
Reminder : SafetyNex Presentation at Connected Car Insurance Europe

Connected Car Insurance

Connected Car Insurance Europe 2016
Tuesday 12th & Wesnesday 13th April – Hilton Tower Bridge London

Wes 13th – Track 3 : Technology & Innovation
3PM : Onboard road safety assessment for insurance companies (pay how you drive) and for car manufacturers (driverless car) SafetyNex
Insurance Companies :
Move from pricing group by group (segmentation) to pricing driver by driver Then statistics of accident cannot be relevant (accidents are rare and one cannot wait for accident to modify the pricing for a driver). One need to predict … to estimate if the driver takes risks or not. And it would be great to have it in real time because it may be used to warm the driver before he/she gets in a dangerous case.
Car Manufacturers :
Measure the risk taken by the driverless function. Needed to control the driverless function, needed to know when to give back control to the driver, needed in case of accident for responsability study.