St Germain en Laye, September 13th 2024.
It is striking that professional fleets and car insurers rely on indirect indicators of harsh driving to monitor their drivers and assess their driving. These indicators are poorly correlated with accidents and near-misses.
Why talk about near misses? Because they are much more numerous than accidents (easier to analyze) and meet all the conditions of an accident – except one. For example, if one accelerates at the intersection of a priority road, he/she has a dangerous driving, but accident happens only if a vehicle crosses at the same time. If there is no vehicle, driving remains dangerous but you are « lucky » and the accident does not happen.
It is to take this phenomenon into account that we have developed at NEXYAD a metric of prudence that detects any reckless behavior whether there is an accident or not. The explicit calculation of driving prudence simplifies interpretations, is useful for training drivers and for monitoring their progress.
The first person to whom one sends his lack of caution is the driver himself by an alert triggered a few seconds before if and only if his behavior is reckless. This is the direct and instant prophylactic effect. The impact on accident rates reduction is 20% to 30% (reduction in the number of accidents in an equi-distributed manner; standard accidents, serious accidents, fatal accidents).
This metric of prudence is available as a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) as a ready-to-use smartphone app or as an SDK for IT developers.
See the NEXYAD solution: