Nexyad has visited 6th « les Rencontres Flotauto »

On Thursday, March 9, the « Rencontres Flotauto » or Professional fleet meeting were held in Paris.

This important event brings together all players of the fleet sector.
Suppliers of telematic equipment such as Nomadic Solutions, a French eco-driving specialist. Pure fleet management as Fleetmatics a French SME recently acquired by the American giant Verizon . New mobility startups such as OpenFleet which offers car sharing solutions for professionals. Almost all the European and Japonese car manufacturers were also represented by their Fleet subsidiary such as Volkswagen Group Fleet Solution.

Flotauto Fleetmatics
Fleetmatics booth

Flotauto Nomadic Solutions CarteCarburant
Nomadic Solutions on the right and Carte Carburant Leclerc on the left

Mov’eo launches its SME champion program
to accelerate the growth of French jewel in the market

Mov’eo lance son programme PME championne pour accélérer la croissance des pépites françaises sur le marché

Un article paru dans

Depuis 10 ans déjà, Mov’eo facilite les innovations en matière de transport intelligent et de mobilité entre les initiatives entrepreneuriales et les grand groupes automobiles. Fort de cette expérience, le pôle de compétitivité lance « PME championne », un nouveau programme d’excellence pour permettre aux PME et aux start-up innovantes de passer la vitesse supérieure. Objectif pour Mov’eo : identifier et accélérer 3 pépites disruptives dans l’écosystème français par an. NEXYAD et ADACCESS sont les deux premières à intégrer ce programme d’exception.

Un programme pour booster les PME et les start-up au plus fort potentiel sur le marché .

Lire tout l’article

When Car Manufacturers learn from Silicon Valley
Nexyad dans les médias

Quand les constructeurs s’inspirent de la Silicon Valley

Un article de Vincents Desmonts paru dans Motor Legend.

Les constructeurs automobiles prennent modèle sur les start-ups pour inventer de nouvelles méthodes de travail. L’objectif ? Attirer de nouveaux talents, coller au plus près des évolutions technologiques et rester dans la course à l’innovation face aux Google, Apple et autres Tesla.
En 2004, PSA inaugurait en grande pompe son centre d’études ADN (Automotive Design Network), à Vélizy (78). Extérieurement, un bâtiment à l’architecture futuriste, toisant de sa hauteur respectable la route nationale 118 qui file en contrebas. À l’intérieur, en revanche, l’ADN est plus classique : des locaux standard, propres mais un peu austères, à l’image du reste du centre d’études de Vélizy, implanté là depuis les années 1960.

Pourtant, un nouveau service s’y est installé, qui semble bénéficier d’un traitement de faveur. Il se distingue déjà par son nom : UX City (ou UXCT), suggérant que l’on pénètre ici dans un monde un peu à part. Spécialisé dans les interfaces et la vie à bord, ce nouveau plateau a poussé comme un champignon en cinq mois, et regroupe déjà 230 spécialistes issus d’horizons aussi variés que le cinéma, les sciences humaines, l’ingénierie ou la programmation. Dans cette City dans la cité, les salles de réunion s’appellent des « wagons » (et on peut y écrire sur les murs, qui sont revêtus de films plastiques lavables !), l’open space a des allures de loft new-yorkais aux murs colorés et l’on y trouve même des… parasols ! Pour un peu, on pourrait se croire chez Google ou Facebook.

Lire tout l’article

le JDN : Mov’eo accélère les cracks français de la mobilité intelligente

Aujourd’hui le JDN ou Journal Du Net publie l’information que nous vous proposions il y a quelques jours en avant première : Mov’eo consacre Nexyad PME Championne.

Le pôle de compétitivité dédié à l’automobile lance le programme « PME championne » pour accompagner la croissance des entreprises les plus prometteuses du secteur.

Adaccess et Nexyad sont les deux premières PME à avoir été choisies. La première, créée en 2013, a séduit Mov’eo avec eVa, une plateforme de mutualisation des données anonymisées générées par les véhicules connectés à destination de l’industrie automobile. « Les essais par roulage coûtent très cher donc cette solution de mutualisation permet à tous les acteurs internationaux de la R&D automobile d’accéder aux data que leurs partenaires et concurrents veulent partager. »
La start-up yvelinoise Nexyad a aussi tapé dans l’œil du pôle grâce à SafetyNex, une application mobile qui estime en temps réel le risque de conduite. Elle alerte vocalement le conducteur avant un danger pour qu’il puisse ralentir, avec la promesse d’une réduction de 20% du nombre d’accident, et enregistre les profils d’usages et de risque des utilisateurs. Lauréate du BMW Tech Date en 2016, Nexyad s’adresse aux constructeurs et aux équipementiers qui veulent fournir une navigation intelligente en première et/ou en seconde monte ainsi qu’aux assureurs automobiles qui souhaitent proposer des contrats personnalisés. « Des négociations avancées sont déjà en cours avec des assureurs et la sortie officielle est proche », assure Thierry Bapin.

Lire l’article sur le JDN

voir aussi :Mov'eo consacre Nexyad PME Championne

Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #15 is Available

Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #15 is Available

2017 Year of mass deployment for Nexyad Products

After three years of Nexyad products development, 2017 will see the start of mass deployment of its products. An Automotive EOM has integrated RoadNex & ObstaNex for road detection and obstacles detection on special vehicles and an Infrastructure EOM has integrated Visinex for visibility measurement on highways. Beside, we’ll soon announce our first customers for SafetyNex.

Headlines :
– Nexyad Review after the CES 2017 in Las Vegas
– Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data
– SafetyNex App Risk Profiles Analysis
– Nexyad invited to the 4th “Les rencontres du Fleet Management”
– NEXYAD new award: Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO
– Interview of Mov’eo and Nexyad by AutoK7
– New Update for Nexyad Modules RoadNex (Road detection) & ObstaNex (Obstacles Detection)

Read the Newsletter here.

2017 Year of mass deployment for Nexyad Products

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #15, February 13th, 2017


2017 Year of mass deployment for Nexyad Products

After three years of Nexyad products development, 2017 will see the start of mass deployment of its products. An Automotive EOM has integrated RoadNex & ObstaNex for road detection and obstacles detection on special vehicles and an Infrastructure EOM has integrated Visinex for visibility measurement on highways. Beside, we’ll soon announce our first customers for SafetyNex.

Headlines :

– Nexyad Review after the CES 2017 in Las Vegas

– Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data

– SafetyNex App Risk Profiles Analysis

– Nexyad invited to the 4th « Les rencontres du Fleet Management »

– NEXYAD new award: Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO

– Interview of Mov’eo and Nexyad by AutoK7

– New Update for Nexyad Modules RoadNex (Road detection) & ObstaNex (Obstacles Detection)

* * * * *

Nexyad Review after the CES 2017 in Las Vegas

Thanks to Business France, the DGE « Direction Générale des Entreprises » and « les Pôles de Compétitivité » (competitivity cluster) for having organised this CES mission. The « connected and autonomous vehicles » Mission brought together the four french pôles de compétitivité automobiles : LUTB, MOV’EO (Thanks too for the sponsoring), ID4CAR and cluster Pôle Véhicule du Futur; the Mission goal was to organise meetings and visits of big companies present at the CES and some top french Automotive SME’s in Las Vegas.

Nexyad was part of the Mission and took the opportunity to meet its partners, customers and future customers in Las Vegas. The show is bigger than everybody has told us before. There is thousands of boothes in several places in Las Vegas. It is impossible to see everything in four days long. This year, French Tech was well represented in the Venetian Hotel and at the Convention Center near the Westgate Hotel. Thursday January 5th, Nexyad was invited to a networking reception sponsored by Orange with the presence of Mr Stéphane Richard, chairman and CEO of Orange. The event took place at the Air Bar on the top of the Strastosphere Tower in Las Vegas.

Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas.

Special interests seen about ADAS & Autonomous Driving at CES in Las Vegas

Abeeway already present at CES 2015 presented this year its new solution for autonomous geolocalisation with great duration (one year).

Giant Alphabet announced process of finalizing its autonomous car business through spin-off Waymo. Is Google will be car manufacturers or just embedded technology platforms and in the cloud technology for manufacturers ?

The GENIVI industrial alliance provides an open source system initiative for automotive manufacturers and their suppliers in connected car field. It collaborates with the Open Connectivity Foundation for connectivity between vehicles and smart homes. The alliance includes manufacturers such as PSA60, Renault Nissan, BMW and Daimler.

HERE Indoor Positioning brings precision to the industrial IoT.

Here at CES 2017
HERE Indoor Positionning demo

The NEXYAD team present in Las Vegas was invited by officials on the HERE booth at Convention Center Central Plazza.
When we entered the booth, we saw a table with mini robotic forklifts in a warehouse, all built with real technology. The robots moved around a simulated environment picking up and delivering containers based on high-accuracy positioning, bringing the real-world applications to life.
It was one of the numerous technologies presented by HERE at CES this year.
More about HERE here

LeddarTech has showcased three innovative 2D and 3D high-resolution LIDAR « solid state » solutions for autonomous driving applications based on next-generation LeddarCore ICs and developed with the collaboration of leading-edge suppliers and partners from the newly-established Leddar Ecosystem.
Nexyad hat a « summit » meeting with Leddartech (top of the Westgate Hotel on the booth of the canadian company). Both companies spoke about various future projects within the Groupement ADAS.
LeddarTech in Las Vegas

Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad and Pier-Olivier Hamel Product leader at Leddartech.

Quanergy Systems rised $90m in 2016 to built Autonomous cars sensors with US Partner Sensata Technologies.

REVA2 participated for the first time to CES and present a vehicle that is both autonomous and traditional. It is in fact a complete automotive system that ambition to create the French startup.

robotTUNER (An automated vehicle that looks like the french one NAVYA).

Twinswheel has presented its autonomous droid for parcel delivery services in urban area.

New ADAS demos by VALEO

Valeo onboard demos area at Golden Lot was completely crowed during the four days of the Convention. But we were lucky happy few to test Valeo XtraVue and Valeo 360AEB Nearshield.

Valeo XtraVue is a system based on a set of connected cameras that eliminates visual obstacles. It takes two vehicles equipped with the system. The driver of the vehicle B, which follows the vehicle A, can see on its control screen what happens in front of the vehicle A by seeing through it.

Valeo at CES 2017
VALEO XtraVue demo car

Valeo 360AEB Nearshield (Autonomous Emergency Braking) is an innovative technology to protect nearby pedestrians when vehicles perform low-speed maneuvers. With a full 360 degrees system of cameras and ultrasonic sensors, this ADAS helps the driver to avoid accident due to blind spots around large vehicles such as SUV and pick-up trucks.
Read more about Valeo at CES

Verizon (fixed and mobile telecom) was updating 2.0 of its Go90 video streaming application for iOS and Android which now supports Apple TV and Google Chromecast. It will allow the sharing of video links with other users via social networks. Verizon Digital Media acquired Volicon, which manages video distribution back-ends and analytics with its Media Intelligence Platform. Another acquisition is Fleetmatics for $ 2.4B. It is a fleet tracking service via GPS, a deal to get into the automotive sector.
The sugar on the top was Yahoo !, acquired for only $ 4.8B. the top is its billion unique monthly users including 60% on mobiles, and its advertising network. This complements the acquisition of AOL, Yahoo being intended to integrate it.

Visteon Demonstrates Augmented Reality Driving Experience and Latest Head-Up Display Technology at CES® 2017.

Complementing the vehicle’s HUD, embedded front-view and driver monitoring cameras trigger “smart alerts” in the form of lights and sounds when the driver is not paying attention to the road, if the vehicle strays from its lane, or if the vehicle is at risk of potentially hitting an object. For example, when a pedestrian or bicycle is present on the side of the road, an LED light projects onto the windshield within a 90-degree angle of the driver’s line of sight, giving a visual alert without the driver needing to turn his or her head.

Read more about Visteon here

Two onboard cameras look at the front of the car (a video for the demo),
detect obstacles and alerts the driver via a HUD.

* * * * *

Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data

See below an example of Risk Profile Data Nexyad is able to give to their customers. SafetyNex provides Eco Driving profiles data, and usages profiles (Kms, date, hours, kind of roads, etc…) all of these can be crossed with Risk Profiles.

SafetyNex Risk Profile

Look at the entire SafetyNex User Manual

* * * * *

SafetyNex App Risk Profiles Analysis

Risk profiles estimated by SafetyNex: Analysis of profiles, and possible use to detect fatigue and hypovigilance of driver.

SafetyNex is a nomadic real-time risk estimation system. The system has been described in detail in previous publications [1] and uses the key concept of « near-accident » or « quasi-accident », and is a result of 15 years of collaborative research with road safety experts and researchers.
The main competitive advantage of SafetyNex is that it allows, since the risk is estimated in real time,
to warn the driver (vocal alert), and thus to allow driver to avoid accident. Studies show that SafetyNex can reduce accident rate by 20% [2], which represents for insurers and fleet managers a consequent increase in margin [3].
But of course, SafetyNex also records usage and risk profiles. These profiles provide the behavior of the driver, or more precisely, his/her ability to regulate driving task consistently with danger. No need to record large volumes of data (accelerations, etc…) which in reality are not data (these are signals) for a possible back-office analysis, SafetyNex provides exactly the interesting data [4].
Below are examples of usage profiles and driver risk profiles.

. Read the entire paper
. Analyse des profils de risque en conduite estimés par SafetyNex (version française)

* * * * *

Nexyad invited to the 4th « Les rencontres du Fleet Management »

Last thursday 26th of january 2017, Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad participated to a panel debate in Paris near Les Champs Elysées. He was invited as road safety telematics expert. Marie-Amélie Fenoll journalist at Decision Achats animated the discussion between other speakers : Jean-Yves Marie Rose of Ademe, Julien Honnart of Wayzup, Didier Blocus of ALD Automotive France, Edwin Colella and Alain Sinquin of Octo Telematics.

Fleet Management faces numerous problems and stakes in terms of safety, monitoring of drivers, training and loss costs. Gérard Yahiaoui presented SafetyNex App risk assessment in real time, that warns the driver before danger and gives individual and global risk profiles and usage profiles. An API of SafetyNex will be available very soon to integrate in any device. SafetyNex use allows to reduce accident rate by 20%.

Les rencontres du Fleet Management partners are ALD Automotive France, Ayming, Codes Rousseau, La carte carburant pro E. Leclerc, Octo Telematics and Phoenix development.

Gérard Yahiaoui Nexyadfrom the left Marie-Amélie Fenoll, Edwin Collela and Gérard Yahiaoui

* * * * *

NEXYAD new award :
Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO

NEXYAD is proud to announce that MOV’EO selected NEXYAD to be one of their CHAMPION high tech SMEs
(PME championne du pôle de compétitivité MOV’EO).

« We are very proud to get this award from MOV’EO that works hard for high tech SMEs development » said Gerard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD. « We participated to the MOV’EO mission at CES 2017 in LasVegas, with Business France, and for us, it is already a success ». « This new award will give us more exposure and for a High-Tech SME it is always a good thing ».


« Nous sommes très fiers d’obtenir cette récompense de MOV’EO qui œuvre pour le développement des PME de hautes technologies dans le secteur de la mobilité. Nous avons participé à la la mission CES 2017 à Las Vegas, avec Business France, et pour Nexyad, c’est déjà un succès. Cette nouvelle récompense nous apporte plus d’exposition et pour une PME de High-Tech c’est toujours une bonne chose. » a déclaré Gérard Yahiaoui le P-DG de Nexyad.

* * * * *

Interview of Mov’eo and Nexyad by AutoK7

Nicolas Dattez from french competitivity cluster MOVEO and Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad talk about their experience of CES in Las Vegas with Christophe Bourroux for RadioK7 « Voice of Mobility »

« We are stronger at ten to push heavy doors ! »

Interview of Gerard Yahiaoui on RadioK7

(Click to play)

* * * * *

New Update for Nexyad Modules RoadNex (Road detection) & ObstaNex (Obstacles Detection)

Nexyad development team work hard to give updates and new functionnalities to its ADAS modules. See Below an example of road detection with the last update on RoadNex:

RoadNex on RT-Maps

SafetyNex App Risk Profiles Analysis

Risk profiles estimated by SafetyNex: Analysis of profiles, and possible use to detect fatigue and hypovigilance of driver.

SafetyNex is a nomadic real-time risk estimation system. The system has been described in detail in previous publications [1] and uses the key concept of « near-accident » or « quasi-accident », and is a result of 15 years of collaborative research with road safety experts and researchers.
The main competitive advantage of SafetyNex is that it allows, since the risk is estimated in real time,
to warn the driver (vocal alert), and thus to allow driver to avoid accident. Studies show that SafetyNex can reduce accident rate by 20% [2], which represents for insurers and fleet managers a consequent increase in margin [3].
But of course, SafetyNex also records usage and risk profiles. These profiles provide the behavior of the driver, or more precisely, his/her ability to regulate driving task consistently with danger. No need to record large volumes of data (accelerations, etc…) which in reality are not data (these are signals) for a possible back-office analysis, SafetyNex provides exactly the interesting data [4].
Below are examples of usage profiles and driver risk profiles.

. Read the entire paper
. Analyse des profils de risque en conduite estimés par SafetyNex (version française)

Nexyad invited to the 4th « Les rencontres du Fleet Management »

Last thursday 26th of january 2017, Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad participated to a panel debate in Paris near Les Champs Elysées. He was invited as road safety telematics expert. Marie-Amélie Fenoll journalist at Decision Achats animated the discussion between other speakers : Jean-Yves Marie Rose of Ademe, Julien Honnart of Wayzup, Didier Blocus of ALD Automotive France, Edwin Colella and Alain Sinquin of Octo Telematics.

Fleet Management faces numerous problems and stakes in terms of safety, monitoring of drivers, training and loss costs. Gérard Yahiaoui presented SafetyNex App risk assessment in real time, that warns the driver before danger and gives individual and global risk profiles and usage profiles. An API of SafetyNex will be available very soon to integrate in any device. SafetyNex use allows to reduce accident rate by 20%.

Les rencontres du Fleet Management partners are ALD Automotive France, Ayming, Codes Rousseau, La carte carburant pro E. Leclerc, Octo Telematics and Phoenix development.

Gérard Yahiaoui Nexyadfrom the left Marie-Amélie Fenoll, Edwin Collela and Gérard Yahiaoui

Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data

See below an example of Risk Profile Data Nexyad is able to give to their customers. SafetyNex provides Eco Driving profiles data, and usages profiles (Kms, date, hours, kind of roads, etc…) all of these can be crossed with Risk Profiles.

SafetyNex Risk Profile

Look at the entire SafetyNex User Manual

NEXYAD new award :
Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO

NEXYAD is proud to announce that MOV’EO selected NEXYAD to be one of their CHAMPION high tech SMEs
(PME championne du pôle de compétitivité MOV’EO).

 » we are very proud to get this award from MOV’EO that works hard for high tech SMEs development » said Gerard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD. « We participated to the MOV’EO mission at CES 2017 in LasVegas, with Business France, and for us, it is already a success ». « This new award will give us more exposure and for a High-Tech SME it is always a good thing ».


« Nous sommes très fiers d’obtenir cette récompense de MOV’EO qui œuvre pour le développement des PME de hautes technologies dans le secteur de la mobilité. Nous avons participé à la la mission CES 2017 à Las Vegas, avec Business France, et pour Nexyad, c’est déjà un succès. Cette nouvelle récompense nous apporte plus d’exposition et pour une PME de High-Tech c’est toujours une bonne chose. » a déclaré Gérard Yahiaoui le P-DG de Nexyad.

ADAS & Autonomous Driving at CES in Las Vegas

Thanks to Business France for having organised this CES mission and to Moveo sponsoring.
The show is bigger than everybody says us before. There is thousands of boothes in several places in Las Vegas. It is impossible to see all in four days long. This year, French Tech was well represented in the Venetian Hotel and at the Convention Center near the Westgate Hotel. In the last news we talked about Leddartech and today we make a focus on three major companies that built the future of smart mobility.

New ADAS demos by VALEO

Valeo onboard demos area at Golden Lot was completely crowed during the four days of the Convention. But we were lucky happy few to test Valeo XtraVue and Valeo 360AEB Nearshield.

Valeo XtraVue is a system based on a set of connected cameras that eliminates visual obstacles. It takes two vehicles equipped with the system. The driver of the vehicle B, which follows the vehicle A, can see on its control screen what happens in front of the vehicle A by seeing through it.

Valeo 360AEB Nearshield (Autonomous Emergency Braking) is an innovative technology to protect nearby pedestrians when vehicles perform low-speed maneuvers. With a full 360 degrees system of cameras and ultrasonic sensors, this ADAS helps the driver to avoid accident due to blind spots around large vehicles such as SUV and pick-up trucks.
Read more about Valeo at CES

HERE Indoor Positioning brings precision to the industrial IoT.

The NEXYAD team present in Las Vegas was invited by officials on the HERE booth at Convention Center Central Plazza.
When we entered the booth, we saw a table with mini robotic forklifts in a warehouse, all built with real technology. The robots moved around a simulated environment picking up and delivering containers based on high-accuracy positioning, bringing the real-world applications to life.
It was one of the numerous technologies presented by HERE at CES this year.
More about HERE here

CES Valeo & Here
                         VALEO XtraVue demo car                                          HERE Indoor Positionning demo

Visteon Demonstrates Augmented Reality Driving Experience and Latest Head-Up Display Technology at CES® 2017.

Complementing the vehicle’s HUD, embedded front-view and driver monitoring cameras trigger “smart alerts” in the form of lights and sounds when the driver is not paying attention to the road, if the vehicle strays from its lane, or if the vehicle is at risk of potentially hitting an object. For example, when a pedestrian or bicycle is present on the side of the road, an LED light projects onto the windshield within a 90-degree angle of the driver’s line of sight, giving a visual alert without the driver needing to turn his or her head.

Read more about Visteon here

Two onboard cameras look at the front of the car (a video for the demo),
detect obstacles and alerts the driver via a HUD.

Nexyad at the CES in Las Vegas

As part of the partnership mission (connected and autonomous vehicles) at the CES organized by Business France for the four french pôles de compétitivité automobiles (competitivity cluster) : LUTB, MOV’EO, ID4CAR and cluster Pôle Véhicule du Futur; Nexyad meets its partners, customers and future customers in Las Vegas.

Summit meeting with Leddartech (top of the Westgate Hotel on the booth of the canadian company). Both companies spoke about various future projects within the Groupement ADAS.
LeddarTech in Las Vegas
Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad and Pier-Olivier Hamel Product leader at Leddartech.

Thursday January 5th, Nexyad was invited to a networking reception sponsored by Orange with the presence of Mr Stéphane Richard, chairman and CEO of Orange. The event took place at the Air Bar on the top of the Strastosphere Tower in Las Vegas.

Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas.

« Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications »
Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14 is Available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14, December 23th, 2016

Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications

Headlines :

– Demo video of SafetyNex : Smartphone App Onboard Real Time for Driving Risk Assessment
– Cercle LAB Symposium : new digital technologies for Insurance and Bank
– FinTech Community Symposium
– New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies
– Nexyad Technologies for Car Industry and New Mobility : SafetyNex – RoadNex – ObstaNex – VisiNex
– R&D project BIKER ANGEL (Driving Risk Assessment for Motorbikes) has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION
– Business Trip to CES at Las Vegas

Read the Newsletter #14


NEXYAD Best Wishes end of 2016 Newsletter !
Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14, December 23th, 2016

NEXYAD Best Wishes end of 2016 Newsletter
Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications

Nexyad Best Wishes

Headlines :

– Demo video of SafetyNex : Smartphone App Onboard Real Time of Driving Risk Assessment

– Cercle LAB Symposium : new digital technologies for Insurance and Bank

– FinTech Community Symposium

– New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies

– Nexyad Technologies for Car Industry and New Mobility : SafetyNex – RoadNex – ObstaNex – VisiNex

– R&D project BIKER ANGEL(Driving Risk Assessment for Motorbikes) has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION

– Business Trip to CES at Las Vegas

* * * * *

Demo video of SafetyNex : Smartphone App
Onboard Real Time of Driving Risk Assessment

Voir la version française de la démo

* * * * *

Cercle LAB Symposium : new digital technologies for Insurance and Bank

30th Nov 2016, seven high-tech startups had to pitch in front of almost all French Insurance Companies. This was organized by the Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Assurance Banque), at ALLIANZ tower (Paris La Défense) : « colloque prospective annuel du cercle LAB ».

NEXYAD was introduced to Cercle LAB by the competitiveness cluster FINANCE & INNOVATION.
It was an interesting challenge and the jury had to pick only ONE startup from seven talented ones, to give the special prize « coup de coeur des assureurs » (special « crush » prize from the French insurers community).

Cercle LAB Crush to Nexyad SafetyNex
             Gérard Yahiaoui pitching at Allianz Tower                       « Coup de Cœur des Assureurs » Diploma

NEXYAD had to pitch and convince the audience, among 7 talented startups.
NEXYAD presented SafetyNex : a smartphone App for real time onboard driving risk assessment (with vocal alerts that warn the driver before a potential danger), that can reduce accident rate by 20% and cost loss by 5%, making SafetyNex a unique tool for Road Safety. SafetyNex gives also risk profiles and usage profiles.

Winner : NEXYAD !!!

We thank all the insurers that came to this high tech day that gave a broadchurch view on research and development for Insurance applications (artificial intelligence, deep learning, iot, blockchain, telematics, …), we thank Pôle FINANCE INNOVATION & Cercle LAB.


Read more about SafetyNex

The other talented startups were :
. Blue DME : a smart data lake with bige data analysis
. DreamQuark : Artificial Intelligence as a service, for insurers
. KMS : HICP « Augmented insurer » with artificial intelligence
. Minalea : Artificial Sales Assistant
. Stimul : e-Health applications
. Utwin : digitalisation of insurance processes

All startups are members of pôle FINANCE INNOVATION

* * * * *

FinTech Community Symposium

FINTECH COMMUNITY 4th edition in Paris on December 7th, the greatest bi-annual meeting union of funders and innovative technology companies. Nexyad, through the real-time application of measurement of driving risk: SafetyNex, received the Label Finance Innovation 2016 by the global competitiveness cluster Finance Innovation.This label means that SafetyNex was detected as « useful » for insurance (car insurance).

Label Finance Innovation - SafetyNex

Later in the morning, Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, pitched for Fintech Insurance category and received biggest amount of invoices from the audience, and he won a second prize that will give SafetyNex a larger exposition.

Gérard Yahiaoui - Pole Finance Innovation

Gérard Yahiaoui in the top middle

FinTech Community symposium organised by pôle FINANCE INNOVATION

* * * * *

New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies

Major release of the Real Time Onboard Driving Risk Assessment smartphone App SafetyNex.
Version 2_208 is available.
New functionalities and new HMI :

HMI SafetyNex

Read more :

Become ALPHA-tester of our smartphone App SafetyNex
Contact : Olivier Benel

* * * * *

Nexyad Technologies for Car Industry and New Mobility : SafetyNex – RoadNex – ObstaNex – VisiNex

. SafetyNex : intelligent navigation that alerts the driver before encountering a
dangerous situation + may monitors risk taken by the driverless function too.

See :

. RoadNex & ObstaNex (road and obstacle detection using camera(s)):
See :

. VisiNex onboard : visibility measurement
This technology (coming from military research) could have help avoiding TESLA accident
as VisiNex can tell when visibility conditions are not compatible with camera-based detection.
See :

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R&D project BIKER ANGEL (Driving Risk Assessment for Motorbikes) has been certified

R&D project BIKER ANGEL has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
This project consists in making SafetyNex available for motorcycles.
Partners of this project are : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
NEXYAD is the project leader.
Submission of this project has been sent to FUI (Fond Unifié Interministériel – France).

Biker Angel - Label Finance Innovation

Le project BIKER ANGEL a été labellisé par le Pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
Ce projet consiste à adapter SafetyNex pour les motards.
Les partenaires de ce projet sont : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
BIKER ANGEL est porté par NEXYAD.
Ce projet fait l’objet d’une demande FUI.

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Business Trip to CES at Las Vegas

NEXYAD is part of the France Business mission at CES in LAS VEGAS (Jan 2017).
NEXYAD tech will be present inside tier one companies demos : ADAS and Driverless.
NEXYAD already took meeting dates with major car industry companies and GAFAs
to show their efficient modules.

CES Las Vegas

Inscription to this Business France mission was made by the pôle MOV’EO (imagine mobility)

R&D project BIKER ANGEL has been certified

R&D project BIKER ANGEL has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
This project consists in making SafetyNex available for motorcycles.
Partners of this project are : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
NEXYAD is the project leader.
Submission of this project has been sent to FUI (Fond Unifié Interministériel – France).

Biker Angel - Label Finance Innovation

Le project BIKER ANGEL a été labellisé par le Pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
Ce projet consiste à adapter SafetyNex pour les motards.
Les partenaires de ce projet sont : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
BIKER ANGEL est porté par NEXYAD.
Ce projet fait l’objet d’une demande FUI.