NEXYAD & INTEMPORA members of Groupement ADAS in Munich

Today Nexyad & Intempora are present in Munich at the European Active Safety Congress and Exhibition : ADAS to Autonomous. The both companies share a booth sponsorised by Moveo and Groupement ADAS (cluster).

Active Safety Munich
Here Gerard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO, and Philippe Lebon of Intempora on the right.

Nexyad at Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous

Actice Safety Europe 2016

Come to visit Nexyad the 17th & 18th may in Munich, Germany, for the Congress & Exhibition Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous.
Nexyad will be present with Intempora firm, provider of famous real time framework RT-Maps, Don’t miss the 18th : Software “Embeddibility”, Speaker Nicolas Dulac, CEO, Intempora.
Nexyad and Intempora are members of french cluster Groupement ADAS sponsored by MOVEO.

Nexyad searcher Dr Grégoire Julien will make a presentation
at 20th International AMAA 2016

The abstract of Dr Grégoire Julien « Functional safety: on-board computing of risk of accident » has been accepted for the 20th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2016) on September 22-23 at Brussel, Belgium, as an oral presentation as well as for publication in the AMAA conference book.

Greg Julien
Dr Grégoire Julien

Functional safety: on-board computing of risk of accident

Dr. Grégoire Julien, Pierre Da Silva Dias, Gérard Yahiaoui
Nexyad S.A.
95 Rue Pereire, F-78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Safety estimation is of utmost importance for in the perspective of fully automated vehicles. In particular, recent progress on accident estimation measurement made by insurance companies have revealed that correlation-based considerations do not give satisfaction. Indeed, there is no correlation between accident data bases and data collected by accelerometers such as the so-called “severe braking” that was supposed to estimate anticipation of the driver and ten “risk of accident”. Indeed, statistical correlation cannot explain causality relationship. More recently, it has been demonstrated [1] that accidents are rare events being the consequence of the repetition of “near-misses” accidents: the larger the number of detected “near-misses” accidents, the higher the probability to generate an accident. It has also been shown that it exists causality relationships which fully explain “near-misses” accidents [2].

Based upon results discussed above, we propose a new solution, SafetyNex, taking into account the dynamics of the vehicle and inputs of different nature (visibility, grip, shape of the road, …) to estimate the risk: a dimensionless quantity r∈{0;1} is output: if r=0, the risk does not exist, if r=1, the risk is high and a “near miss” accident is detected. Hence, this solution, based on deep knowledge of causality relationships, can be used for making data-based services richer, for a more relevant estimation of safety level and a better accident anticipation. SafetyNex is then a knowledge-based system using “possibility theory” [3] and its implementation into fuzzy sets theory [4]. With more than 5 000 rules of causality, SafetyNex is the only onboard module that computes a risk that has a meaning for insurers and car manufacturers. SafetyNex has been validated by experts of accidents of French Road Safety Administration [5].

In the perspective of fully automated vehicles, the detection of “near misses” accident can act directly on the decision process for the vehicle control. Furthermore, a “risk profile” as a function of the distance forward the vehicle can be obtained with our solution. It is thus possible to fully anticipate the risk in the future considering the current behavior of the vehicle. However, the main limitation of such an approach lies in the map resolution. Finally, as a further extension of our solution, the risk estimation could be improved by adding camera in order to merge signals obtained from the road/obstacles detection in front of the vehicle with the map matching.


[1] Final document of the SARI program by the French research institut IFSTTAR

[2] Final document of the SARI program by the French research institut CEREMA
[3] « Théorie des possibilités », D. Dubois, H. Prade ; 2006, REE, 8, 42
[4] « Fuzzy Sets as a Basis For Theory of Possibility », A. Zadeh ; 1978, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 3-28
[5] « Evaluation du risque de sortie de route pour l’aide à la conduite ou le diagnostic d’infrastructure », J. Brunet, P. Da Silva Dias, G. Yahiaoui, Session « caractérisation du risque routier », conférence PRAC 2010, 3-4 Mai 2010.

RENAULT R-Link system allows SMEs to develop car applications

Renault R-Link : TomTom HD Traffic and Coyote Series

R-Link has TomTom navigation including IQ Routes technology. This calculates the ideal itinerary based on a statistical analysis of journey times during the six previous months, taking the day of the week and time of day into account.

It has LIVE services including:
•HD Traffic: the market’s best traffic information service, including an analysis of traffic flow by cross-referencing different sources of information for sections of road of just a few dozen metres in length. For any given itinerary, HD Traffic will optimise the motorist’s journey in order to avoid time loss or save fuel. It also provides precise information about the estimated arrival time as soon as the motorist sets off.
•TomTom Places: an online search facility in real time to locate a variety of features and services.
•5-day weather forecasts.
•Hazard warnings: depending on local legislation.

R-Link also has the Coyote Series (depending on market) driver aid application. This indicates hazardous zones thanks to real-time input from other users. Such zones may or may not include fixed speed checks. Coyote Series also warns of traffic incidents (accidents, items on the road, etc.) to improve everyday road safety by enabling the driver to anticipate the presence of slower-moving vehicles.

Renault R-Link Store
Renault’s aim is to make this a benchmark catalogue for automotive applications.

The strength of Renault R-Link lies in the fact that it proposes a store of applications designed for automotive use, without the functional or ergonomic- related shortcomings inherent in smartphones. R-Link Store is the first automotive application store for in-car use. The launches of New Clio and ZOE will coincide with the availability of an Introductory Pack of four pre-installed applications to enable owners to familiarise themselves with the connectivity made possible by R-Link. The free, pre-installed apps will be: e-mail, Weather, Renault Assistance and Renault R-Link Tweet, plus the LIVE services associated with the TomTom and Coyote Series functions (depending on market). The system is fully independent and there is no need to use a phone to access the available services and applications.

Instead, it is possible to consult or download a variety of services directly from the car or from a personal computer (via ‘My Renault’ where available). There are currently some 20 applications available via R-Link Store, and this choice is poised to expand very quickly as the system is extended to other vehicles of the range.

To read more :

Many Thanks to all Nexyad booth visitors at Connected Car Insurance

Connected Car Insurance
You have been numerous to visit Nexyad Booth at Connected Car Insurance, London last week.
Our disruptive product SafetyNex benefited a lot of interest !
SafetyNex measures Risk of Accident and decreases Loss Costs. This software is available as a smartphone App and as a device.
More information about the ultimate solution for insurance companies that need onboard risk assessment : SafetyNex Position Paper
Version française

Robustness of Road Detection by RoadNex v3.2

Nexyad compiled ten technology demos of our module software RoadNex v2.3

. 10 different roads : highway, desert track, country road, red road, et.
. 10 different conditions : fog, rain, front sunshine, overtaking, etc.
. 10 same excellent results : road on front of vehicle is detected

The 10 complete demos on « PRODUCTS » menu above

Nexyad at Connected Car Insurance Europe 2016

Connected Car Insurance Floorplan

Come to visit us on booth 17 and don’t miss Nexyad SafetyNex Presentation :

Wes 13th – Track 3 : Technology & Innovation
3PM : Onboard road safety assessment for insurance companies (pay how you drive) and for car manufacturers (driverless car) SafetyNex
Insurance Companies :
Move from pricing group by group (segmentation) to pricing driver by driver Then statistics of accident cannot be relevant (accidents are rare and one cannot wait for accident to modify the pricing for a driver). One need to predict … to estimate if the driver takes risks or not. And it would be great to have it in real time because it may be used to warm the driver before he/she gets in a dangerous case.
Car Manufacturers :
Measure the risk taken by the driverless function. Needed to control the driverless function, needed to know when to give back control to the driver, needed in case of accident for responsability study.

Nexyad RoadNex v2.3 – Road Detection for ADAS : Highway Dark Night

Nexyad RoadNex v2.3 – Road Detection for ADAS, Autonomous Vehicle & Connected Car on Highway by Dark Night.

RoadNex detects the lane and the road surface and does not depend on the level of equipment of road infrastructure. Here, low light and poor contrast don’t prevent detection.

Reminder : SafetyNex Presentation at Connected Car Insurance Europe

Connected Car Insurance

Connected Car Insurance Europe 2016
Tuesday 12th & Wesnesday 13th April – Hilton Tower Bridge London

Wes 13th – Track 3 : Technology & Innovation
3PM : Onboard road safety assessment for insurance companies (pay how you drive) and for car manufacturers (driverless car) SafetyNex
Insurance Companies :
Move from pricing group by group (segmentation) to pricing driver by driver Then statistics of accident cannot be relevant (accidents are rare and one cannot wait for accident to modify the pricing for a driver). One need to predict … to estimate if the driver takes risks or not. And it would be great to have it in real time because it may be used to warm the driver before he/she gets in a dangerous case.
Car Manufacturers :
Measure the risk taken by the driverless function. Needed to control the driverless function, needed to know when to give back control to the driver, needed in case of accident for responsability study.

High-Tech, ADAS, Autonomous Vehicle & Connected Car News

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #8, March the 24th, 2016

Headlines :

– Nexyad has just been rated by Early Metrics : We got Three Stars

– The Ultimate Solution for Insurance Companies that need Onboard Risk Assessment : SafetyNex

– Obstacle Detection using ObstaNex BiCam v1.0 : Rear Vision Demo

– Road Detection using RoadNex on Smartphone Camera (IOS,Android, Windows Phone)

– Future Presence of Nexyad on Congresses & Exhibitions (ADAS, Autonomous Cars & Insurance)

– Nexyad in Media

– Meeting with French Senator Claude NOUGEIN

Nexyad has just been rated by Early Metrics :
We got Three Stars

Early Metrics, first rating agency for startups gave three stars to NEXYAD.
The audit of NEXYAD has been ordered by a major industrial company of Automotive. The founders, the project, the market and the financial statement of NEXYAD were rated 75/100.
NEXYAD is then in the 20% highest rates ever given by Early Metrics.

Early Metrics
More informations : Early Metrics

The Ultimate Solution for Insurance Companies that need Onboard Risk Assessment : SafetyNex

. WHAT TO DO TO GET A RISK ASSESSMENT MODULE THAT WORKS? (Presentation of a disruptive solution)

Read the paper here.
Version française

Launch of SafetyNex Campaign :
Commercial SafetyNex

Obstacle Detection using ObstaNex BiCam v1.0 :
Rear Vision Demo

Nexyad runs two monovision-based obstacle detection modules (ObstaNex V2.1), and developed a data fusion algorithm that reshapes stereo.
This solution still can work in monovision when one camera is off.
In this example, we installed cameras in the place of rearview Mirror on a van.

Detection of pedestrian near the vehicle

Road Detection using RoadNex on Smartphone & RT-Maps

Road Detection using Smartphone Camera (IOS, Android, Windows Phone) : Nexyad Team validated that RoadNex works in real time on smartphone !
Otherwise, a new release of Nexyad Road Detection and software module is available on RT-Maps (by Intempora). RoadNex v2.3 (32 & 64 bits).

RoadNex Smartphone
Soon available on IOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Future Presence of Nexyad on Congresses & Exhibitions (ADAS, Autonomous Cars & Insurance)

Connected Car Insurance Europe 2016
Day 2 : April 13th1st 15:00 – Exclusive Nexyad Presentation by CEO Gérard Yahiaoui
The Ultimate Solution for Insurance Companies that need Onboard Risk Assessment : SafetyNex

Why tested solutions all failed (actuaries say) ?
Why solutions based on severe braking, velocity in curve, accelerations… have strictly no chances to work ?
What to do to get a risk assessment module that works ? (presentation of a disruptive solution)

Autonomous Car Test & Developement
Day 2 : June 1st 09:30 – Building a relevant validation database for camera-based ADAS
Gérard Yahiaoui, President and CEO, Nexyad, France
Validation of camera-based artificial vision systems applied on open world is a very complex issue. An HD colour camera may generate more than 65 000 power 2 000 000 different images (information theory), so it is not possible to test every possible message. We propose a deterministic approach for building a validation database using the AGENDA methodology that was developed and published in the 1990s for neural network database (learn and test) design.

Active Safety Munich
Nexyad will be present on a booth with Groupement ADAS.
Groupement ADAS is a Team of innovative companies with over 20 years experience in the field of technologies used in driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles (design, implementation and integration of ADAS in vehicles for safety features, driver assistance, partial delegation to the autonomous vehicle). Members of the groupements propose complementary expertise, tools and test equipment (including test tracks) to take-up your challenging projects covering vehicle electronics, vehicle dynamics, command/control, HMI, perception, computer vision, data-fusion, communication, eco-driving… Groupement ADAS members are: CAR&D , FH Electronics, GlobalSensing Technologies, Intempora, Nexyad, Nomadic Solutions, Sherpa Engineering and Transpolis. It is coordinated by the French MOV’EO cluster.

Nexyad in Media

« En route pour la voiture autonome » – On the Way to Autonomous Car


The french weekly « Le Point » on February 11th released a special section on the city of Saint Germain en Laye near Paris. The journalist Valerie Peiffer has devoted a page to Nexyad.

To Read More.

Meeting with French Senator Claude NOUGEIN

18 Feb 2016 :
NEXYAD president CEO Gerard YAHIAOUI, and a panel of SMEs founders were invited by Isabelle STHEMER of DojoGroup, in Paris, and could exchange points of views about economics and small business development with French Senator Claude NOUGEIN.

Gérard Yahiaoui and Senator Claude Nougein
The main purpose was to share ideas that may enhance SMEs performance and French competitivity.

Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO
Gérard Yahiaoui in a very casual discussion.

Senator Claude Nougein
The Senator Claude NOUGEIN (here) that dares to talk to the base for a better understanding of the micro economy in the country. Quite unusual in France and very important !
Thank you Monsieur le Senateur !

ObstaNex BiCam v1.0 : Rear Vision Demo

Demo of NEXYAD technology for ADAS.
Nexyad combines one camera with another one for obstacle detections (ObstaNex v2.1) and uses data fusion to reshape stereo.
This solution still can work in mono when one camera is off.
In this example, we placed cameras in the place of rearview Mirror on a van.

Detection of pedestrian near the vehicle

Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium 2016 :
List of speakers



Full list of speakers confirmed include:

• Daniel Benhammou, CEO, Acyclica Inc
• Wolfgang Herzner, senior engineer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
• Paul Krutko, President & CEO, Ann Arbor SPARK
• Sandeep Sovani, director, global automotive industry, Ansys
• Marcos Pillado, project manager, Applus+ IDIADA
• Henning Lategahn, managing director, Atlatec GmbH
• Jeffrey Ferrin, head of research, Autonomous Solutions Inc
• Juergen Holzinger, project manager AVL-Drive, AVL List GmbH
• Alexander Noack, head of sales, b-plus GmbH
• Philipp Kerschbaum, HMI development, BMW Group
• Igor Doric, scientific and technical manager, CARISSMA
• Stefan Lüke, project manager, Continental Division Chassis & Safety
• Reija Viinanen, managing director, Fell Lapland Business Services
• David LaRue, manager ADAS/AD systems, FEV
• Francesco Crisci, senior test engineer, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
• Adrian Zlocki, head ADAS department, FKA
• Manuel Merz, research engineer, Ford
• Stefan Wolter, HMI specialist, Ford
• Frederik Diederichs, senior researcher, Fraunhofer IAO
• Arno Eichberger, associate professor, Graz University of Technology
• Tom Lueders, director tools and testing, Hella Aglaia Mobile Vision GmbH
• Chris Reeves, commercial manager, future transport technologies, Horiba Mira Ltd
• Alexander Treis, business development manager, IEE SA
• Alice Siu Man Chan, senior research engineer, Institute for Infocomm Research
• Fu Keong Chia, research engineer, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR
• Peter Vertal, head of research, Institute of Forensic Engineering, University of Zilina
• Fabian Bauer, engineer software development, IPG Automotive GmbH
• Edwin Nas, deputy project leader self-driving vehicles, Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure & the Environment
• Lyn Matten, managing consultant, MM1 Consulting & Management PartG
• Volker Scholz, managing partner, MM1 Consulting & Management PartG
• Dominic Gallello, CEO, MSC Software
• Gérard Yahiaoui, President and CEO, Nexyad
• Rien van der Knaap, managing partner, OC Mobility
• Mugur Tatar, managing director, QTronic GmbH
• Gerben Feddes, senior advisor intelligent mobility, RDW
• Heather Stoner, division manager, Realtime Technologies Inc
• Arnd Engeln, professor of Market and Advertising Research, Traffic and Transport Psychology, Stuttgart Media University
• Robert Friis, president, Summit Development Group LLC
• Saskia de Craen, senior researcher, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research
• Rikke Kuipers, senior security specialist, Synopsys
• Brian Ceccarelli, owner, Talus Software
• Robin van der Made, product manager software and services, TASS International
• Padmanaban Dheenadhayalan, engineer, Tata Elxsi Ltd
• Maria Kreußlein, research assistant, Technische Universität Chemnitz
• Nicholas Clay, senior manager – testing, Thatcham Research
• Andrew Miller, chief technical officer, Thatcham Research
• Rebecca Advani, senior technologist, Transport Systems Catapult
• Nick Reed, academy director, TRL
• Paul Newman, BP Professor of information engineering, University of Oxford
• Alain Piperno, autonomous vehicles testing/homologation project manager, UTAC CERAM
• Patrice Reilhac, innovation and collaboration research director, Valeo CDA
• Oscar Slotosch, member of the board, Validas AG
• Ingo Nickles, field application engineer, Vector Software
• Diego Minen, technical director, VI-Grade
• Carina Björnsson, technical expert, driver assistance and active safety test methods, Volvo Car Corporation
• Aki Lumiaho, principal scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
• Christian Purucker, project manager, WIVW GmbH
• Gunwant Dhadyalla, principal engineer, WMG, University of Warwick

Nexyad Intelligence :
Experts say driverless cars will require artificial intelligence

Automakers intending to bring driverless cars to market need to work as much on software design as mechanical engineering, the researcher leading Nissan Motor Co.’s automated-vehicle program said.

Making cars that are “deliberative” in assessing road conditions, rather than just reactive, requires artificial intelligence, Maarten Sierhuis, director of Nissan’s Silicon Valley research center in Sunnyvale, California, said in an interview. The carmaker, which aims to sell vehicles that can drive themselves by 2020 or sooner, is developing software to read and filter sensor data much as a human brain does, he said.

To read more :

NEXYAD has been working on such an Artificial Intelligence through their risk of accident computing module SafetyNex.

SafetyNex is a knowledge-based system that computes a huge data fusion : information about the navigation map, speed of the car, accelerations, visibility, grip(adherence), time to collision, interdistance, … This data fusion aims to compute a risk of accident : low score means the driver (human driver … or Artificial Intelligence, robot) drives in a safe way. This SafetyNex is an artificial intelligence that should work embeded with the driving robot.

The first market of SafetyNex is Insurance companies that need to score the behaviour of drivers (pay how you drive …), it doesn’t need to be as precised and reliable than it should be for a driverless car, but NEXYAD started to deploy and then will be the most experienced ADAS/AI company on this subject in 2020 when autonomous cars will invade the streets.

Nexyad made experimentation in the same path with four different driving behaviour, each second we recorded points that represent a score of safety and of Eco driving. The more high on the graphic is the points the more safe is the driving, the more right the more Eco :

Good & Bad drivers

Sportive & Quiet Drivers

Some insurance companies gave up measuring driver behaviour :
Nexyad explains why their settings are ineffective

According to the newspaper ‘Les Echos », AG Insurance gave up linking driving behavior to accident. For eight months, the insurer has equipped the car of staff members with « smartbox ». Verdict? Nah, nothing interesting linkable to driving style !
In 2014, the bank insurer KBC had reached the same conclusion after a test conducted with 150 employees, whose car was equipped with a device provided by TomTom.  »
AG Insurance

Read more :

For Nexyad, there is no mystery. Until now the applications or cases expected to provide data on the behavior of drivers all operate on the same principles :
– severe acceleration and braking
– Vehicle geolocation
– Cornering speed / curves
– Usage (mileage, road types, driving schedules, for example)

This information does not measure the « good behavior » that may inform actuaries of insurance on real risks taken by their clients.
Indeed, the correlation between the brutal acceleration (or severe braking) and road safety is a mistaken belief. The assumption that severe braking would report to a lack of anticipation of the driver, and instead a slight braking would be a sign of good anticipation is definitely wrong. This has been formally shown and demonstrated by experts in road safety. Besides, these same experts believe that an Eco driving is necessarily dangerous: Eco driving mainly keeping as most as possible the vehicle’s inertia, and thus slowing down as little as possible, which would push the Eco drivers to delay their decision of braking including when they approach a vulnerable road user (pedestrians, bicycles, scooters, etc.).
Nexyad worked since 2001 on these issues through four national collaborative research programs and now has a totally disruptive application that measures the Eco driving, but also road safety and those two measurements has no correlation).

This work consisted, for 15 years, in building the causal rules that lead to accidents. This is entirely different of statistical approaches. An insurance actuary may find that the majority of drivers under 25 years old with a red car have more accidents than others, and then this actuary could modulate its pricing on this criterion. This is reasoning on correlations and not cause and effect. Nexyad is the first and only company that can bring cause and effect considerations into accident risk assesment for insurance companies.

Nexyad developed the module SafetyNex which decodes the difficulties of the road infrastructure (dangerous curves, intersections, pedestrian crossings, school zone, etc.) relates those difficulties to the behavior of the vehicle through a grid of cause and effect. The construction of this grid of cause and effect required 15 years of knowledge extraction among a panel of road safety experts (their job is to explain accidents, and find ways to reshape roads and infrastructures in order to reduce statistics of accidents – national and European).

SafetyNex has been validated by INRETS (now became IFFSTAR) that deployed 500 vehiclesand compared risk estimation by SafetyNex with the accidents database « MAIS » of the National French Gendarmerie. We could demonstrate that SafetyNex estimates risk of traffic accident, as an immediately usable score for actuaries of insurance (for example).

NB: Accidents are rare events (one every 70 000km on average). This is why teams of road safety improvement at the national level have set up « observatories of cars trajectories ». They allowed to count the « near misses ». A near miss is accident that were prevented at the very last second (because one of the drivers had the proper reflex, …). When observing a repeat of near misses, then you end up getting an accident (near misses are at least a hundred times more numerous than accidents).
Nexyad is the only team of telematics solutions that brings this knowledge of these near misses and that is able to share it with the risk estimation experts at insurance companies.

How it works ?
Every second, a risk score and an Eco score are computed by SafetyNex, depending on the vehicle speed relative to the difficulty of the road infrastructure. Drivers can be warned in advance, 4 seconds before arriving on the dangerous area. Then SafetyNex may also decrease the number of accident (or the severity of accidents when they can’t be avoided).
SafetyNex establishes daily or weekly reports on the risk and eco and shows what could have been better (advices on driving efficiency improvement).
Insurers may get reports too : the real risk indicators. This is what Nexyad called SafetyNex signature driving behavior (duration at every level of risk, for instance).

View demos 4 films on the same route (1mn30):

Example of a good driver : both safe and Eco.

Example of a bad driver : both waste and risky

Example of a sporting driver : waste but safe most of the time

Example of a quit driver : eco, but very dangerous. Note : because this driver shows no severe braking, no over speed, then telematics solutions (except SafetyNex) will classify this driver as a GOOD DRIVER : this is a proof that severe brakin and over speed DO NOT give ANY information about road safety.