St Germain en Laye, October 31th 2024.
Our technology SafetyNex provides a metric of driving prudence.
This prudence metric brings in real time a driving assistance system: it warns driver if (and only if) vehicle speed is inadequate to difficulties in front of the vehicle.
NEXYAD is not a telematics company, we are a pure AI company, and we work with telematics companies to help them integrate this technology to their solution:
- smartphone App
- dashcam
- telematics device
We avoid at least 25% of accidents.
The benefits for the fleet include lower operating costs, such as reduced repair expenses, minimized driver lost working days, less deliveries delay or worst destruction, and lowered insurance premiums.
Drivers like our driving assistance solution because they keep in charge of vehicles safety, with a little help that avoid distraction, road signs misreading, and tricky situations.
This solution is deployed among more than 400 000 professional drivers.
It covers:
- Trucks (small, medium, and heavy)
- Cars
- Two-wheelers
To know more contact us.
#DrivingAssistance #Fleet #Telematics #FleetManagement #Risk #DrivingPrudence #PrudenceMetric #OperatingCosts #FleetSafety #Nexyad