
SafetyNex : driving robot maybe will mitigate human errors,
but first they have to imitate good drivers

BEWARE with the statistics : « 94% of severe personal damage accidents are due to human errors » doesn’t mean that you’ll save 94% of severe accident with autonomous driving : drivers do not only make mistakes they also drive well (1 accident every 70 000 km, 3 dead every billion km – OCDE) … It is important to study also good driving and near misses (when driver has the right behaviour to avoid accident or to mitigate severity)… That’s what NEXYAD did during 15 years of research programs on road safety ^^ (that led to SafetyNex). See image (if you do not provide the « green » features, you will lose lives more than you gain with your driverless car. Our AI algorithm SafetyNex was made for this.

Example of risk tree