FAQ BYOD Solutions for Fleets

FAQ BYOD Solutions for Fleets

Frequently Asked Questions to MONITOR PRUDENCE of DRIVERS and HELP THEM

How many users of your products of driver prudence moritoring?
This technology has been deployed for several months and already 20,000 two-wheelers, 6,000 trucks, and 20,000 cars are equipped.

What do fleets actually get from your products of prudence monitoring ?
Professional fleets reduce their costs for operation by reducing the number of accidents:  repair costs, number of days vehicles are immobilized, and the number of days not worked by drivers (in the case of cars and trucks). ) or riders (case of two-wheelers) are also reduced.
Managers have detailed observation of the behavior of their fleet.  They can use the prudence indicator to train drivers or riders.
Non-professional fleets have an advantage in terms of corporate social responsibility: they take care of their employees and can justify their actions to the authorities.

Why is Corporate Social Responsibility and the Safety Manager interested?
Corporate social responsibility is concerned because on the one hand road accidents are important in workplace accidents. On the other hand, employees who come to work with their personal vehicle are also protected by prudent driving.

How does the prudence monitoring system reduce accidents?
It’s simple. Indeed, we monitor driver or rider’s prudence in real time, and if needed, we alert him/her a few second before it becomes critical. Then driver or rider slows down when it’s dangerous to drive fast … It avoids many accidents. This is an important step forward in fleet management. In addition to the recording of braking and cornering, we act on the behavior of drivers in real time, thus avoiding accidents.

What accidents are avoided?
Prudence is a general notion and the lack of prudence creates accidents which are equally distributed: minor, severe, and fatal accidents. Therefore we avoid accidents which are equally distributed. Minor accidents are important for rental companies who want to guarantee residual value of vehicle. Serious accidents that potentially result in injuries to drivers pose reinsurance problems. It is therefore the entire spectrum of accidents which is affected by our approach.

I am a long-term lour, what does your Prudence based technology bring to me?
As a long-term rental company, you must guarantee the residual value of vehicles at the end of its rental. Avoiding minor and often unreported accidents allows you to moderate the factors of vehicle repair. Avoiding serious accidents allows you to helps reduce scrappage cases. In both cases you win.

You claim to use Artificial Intelligence in your technology, but what it is exactly?
We associate a Prudence Functions to each detected singularities (obstacles*, road geometry and signs, and V2X information) in parallel. Prudence Functions are dynamic as singularities are.  The combination of detected singularities makes then a « dynamic scenario » that is taken into account FORMALLY  by LOGICAL  FUSION of Prudence Functions. Artificial Intelligence methods used are Fuzzy Logic and Possibility Theory.

*Detection of obstacles can be sent to smartphone or telematics device by wireless networks.

What your Prudence based technology bring to car-sharing companies ?
One of the important issue for car-sharing pricing is to give a price for insurance. Today, few insurance companies accept car-sharing for this reason. Or they charge a prohibitive price. The driver’s observation allows the price to be adjusted accordingly.

Which type of vehicles is affected by your Prudence based technology ?
Two-wheelers, personal cars, industrial vehicles and trucks.

Is your Prudence based technology compatible with electric vehicles ?
Yes, unlike traditional technologies which record accelerations, which on the one hand intervene a posteriori, and on the other hand, are subject to strong variations depending on the type of engine, our technology is agnostic regarding the type of engine. It is also preventive, because it anticipates the driver’s behavior and warns him in real time a few seconds before difficulties arise. In our customer references, we have companies deploying on EVs.

Is your Prudence based technology compatible with GDPR and Privacy Policy ?
Yes, our technology is GDPR compatible by design. Concerning privacy, we have several data recording options: no recordings, recording on your cloud and recording on our cloud with private access for your teams. We apply the best level of security for your data (oath2, etc.)

Is your Prudence based technology applied in other field than fleets ?
Yes, it is used for Automated Driving and validated by major OEMs and tier oneyes, it is used for automated driving and validated by eoms and tier one majors. This is serious.ompanies . This is serious.

FAQ BYOD Solitions for Fleets