
Intelligent and Predictive ACC with SafetyNex

how to make ACC automatically follow rules of the road (slightly slow down before an intersection, etc.) without long and complex development?

New developments are starting up everywhere to make ACCs smarter, which could, for example, automatically slow down slightly before an intersection, and then pick up the speed of initial cruise. The whole question is: when should the vehicle be made to slow down? crossing? turn ? school zone ? roundabout ? pedestrian zone ? pedestrian crossing? Traffic light ? stop sign ? give way ? etc.
And how to deal with the whole combination of these simple cases? (school located behind a bend with an intersection at left…).
And if we have to slow down, when? of how much ? with what speed profile?
Finally, to sum up, the idea is to make ACC follow the rules of the road so that it modulates vehicle speed exactly as a driver should do on license day.
The combination of cases is huge. NEXYAD provides an elegant, reliable, efficient and very simple solution to integrate into a vehicle, which resolves all the simple cases and all their combinations. The modification to be made to a regular  ACC system is minimal and formal proof of safety (SIL) is very simple to do.
Indeed, NEXYAD has carried out research and development in AI for more than 20 years on road safety. and now offers a real-time on-board software module called SafetyNex.
SafetyNex permanently monitors both driving behavior (speed, accel) and driving context (in particular complexity of the infrastructure, via the navigation map).

At every moment, SafetyNex detects any mismatch between driving behavior and driving context. Such a mismatch is interpreted as a lack of caution, and the degree of lack of caution is called « Driving risk »: this is the risk taken by the driver (human, human assisted by robots, or AD system).
The higher the risk, the greater the number of emergency situations encountered by the vehicle. Conversely, the lower the risk, the lower the number of emergencies statistically encountered.
Note : do not confuse the « driving risk » as defined above with criticality (probability of interpretation of trajectories, time to collision, etc.), the two concepts coexisting in road safety systems.
For a given driving context, the driving risk depends ONLY on the speed profile of the vehicle approaching a potential singularity of infratructure.
It then becomes clear that by regulating the speed we can keep the risk of driving below a maximum accepted value. SafetyNex is then used to define the setpoint speed value Vr (at each instant) which makes it possible to guarantee that we never exceed the maximum accepted.
On the other hand, any current ACC already defines a speed setpoint Vo.
By simply taking as the new speed setpoint the smaller of these two speeds, we obtain directly and without any further development, a vehicle that slows down before intersections (for example) with the « Good » speed profile which guarantees safe driving.
This simple, validated, efficient, and quick to integrate system is currently being integrated by OEMs with support by NEXYAD.

Contact us for more details.