
Old Telematics Vs New Proactive Telematics

Old telematics used to record driving behaviour data extracted from accelerometer: severe braking, cornering, etc.
At this old time, there were no other solution, but it was complex to use it :
. weak correlation between severe braking and accident were due to the fact that accident brings severe braking (and not the opposite)
. driver that doesn’t brake at all at STOP signs (700,000 accidents per year in the USA) were considered as « good drivers » (no severe braking).

Now there is a new technology, easy to integrate into telematics hardware (smartphone, telematics device, dashcam, etc.) that computes a real validated DRIVING-RISK, easy to use, and because it is computed in real time, it can trigger alerts for driver and then modify driving behaviour in due course, reducing accident rate by 20%. It is time to turn the page and contact us (we provide the technology, you can build a solution by integrating it into your system).