
Public Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence

St Germain en Laye, September 25th 2024.


Public Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence

An article by Steffen Hoffmann, Managing Director at Bosch UK:

  • People shouldn’t fear AI but should instead learn how it works in the background to benefit society.
  • Public perceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) are evolving and many use cases demonstrate the positive benefits that it can bring to society across the globe.
  • It’s a technology that promises to reshape our world in unprecedented ways and this revolutionary potential partly explains why some people are cautious about AI’s impact.
  • In the Western world, less than half of the respondents agreed that “AI technologies will change the world for the better,” with the perception being much more positive in Eastern countries with 75% in India and 82% in China.


Read more here: Public Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence (

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