
Nexyad presenting SafetyNex :
application to car insurance at
Finance & Innovation Congress in Paris

SafetyNex Real Time Driving Risk Assessment is used by car insurers to alert driver and to reduce accident rate by 20%, including personal injuries.
The ROI of SafetyNex is then very easy to calculate and it is phenomenal ! In addition, SafetyNex records real « insurance-friendly » data such as RISK PROFILES and USAGE PROFILES already validated on million kilometers. There is work to do from SafetyNex data (by insurer’s data scientists) to exploit them : UBI, and tons of strategic applications that can be imagined when you know the risk taken by the driver, even 20 times per second if you wish (ex : how to price « car sharing » insurance as you do not know the driver ?). Thanks to the French research cluster FINANCE & INNOVATION.

Gérard Yahiaoui Finance Innovation

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