
MOV’EO Imaging Mobility Forum 2018

Imaging Mobility Forum by MOV’EO, June 7th 2018 at ESTACA, Campus Paris-Saclay.
« Innovation Hubs : a new deal for efficient mobility »

Luc Chatel - Rémi Bastien
Luc Chatel, PFA President                                             Rémi Bastien, Mov’eo President

– Mov’eo General Assembly – 2017 Management & Financial report
– Keynote : opening by Luc CHATEL, Chairman, French Automotive Industry & Mobilities, Former French Secretary of State for Industry
– Tech Sessions : Blockchain: the ultimate bypassing. New Eldorado for mobility or just a buzz?
Smart Grid: the key for electric mobility solutions ?
ESTACA’LAB research activities on intelligent, clean and safe transport
Conference : Innovation Hubs : a new deal for efficient mobility
– Introduction by Rémi Bastien, Mov’eo Chairman & Ludovic Busson, ESTACA Chairman
– Keynote : Richard Dujardin, CEO France, Transdev & Patrick Pelata, Chairman, Meta Consulting LLC
– Roundtable – European clusters :
Rémi BASTIEN, VP Automotive Prospective, Groupe Renault, Chairman of Mov’eo & VEDECOM Institute
Leo KUSTERS, Managing Director, AutomotiveNL
Maren LOUCHET, International Cooperation, e-mobil BW
Laura MORGAGNI, CEO, Torino Wireless

Groupement ADAS
Adaccess demo car                                             Groupement ADAS Booth