MOV’EO Imaging Mobility Forum 2018

Imaging Mobility Forum by MOV’EO, June 7th 2018 at ESTACA, Campus Paris-Saclay.
« Innovation Hubs : a new deal for efficient mobility »

Luc Chatel - Rémi Bastien
Luc Chatel, PFA President                                             Rémi Bastien, Mov’eo President

– Mov’eo General Assembly – 2017 Management & Financial report
– Keynote : opening by Luc CHATEL, Chairman, French Automotive Industry & Mobilities, Former French Secretary of State for Industry
– Tech Sessions : Blockchain: the ultimate bypassing. New Eldorado for mobility or just a buzz?
Smart Grid: the key for electric mobility solutions ?
ESTACA’LAB research activities on intelligent, clean and safe transport
Conference : Innovation Hubs : a new deal for efficient mobility
– Introduction by Rémi Bastien, Mov’eo Chairman & Ludovic Busson, ESTACA Chairman
– Keynote : Richard Dujardin, CEO France, Transdev & Patrick Pelata, Chairman, Meta Consulting LLC
– Roundtable – European clusters :
Rémi BASTIEN, VP Automotive Prospective, Groupe Renault, Chairman of Mov’eo & VEDECOM Institute
Leo KUSTERS, Managing Director, AutomotiveNL
Maren LOUCHET, International Cooperation, e-mobil BW
Laura MORGAGNI, CEO, Torino Wireless

Groupement ADAS
Adaccess demo car                                             Groupement ADAS Booth

CNEJITA Seminar on Artificial Intelligence: who will be responsible ?

April 10th, CNEJITA (National Company of Legal Experts on Computer Science and Associated Techniques) organized a Seminar, whose objective is to determine the responsibility in terms of artificial intelligence through the understanding of technology and the dialogue with the actors of the sector.
It is therefore around this theme of topicality and future which is the artificial intelligence that the best experts in terms of computing met at the Commercial Court of Paris.

AI: concepts, technological breakthroughs and new risks
– Understanding the Concepts and Landscape of AI – Jean-Claude HEUDIN ( – Teacher Researcher in AI)
– IA: state of play and perspectives – Jean-Philippe DESBIOLLES (IBM head of France IA WATSON)

Roundtable – Which Expertise fo AI ? was animated by Serge MIGAYRON (Honorary President of CNEJITA)
– The acceptability and limits of IA – JA CAUSSE (CNEJITA Expert)
– The Autonomous Vehicle and Traceability of IA – Jean-Louis LEQUEUX (Former President of VeDeCoM Tech)
– Auditability and risk control in the design of an IA – Gérard YAHIAOUI (NEXYAD)
– Evolution of the world of insurance, towards an objective responsibility – Nicolas HELENON (Co-manager Firm NEO TECH Assurances)

Roundtable – The Legal Challenges of AI. Animation – A MEILLASSOUX (ATM Lawyers – President of AFDIT)

– Introduction to Classical and New AI Concepts by Law: Applicable Regime and Evidence – L SZUSKIN (BAKER McKENZIE Lawyer)
– Tort liability in the face of AI: adaptation of traditional categories or creation of a responsibility specific to AI? – P GLASER (Lawyer TAYLOR WESSING)
– Contractual liability in the face of the IA: risk management during the contractualization of an IA system – FP LANI (DERRIENNIC Associate Lawyer)
– Synthesis on the current legal landscape – G de MONTEYNARD (Attorney General at the Court of Cassation)

Colloque CNEJITA

CAC Conference 2018 on Connected Car in Paris

The Connected Automotive Conference, held March 13, 2018 in Paris, is the French reference in conference on the connected vehicle.
Several themes were discussed around selected guests:
– What is the innovation « Made in France »? Decryption of the latest advances and ongoing pilot projects that will bring major changes in the field of mobility.
– New expectations of the French. Analysis of the latest studies conducted with citizens and put in perspective with the results around the world.
Which ADAS will integrate the automobile tomorrow? After smart parking and cameras, what driving assistants will be used in tomorrow’s vehicles and for what use?
– How will AI change the lives of motorists? From GAFA to start-ups, everyone dreams of designing the intelligent assistant of the motorist. The relationship with the brand will be transformed.
Then, followed interview, key-note, startup contest and experts workshops, all day long.

Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of Nexyad, was invited to participate at the conference as an expert in Articicial Inteligence, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Highly Automated Driving.

CAC Paris 2018

To know more about the conference (in French language)

Nexyad present with Groupement ADAS at Equip’Auto 2017

Equip'Auto_Groupement ADAS

Nexyad was present with Groupement ADAS at Equip’Auto Congress in Paris. Groupement ADAS is a SME’s cluster : 10 companies with expertise in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Connected car and Autonomous vehicle. Philippe Orvain CEO of Nomadic Solutions and competitiveness cluster MOV’EO Vice President has responsed to journalist Laurent Meillaud on Congress TV channel.

Watch Philippe Orvain interview on the congress channel with SafetyNex video demo :

Nexyad at Unesco A.I. Conference in Paris

Nexyad CEO Gérard Yahiaoui A.I. expert was invited to speak (invited paper) in a conference in Paris on Artificial Intelligence (JNI/IESF, Under the patronage of UNESCO, 2017 Oc 19). He talked about Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicle : « Intelligence Artificielle pour le Véhicule Autonome, et exemple de réalisation : SafetyNex ». Very interesting papers during this day showing a broad range of AI applications (automotive, fashion, HR management, Legal, …). More than 400 people in the audience.

Unesco AI Congress

Nexyad at AutoSens Brussels 2017

AutoSens took place at the AutoWorld Museum in Brussels September 19-21.
To answer the issues of Connected Cars and Autonomous Cars, engineers need first to give eyes, ears and A.I. to future vehicles. Sensors will play this crucial and difficult role of replacing the human senses.
Engineers and sensors providers met for three days of conferences and workshops.
Groupement ADAS was present with Leddartech the lidars canadian company that rose 100 M$ funding, New Imaging Technologies with their unique high dynamic range camera sensors, Intempora that provide famous RT-Maps, and of course Nexyad presented his three camera-based software modules for Road Detection – RoadNex, for Obstacles Detection – ObstaNex, for Visibility Measurement – VisiNex and SafetyNex – the Road Safety system with sensors fusion and data fusion (digital map, accelerometers, GPS, cameras, lidars, radars, ultrasounds, weather data, traffic data, etc.).
New players appeared as Crowdflower or Mighty Ai, they are plateforms that help you process your data or images very quickly by dividing the workload with very many people registered online.

Enova Symposium Paris 2017

Round Table at ENOVA symposium in Paris, on the subject of self-driving car
(see from left to right)
. Vincent ABADIE, Vice-President Expert Leader Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS, PSA Group
. Jochen LANGHEIM, Vice-President advanced systems R&D programs, ST MICROELECTRONICS
. Jean-François SENCERIN, Autonomous Driving NFI/PFA Program Director
. Guillaume DEVAUCHELLE, Vice-President Innovation, VALEO
. Alain PIPERNO, Expert Safety & Autonomous Vehicle, UTAC
The audience could listen to this experts panel and ask questions about connected and driverless cars.
Journalist : Laurent MEILLAUD
ENOVA, Paris, Porte de Versailles


3 days of exchanges and conviviality at the service of Innovation + Business Meetings driven by THE NEW NEEDS OF CONNECTIVITY.
Read more about the Event

Connected & Self-driving Car Meetup #9

Nexyad was invited to the Connected & Self-driving Car Meetup #9 at Le Square (Renault’s innovation lab in Paris), on september 13.
Thanks to the perfect organisation of Laurent Dunys and Bruno Moncorge.
A large audience listened presentation about vehicles and data security with Nabil Bouzerna of IRT SystemX. Finally, Jean-François Menier, lawyer at Elyos Avocats gave a very interesting wrap-up about the potential responsibility of a driver in the case of a connected / self-driving car accident and of course about driver and passengers safety with SafetyNex App : real time driving risk assessment.


Adademic chair at MOV’EO with INSA Rouen

MOV’EO Groupement ADAS built an academic chair with INSA ROUEN (option Intelligent Transportation) on ADAS and driverless cars.
The first course was given by Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD, the 13th of September 2017 in Rouen : presentation of key notions (near missed accident, driving risk), and presentation of SafetyNex (real time driving risk assessment) and applications to car insurance, fleet management, ADAS, and driverless cars.

Chaire pédagogique

Nexyad and Groupement ADAS at Autonomous Vehicle Symposium

Since yesterday started the 2017 Autonomous Vehicle Symposium in Stuttgart.
The Nexyad Booth 2015 is located in Hall 2C (just beside catering area).
We present our modules based on Artifical Vision and A.I. for ADAS, Connected Cars and Driverless.
This year Groupement ADAS is represented by Intempora, New Imaging Technologies, Sherpa Engineering and Nexyad.

Nexyad booth at Autonomous Vehicle Symposium
Nexyad booth at Hall 2C

HERE invited NEXYAD to Le Mans

HERE the famous digital Map drovider is sponsor of Alpine Racing Team. As costumer and Partner of HERE, Nexyad has been invited to see the essaies. HERE provides maps for SafetyNex. Many Thanks to Jacques-Etienne Grandjean and Patrcik Jean for the spectacular show!

Le Mans 24H 2017
Le Mans 24H Alpine run at night

Gérard Yahiaoui and Pierre Da Silva Dias
Heads of Nexyad: Gérard Yahiaoui and Pierre Da Silva Dias

Challenge Open Innovation Renault

On June 13th, RENAULT entrusted the MOV’EO competitiveness cluster with the organization of a new Open Innovation Challenge on the theme « Connectivity and services ».
Through this initiative, RENAULT wishes to detect new proposals from SMEs and innovative startups on these themes, in order to develop collaborations on the most relevant projects.
Among the selected startups were Nexyad that presented SafetyNex, and the « Groupement ADAS » cluster of 10 companies working in the field of ADAS and autonomous vehicle.

Challenge Open Innovation Renault

Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO Nexyad – Nicolas Dulac for « Groupement ADAS »

Rencontre HappYnnov à la CCI Versailles-Yvelines

La CCI Versailles-Yvelines, via sa communauté de l’innovation Open’Ynnov, avec ses partenaires – l’école d’ingénieurs l’Estaca, le pôle de compétitivité Mov’eo, l’Institut Vedecom, le Ravi, le constructeur Renault et Engie – proposait le 7 juin une rencontre Happ’Ynnov Spécial « Les Mobilités du Futur ».HappYnnov

Après l’introduction de Gérard Bachelier – Président de la CCI, Stéphane Masson – responsable développement de l’Estaca présentait le livre « Mobilité du Futur ». Une table ronde animé par Stéphane Parpinelli réunissait Philippe Orvain – Vice Président de Mov’eo pour l’IDF; Luc Marbach – Directeur Général de Vedecom et Ghislain Delabie Connecteur Mobilité pour OuiShare. Puis, Dominique Levent Directrice de l’Institut de la Mobilité Durable pour Renault présentait les dernières avancées de la stratégie d’innovation du constructeur, avant que Lucie Ruchon, Adjointe au Directeur Délégué Ile-de-France de Engie explique les axes d’innovations de l’énergéticien.

Trois Startups des Yvelines pitchaient leur produit :
. SafetyNex, l’App de sécurité routière pour Nexyad
. Des scooters électriques pour Pink Mobility
. Une solution de mobilité partagée par Ecov

HappYnnovPrésentation SafetyNex à HappYnnov
HappYnnov Table Ronde & Pitch de Nexyad pour l’App SafetyNex