Technological partnership between dSPACE & Nexyad

September 29th 2022.

In the context of a technological partnership, DSPACE applied with success an advanced AI module of NEXYAD on the asynchonous real time framework RTMaps, for guiding autonomous driving robots: drivable surface detection from a camera, with our AI perception module RoadNex.

Note :  free space detection here is performed only based on the camera video stream. The lidar sensor that is displayed is not used for this free-space detection and can be used for other functions (e.g. SLAM-based positioning, objects detection, free-space redundancy… what so ever).

Nexyad Newsletter #38 « Step forward for Nexyad Hybrid AI SafetyNex » is available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #38, September 15th, 2022

Step forward for Nexyad Hybrid AI SafetyNex

Headlines :

– NEXYAD CEO Editorial

– People from these following companies have tested Nexyad democar Dreamotor1

– NEXYAD Scientific Paper: Hybrid AI for Automotive

– START 2022 – Annual Convention of NEXTMOVE french Competitiveness Cluster

– Dreamotor1 Demo in the Streets of Stuttgart for Technology Expo

– NEXYAD at Club Auto on AI organized by FIEV

– Dreamotor1 NEXYAD Democar Showcased at INSA Rouen Congress

– New NEXYAD Scientific Publication at INSA Rouen

– MtC shows Railways Driver Assistance System with NEXYAD Computer Vision Softwares

– Dreamotor1 at Autonomy Event in Paris

Link to Newsletter #38

Several UTAC staff thave tested Dreamotor1

Thursday, first september, six persons of UTAC made a test of Dreamotor1 around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt. UTAC deliver regulation and homologation support, specialist vehicle conversions and test systems as well as training, consulting, audit and certification, technical inspection, standardisation and events.

Know more on UTAC site



Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :

Dreamotor1 Demo for Intempora in Guyancourt

Guyancourt, July 13th 2022.

Nicolas Dulac, CEO of Intempora (a dSPACE Company) made a test of Dreamotor1 around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt.
Dreamotor1 uses Intempora RTMaps development and validation environment for multi-sensor applications.

Gerard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad and Nicolas Dulac, CEO of Intempora (on the right)

Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :

Dreamotor1 Demo for Kuantic in Guyancourt

Guyancourt, July 11th 2022.

People of KUANTIC made a test of Dreamotor1 this mornng around Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt.

Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :

Dreamotor1 Demo for Nvidia in Guyancourt

Guyancourt, June 30th 2022.

Nexyad returned in Guyancourt around the Technocentre Renault to make a demo for a Nvidia Director.

Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :

START 2022 – Annual Convention of NEXTMOVE french Competitiveness Cluster

NEXTMOVE brings together 600 members Spread over 5 technological and industrial axes, these companies, car manufactures, tear ones, suppliers, SMEs, public and private laboratories, etc… are moving the lines of their sectors with their innovative technologies and services. Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, is Vice-President of NEXTMOVE in charge of the SMEs.


NEXTMOVE Annuel Convention at Le Havre, Normandy.



Luc Chatel, PFA president
Dr Luc Julia, Renault Chief scientific Officer

Philippe Prével, President of NEXTMOVE and Rémi Bastien, Honorary President


 The Dreamotor1, Nexyad demo car, made some runs for testers in Le Havre


Dreamotor1 Demo in the Streets of Stuttgart for Technology Expo

Stuttgart, June 21th 2022.

On the side of Autonomous Vehicle TECHNOLOGY EXPO 2022, Nexyad came with Dreamotor1 for some demonstrations of safety functionnalities for tear one companies and OEMs.

Dreamotor1 on the left in streets of Stuttgart, Germany.


Dreamotor 1 sponsors :

partners :   

NEXYAD at CLUB AUTO on AI organized by FIEV

The seventh FIEV Auto Club took place on June 17, 2022 in Paris, titled Artificial Intelligence: a brain in the car.
Two very interesting round tables :
The car is connected before being autonomous, with :
Antoine LAFAY, Driving Assistance Research Director of Valeo
Dr Thierry LESTABLE, Executive Director, Digital Science Research Center (DSRC) of Technology Innovation Institute (TII)
Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of Nexyad
Sebastien RUFFINO, Director Automotive, South of Europe de Nvidia
Alexis BEAUVILLAIN, Cross System Architecture Director of Aptiv

Interior: towards tailor-made comfort, with :
Thierry METAIS, President of ZF Mobility France
Vanessa PICRON, Vice-President of Product Division Innovation, Strategy & Automated Driving of Forvia
Pierre LECOINTRE, SVP Software Business & Product of Stellantis
Eric LA FAY, Director, Head of Customer Center Multimedia and Connectivity of Continental Automotive France

and a special Keynote by Dr Luc Julia, Chief Scientific Officer of Renault Group


         Doctor Luc Julia (Renault) and Gérard Yahiaoui (Nexyad)                                     Round Table: The car is connected before being autonomous

Visit FIEV website