
Newsletter Automotive & Transportation #16 is now available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #16, April 11th, 2017


Achieving of real time risk assessment in car telematics with Safetynex

Headlines :

– New Rating of Nexyad by Early Metrics
– BIKER ANGEL Project selected for Government funding (FUI23)
– Conference on Machine Learning organized by SNCF
– Nexyad Paper at 1er European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving
– Meeting Mov’eo, Systematic and Cap Digital
– Nexyad has visited 6th « les Rencontres Flotauto »
– Nexyad in Media
– SafetyNex available on stores for testers (Apple and Google)
– Groupement ADAS welcomed New Member NIT New Imaging Technologies
– Articifial Vision Products of Nexyad

Read the Newsletter #16