St Germain en Laye, september 16th 2024.
SafetyNex by Nexyad is an ADAS tool that measures prudent driving on a scale of 0 to 100 (100 = maximum prudence and 0 = maximum risk).
This is compliance with the road traffic code and the practices of experienced drivers. Trivial examples: we do not brush against pedestrians walking on the side of the road, we slow down before an intersection, we do not run stop signs, we adapt our inter-distance with vehicle ahead, etc. This compliance with the rules is reflected in the anticipation of complex situations and a speed adapted to each context. Since zero risk (or lack of prudence) does not exist, it is up to the driver or the driving robot to minimize their own risks as much as possible and to anticipate possible lack of prudence by other users.
For automated/robotic driving systems, such as predictive ACC, and L3, L4, SafetyNex is set to a given prudence threshold based on the information available at any time. If the vehicle is omniscient because it is equipped with many perception organs and the road infrastructure also sends it information that is undetectable by itself, then with full knowledge of the facts the prudence threshold can be lowered. On the other hand, if the information on the road context is incomplete (for example, perception does not cover all angles around the vehicle) then the prudence threshold must be raised so that the speed is reduced a priori in situations of contextual uncertainty.
Let us recall the definition of prudence: taking into account in one’s behavior that one cannot predict or know everything, and that one cannot predict all the consequences of one’s actions.
Concrete example:

SafetyNex is an AI, based on human knowledge, resulting from 15 years of R&D and 12 collaborative scientific programs with road safety experts, road police, professional drivers and car insurers.
See NEXYAD page:
Nexyad SafetyNex ADAS AutomatedDriving AutonomousDriving RoadSafety AI ArtificialIntelligence PredictiveACC Level3 Level4 DrivingPrudenceMeasurement