
Presentation of the SafetyNex technology by NEXYAD at the INTEMPORA TECHDAY in Paris

Presentation of the SafetyNex technology by NEXYAD at the INTEMPORA TECHDAY. This congress organized by INTEMPORA was impressive and gathered the French community of ADAS and Autonomous Driving around demos and presentations. Congrats to INTEMPORA. The technology SafetyNex (real time driving risk assesment algorithm developed by NEXYAD) was truely appreciated and we could discuss about applications. The MOVEO Groupement ADAS made good presentations too.

Real Time driving RISK assessment for driving risk PREVENTION and for CONTROL of autonomous driving systems: an application of XAI (*)
(*) eXplanable Artificial Intelligence
Intempora Techday
Gérard Yahiaoui explaining Nexyad use of Intempora’s RT-Maps