St Germain en Laye, December 12th 2024.
Recent struggles in the autonomous vehicle (AV) sector highlight the significant challenges of bringing fully self-driving cars to market. Several high-profile setbacks illustrate this: the latest is General Motors’ withdrawal from the development of robotaxis, via its Cruise Autonomous unit. The activity was too resource-intensive and time-consuming. The Detroit automaker will now focus on partially automated driver assistance systems for personal vehicles, such as its Super Cruise, which allows drivers to take their hands off the wheel.
This new abandonment follows the end of Apple Car’s development, Argo AI’s shutdown, and significant losses at Embark, TuSimple and Aurora. These events suggest a challenging environment for the development and deployment of fully autonomous vehicles.
The main factor contributing to this situation are the Technological Hurdles. Achieving Level 5 autonomy (fully driverless operation in all conditions) is proving far more difficult and expensive than initially anticipated. The complexities of handling edge cases, unexpected situations, and ensuring safety in diverse environments remain significant obstacles.
All teams focus on a whole battery of sensors supposed recognise driving situations called scenarios (40.000 at Waymo) and learned with astronomical computing power. $ Billions have been spent on cars that can drive in three cities so far.
Nexyad proposes a new paradigm with its hybrid AI tool which measures Driving Prudence at each moment (20 times per second). All situations can be tested in simulation or in real time on the roads. We are able to make save Selfdriving companies save a lot of development time and money.

#Nexyad #Argo.AI #TUsimple #Aurora #Cruise #Waymo #GM #AI #Apple #SelfDriving #DrivingPrudenceMeasurement #AutonomousVehicle #Driverless #Embark