Demonstration to Continental of Dreamotor1
Feb 15th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of Continental around Renault Guyancourt (west of Paris).
Feb 15th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of Continental around Renault Guyancourt (west of Paris).
Feb 7th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of VALEO Mobility Tech Center around Créteil (south of Paris).
Headlines :
– Nexyad CEO speaker at Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit
– High Level Nexyad at Secours&Vous Congress in Paris
– Rotary Digital Meeting 2019
– La Route Zéro wrote about Nexyad
– SafetyNex at VivaTech 16-18 may in Paris
NEXYAD was pleased to participate to this summit on Artificial Intelligence. We could explain how our Artificial Intelligence -based software component SafetyNex is now embedded in many products worldwide and how it transforms industry (aftermarket for telematics – fleets & insurance -, new vehicles – cockpit and AD systems ).
We also explained how such a module, via a reward system, can be used by B2C mass market distribution firms to acquire consumers at low cost, in a « nudge » positive loop that will save many lives.
And we were very interested in other speakers presentations with so many different interesting point of views on AI.
Many famous speakers gave their view during the day, such as Jacques Aschenbroich, Valeo CEO; Luc Julia, Samsung CTO & Senior Vice President Innovation; Antoine Bordes, Facebook AI Research Director; Luc Bretones, Orange Technocentre Director; Jean-François Copé, former minister: Marko Erman, Thales Technical & research Director;
Challenge Startup & Innovation
NEXYAD presenting SafetyNex for road accident prevention on the NEXYAD booth offered by French Government as a reward for the 2019 Innovation Prize of ROAD SAFETY that SafetyNex got last month from Ministry of Interior.
The French Road Safety invited other winners of 2019 Innovation Prize from different categories :
AWAKEN Car is a real solution to save motorists’ lives and reduce car theft. Real time notifications to emergency services, notifications during a vehicle theft, vehicle diagnostic, preventive maintenance, budget management and privacy policy.
ABEILLES is an editor of Kid’s Educational Games from 3 to 12 years old, around Road Safety, Nutrition, First Aid, Health, Environment & Discovery.
GOOD ANGEL provides a revolutionary Connected Alcohol Sensor, in order to reduce the risk of drunk driving and to compensate for the lack of management solutions for drivers under the influence of alcohol and accompanying passengers. The reusable device is connected to user’s smartphone. In case of positive detection, a concierge service is proposed to pick up driver and passengers 24/7.
ELLCIE HEALTHY proposes smart connected frames designed to look after user everyday without any discomfort. They will evolve thanks to software updates, and user will be able to benefit from new features with the same connected eyewear purchased. Today their connected eyewear detects drowsiness; tomorrow they will detect falls, and even prevent them, allow activity tracking and a lot more.
G-ADDICTION is an association that organized Escape Games on themes like:alcohol, speed, drugs, phone and hands-free kit while driving; seatbelt; dangers of 2 wheels; compliance with the Road Code, pedestrians, and disability after the accident.
2019, 10th April, at the prestigious Engineering School Mines ParisTech in Paris, the Rotary club has organized a Conference about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Two moderators from the Rotary Club Philippe Simon and Franck Simon interviewed four speakers:
– STIM: Frédéric ARNOUX, PhD
– GOOGLE: Béatrice de Clermont Tonnerre
AI to Serve Road Safety
Artificial Intelligence is developing in many sectors including automotive. Zérotracas met Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, who presented his SafetyNex driver alert solution. Thanks to its embedded artificial intelligence, SafetyNex computes at every moment the risk taken by the driver and the alert case of risk taking too important to improve its safety and avoid the accident.Check out the company that received the Innovation Award for Road Safety for this solution.
Nexyad will present revolutionary SafetyNex, winner of 2019 Innovation prize by French Road Safety administration.
SafetyNex is a unique proactive solution to keep drivers safe on roads. This can reduce accident rate at least by 20%.
2019, 10th April, at the prestigious Engineering School Mines ParisTech in Paris, the Rotary club has organized a Conference about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Two moderators from the Rotary Club Philippe Simon and Franck Simon interviewed four speakers:
– STIM: Frédéric ARNOUX, PhD
– GOOGLE: Béatrice de Clermont Tonnerre
Nexyad CEO speaker at Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit
NEXYAD was pleased to participate to this summit on Artificial Intelligence. We could explain how our Artificial Intelligence -based software component SafetyNex is now embedded in many products worldwide and how it transforms industry (aftermarket for telematics – fleets & insurance -, new vehicles – cockpit and AD systems ).
We also explained how such a module, via a reward system, can be used by B2C mass market distribution firms to acquire consumers at low cost, in a « nudge » positive loop that will save many lives.
And we were very interested in other speakers presentations with so many different interesting point of views on AI.
– SafetyNex won Road Safety Innovation Prize
– Road Detection RoadNex New Update
– Go from Level 3 to Level 5 with SafetyNex
– High Level Fonctional Specification of a Self-Driving Vehicle (Point to Point, any Destination): What about Driving Risk ?
– News about NEXYAD in Global Fleet
– Nexyad CEO Speaker at two conferences on AI
All Nexyad Team is proud with this Innovation Prize !
Some companies try to detect freespace with a regular camera, without IR (SWIR etc …), without fusion with LIDAR, just because it allows low cost applications especially for aftermarket. Here is an example of the NEXYAD module RoadNex. One can see that there are a lot of cracks, patches (highlights and dark zones), and that RoadNex still detects free space in front of the car. Especially useful in the roundabout (see video).
Note : It runs on a regular chip (real time on a regular smartphone, for instance). It means that cost of deployment is « cost of software only », NO NEED for a special smart hardware architecture (NVIDIA …) or a special camera. This is the differentiation of NEXYAD : we do not try to provide « perfect and beautiful » detection (that is already achieved by MOBILEYE for instance, but we think, beyond market price for markets we target), but rather an efficient quick detection for some valuable functions at market price. Our free space detection is currently under integration into dashcams.
A general usage self-Driving vehicle is an object that picks you at a point A (that may be anywhere) and takes you to a point B (that may be any reachable point from A), as fast as possible, in comfort and safety. And that’s it (main features).
a . as far as possible : it is the actual efficiency of transportation, as mobility is a key element of Economy
b . comfort : it is the fact that the travel is enjoyable
c . safety of Driving : risk of road accident is few because the vehicle controls the Driving risk that it takes. Note : we consider that the object in itself is already safe (functional safety solved).
How to control those 3 items ?
a . chronometer, speed measurement
b . score of comfort : noise, vibration, user friendly HMI that cancels stress (infotainment), entertainment, …
c . score of Driving risk (in terms of ROAD safety) that the vehicle is taking while Driving : it already exists and it is the module SafetyNex, developed by NEXYAD (validation on 50 million km).
This gives a clue about how SafetyNex is used by Tier One Companies for their AD system.
Nexyad uses artificial intelligence to improve road safety
“75% of road accidents happen because of driver behaviour that is not adapted to local infrastructure,” said Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO, Nexyad. His company sells software components that use artificial intelligence to improve road safety. Fleet Europe wanted to know more about where his company came from and where it is going.
Read article here :
In June 2013, Nexus Communication has launched GLOBAL FLEET, the first networking and crossmedia platform for multinationals willing to optimize their fleet management through globalization. It provides professionals with in-depth knowledge and up-to-date information on global and regional fleet management as well as on BRICs and other economies on the rise.
The online network Global Fleet wrote an article about Nexyad:
Nexyad uses artificial intelligence to improve road safety
“75% of road accidents happen because of driver behaviour that is not adapted to local infrastructure,” said Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO, Nexyad. His company sells software components that use artificial intelligence to improve road safety. Fleet Europe wanted to know more about where his company came from and where it is going.
Read article here :
In June 2013, Nexus Communication has launched GLOBAL FLEET, the first networking and crossmedia platform for multinationals willing to optimize their fleet management through globalization. It provides professionals with in-depth knowledge and up-to-date information on global and regional fleet management as well as on BRICs and other economies on the rise.
NEXYAD Deep Tech Startup : AI and XAI onboard real time software modules for road safety applicable to ADAS, Autonomous Driving, Car Insurance, Fleet Management, and new Smart Mobility Services.
NEXYAD Executive Pitch video by CEO Gérard Yahiaoui.
NEXYAD CEO speech at « Université des savoirs » of ORANGE Goup : Artificial Intelligence for Automotive
Gérard Yahiaoui talk on front of more than 120 head représentatives of ORANGE Group, october 4th in Clamart.
Program :
. What is Artificial Intelligence ?
. Techniques developed by AI Researchers
. Different between AI and Complex Automation
. Business Models of AI in big companies
. Example of SafetyNex (Real Time Driving Risk Assessment)
. Autonomous Vehicle
. Vocal Driving Assessment
. Customers Acquisition
. Conclusion
NEXYAD is starting a new image capture campaign in the summer heat of Paris suburb. Those new captured videos will sample the issue of strong casted shadows and will show robustness of our two Artificial Intelligence perception algorithms RoadNex (road border detection even without markings and free space detection) and ObstaNex (obstacles detection).
Database of NEXYAD applies the methodology A.G.E.N.D.A. (Approche Générale des Etudes Neuronales pour le Développement d’Applications) that allows to train deep learning with a compact learning database (knowledge-based selection of learning and of validation examples) with much better performance than with randomly selected massive databases.
Yes it is possible ! …
NEXYAD can then re-train ANNs for a special cam for instance, very quickly, with real maths KPIs instead of poor « percentages » estimators of effectiveness and robustness.
Try our AI perception algorithms, it will change a few things :
. VERY robust detection
. low computer load consumption (runs on regular architectures)
. retrainable quickly is sensor technology evolves
– ISFM selected Nexyad algorithms
– SafetyNex episode 6 : Five use cases when your eyes or sensors are not enough
– Autonomous Driving Adaptative to situations with SafetyNex
– Broad Range Applications of Real Time Driving Risk Assessment
– Deep Learning for Onboard Applications: Hidden Trap
– SafetyNex and the « S » Curve Theory
– Congresses & Events
– ISFM selected Nexyad algorithms
– SafetyNex episode 6 : Five use cases when your eyes or sensors are not enough
– Autonomous Driving Adaptative to situations with SafetyNex
– Broad Range Applications of Real Time Driving Risk Assessment
– Deep Learning for Onboard Applications: Hidden Trap
– SafetyNex and the « S » Curve Theory
NEXYAD is proud to announce that our Artificial Intelligence Algorithmes are used for Autonomous Driving Vehicles French High Tech Startup ISFM (Intelligent Systems for Mobility) selected Nexyad artificial intelligence algorithms for their Milla Smart Shuttle.
Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD, participed in a TV show on Mobility TV about the Autonomous Vehicle, where he explained the value of SafetyNex for road safety applied to Autonomous Vehicle. The other guests were Jean-Pierre CARNEVALE, departement director for Ipsos, Abdelkrim DOUFENE from IRT SystemX, and Hervé GROS from SIA (automotive engineers society), the talk show was animated by Patrick ROGER for Auto K7.
Last 25-26 june, SIA and URF jointly organized the first French conference on the autonomous vehicle in order to cross the views of the whole scientific and technical communities : car manufacturers, suppliers, road infrastructures, telecommunications and transport operators in connection with the national and territorial public decision-makers.
200 experts, 4 sectors, a dozen of exhibitors, 38 interventions, keynotes by Anne-Marie Idrac (AV special adviser), Cédric Villani (AI special adviser) and Luc Chatel (President of PFA), 1 round table of industrial leaders and the public sector, or how to draw up the state of the art for the biggest technological change in mobility and transport.
The goal is to accelerate the capacity for innovation everyone to serve everyone, by bringing all stakeholders together under the aegis of the most relevant experts for the autonomous vehicles of tomorrow.
Gerard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad was invited to talk about SafetyNex on a focus about Intelligent Onboard Technologies.
– Benoit Ranini, TNP : Introduction
– Philippe Giry-Deloison : Conseiller municipal de Neuilly sur Seine
– Stéphane Mallard : Artificial Intelligence, Get ready for disruption
– Juliette Girard, Renault & Adrian Pellegrini, Blue DME : Feedback on futuristic car dealership
– Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad : Intelligence on board with SafetyNex
– Demo and business dating with TNP Accelerator’s start-ups
ESI Group is a leading innovator in the field of virtual prototyping software and services. A specialist in materials physics, ESI has developed a unique skill to help industrial manufacturers replace physical prototypes with virtual prototypes, enabling them to manufacture, assemble, certify and pre-certify their future products. Coupled with the latest technologies, ESI now wants to anchor virtual prototyping in the broader product performance lifecycle concept, which addresses the operational performance of a product throughout its life cycle, from launch to disposal. The creation of a hybrid twin, based on simulation, physics and data analysis, allows manufacturers to deliver more readable and connected products.
Sigra Technologies was exhibiting its autonomous driving system, its components and services called Deep Einstein. Its products range from drive-by-wire embedded systems to decision-making based on a deep neural network. The company believes that an approach based on deep learning is the best way to handle hard-to-solve cases using traditional algorithms. During the exhibition, Sigra presented its new system for the demonstration of autonomous driving.
StreetDrone is an ambitious UK self-driving startup with a rich automotive, motorsport and entrepreneurial DNA. The streetDrone team is passionate about putting the AV revolution into the hands of the many , not just the few, providing the platform , data management system and functional safety, thereby allowing businesses and institutions to focus on their own development goals without having to worry about the cost and complication of vehicle hardware and systems engineering. StreetDrone is enabling the next generation of engineering to be involved in what is the most exciting area of technology today.
Veoneer is a leading system supplier for ADAS autonomous driving AD and advanced brake control solutions, and a market leader in automotive safety electronics products. With one of the oadest product portfolios in the larket, Veoneer is the forefront of innovation in the current revolution of the automotive industry. Veoneer takes on the challenge of automation and human-machine tion as vehicles become increasly intelligent.
The four algorithms products of Nexyad are now well known by automotive profesionals. Numerus companies worldwide integrated SafetyNex the on board Driving risk assessment in real time, combinable with the three camera-based modules: RoadNex for road detection (edges of road and bitumen free space); ObstaNex for obstacles detection (vehicles and pedestrians); and VisiNex for visibility measurement (fog and heavy rains detection, reliability, distance of visibility, etc.)
This thursday 14th june, TNP, a consulting firm specializing in business transformation, inaugurated its new generation start-up accelerator! The audience follow interesting conference about Artificial Intelligence in Mobility field.
– Benoit Ranini, TNP : Introduction
– Philippe Giry-Deloison : Conseiller municipal de Neuilly sur Seine
– Stéphane Mallard : Artificial Intelligence, Get ready for disruption
– Juliette Girard, Renault & Adrian Pellegrini, Blue DME : Feedback on futuristic car dealership
– Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad : Intelligence on board with SafetyNex
– Demo and business dating with TNP Accelerator’s start-ups
NEXYAD will be present at Autonomous Vehicle World Expo 2018 in Stuttgart, June 5 – 6 – 7
Come to visit Nexyad on Groupement ADAS booth 2015/hall C
Discover our 4 Artificial Intelligence Algorythms for ADAS, Autonomous Driving and Telematics
SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment
Fusion of Digital Map with Sensors, combinable with RoadNex, ObstaNex and VisiNex
Artificial Intelligence giving Safety to your Driver Assistant or your Autonomous Driving Systems
RoadNex : Detection of Road Edges and Free Space on front of Vehicle
Artificial Mono Vision Algorythm for Autonomous Driving & ADAS
ObstaNex : Detection of Obstacles on front of Vehicle
Artificial Mono Vision Algorythm for Autonomous Driving & ADAS
VisiNex : Measurement and Score of Visibility
Detection of Lack of Visibility, Fog, Heavy Rains, etc… on front of Vehicle
Artificial Mono Vision Algorythm for Autonomous Driving & ADAS
Let’s say in a manufacture there is a very dangerous machine that may grind up your hand. If you are 10 km away from the machine, risk is « very » low. If you are 1 km away from the machine, risk is the same. If you are 10 m away from the machine … risk is still very low … but if you come closer (let’s say 10 cm), suddenly risk becomes high ! This is not linear. In road safety, the Artificial Intelligence algorithm SafetyNex estimates 20 times per second the driving risk you take, and many people ask about relationship between « risk you take » and « accident ». This relationship is not deterministic (probabilities must be used) : risk is not linked directly to accident but rather to accident frequency (or probability) … and the relationship is a non linear curve called a « S » curve as shown on the figure below. It is possible then to use it to alert human driver (Vocal Driving Assistants) or to control autonomous driving (Autonomous Vehicle) in order to keep risk under the threshold of the « S » curve or not too far after the threshold. SafetyNex was calibrated in order to have 95% of accident frequency just after the threshold (validated on 50 million km).
– SafetyNex episode 4 : Driving Risk Assessment for Automotive (Driving Assistant, ADAS, Autonomous Driving)
– CNEJITA Seminar on Artificial Intelligence: who will be responsible ?
– SafetyNex : driving robot maybe will mitigate human errors, but first they have to imitate good drivers
– « Theory of Water Flush » and Impact on the Prevention of Accidents for Autonomous Vehicles
– 4 disruptive AI algorithms for automotive mobility