination of cases is huge. NEXYAD provides an elegant, reliable, efficient and very simple solution to integrate into a vehicle, which resolves all the simple cases and all their combinations. The modification to be made to a regular  ACC system is minimal and formal proof of safety (SIL) is very simple to do.
Indeed, NEXYAD has carried out research and development in AI for more than 20 years on road safety. and now offers a real-time on-board software module called SafetyNex.
SafetyNex permanently monitors both driving behavior (speed, accel) and driving context (in particular complexity of the infrastructure, via the navigation map).

At every moment, SafetyNex detects any mismatch between driving behavior and driving context. Such a mismatch is interpreted as a lack of caution, and the degree of lack of caution is called « Driving risk »: this is the risk taken by the driver (human, human assisted by robots, or AD system).
The higher the risk, the greater the number of emergency situations encountered by the vehicle. Conversely, the lower the risk, the lower the number of emergencies statistically encountered.
Note : do not confuse the « driving risk » as defined above with criticality (probability of interpretation of trajectories, time to collision, etc.), the two concepts coexisting in road safety systems.
For a given driving context, the driving risk depends ONLY on the speed profile of the vehicle approaching a potential singularity of infratructure.
It then becomes clear that by regulating the speed we can keep the risk of driving below a maximum accepted value. SafetyNex is then used to define the setpoint speed value Vr (at each instant) which makes it possible to guarantee that we never exceed the maximum accepted.
On the other hand, any current ACC already defines a speed setpoint Vo.
By simply taking as the new speed setpoint the smaller of these two speeds, we obtain directly and without any further development, a vehicle that slows down before intersections (for example) with the « Good » speed profile which guarantees safe driving.
This simple, validated, efficient, and quick to integrate system is currently being integrated by OEMs with support by NEXYAD.

Contact us for more details.

NEXYAD Newsletter Automotive & Transportation #30 is Available

Artificial Intelligence and Road Safety


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Why do we develop real time hybrid Artificial Intelligence for road safety

– OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety

– SafetyNex Integrator BRIGHTMILE unveils partnership with AXA Insurance

– RoadNex Off Road Drivable Surface detection

– Hazard, Criticality, and Risk in Road Safety ?

– Gathering Computer Vision Detection with Prediction and Risk Assessment: This is what we do!

– SafetyNex: ADAS for Road Safety Using Map

To read the NEXYAD Newsletter #30

Artificial Intelligence and Road Safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #30, September 14th, 2020


Artificial Intelligence and Road Safety


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Why do we develop real time hybrid Artificial Intelligence for road safety

– OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety

– SafetyNex Integrator BRIGHTMILE unveils partnership with AXA Insurance

– RoadNex Off Road Drivable Surface detection

– Hazard, Criticality, and Risk in Road Safety ?

– Gathering Computer Vision Detection with Prediction and Risk Assessment: This is what we do!

– SafetyNex: ADAS for Road Safety Using Map


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Nexyad CEO Editorial



The world is going through an unprecedented crisis and more than ever it is innovation that will allow industries to take advantage of the opportunities created by destabilization of markets. In this context, it is interesting to notice that NEXYAD finds itself at the center of many strategies of automotive industrial groups, rail, and mobility.

NEXYAD’s embedded software modules are intended to be integrated into application software programs and embedded electronic application platforms, and we are now present on several markets:

  •  advanced telematics, which deploys smartphone apps, electronic devices, and dashcams
  •  automotive, which deploys advanced driver assistance systems, and connected vehicle features
  •  public transport, including bus, tram, metro, train, etc.
  •  advanced autonomous vehicle projects
  •  road safety for motorcycles and bicycles

NEXYAD provides computer vision functions:

  • detection of any lack of visibility, with the VisiNex module (lack of visibility is a factor of risk,
    VisiNex detects fog, heavy rain, sand storm, snow storm, lack of lighting, dust on embedded cameras, …)
  • drivable surface detection, with the RoadNex module
  • detection and recognition of objects, obstacles, ‘a la MOBILEYE’, with the ObstaNex module

Note: VisiNex may also be used to automatically adapt parameters of a complex computer vision chain to image quality. This is used by NEXYAD to increase number of use cases where our computer vision modules lead to good performance. And when image quality (measured with SafetyNex) is not enough for any reliable detection, then NEXYAD modules are aware of it, they can end a special output “not applicable” which is very important for sensor fusion stages.

And our  company also strongly deploys its unique real time driving risk assessment* module SafetyNex, validated in terms of metrics, by global insurers, police of road safety,  one autonomous vehicles manufacturer, and major car OEMs. The current and upcoming deployments in the very short term are in Europe, USA, Asia, India, and China. We are proud of the deployments planned by our integrator customers, because it will allow us, through their high-level products, to save lives, which is our mission statement.

SafetyNex is a Knowledge Based System (Hybrid Artificial Intelligence) involving symbolic reasoning) that monitors in real time driving behavior to detect 20 time per second any lack of cautious. This helps not to go to emergency situations, and if ever, with a driving behavior (vehicle speed and accel) that will be adequate to let more time to ADAS systems for their detection, criticality assessment, decision-making, and action.

This is what we call ANTICIPATION skills.

Real time applications of SafetyNex today are:

  • alerting driver through advanced telematics tools (smartphone App, telematics device, dashcam), for fleets and insurers risk management
  • alerting driver through advanced cockpit HMI systems
  • automatically modulating vehicle speed and accel of ACC (Automated Cruise Control)
  • alerting the AI od AD system that risk is rising

*_Risk Assessment shouldn’t be confused with hazard detection or with criticality assessment during emergency situations. Risk is lack of cautious, it is NOT probability of collision,  and it must be assessed permanently during normal driving. (see our article on risk assessment  in the following articles).

We Save Lives


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Why do we develop real time hybrid Artificial Intelligence for road safety


« We believe that every single Human life on Earth deserves to be saved. We can avoid up to 840 million road accidents and save up to 250 thousand lives per year with Minimum Viable Version of our technology. Road accident is a huge factor of material & resources waste (repair) and pollution/CO2 emissions: by saving lives we also contribute saving the planet. After more then 25 years of high level R&D, we propose today validated onboard AI technology deployed by our customers through easy to use products, for a better road safety »

Check our 1 minute global presentation video :




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OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety


The companies OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety.

Saint Germain en Laye, April 20, 2020 – The company OTN, which develops safety products in the rail sector among others, announces the signature of a partnership with the company Nexyad, specializing in on-board risk assessment of accident, with the aim of developing solutions for predicting and preventing collision risks.

This partnership will significantly improve the performance of current detection systems, by offering a risk detection horizon adapted to the speed of traffic on trams, metros and trains.

This technological contribution will allow rapid migration from simple « detection » to « prediction », thereby improving the overall safety of users and the environment close to the traffic lanes.

The combination of the skills and experience of our two companies will allow us to quickly develop a high-performance analysis system (images, signals, data) to identify the risks of railway equipment in traffic. After six months spent evaluating the work necessary for the development and adaptation of the algorithms, initially intended for road safety, we are happy that this partnership results in the development of prototypes which we will be able to test in real situation in the short term.

OTN, a company based in Saône et Loire, France, manufactures, designs and markets electrical and electromechanical equipment intended for various advanced markets, including railway.

Nexyad, a company based near Paris, markets a global road safety platform for telematics, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and Autonomous Vehicles, currently adapted to railway focus.



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SafetyNex Integrator BRIGHTMILE unveils partnership with AXA Insurance


« AXA Insurance is offering the Brightmile app to its fleet customers as a way of supporting safe driving during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The motor insurer and the tech start-up are partnering on a smartphone telematics solution for fleets, which they are launching during lockdown. »

To reed more:




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RoadNex Off Road Drivable Surface Detection




In this demo video, NEXYAD RoadNex algorithmes are challenged with very bad conditions : There is no wheel angle, off road with kind of white gravels, high light thru trees in the darkness of wood which bring lots of shadows on the trail. The result is pretty good the green highlighting shows where the vehicle is able to go!



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Hazard, Criticality and Risk in Road Safety


Meanings of those words are very different and it is very important to distinguish them:

. HAZARD indicates presence of POTENTIAL DANGER: if behind a door there are toxic materials, you write « HAZARD » on the door. But if the operator who opens the door has the appropriate helmet, he/she can do so at no RISK.

. CRITICALITY indicates a measurable level of DANGER. During a road accident, CRITICALITY is measured by « time to collision », « probability of interception of trajectories », etc.

. RISK indicates the absence of caution: if you put a glass near the edge of the table, you take a RISK. In this case HAZARD is the edge of the table. If the glass falls, at every moment you can measure CRITICALITY of the situation. If you have good reflexes, you can catch the glass. This is what AEB does for vehicles (ADAS). If you want to avoid breaking the glass without using reflexes, you put the glass away from the edge. In road safety, it’s the same, and NEXYAD has developed a real-time embedded software tool that measures « how far we are from the edge ». Applications are: alert driver, or act automatically on the driving behavior of the vehicle (ACC, Autonomous Driving). thereby improving the overall safety of users and the environment close to the traffic lanes.





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Gathering Computer Vision Detection with Prediction and Risk Assessment:
This is what we do!


Because most automotive engineers have no knowledge in Road Safety, they usually do not know that 75% of driving-risk come from a driving behaviour that is inadequate to infrastructure characteristics (geometry of curve, narrowness, pattern of intersection – angles, number of input and output lanes, functionality of infrastructure – pedestrian crossing, school zone, … -, road signs – traffic light, stop sign, …). So they focus on vehicle performance in passive safety (deformation of vehicle during a crash, safety belt, air bag, etc… and active safety, vehicle detection and reflexe : emergency braking (AEB). NEXYAD do not build cars, but as software company, we worked for 20 years with road safety experts and road infrastructure experts on 8 major scientific programs to acquire this specific knowledge. This is why our minimum viable product for road safety can run onboard on a smartphone or any other device, and reduces accident rate by 25% with only a map, accelerometers, and GNSS. This year we can add NEXYAD computer vision modules that bring other risk factors; ObstaNex which brings interdistance and presence of vulrenables, RoadNex which brings size of drivable surface, and VisiNex which detects lacks of visibility. This brings a complete onboard road safety platform: under deployment for telematics (fleets and insurers), ADAS, and Autonomous Vehicle. Available for cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, trams, and soon for bicycles and other vulnerable mobility systems. It is time to join modernity, and integrate our best technology into your valuable solutions, available everywhere…  





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SafetyNex: ADAS for Road Safety Using Map


Sometimes, accurate detection both by human perception and by sensors are not enough for road safety. Nexyad has worked on some use cases for which classical ADAS can’t help. So we have developed SafetyNex that reads and analyses the digital map (HERE, TOMTOM, OSM, etc.) in front of the vehicle
(4-5 seconds ahead) as a bird view to anticipate singularities of the road. Then SafetyNex allows to vocally alert drivers when they approach these singularities (curves, intersections, pedestrian crossing, etc…) in order, for them, to reduce speed and to lower risk of accident.   Of course, it is possible to equip vehicles with Adaptative Cruise Control (ACC) to reduce speed automatically before these singularities. As a reminder, road safety studies show that if speed is reduced of 1mph to the right moment, risk of accident is lowered of 4% to 6%. With SafetyNex alerts, drivers have time (at least 4 seconds) to reduce speed far more than 1mph.


See 2 use cases below :


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SafetyNex ADAS for Road Safety using Map

Sometimes, accurate detection both by human perception and by sensors are not enough for road safety.
Nexyad has worked on some use cases for which classical ADAS can’t help.
So we have developed SafetyNex that reads and analyses the digital map (HERE, TOMTOM, OSM, etc.)
in front of the vehicle (4-5 seconds ahead) as a bird view to anticipate singularities of the road.
Then SafetyNex allows to vocally alert drivers when they approach these singularities
(curves, intersections, pedestrian crossing, etc…) in order, for them, to reduce speed and to lower risk of accident.   Of course, it is possible to equip vehicles with Adaptative Cruise Control (ACC) to reduce speed automatically before these singularities.

As a reminder, road safety studies show that if speed is reduced of 1mph to the right moment, risk of accident is lowered of 4% to 6%.
With SafetyNex alerts, drivers have time (at least 4 seconds) to reduce speed far more than 1mph.

See 2 use cases below :

Gathering Computer Vision Detection
with Prediction and Risk Assessment

Gathering Computer Vision Detection with Prediction and Risk Assessment: this is what we do!

Because most automotive engineers have no knowledge in Road Safety, they usually do not know that 75% of driving-risk come from a driving behaviour that is inadequate to infrastructure characteristics (geometry of curve, narrowness, pattern of intersection – angles, number of input and output lanes, functionality of infrastructure – pedestrian crossing, school zone, … -, road signs – traffic light, stop sign, …). So they focus on vehicle performance in passive safety (deformation of vehicle during a crash, safety belt, air bag, etc… and active safety, vehicle detection and reflexe : emergency braking (AEB).

NEXYAD do not build cars, but as software company, we worked for 20 years with road safety experts and road infrastructure experts on 8 major scientific programs to acquire this specific knowledge. This is why our minimum viable product for road safety can run onboard on a smartphone or any other device, and reduces accident rate by 25% with only a map, accelerometers, and GNSS.
This year we can add NEXYAD computer vision modules that bring other risk factors; ObstaNex which brings interdistance and presence of vulrenables, RoadNex which brings size of drivable surface, and VisiNex which detects lacks of visibility.

This brings a complete onboard road safety platform: under deployment for telematics (fleets and insurers), ADAS, and Autonomous Vehicle. Available for cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, trams, and soon for bicycles and other vulnerable mobility systems.

It is time to join modernity, and integrate our best technology into your valuable solutions, available everywhere…




Meanings of those words are very different and it is very important to distinguish them:

. HAZARD indicates presence of POTENTIAL DANGER: a water source is maybe pollute, you put a « HAZARD » sign on it. If after analysis you don’t find any bad molecule, you can drink the glass of water.

. CRITICALITY indicates a measurable level of DANGER. During a critical situation, CRITICALITY is measured by « time to collision », « probability of interception of trajectories », etc… in road safety.

. RISK indicates the absence of caution: if you put a glass near the edge of the table, you take a RISK. In this case HAZARD is the edge of the table. If the glass falls, at every moment you can measure CRITICALITY of the situation. If you have good reflexes, you can catch the glass. This is what AEB does for vehicles (ADAS).
If you want to avoid breaking the glass without using reflexes, you put the glass away from the edge. In road safety, it’s the same, and NEXYAD has developed a real-time embedded software tool that measures « how far we are from the edge » in order to stay in the safe zone.

Applications are: alert driver, or act automatically on the driving behavior of the vehicle (ACC, Autonomous Driving).

OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety.

The companies OTN and Nexyad join forces in a strategic partnership for active rail safety.

Saint Germain en Laye, April 20, 2020 – The company OTN, which develops safety products in the rail sector among others, announces the signature of a partnership with the company Nexyad, specializing in on-board risk assessment of accident, with the aim of developing solutions for predicting and preventing collision risks.

This partnership will significantly improve the performance of current detection systems, by offering a risk detection horizon adapted to the speed of traffic on trams, metros and trains.

This technological contribution will allow rapid migration from simple « detection » to « prediction », thereby improving the overall safety of users and the environment close to the traffic lanes.

The combination of the skills and experience of our two companies will allow us to quickly develop a high-performance analysis system (images, signals, data) to identify the risks of railway equipment in traffic. After six months spent evaluating the work necessary for the development and adaptation of the algorithms, initially intended for road safety, we are happy that this partnership results in the development of prototypes which we will be able to test in real situation in the short term.


OTN, a company based in Saône et Loire, France, manufactures, designs and markets electrical and electromechanical equipment intended for various advanced markets, including railway.

Nexyad, a company based near Paris, markets a global road safety platform for telematics, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and Autonomous Vehicles, currently adapted to railway focus.





Nexyad quoted in The Union Journal

« Smart car sensors can predict danger »

« A start-up based in Dubai and also Detroit is amongst those examining innovative modern technology options that can bring those numbers down.

Derq is creating systems to much better comprehend where danger places are. The firm makes use of a mix of sensors on roadways, expert system, and also computer systems in vehicles to inform vehicle drivers of possible risks. […]

Derq is not the only firm operating in this area. Humanising Autonomy has actually created a “pedestrian intent prediction platform” planned to make independent automobiles much safer;” Driveri is a system that examines business automobile chauffeurs’ to boost their efficiency, and also Nexyad produces software application that can be constructed right into vehicles to sharp vehicle drivers of possible crashes. »

Read entire article :

The Union Journal is an independent online financial news service. 

Old Telematics Vs New Proactive Telematics

Old telematics used to record driving behaviour data extracted from accelerometer: severe braking, cornering, etc.
At this old time, there were no other solution, but it was complex to use it :
. weak correlation between severe braking and accident were due to the fact that accident brings severe braking (and not the opposite)
. driver that doesn’t brake at all at STOP signs (700,000 accidents per year in the USA) were considered as « good drivers » (no severe braking).

Now there is a new technology, easy to integrate into telematics hardware (smartphone, telematics device, dashcam, etc.) that computes a real validated DRIVING-RISK, easy to use, and because it is computed in real time, it can trigger alerts for driver and then modify driving behaviour in due course, reducing accident rate by 20%. It is time to turn the page and contact us (we provide the technology, you can build a solution by integrating it into your system).

Nexyad Newsletter #29 is now available

NEXYAD at CTS & CES 2020 in Las Vegas


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– CTS 2020 (Consumer Telematics Show)

– CES 2020 (Consumer Electronics Show)

– Nexyad Quoted in a CNN Article

– Global Road Safety Platform by Nexyad

– Deep Learning Benchmark : Tensor Flow Vs Nexyad Internal Deep Learning Solution

Go to the Nexyad Newsletter # 29

NEXYAD at CTS & CES 2020 in Las Vegas

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #29, March 24th, 2020


NEXYAD at CTS & CES 2020 in Las Vegas


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– CTS 2020 (Consumer Telematics Show)

– CES 2020 (Consumer Electronics Show)

– Nexyad Quoted in a CNN Article

– Global Road Safety Platform by Nexyad

– Deep Learning Benchmark : Tensor Flow Vs Nexyad Internal Deep Learning Solution



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Nexyad CEO Editorial


NEXYAD newsletter: our Global Road Safety Platform                                               


In these difficult times of COVID19 epidemic, I would first like to wish everyone good health, for themselves and their loved ones. Our company NEXYAD continues its activity, with difficulty because organization of telework in a software development company is a complex security problem, but we achieve the planned deliveries. All our customers still can count on us.

Our company is about to open a new page of its development, with the achievement of our Glogal Road Safety Platform, presented in this newsletter, which allows our customers to develop their own mobility solutions.

Applications of this NEXYAD Global Road Safety Platform are mostly:

  1. Telematics: alerting driver when driving risk is too high avoids 20% of road accidents, which represents a very significant Return On Investment (ROI): 200€ per year per vehicle.
    . for fleets: Risk Management
    . for insurers: Usage Based Inssurance (UBI)

    2. Automotive:

    . we know how to calculate the speed of the vehicle and its acceleration, at all times, which guarantee to stay below an acceptable maximum level of risk. Those car speed and acceleration are the typical inputs of an Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) system;
    . we know how to inform the autonomous vehicle of the risk that it is taking, in real time, Thus allowing it, on the one hand can be used to modulate its behaviour by adapting to new and unknown situations, and on the other hand, to record situations where the risk has risen too high in order to add them to the deep learning databases. NEXYAD technology is a good lead to go from AD systems level 3 to level 5 without increasing the number of sensors and the computing power: human driver doesn’t have all those sensors and can drive safely in complex situations. We propose the same scheme based on anticipation.

Our technology is available for cars, trucks, and motorcycles. This technology is now starting its massive deployment in Europe, USA, Asia and India. We are proud of our customers’ products and solutions that integrate, among other things, our technology. 

We Save Lives



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CTS 2020

This year, for the first time, Nexyad has attented the Consumer Telematics Show January 6th in Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, Las Vegas. 

We followed several interesting speeches and round tables during a full day conference with speakers from Roborace, ZF Group, Nissan North America, Veoneer, Ford Motor Company, Karma Automotive, Volvo Car Group, Avis Budget Group, Toyota North America, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Audi, Amazon Web services, and many others.

Finnish companies were well represented on the booths corner :

Vaisala enhances safety, efficiency and decision making through environmental measurement and related services.

Tuxera creates quality-assured software to help to store and do more with data.

Forciot develops advanced IoT sensor solutions for  automotive, logistics and wearable technology sectors.

Flexound Augmented Audio™ adds the sensation of touch to audio-visual listening experience.

Unikie founded in 2015 is a company in software industry that provides  unmatched service and competence.

Vincit designs and engineer software, provides digital services, and products.

Note: the presence of car maker KARMA with a beautiful e-sport sedan (see below).



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CES 2020

View of Central Plaza at LVCC

For the third consecutive time, Nexyad took his quarter at Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Plaza into French Fab Pavillon just beside Faurecia and not far from Here Technologies and Google.


Inside this French Fab Pavillon, some SMEs of high technology received lots of visitors, prospects and customers. 

Actronika develop human-machine interface solutions using patented haptic technology.
Humans are born to touch in order to form relationships, to learn, and to be engaged with environment. Faced with an ever-digitizing world, this company made it as mission to re-engage people with tangible, material experiences.
Their hardware and software make that possible.

Since 2002, Benomad have been designing, developing and marketing mapping and navigation software tailored to helping companies manage their mobile resources as effectively as possible: Business and consumer navigation application; Mapping services with simple and low cost fleet management; Integration tools like mapping SDK and Navigation API, etc.

Eldim was born in 1992, its engineering teams has acquired a high knowledge in the optical analysis of angular properties of the light in transmissive and reflective mode. They develop and manufacture: Fourier optics viewing; angle systems; video photometers, colorimeters and temporal analysis systems; viewing NIR characterization sources and turn-key inspection systems.

Since 2012, Geoflex provides accuracy, continuity and integrity on radionavigation satellites measurements. Its partnership with CNES (French national center for space studies) allowed to industrialize and commercialize the PPP-CNES technology consisting to model and estimate in real time all the different errors affecting GNSS measurements, in order to add value in the fields of positioning and navigation, precise timing and meteorological forecast model.

Prove & Run was created with the idea that large-scale deployments of connected objects is an attractive target for remote cyberattacks and that the solutions used in the mobile industry are not sufficient to answer to the challenge. They provide cost-effective, highly secure, off-the-shelf TEEs and hypervisors that dramatically improve the level of security of connected systems.

SBG Systems designs, manufactures and market a complete line of inertial sensors based on the state-of-the-art MEMS technology such as Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Inertial Navigation Systems with embedded GPS (INS/GPS). They address, for more than 10 years, the most exciting markets.

Stemming from 15 years of know-how in connected, cooperative & autonomous mobility YoGoKo is an industry-leading communication solutions provider for the connected, cooperative & autonomous vehicles (CCAV) evolving in intelligent environments. For transport & mobility market players: autonomous vehicle manufacturers, legacy automotive OEM and Tier1, for intelligent mobility solutions developer and integrators.

Inside the big Automotive cluster MOV’EO, there is another cluster called Groupement ADAS obviously specialized in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Vehicles. 13 companies currently compose it, and this year Intempora and Nexyad were animators to explain synergie, skills, services and products providing by more than 200 engineers, doctors, professors and experts.


When a French SME wants to have a talk with French Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Ms. Agnès Pannier-Runacher, no better idea than travels 5400 miles going at CES in Nevada USA.



Nexyad has met American company VSI Labs with the goal to work together soonly. They are specialized in vehicle demo on open road or test road for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle technologies on the sidelines of congresses and shows. They mainly work in USA at the moment and they plan to organize sessions in Europe and Asia in near future. We plan to build a partnership with VSI Labs to show our global road safety platform to American market.


Next to the French Fab Pavillon, three big suppliers in Automotive have put their booth, Valeo, Here Technologies and Faurecia. These giants come to meet their customers and providers like Nexyad.


In North Hall, there are almost all the big car makers, the engineering companies, and Tear ones in luxurious spaces.


Some most impressive machines for next generation mobility:


Nexyad talked a lot with attendees, organisations and partners and many thought this year shows a little decline of shuttles and autonomous mobility exhibitors. For us, it could be the proof that market is becoming mature. At the same time, full autonomy technologies for road vehicles is postpone year after year. The safety asked by authorities and public fails yet to be demonstrate. We think this issue can be overcome if engineers worldwide considered driving risk as an explicit variable instead of an implicit one.



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Nexyad Quoted in a CNN Article

“Derq is not the only company working in this space. Humanising Autonomy has developed a “pedestrian intent prediction platform” intended to make autonomous vehicles safer;” Driveri is a platform that analyzes commercial vehicle drivers’ to improve their performance, and Nexyad creates software that can be built into cars to alert drivers of potential accidents.”

Click to read entire article

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Global Safety Platform by Nexyad

Here is the presentation of our global road safety platform: computing Driving risk taken by vehicle in its Driving context, 20 times per second allows to:

. act on human driver through risk alerts (accident rate reduction by 20% at least, validated by road safety experts and insurers).

. act on automated vehicle: Automatic Cruise Control desired speed and accels / Autonomous Driving system that is aware of the Driving risk it is currently taking: being servo-control to keep risk under a max accepted value, and triggering use case recording for next deep Learning versions.




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Deep Learning Benchmark : Tensor Flow Vs Nexyad Deep Learning Solution

Several times per year, we benchmark our internal Deep Learning solution (IP NEXYAD) (NxDev) vs Tensor Flow (Google) that is a very efficient Learning system. Results again this time (Feb2020) is that NxDev still beats Tensor Flow. Of course we are happy about it, and we still work (since 1995) on Learning efficiency improvement, But comparing 2 deep Learning systems is not that easy.

First : we select a database (the same for both) and a function. This time : classification.

Second : we choose a performance measurement. Many people use % of good classification, but we chose Khi-2 value.

Third : train with exactly the same number of neurons, layers … and on the same database.

Fourth : compare Khi-2 values.

We made iterations with a growing number of neurons to draw the Vapnik curves – check if a better performance couldn’t happen with Tensor Flow for a different architecture.

We also Added perturbations with mislabeled added Learning examples, and restarted the whole process.

If other teams already worked on Learning systems benchmarks (including Google team), we would be happy to share skills and improve comparison method.



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French Authorities on Nexyad Booth at CES 2020


French Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Ms. Agnès Pannier-Runacher has visited the booth of the MOV’EO / Groupement ADAS. Business France hosted several French automotive companies, particularly in the fields of AI, communications, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Autonomous vehicles, etc.

Agnès Pannier-Runacher & Gérard Yahiaoui


Nexyad teaching Deep Learning at INSA Rouen


NEXYAD is part of the MOVEO Groupement ADAS that built a pedagocic chair with INSA ROUEN on Intelligent vehicles (autonomous Driving, ADAS, connected car).
NEXYAD presented neural netwoks theory, practice, and methodology to students of MATHS option (Génie Mathématique) – Mentor of the chair is Pr Aziz BENSRHAIR.
With examples of real time detection for intelligent cars :
. ObstaNex : obstacle detection
. RoadNex : road fre space detection by semantic segmentation (use cas of real world old dirty roads)
The methodology « AGENDA » (Approche Générale des Etudes Neuronales pour le Développement d’Applications) was presented to help future engineer in conception and maintenance of hybrid solutions involving deep Learning among other methods. Key questions are explained and solutions proposed : how to VALIDATE such a solution ? for instance.

Pedagogic Chair at INSA Rouen
Nexyad CEO on front of INSA Rouen students


NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #28, October 4th, 2019


Technology SafetyNex Starting Worldwide Deployment


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– Short News

– Motorbikes

– Trucks

– Teaching Chair at INSA Rouen Engineering School in Normandy

– NEXYAD at the VIVATECH Symposium, May 2019

– NEXYAD at the MOVEO IMAGINE MOBILITY Forum (2019 June at ESTACA in Montigny-le-Bretonneux (France)

– NEXYAD Scientific Publication about Driving Risk in “Electronic Components for Automotive Applications: proceeding of the 5th CESA Automotive Electronics Congress”, Paris 2018



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Nexyad CEO Editorial


NEXYAD finally sees the result of its hard work and of its industrial agreements signed those last two years with integrators that develop their own products for road safety on the basis, among other technologies, of our SafetyNex software component. This unique and disruptive SafetyNex technology revolutionizes both telematics on board and autonomous vehicle, and is starting then to be deployed by NEXYAD integrators at the end of 2019. SafetyNex for fleets and motor insurers brings a huge ROI : accident rate reduction by 20%.

This is a new start for the company that has spent some 20 years developing deep tech very high level Artificial Intelligence technologies:
. SafetyNex software component, that brings anticipation to drivers and to AD systems
. Three computer vision software components that can be considered as additional option bringing addition inputs that transform SafetyNex into “Augmented SafetyNex”:
          . VisiNex : detection of lacks of visibility such as fog, heavy rain, snow or sand storm, …
          . RoadNex : semantic segmentation that detects the drivable surface of the road (free space)
          . ObstaNex : detection of objcts (possible obstacles) such as cars, pedestrians, …
All those algorithms are now available as directly integrable software components (SDK / API) by our customers into their products.
See full presentation of Nexyad


We present in this issue of our newsletter the first products developed by our integrators, based on our technologies, that are starting their mass volume deployement, and we also present global news of NEXYAD activities.
Gerard, CEO of NEXYAD


#roadsafety #fleetsafety #insurance #accident #accidentrate #accidentratereduction #SafetyNex #AugmentedSafetyNex #VisiNex #lackofvisibility #fog #heavyrain #RoadNex #computervision #semanticsegmentation #freespace #roaddetection #ObstaNex #detection #cardetection #algorithms #NEXYAD



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Short News


NEXYAD was proud to see the first navigation tool based both on WAZE and SafetyNex, developed by SOFTEAM, amazing idea to gather WAZE powerful navigation skills with unique risk alerts (with anticipation) of NEXYAD SafetyNex technology that reduces accident rate by 20%.</ br>


See below the smartphone screen capture of some samples of a trip with alerts:


NEXYAD is partnering with Brightmile which is a Kamet Ventures company incubated & backed by AXA. Brightmile integrated (among other technologies) real time driving risk assessment software component SafetyNex into their complete risk management smartphone App.

We all could recently read on the press good news of this very talented team :


#Softeam #waze #brightmile #smartphone #navigation #intelligentnavigation #fleetmanagement #motorinsurance #carinsurance #insurance



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NEXYAD has worked those last two years on a collaborative R&D project, in partnership with HERE, IFSTTAR, POINT CORE, PREVENTION ROUTIERE. This project aimed to enable SafetyNex usage to motorbikers. We are glad to announce that this project, co-funded by Région Ile de France, and accredited by French Research cluster FINANCE INNOVATION is a success. The R&D consortium quality was unique (test and validation, field operational test, electronics, digital map, …)</ br>


SafetyNex will soon be deployed for motorbikes.



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NEXYAD integrators are currently deploying their telematics products (smartphone App, electronic device, dashcam), based among other technologies on SafetyNex. Main markets for those first deployments are :

. Motor insurance
. Fleet management
. Driving school

Some of our integrators then urgently needed to have a truck version that would paste right speed limits (for any kind of truck, any transported products, any country) and that would modulate risk assessment for truck use case. This version is available in Oct. 2019.



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Teaching Chair at INSA Rouen Engineering School in Normandy


September 18th, Nexyad still involved in training Master level students through the Pedagogic Chair under the direction of Pr. Aziz Bensrhair. Gérard Yahiaoui presented research activities of Nexyad and particularly Driving Risk calculation in real time to INSA Rouen Engineering School students, maths and computing option’s

CEO of NEXYAD presenting SafetyNex architecture involving applied maths and artificial intelligence for accident rate reduction (20%)


A pedagogical Chair dedicated to Autonomous & Connected Vehicle at INSA Rouen Normandy


#INSA #INSArouen #teachingchair #NEXYAD #moveo #intelligentcar



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NEXYAD at the VIVATECH Symposium, May 2019


NEXYAD had a booth at the famous Paris symposium VIVATECH. This booth was offered by French Ministry of Security/Police of the road (DSCR) that gave us the French Price of INNOVATION for road safety (for our software component SafetyNex):

SafetyNex technology is now validated and rewarded by experts on road safety. This makes the SafetyNex technology completely different from others. It is :

. proven
. validated by road safety experts, insurers, industrials
. real time on regular telematics devices, smartphones, and dashcams
. deployed for the masses through integrators

NEXYAD met new leads of customers from all over the world and will soon announce important collaborations. We also could meet other high-tech SMEs that will surely become new partners in the future.


#SafetyNex #award #towardssaferroads #vivatech #nexyad #roadsafety #DSCR #innovation



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NEXYAD at the MOVEO Imagine Mobility Forum (2019 June at ESTACA in Montigny-le-Bretonneux (France)


NEXYAD was part of the IMAGINE MOBILITY FORUM that took place at the Engineering School ESCATA in the Paris suburb. NEXYAD was present with both:

. Groupement ADAS: a business cluster of High-Tech SMEs focused on connected and intelligent vehicles
. Groupement AI4Cities: a business cluster of High-Tech SMEs focused on applications of digital technologies to smart cities and mobility

NEXYAD showed films and demos of their 4 software modules ready for integration into products by customers:

. SafetyNex that computes onboard in real time at each moment the driving risk that driver is currently taking
. VisiNex that detects (from a camera) lacks of visibility (fog, snow, sand, dust, lack of lighting, heavy rain, …)
. RoadNex that detects (from a camera) the road and especially the free space (where it is possible to drive)
. ObstaNex that detects (from a camera) obstacles, in particular other vehicles


#moveo #mobility #nexyad #SafetyNex #VisiNex #ObstaNex #RoadNex



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NEXYAD Scientific Publication about Driving Risk computing in “Electronic Components for Automotive Applications : proceeding of the 5th SIA CESA Automotive Electronics Congress”, Paris 2018


“Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Onboard Accident Prevention: Application to Vocal Driving Risk Assistant, ADAS, and Autonomous Driving”
by Johann Brunet, Pierre Da Silva Dias, Gérard Yahiaoui

This publication is available in “ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS” Proceedings of the 5th SIA CESA Automotive Electronics Congress, Paris, 2018.

Jochen Langheim, Editor, Springer publishing.


#carelectronics #CESAautomotive #proceedings #publication #scientificpublication #automotive #Springer #risk #riskassessment #automotive #SafetyNex


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Imagine an Autonomous Driving System that drive « like human »

But with no distraction, no anger, no rush, no mood, just like the day of patent when one have it…
An Autonomous Driving System (AD System) is NOT a system that can detect « everything » and can react then the right way to « every detected situation ».

Human driver is much safer, in average, at 50 years old than at 18, although detection capabilities and reflexes are much better at 18. Improvement of safety comes from anticipation capabilities and application of safety rules in absence of detection.

NEXYAD proposes the technology SafetyNex that computes in real time at each moment the risk that the driver (human being or AD system) is taking. 75% of the Driving risk comes from the inadequation of Driving behaviour to infrastructure characteristics (so for those 75% no need for mobiles detection, and SafetyNex can assess this risk with only a GPS, a digital map, and accelerometers. With SafetyNex, the AD System is « AWARE » of the Driving risk it is currently taking and then can Apply heuristics of cautiousness even without (before) detecting any problem : i.e. slightly slowing down before a priority to the right … is a rule of cautiousness that avoids MANY accident without need for accurate ADAS detection.Driving behaviour becomes then more « human »