
A version of RoadNex (road recognition module, by NEXYAD) will be soon available in the Real Time development tool RT-MAPS (by INTEMPORA) and in smart phones (B2C App).

Watch a demo :
[flashvideo filename= width= »600″ height= »450″ image= » » displayheight= »450″ /]

Link :

National Day of Competitive Clusters / Journée Nationale des pôles Juilet 2014

Gérard YAHIAOUI, President CEO of NEXYAD, Vice President of MOV’EO (imagine mobility), presented a speech about the Moveo Groupement initiative : business clusters of high-tech SMEs at the French Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry in Paris :

Ministère de l’Economie, du Redressement productif et du Numérique
Centre de conférences Pierre Mendès-France
139, rue de Bercy, Paris 12e

NEXYAD at the seminar about SMEs clusters at CONTINENTAL Toulouse (July 3, 2014)

NEXYAD was at the seminar organized by CONTINENTAL in Toulouse about clusters of companies in the field of automotive industry.
Working together for better quality, more business, better margin, and good price.

1. Gerard YAHIAOUI : President CEO of NEXYAD, VP of MOV’EO (in charge of SMEs)
2. Louis-Claude Vrignaud : Continental Automotive France, Director Public-Private Partnerships
3. Bruno Guillet : ARIA Midi-Pyrénées Automotech Cluster
4. Vincent Gayde : Microtec, General manager
5. Patrick Reilhac : Galia, director
6. Brigitte Nicolas : CCI Toulouse 31
7. Xavier Benoit : ARIA Rhône Alpes Automotive Cluster, Vice President SME ETI
8. Antoine Jouin : Continental Automotive France, president
9. Rémi Ferrier : DIRECCTE Midi-Pyrénées, responsible business center, employment and the economy
10. Carlos Cardoso : PFA, consultant

Gérard YAHIAOUI presents the INI Groupment at the French Government Meeting : PLAN NOUVELLE FRANCE INDUSTRIELLE ‘VEHICULE AUTONOME” (« Plan for new industrial France “autonomous vehicle”)

Gérard YAHIAOUI, President CEO of NEXYAD, presents the Mov’eo Groupment INI (Intégration du Numérique pour l’Industrie : Integration of Digital Technologies for Industry).

This presentation shows demo cars development platform (for autonomous vehicle) proposed by this cluster of high-tech SMEs. The presentation is made in collaboration with the President CEO of ADM Concept, Dominique MOCQUARD. This presentation is organized by DGCIS at RENAULT location in Guyancourt.

Presentation of NEXYAD products for European Car Industry (February 4, 2014)

Here are the powerpoint sildes of presentation of NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation : PDF Here

– Visibility measurement in your lab (Testing Application : for wipers, washer, windshield, rain sensor, lighting, demist, …) VisiNex

– Onboard Software (Artificial Vision) blocs for your ADAS development : (road detection) RoadNex, (road safety assessment) SafetyNex, (drowsiness detection) DrowsiNex, (visibility measurement) VisiNex Onboard, (obstacle/pedestrian detection) ObstaNex

New releases of NEXYAD algorithms for ADAS (January 31, 2014)

New releases of NEXYAD algorithms for ADAS :

RoadNex : detection of the road in front of vehicle for your ADAS

Link :

ObstaNex : detection of obstacles/pedestrians in front of the vehicle for your ADAS

Link :

VisiNex Onboard : measurement of visibility in front of the vehicle for your ADAS

Link :

DrowsiNex : Detection of driver’s drowsiness for your ADAS

Link :

SafetyNex : car safety/risk onboard estimation for your ADAS

Link :

Those software blocs are available as user licences for research (autonomous vehicles and adas demo cars, …) as dll for windows or as RT-MAPS components.

NEXYAD also takes into account opportunities to embed those blocs into your ADAS systems for new vehicles or as after market solutions in your distribution network.

Presentation of ADAS development scheme by NEXYAD at the Mov’eo Symposium Plénière DAS SUR (Sécurité des Usagers de la Route) (December 9, 2013)

NEXYAD presented their ADAS development scheme to the Mov’eo ADAS developers community (main French industrials, researchers, SMEs, …)

Presentation of ADAS development scheme by NEXYAD at the Mov’eo Symposium Plénière DAS SUR (Sécurité des Usagers de la Route)

Link to the presentation (French spoken): ADAS_NEXYAD-pléniaire_9_Décembre_2013_V1.ppsx

New release of RoadNex (Road recognition for ADAS)

New release of RoadNex (Road recognition for ADAS)

Road recognition: RoadNex
[flashvideo filename= width= »600″ height= »450″ image= » » displayheight= »450″ /]

Review CCFA.Fr (November 25, 2013)

CCFA (Comité des Constructeurs Français d’Automobiles) wrote a paper on the competitive cluster Mov’eo. This paper mentions NEXYAD as member of the high tech SMEs business cluster ITS Infra.

Quote :

« Pôle de compétitivité en R&D Automobile et Transports publics, Mov’eo (Imagine Mobility) développe des projets collaboratifs innovants pour renforcer la compétitivité internationale des entreprises françaises et des territoires … Mov’eo s’est donné pour ambition de créer 15 groupements de PME en 3 ans, dont 2 viennent de voir le jour avec pour objectif de concourir à la signature d’au moins 12 contrats internationaux … Le pôle a ainsi annoncé début novembre la création d’un groupement « infrastructures et systèmes de transport intelligents », baptisé ITS-Infra, réunissant pour l’instant six PME qui interviennent dans les technologies de l’information et de la communication appliquées au domaine des transports : … Nexyad dans la modélisation mathématique de la perception visuelle … »

Link to the CCFA text :

NEXYAD at the “Carrefours Mov’eo Ile de France” in Paris, with the ADAS cluster (Groupement ADAS, Mov’eo Groupement) (November 20, 2013)

NEXYAD shows a demo car for innovative ADAS.
This demo car has been developed by 3 SMEs of Mov’eo that will be a part of the next Mov’eo high tech SMEs cluster (Groupement ADAS) : INTEMPORA, FH ELECTRONIQUE, and NEXYAD.

In this demo car, FH ELECTRONIQUE deals with physical integration into the car, INTEMPORA deals with real time management and time stamping (using their software RT-MAPS) and NEXYAD brings their ADAS bloc for road detection RoadNex. This ADAS demo car was developed for Université de Valenciennes.


PDF Here