
More About Proposed Automated Vehicles and Driverless Cars

St Germain en Laye, September 18th 2024.

Interesting Podcast proposed by PennDOT and The Spark:

« Over the summer PennDOT opened to the public a comment period on the Highly Automated Vehicles (HAVs) guidelines. The HAV advisory Committee was created in 2018 to advise and consult the Secretary of Transportation on each aspect of highly automated vehicles.

Derrick Herrmann, Chief of Transformational Technology at PennDOT, and Matthew Johnson-Roberson, Director of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University joined The Spark, to share more about research about the HAV and driverless vehicles »

#TheSpark #PennDOT #CarnegieMellon #DerrickHerrmann #MatthewJohnsonRoberson #Driverless #HAV #ADAS #AutomatedDriving #Nexyad