Newsletter #18 is now available

Nexyad at the forefront
of ADAS for road safety

Headlines :

– Road accident and driving risk are two different notions
– Nexyad at AutoSens Brussels 2017
– Enova Symposium Paris 2017
– Connected & Self-driving Car Meetup #9
– Academic chair at MOV’EO with INSA Rouen
– Sensor fusion and data fusion with SafetyNex
– SafetyNex : Understanding the Concept of Risk
– NEXYAD : the story
– Navigation Based ADAS : use SafetyNex to build ACC and anticipation (predictive) brake systems

Go to the Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #18

Nexyad at the forefront
of ADAS for road safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #18, September 26th, 2017


Nexyad at the forefront of ADAS for road safety

Headlines :

– Road accident and driving risk are two different notions

– Nexyad at AutoSens Brussels 2017

– Enova Symposium Paris 2017

– Connected & Self-driving Car Meetup #9

– Academic chair : effective collaboration between MOV’EO groupement ADAS and INSA Rouen

– Sensor fusion and data fusion with SafetyNex

– SafetyNex : Understanding the Concept of Risk

– NEXYAD : the story

– Navigation Based ADAS : use SafetyNex to build ACC and anticipation (predictive) brake systems

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Road accident and driving risk are two different notions

A lot of professionals that must cope with road safety observe accident through statistics : it seems to be normal to think that safety is low where there are a lot of accidents and that safety is high where there are few accidents.
This reality tends to make people confuse the two notions : risk and accident.
And since you stay at the statistic level, then it works : if 99% of people that played russian roulette more than 50 times have died (accident), then you can say that russian roulette is risky (risk).
Insurance companies, fleet managers, have taken into account those statistics, in order to estimate their future costs, and compute their pricing.
But now, digital connected devices are available at the very individual and local level : telematics (professional devices installed into cars), smartphones, connected car, can estimate the driving behaviour in real time and they know exactly where you drive.
Then, what this new technology brings to risk assessment ? and can you still apply at the individual level the ideas that was set at a population (statistics) level ?
That question was studied in 1969 by an American University Professor that was also a researcher for the company « Insurance of North America », Frank E. BIRD, and a key notion was then used : the « incident » or « near miss accident » or « quasi accident ». It was shown that the risk you take does not lead to accident but to « quasi-accident ». Indeed, even in very risky situations, accident can be avoided most of the time at the very last second ! Frank E. BIRD worked on what was called « The Triangle of Risk » or « Safety Triangle »
Sometimes, you do not have luck … and then you have an accident instead of having a quasi-accident.

Pyramid of Risk Example of Statitical Relationship in Risk Assessment : from Behaviour to Fatalities

Then accident is the confluence of « risk you take » and « bad luck ». It is interesting to notice that, if you do not study the individual and local (in space and time) level, so if you consider a large population of drivers during a long duration, then « bad luck » automatically disappears… and so risk can be measured by observation of accident. But at the individual and local levels, risk cannot be measure by observing accident.
It is interesting to read about Safety Triangle and then have a clear idea of links between RISK, ACCIDENT, SEVERE PERSONAL INJURIES.
In road Safety concerns, researchers and experts have been working during 50 years on this concept of quasi-accident and they accumulated data and knowledge about this key notion. Let us resume the russian roulette comparison : pulling the trigger is the quasi-accident … and sometimes you die (accident). But even before playing such a « game » you KNOW that it is risky.
The knowledge of risk is represented by a collection of cause-effect relationships.
There is a knowledge-based artificial intelligence system that gathered the knowledge from road safety experts and researchers (that work mainly on road infrastructure) and that is now available in order to assess driving risk in real time : SafetyNex developed by the company NEXYAD. SafetyNex is the « thermometer » of driving risk and it alerts the driver BEFORE the dangerous situation, letting time to slow down and then potentially to avoid accident, to reduce severity (less personal severe injuries), …
Obviously, markets are :
. car insurance (prevention, severity, UBI)
. fleet management (prevention, reduction of costs, fit in regulations and laws)
But even the automotive can take benefit of suche a real time driving risk assessment module :
. intelligent navigation with risk vocal alerts
. automatic triggering of braking for ADAS (if risk too high then slow down)
. driverless cars : giving to the artificial intelligence that drives the car the perception of the risk it takes…
SafetyNex opens the door to a new generation of onboard applications for every field of automotive sector that is concerned with risk and safety.
Read more

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Nexyad at AutoSens Brussels 2017

AutoSens took place at the AutoWorld Museum in Brussels September 19-21.
To answer the issues of Connected Cars and Autonomous Cars, engineers need first to give eyes, ears and A.I. to future vehicles. Sensors will play this crucial and difficult role of replacing the human senses.
Engineers and sensors providers met for three days of conferences and workshops.
Groupement ADAS was present with Leddartech the lidars canadian company that rose 100 M$ funding, New Imaging Technologies with their unique high dynamic range camera sensors, Intempora that provide famous RT-Maps, and of course Nexyad presented his three camera-based software modules for Road Detection – RoadNex, for Obstacles Detection – ObstaNex, for Visibility Measurement – VisiNex and SafetyNex – the Road Safety system with sensors fusion and data fusion (digital map, accelerometers, GPS, cameras, lidars, radars, ultrasounds, weather data, traffic data, etc.).
New players appeared as Crowdflower or Mighty Ai, they are plateforms that help you process your data or images very quickly by dividing the workload with very many people registered online.

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Enova Symposium Paris 2017

Round Table at ENOVA symposium in Paris, on the subject of self-driving car
(see from left to right)
. Vincent ABADIE, Vice-President Expert Leader Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS, PSA Group
. Jochen LANGHEIM, Vice-President advanced systems R&D programs, ST MICROELECTRONICS
. Jean-François SENCERIN, Autonomous Driving NFI/PFA Program Director
. Guillaume DEVAUCHELLE, Vice-President Innovation, VALEO
. Alain PIPERNO, Expert Safety & Autonomous Vehicle, UTAC
The audience could listen to this experts panel and ask questions about connected and driverless cars.
Journalist : Laurent MEILLAUD
ENOVA, Paris, Porte de Versailles


3 days of exchanges and conviviality at the service of Innovation + Business Meetings driven by THE NEW NEEDS OF CONNECTIVITY.
Read more about the Event

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Connected & Self-driving Car Meetup #9

Nexyad was invited to the Connected & Self-driving Car Meetup #9 at Le Square (Renault’s innovation lab in Paris), on september 13.
Thanks to the perfect organisation of Laurent Dunys and Bruno Moncorge.
A large audience listened presentation about vehicles and data security with Nabil Bouzerna of IRT SystemX. Finally, Jean-François Menier, lawyer at Elyos Avocats gave a very interesting wrap-up about the potential responsibility of a driver in the case of a connected / self-driving car accident and of course about driver and passengers safety with SafetyNex App : real time driving risk assessment.


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Academic chair : effective collaboration between MOV’EO groupement ADAS and INSA Rouen

MOV’EO Groupement ADAS built an academic chair with INSA ROUEN (option Intelligent Transportation) on ADAS and driverless cars.
The first course was given by Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD, the 13th of September 2017 in Rouen : presentation of key notions (near missed accident, driving risk), and presentation of SafetyNex (real time driving risk assessment) and applications to car insurance, fleet management, ADAS, and driverless cars.

Chaire pédagogique

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Sensor fusion and data fusion with SafetyNex

SafetyNex is a real time driving risk assessment system. Of course, Driving Risk makes everyone think of car insurance and fleet management. And it is a natural application (deployment has already started). But it is important to note that Driving Risk is also a key notion for ADAS and Driverless car.

SafetyNex Data Fusion System

Indeed, Driving Risk happens when there is no adequation between Driving Behaviour and Driving Context. ADAS and Driverless act on Driving Behaviour :
. ADAS modifies Driving Behaviour : braking when the human driver did not, etc …
. Driverless car creates Driving Behaviour : there is still a driver called « artificial intelligence ».

Driving context is measured :
. Map Electronic Horizon
. Accelerometers
. Times to collision (front and rear)
. Number of vulnerables around (even on sidewalks)
. Atmospheric visibility / weather condition (fog, pouring rain, etc.)
. X2Car Data Streams (accident, weather alert, construction area, etc.

So you can now imagine that if you have the opportunity to ESTIMATE adequation between Driving Behaviour and Driving Context, then you can build much more relevant ADAS and Driverless Artificial Intelligence (adequation or inadequation).

You may notice that Driving Context is measured through heterogenous sensors and data streams. It brings no difficulty to SafetyNex that uses Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory to estimate adequation, givin a Driving output called Driving Risk (that you should want to minimize under constraints of mobility efficiency).

Then SafetyNex is actually a sensor and data fusion system (high level fusion), much more efficient than every fusion systems that you ever developed, because it generates a variable (Driving Risk) that is a KEY NOTION for driving and is EASY TO UNDERSTAND AND USE.

NEXYAD implemented a low cost version with only the first 3 inputs (more than 5,000 road safety rules to cope with the infrastructure dangers …) and is now implementing simple rules to take into account mobile context. Example: « the shorter the time to collision, the higher the risk ». And that’s it ! The knowledge based artificial intelligence of SafetyNex automatically does the fusion with the 5,000 rules. There is no need to « weight » the rules, as possibility theroy allows a fusion with every rule competing with the others … Elegant applied maths to a problem that most engineers describe in a so complicated way that it becomes impossible to solve.

We really encourage ADAS and Driverless engineers to come to us and simply integrates SafetyNex (low CPU consumption, easy real time, etc.) and then get NOW a proven sensor fusion and data fusion system that works. This gives ONE dimension of Driving Systemic Analysis items: Driving Risk, in real time.

Of course, if you do the systemic analysis you will find other dimensions of interest (we let you do that, we’ve done it for ourselves, trace of the military research past of NEXYAD founders).

SafetyNex is now under implementation by big ADAS OEM companies. Series deployment will start in 2018. We will be glad to help you being a part of it.

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SafetyNex : Understanding the Concept of Risk

SafetyNex App is a real time driving risk assessment. We present below 3 videos to explain as simply as possible the concept of driving risk.

Luck doesn’t change the risk that the driver takes. It means that risk taken by the « lucky risky driver » is exactly the same than risk taken by the « unlucky risky driver ». It is possible then to detect risky drivers before they have accident (anticipation of costs). Once detected, it is possible to train them (prevention program).

Because SafetyNex driving risk assessment is done in real time, it is possible to alert the driver (when risk is higher than an acceptable value), and if driver slows down, then risk never rises at the red level. It is an onboard prevention system (ADAS).

Observation of accidents on a short period of time (3 months for instance) may not show any difference between « cautious driver » and « lucky risky driver » (both of them may not have accident). It is a big problem for UBI, and SafetyNex brings the solution as it anticipates accident (sooner or later the « lucky risky driver » will have a severe accident).

The Risky & Lucky Driver

The Risky & Unlucky Driver

The Cautious Driver

More info :

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NEXYAD : the story

All you have to know about the french High Tech company.

NEXYAD is a « fake startup » (much older than it seems ^^) set up in 1995 by maths research engineers (Pierre DA SILVA DIAS & Gérard YAHIAOUI + other shareholder : researchers, finance executives, engineers). Founders came from military research (anti-tank missiles), with a strong culture of computer vision, machine Learning, artificial intelligence, signal theoy and processing, stats and data analysis.
During years we were the extended maths team of famous big firms in many fields : defence, automotive, banking, insurance, energy, cosmetics, agri-food, glass, railways, … Customers were research departments first, and then product and marketing departments, sales departments, industrial labs, manufactures, actuaries, etc.
In the automotive sector, we’ve been involved in a lot of different high level maths works such as :
. production/manufacture (work for PSA Group, Charleville),
. industrial Lab (work for PSA Group – Belchamp,TOYOTA Europe – Brussels, Robert BOSCH GmbH, Bühlertal, VALEO, La verrière – SAINT GOBAIN, … etc.)
. research & development for PSA Group, RENAULT, NISSAN, IEE, DAIMLER, FAURECIA, LE LAB (PSA RENAULT), on perception by camera, radar, capacitive sensors, ultrasound, infrared, etc … , vehicle dynamics (active control), sensorial analysis (touch smell perception of texture by vision), human factor analysis, detection of passengers on seats, odor gas sensors, artificial intelligence, epidemiologic analysis (pollution, particles, …), etc.

Read the entire article.

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Navigation Based ADAS : use SafetyNex to build ACC and anticipation (predictive) brake systems

Nexyad SafetyNex

Imagine a robotized car that would slow down automatically when approaching a tiny curve, or an intersection or a priority, of a stop sign, etc … if needed (i.e. if and only if the current speed and acceleration of the car is not appropriate to the driving context). Sounds interesting ?
It would be then « smooth anticipation braking » (from 0.1 to 0.3 g) instead of « emergency braking » (so easier to do and not that disturbing for driver and passengers comfort in the car). Doing this, the car dramatically decreases the probability to be kept in a dangerous situation and it let much more margin to emergency brake if still needed.
Finally, it would mean that the car follows road traffic code plus safety rules (anticipation).
This is easy to achieve using NEXYAD real time driving risk assessment module SafetyNex : SafetyNex reads « Electronic Horizon » (reading POIs and decoding shape and dimensions of the infrastructure ahead), « GPS« , « accelerometers« , and can accept additional inputs such as « time to collision« , « size of free space« , « position in the lane« , « atmospheric visibility« , alert data streams (weather, accident, traffic, …). All those heterogenous data are used (data fusion) to estimate driving risk in real time : Driving Risk (t)
Then everytime that Driving Risk(t) comes higher than an acceptable threshold value, the robotized car slightly slows down … and that’s it !
SafetyNex is the result of 15 years of collaborative research and it works.
Markets : Car insurance and fleet managers (for real time alert and risk profiles recording), ADAS (for automatic predictive/anticipation brake), and Driverless car (Automated car that follows Road Traffic Code).
SafetyNex is Under deployment, please feel free to try it and put it into your own products (available as an API).
Keywords : Adaptive Cruise Control, ACC, Intelligent ACC, Intelligent Cruise Control, navigation-based, navigation-based ADAS, NB ADAS, ADAS, Advances Driver Assistance Systems, Anticipation brake, Predictive Brake, SafetyNex, Risk, Driving Risk, Real time driving risk assessment, road traffic code, SafetyNex, electronic horizon, GPS, accelerometers, time to collision, free space, size of free space, position in the lane, lane departure, visibility, atmospheric visibility, data stream, weather, accident, traffic, data fusion,…

Adademic chair at MOV’EO with INSA Rouen

MOV’EO Groupement ADAS built an academic chair with INSA ROUEN (option Intelligent Transportation) on ADAS and driverless cars.
The first course was given by Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD, the 13th of September 2017 in Rouen : presentation of key notions (near missed accident, driving risk), and presentation of SafetyNex (real time driving risk assessment) and applications to car insurance, fleet management, ADAS, and driverless cars.

Chaire pédagogique

NEXYAD is a big contributor of the BLOG ADAS

Blog ADAS provides quantity of information about Advanced Driver Assistance Systems or ADAS, Connected Car, Driverless Technologies, Trends, News, Market Analysis, Business Intelligence, …
More than 1000 daily readers and almost 4000 those last two months.

Graphique Blog ADAS

Go to Blog ADAS

Newsletter #17 is now available

ADAS, Driverless and Connected Car Symposiums with Nexyad

Headlines :

– Nexyad and Groupement ADAS at Automotive Symposium
– New Papers of Nexyad on advantages of SafetyNex
– Challenge Open Innovation Renault
– Nexyad at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017
– Nexyad presenting the driving risk solution SafetyNex to Eurapco
– Conference at “Cercle LAB” Paris
– HERE invited NEXYAD to Le Mans
– Meeting HappYnnov at Chamber of Commerce Versailles-Yvelines
– Nexyad booth to la fête du THD at Acome in Mortain (Normandy)
– NEXYAD in Media

Go to the Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #17

ADAS, Driverless and Connected Car Symposiums with Nexyad

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #17, July 10th, 2017


ADAS, Driverless and Connected Car Symposiums with Nexyad

Headlines :

– Nexyad and Groupement ADAS at Automotive Symposium

– New Papers of Nexyad on advantages of SafetyNex

– Challenge Open Innovation Renault

– Nexyad at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017

– Nexyad presenting the driving risk solution SafetyNex to Eurapco

– Conference at « Cercle LAB » Paris

– HERE invited NEXYAD to Le Mans

– Meeting HappYnnov at Chamber of Commerce Versailles-Yvelines

– Nexyad booth to la fête du THD at Acome in Mortain (Normandy)

– NEXYAD in Media

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Nexyad and Groupement ADAS at Automotive Symposium

Symposium 2017 in Stuttgart

June 20, 21 and 22th 2017 saw the big Automotive Symposium in Stuttgart, land of Daimler, Porsche, Robert Bosch GmbH.
We present our modules based on Artifical Vision and A.I. for ADAS, Connected Cars and Driverless.
This year Groupement ADAS is represented by Intempora, New Imaging Technologies, Sherpa Engineering and Nexyad.

Nexyad booth at Autonomous Vehicle Symposium
Nexyad booth at Hall 2C

This year, we made a focus on three big engineering companies in Europe. No surprise two are germans and one is Austrian. Those companies are worldwide with offices and plants in other continents. They work for car manufacturers and suppliers.

FEV is an internationally recognised development service provider for drive and vehicle technologies, and an innovative supplier of cutting-edge software and testing solutions. Thanks to the synergy of these complementary activities, FEV is the perfect partner for providing test fields, measuring equipment and software solutions that fit with the needs of the automobile market. As a powertrain development specialist, it helps to make the development process more efficient and to transfer significant process steps from the road to the test rig and to the desktop, thanks to its leading-edge methodologies and tools. FEV’s competencies also include powertrain electronic control systems and hydro-electric engine concepts that address future emission and fuel economy standards.

Employing over 6500 members of staff, IAV is one of the world’s leading providers of engineering services to the automotive industry. The company has been developing innovative concepts and technologies for future vehicles for more than 30 years. Core competencies include production-ready solutions in all fields of electronics, powertrain and vehicle development. Clients include all of the world’s premier automobile manufacturers and suppliers. In addition to development centres in Berlin, Gifhorn and Chemnitz/Stollberg, IAV operates from other locations in Germany, Europe and Asia, as well as in North and South America.

AVL is the world’s largest independent company developing IC engine powertrains along with the associated instrumentation and test systems. It develops and improves all kinds of powertrain systems, including alternative and hybrid systems, and is an effective partner to the engine and automotive industry. In addition, AVL develops and markets all simulation methods and easy-to-use software tools necessary for development work. The company’s unique power derives from the systematic netting of single simulation results to integrated, multidimensional simulation platforms on the basis of its deep engineering expertise. Its Engine Instrumentation and Tests Systems business area produces all instruments and systems required for engine and vehicle testing.

Texting Expo Stuttgart 2017

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New Papers from Nexyad on advantages of SafetyNex


Lire la version Française

NEXYAD has been developing the smartphonte application SafetyNex which estimates the risk of driving in real time [1]. SafetyNex is both a driver assistance system (ADAS), which alerts the driver (vocal alert) before danger (When the risk increases too much), and a telematics system that records risk profiles and usage profiles.
Warning before the danger gives the driver time to slow down and avoid the accident. Road Safety studies show that SafetyNex can reduce the number of accidents by 20% [2]. This simple functionality is of interest of car insurers, fleet managers, and to car manufacturers.
SafetyNex also rewards the driver with cups (gold, silver, bronze) that can be transformed into money incentive (vouchers, etc.) so that the safe drivers stil have a daily interest to go on using SafetyNex. Indeed, tools that are not used over a period of time rarely have a real effect on the accidentology. SafetyNex is therefore distinguished from other products, on the one hand by its real time and driving assistance, but also for its « reward » side. SafetyNex informs the driver In real time when the risk exceeds a threshold of danger, than one can say that SafetyNex gives the risk in the hands of the driver first. The driver is in control of his/her risk.
Then SafetyNex distinguishes from all telematics products that ultimately provide information to the insurer or fleet manager, but not to the driver who feels rightly spied on.
Risk and usage profiles [3] are forwarded to managers who have an interest in minimizing risk and the number of accidents. This paper presents a simple way to interpret the risk profiles constructed by SafetyNex.

Read the entire paper here

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Paper for French Car Insurers


Depuis 1996, les assureurs français se sont engagés auprès de l’Etat à mener des actions de prévention routière. Ils doivent consacrer ainsi chaque année à ce type d’action de prévention 0,5% du montant des cotisations de responsabilité civile automobile perçues.
Traditionnellement, les actions menées sont des opérations de sensibilisation dans les écoles, conseils pratiques en vidéo, pistes de conduite avec moniteur, simulateurs de conduite, voiture tonneau, etc… Ces actions doivent avoir un effet à long terme sur la réduction du nombre d’accidents de la route. Récemment, les applications smartphone sont aussi utilisées, toujours en opération de sensibilisation.
C’est dans le cadre de cette entrée du numérique, dans l’action obligatoire de prévention, que SafetyNex représente une avancée très intéressante pour les assureurs automobile. En effet, SafetyNex évite les dangers liés à une vitesse inadaptée aux difficultés de l’infrastructure, ce qui correspond à 75% des accidents de la route. SafetyNex est actuellement le seul système permettant de prévenir en temps réel et de façon prédictive le conducteur afin qu’il ralentisse pour éviter l’accident. SafetyNex répond ainsi aux critères des actions de prévention à mettre en œuvre, si bien qu’il est possible pour un assureur de déployer massivement SafetyNex sans aucune dépense supplémentaire. C’est une opportunité unique de réaliser une action de prévention efficace, tout en préparant la transition digitale du métier d’assurance.

Lire l’article en entier

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Challenge Open Innovation Renault

On June 13th, RENAULT entrusted the MOV’EO competitiveness cluster with the organization of a new Open Innovation Challenge on the theme « Connectivity and services ».
Through this initiative, RENAULT wishes to detect new proposals from SMEs and innovative startups on these themes, in order to develop collaborations on the most relevant projects.
Among the selected startups were Nexyad that presented SafetyNex, and the « Groupement ADAS » cluster of 10 companies working in the field of ADAS and autonomous vehicle.

Challenge Open Innovation Renault

Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO Nexyad – Nicolas Dulac for « Groupement ADAS »

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Nexyad at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017

The 1st of june, Nexyad and Groupement ADAS shared a booth at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017. This event organized by the competitivity cluster MOV’EO is located in the Engineer school ESTACA at Montigny le Bretonneux.

Imagine Mobility Forum 2017
Interview of Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO

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Nexyad presenting the driving risk solution SafetyNex
to Eurapco

The 31th of May, Nexyad has presented SafetyNex to Eurapco (European Mutual Insurance Companies).
Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad
Gérard Yahiaoui
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Conference at « Cercle LAB » Paris

Several times a year, the « Cercle LAB » organizes conferences giving the opportunity for Startups to present innovative products or services to insurers. Last April 24th, thema was Internet Of Things or with others words Connected Objects as SafetyNex by Nexyad.

SafetyNex is a real time driving risk assessment smartphone App that warns (vocal alert) the driver before danger, letting time to slow down and avoid accident, and that records risk profiles and usage profiles on the NEXYAD cloud.
Road Safety studies show that SafetyNex can reduce by 20% accident rate (ref)
This smartphone App is disruptive, as it lets insurance companies and fleet management teams decrease the number of accident before they try any new digital pricing or strategy.
Of course, UBI is easy with SafetyNex because :
. usage is completely described
. risk profiles give : risk that the driver agrees to take, extertise level of the driver, lacks of anticipation of the driver
This conference at Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Assurance Banque) in Paris was very interesting and led to questions and new contacts with insurance companies (SafetyNex is under deployment and testing worldwide).

Gerard Yahiaoui
Gérard Yahiaoui presenting SafetyNex

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HERE invited NEXYAD to Le Mans

HERE the famous digital Map drovider is sponsor of Alpine Racing Team. As costumer and Partner of HERE, Nexyad has been invited to see the essaies. HERE provides maps for SafetyNex. Many Thanks to Jacques-Etienne Grandjean and Patrick Jean for the spectacular show!

Le Mans 24H 2017
Le Mans 24H Alpine run at night

Gérard Yahiaoui and Pierre Da Silva Dias
Heads of Nexyad: Gérard Yahiaoui and Pierre Da Silva Dias

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Meeting HappYnnov at Chamber of Commerce

The International Chamber of Commerce Versailles-Yvelines, via its community of innovation Open’Ynnov, with its partners – engineers school Estaca, competitiveness cluster Mov’eo, Institute Vedecom, the Ravi, the car manufacturer Renault et Engie – proposed june 7th a special « Mobilities of the future » meeting.HappYnnov

After the introduction of Gérard Bachelier – President of the CCI, Stéphane Masson – development manager of the Estaca presented the book « Mobility of the Future ». A round table moderated by Stéphane Parpinelli brought together Philippe Orvain – Vice President of Mov’eo for the IDF; Luc Marbach – Managing Director of Vedecom and Ghislain Delabie Mobility Connector for OuiShare. Dominique Levent, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Mobility for Renault, presented the latest advances in the manufacturer’s innovation strategy, before Lucie Ruchon, Assistant to the Delegate Director of Ile-de-France of Engie, explains the axes of innovation of the energy group.

Three Startups of the Yvelines presented their product :
. SafetyNex, the road safety App for Nexyad
. Electrical scooters for Pink Mobility
. A solution of shared mobility by Ecov

HappYnnovPresentation of SafetyNex at HappYnnov
HappYnnov Round Table and presentation by Nexyad of SafetyNex App

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Nexyad booth to la fête du THD at Acome in Mortain (Normandy)

The « Fête du Très Haut Débit » or (Very High Speed Festival), organized by Acome on its French industrial site in Normandy in partnership with Mov’eo the competitiveness cluster in mobility and automotive R & D, is a UNIQUE event in France that brings together actors Deploying Ultra Broadband and facilitating the sharing of experiences both for telecom infrastructure networks and for building wiring, communicating vehicles and intelligent transport systems.
The 2017 edition (the 9th) opened up to the automotive industry in view of the obvious synergies that are developing with the telecom industry.
It is in this capacity that Acome invited Nexyad Automotive & Transportation and its partner Nomadic Solutions of the Groupement ADAS to attend the event and present their products.

Fête du THD chez ACOME à Mortain
Nexyad through these products such as the embedded and connected software SafetyNex, , helps to make the road safer for its users and others.
Acome is a manufacturer of cables, fiber optics and synthetic tubes. Specialist and market leader in networks. It is the leading European manufacturer of environmentally friendly and halogen-free high-tech automotive wires and cables approved by European manufacturers and its markets are expected to continue to grow rapidly with the advent of the connected vehicle.


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Before Imagine Mobility Forum 2017 Nexyad CEO, Gérard Yahiaoui, was interviewed by Gérard Feldzer for the national radio network France Info.

Gérard Yahiaoui
Gérard Feldzer and Gérard Yahiaoui

Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #15 is Available

Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #15 is Available

2017 Year of mass deployment for Nexyad Products

After three years of Nexyad products development, 2017 will see the start of mass deployment of its products. An Automotive EOM has integrated RoadNex & ObstaNex for road detection and obstacles detection on special vehicles and an Infrastructure EOM has integrated Visinex for visibility measurement on highways. Beside, we’ll soon announce our first customers for SafetyNex.

Headlines :
– Nexyad Review after the CES 2017 in Las Vegas
– Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data
– SafetyNex App Risk Profiles Analysis
– Nexyad invited to the 4th “Les rencontres du Fleet Management”
– NEXYAD new award: Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO
– Interview of Mov’eo and Nexyad by AutoK7
– New Update for Nexyad Modules RoadNex (Road detection) & ObstaNex (Obstacles Detection)

Read the Newsletter here.

2017 Year of mass deployment for Nexyad Products

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #15, February 13th, 2017


2017 Year of mass deployment for Nexyad Products

After three years of Nexyad products development, 2017 will see the start of mass deployment of its products. An Automotive EOM has integrated RoadNex & ObstaNex for road detection and obstacles detection on special vehicles and an Infrastructure EOM has integrated Visinex for visibility measurement on highways. Beside, we’ll soon announce our first customers for SafetyNex.

Headlines :

– Nexyad Review after the CES 2017 in Las Vegas

– Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data

– SafetyNex App Risk Profiles Analysis

– Nexyad invited to the 4th « Les rencontres du Fleet Management »

– NEXYAD new award: Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO

– Interview of Mov’eo and Nexyad by AutoK7

– New Update for Nexyad Modules RoadNex (Road detection) & ObstaNex (Obstacles Detection)

* * * * *

Nexyad Review after the CES 2017 in Las Vegas

Thanks to Business France, the DGE « Direction Générale des Entreprises » and « les Pôles de Compétitivité » (competitivity cluster) for having organised this CES mission. The « connected and autonomous vehicles » Mission brought together the four french pôles de compétitivité automobiles : LUTB, MOV’EO (Thanks too for the sponsoring), ID4CAR and cluster Pôle Véhicule du Futur; the Mission goal was to organise meetings and visits of big companies present at the CES and some top french Automotive SME’s in Las Vegas.

Nexyad was part of the Mission and took the opportunity to meet its partners, customers and future customers in Las Vegas. The show is bigger than everybody has told us before. There is thousands of boothes in several places in Las Vegas. It is impossible to see everything in four days long. This year, French Tech was well represented in the Venetian Hotel and at the Convention Center near the Westgate Hotel. Thursday January 5th, Nexyad was invited to a networking reception sponsored by Orange with the presence of Mr Stéphane Richard, chairman and CEO of Orange. The event took place at the Air Bar on the top of the Strastosphere Tower in Las Vegas.

Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas.

Special interests seen about ADAS & Autonomous Driving at CES in Las Vegas

Abeeway already present at CES 2015 presented this year its new solution for autonomous geolocalisation with great duration (one year).

Giant Alphabet announced process of finalizing its autonomous car business through spin-off Waymo. Is Google will be car manufacturers or just embedded technology platforms and in the cloud technology for manufacturers ?

The GENIVI industrial alliance provides an open source system initiative for automotive manufacturers and their suppliers in connected car field. It collaborates with the Open Connectivity Foundation for connectivity between vehicles and smart homes. The alliance includes manufacturers such as PSA60, Renault Nissan, BMW and Daimler.

HERE Indoor Positioning brings precision to the industrial IoT.

Here at CES 2017
HERE Indoor Positionning demo

The NEXYAD team present in Las Vegas was invited by officials on the HERE booth at Convention Center Central Plazza.
When we entered the booth, we saw a table with mini robotic forklifts in a warehouse, all built with real technology. The robots moved around a simulated environment picking up and delivering containers based on high-accuracy positioning, bringing the real-world applications to life.
It was one of the numerous technologies presented by HERE at CES this year.
More about HERE here

LeddarTech has showcased three innovative 2D and 3D high-resolution LIDAR « solid state » solutions for autonomous driving applications based on next-generation LeddarCore ICs and developed with the collaboration of leading-edge suppliers and partners from the newly-established Leddar Ecosystem.
Nexyad hat a « summit » meeting with Leddartech (top of the Westgate Hotel on the booth of the canadian company). Both companies spoke about various future projects within the Groupement ADAS.
LeddarTech in Las Vegas

Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad and Pier-Olivier Hamel Product leader at Leddartech.

Quanergy Systems rised $90m in 2016 to built Autonomous cars sensors with US Partner Sensata Technologies.

REVA2 participated for the first time to CES and present a vehicle that is both autonomous and traditional. It is in fact a complete automotive system that ambition to create the French startup.

robotTUNER (An automated vehicle that looks like the french one NAVYA).

Twinswheel has presented its autonomous droid for parcel delivery services in urban area.

New ADAS demos by VALEO

Valeo onboard demos area at Golden Lot was completely crowed during the four days of the Convention. But we were lucky happy few to test Valeo XtraVue and Valeo 360AEB Nearshield.

Valeo XtraVue is a system based on a set of connected cameras that eliminates visual obstacles. It takes two vehicles equipped with the system. The driver of the vehicle B, which follows the vehicle A, can see on its control screen what happens in front of the vehicle A by seeing through it.

Valeo at CES 2017
VALEO XtraVue demo car

Valeo 360AEB Nearshield (Autonomous Emergency Braking) is an innovative technology to protect nearby pedestrians when vehicles perform low-speed maneuvers. With a full 360 degrees system of cameras and ultrasonic sensors, this ADAS helps the driver to avoid accident due to blind spots around large vehicles such as SUV and pick-up trucks.
Read more about Valeo at CES

Verizon (fixed and mobile telecom) was updating 2.0 of its Go90 video streaming application for iOS and Android which now supports Apple TV and Google Chromecast. It will allow the sharing of video links with other users via social networks. Verizon Digital Media acquired Volicon, which manages video distribution back-ends and analytics with its Media Intelligence Platform. Another acquisition is Fleetmatics for $ 2.4B. It is a fleet tracking service via GPS, a deal to get into the automotive sector.
The sugar on the top was Yahoo !, acquired for only $ 4.8B. the top is its billion unique monthly users including 60% on mobiles, and its advertising network. This complements the acquisition of AOL, Yahoo being intended to integrate it.

Visteon Demonstrates Augmented Reality Driving Experience and Latest Head-Up Display Technology at CES® 2017.

Complementing the vehicle’s HUD, embedded front-view and driver monitoring cameras trigger “smart alerts” in the form of lights and sounds when the driver is not paying attention to the road, if the vehicle strays from its lane, or if the vehicle is at risk of potentially hitting an object. For example, when a pedestrian or bicycle is present on the side of the road, an LED light projects onto the windshield within a 90-degree angle of the driver’s line of sight, giving a visual alert without the driver needing to turn his or her head.

Read more about Visteon here

Two onboard cameras look at the front of the car (a video for the demo),
detect obstacles and alerts the driver via a HUD.

* * * * *

Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data

See below an example of Risk Profile Data Nexyad is able to give to their customers. SafetyNex provides Eco Driving profiles data, and usages profiles (Kms, date, hours, kind of roads, etc…) all of these can be crossed with Risk Profiles.

SafetyNex Risk Profile

Look at the entire SafetyNex User Manual

* * * * *

SafetyNex App Risk Profiles Analysis

Risk profiles estimated by SafetyNex: Analysis of profiles, and possible use to detect fatigue and hypovigilance of driver.

SafetyNex is a nomadic real-time risk estimation system. The system has been described in detail in previous publications [1] and uses the key concept of « near-accident » or « quasi-accident », and is a result of 15 years of collaborative research with road safety experts and researchers.
The main competitive advantage of SafetyNex is that it allows, since the risk is estimated in real time,
to warn the driver (vocal alert), and thus to allow driver to avoid accident. Studies show that SafetyNex can reduce accident rate by 20% [2], which represents for insurers and fleet managers a consequent increase in margin [3].
But of course, SafetyNex also records usage and risk profiles. These profiles provide the behavior of the driver, or more precisely, his/her ability to regulate driving task consistently with danger. No need to record large volumes of data (accelerations, etc…) which in reality are not data (these are signals) for a possible back-office analysis, SafetyNex provides exactly the interesting data [4].
Below are examples of usage profiles and driver risk profiles.

. Read the entire paper
. Analyse des profils de risque en conduite estimés par SafetyNex (version française)

* * * * *

Nexyad invited to the 4th « Les rencontres du Fleet Management »

Last thursday 26th of january 2017, Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad participated to a panel debate in Paris near Les Champs Elysées. He was invited as road safety telematics expert. Marie-Amélie Fenoll journalist at Decision Achats animated the discussion between other speakers : Jean-Yves Marie Rose of Ademe, Julien Honnart of Wayzup, Didier Blocus of ALD Automotive France, Edwin Colella and Alain Sinquin of Octo Telematics.

Fleet Management faces numerous problems and stakes in terms of safety, monitoring of drivers, training and loss costs. Gérard Yahiaoui presented SafetyNex App risk assessment in real time, that warns the driver before danger and gives individual and global risk profiles and usage profiles. An API of SafetyNex will be available very soon to integrate in any device. SafetyNex use allows to reduce accident rate by 20%.

Les rencontres du Fleet Management partners are ALD Automotive France, Ayming, Codes Rousseau, La carte carburant pro E. Leclerc, Octo Telematics and Phoenix development.

Gérard Yahiaoui Nexyadfrom the left Marie-Amélie Fenoll, Edwin Collela and Gérard Yahiaoui

* * * * *

NEXYAD new award :
Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO

NEXYAD is proud to announce that MOV’EO selected NEXYAD to be one of their CHAMPION high tech SMEs
(PME championne du pôle de compétitivité MOV’EO).

« We are very proud to get this award from MOV’EO that works hard for high tech SMEs development » said Gerard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD. « We participated to the MOV’EO mission at CES 2017 in LasVegas, with Business France, and for us, it is already a success ». « This new award will give us more exposure and for a High-Tech SME it is always a good thing ».


« Nous sommes très fiers d’obtenir cette récompense de MOV’EO qui œuvre pour le développement des PME de hautes technologies dans le secteur de la mobilité. Nous avons participé à la la mission CES 2017 à Las Vegas, avec Business France, et pour Nexyad, c’est déjà un succès. Cette nouvelle récompense nous apporte plus d’exposition et pour une PME de High-Tech c’est toujours une bonne chose. » a déclaré Gérard Yahiaoui le P-DG de Nexyad.

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Interview of Mov’eo and Nexyad by AutoK7

Nicolas Dattez from french competitivity cluster MOVEO and Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad talk about their experience of CES in Las Vegas with Christophe Bourroux for RadioK7 « Voice of Mobility »

« We are stronger at ten to push heavy doors ! »

Interview of Gerard Yahiaoui on RadioK7

(Click to play)

* * * * *

New Update for Nexyad Modules RoadNex (Road detection) & ObstaNex (Obstacles Detection)

Nexyad development team work hard to give updates and new functionnalities to its ADAS modules. See Below an example of road detection with the last update on RoadNex:

RoadNex on RT-Maps

Evolution of ObstaNex v3.0

New Release of Nexyad ObstaNex v3.0

This new version included pattern recognition and tracking, and new management of camera model of with a special component that allows multiple camera models on a same RT-Maps diagram.
Applications are ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Driverless Car, but also Road Safety.

ObstaNex v3.0 : Obstacles Detection for ADAS (here filter on vehicles detection)

A scale model car to test ADAS

NEXYAD will use a scale model car for ADAS and driverless software modules testing & validation.

Nexyad built their own intelligent scale model of car integrating a camera and telecommunications to a PC running the RT-MAPS framework (by INTEMPORA).

Scale Model Car Nexyad

The PC runs real world detection software modules of NEXYAD into the framework RT-MAPS. Then the
scale model car can evoluate on a scale model landscape where it is easy to generate complex use cases
such as sun rising and other perturbations that are not easy to record in the real world and that are not that easy to simulate.

Beside, Nexyad built a testing and validation database that will represent thousands of million km of natural driving with the fewest number of vids as possible.
NB : this NEXYAD validation database will be available for free to every research and development team in the world on the NEXYAD web site.


This database will be used by NEXYAD of course to test and validate their own software modules for ADAS and Driverless cars :
. RoadNex for road detection
. ObstaNex for obstacles detection
. ObstaNex BiCam for obstacles detection using 2 cams
. VisiNex for visibility measurement
. SafetyNex for real time onboard risk assessment

This database is the result of a advanced methodology published in the 90’s by Nexyad Founder. The methodology « AGENDA » allows to build and validate camera-based complex detection and recognition systems (for ADAS and driverless cars).
This methodology was recently re-published and presented in different symposiums in Europe to show exactly how it may be used by car manufacturers and their OEMs.

Nexyad SafetyNex leading actor of ADAS Active Safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #10, June the 20th, 2016

Headlines :

– First BMW tech_date : Nexyad Laureat

– Launch of Nexyad SafetyNex App on Android Smartphone

– Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous

– Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium 2016

– Mov’eo Days 2016

– Four Nexyad Camera-based software modules

First BMW tech_date : Nexyad Laureat

BMW techdate

The BMW Tech_Date wants to highlight French excellence in innovation and identify new technology partners through a contest : Nexyad is rewarded for SafetyNex

BMW Press Release

The french TV channel BFM Business gave the exclusive news on the program « Good Morning Business ».

June 13th 2016, Serge Naudin BMW Group France CEO and Gerard Yahiaoui Nexyad CEO were invited by Stephane Soumier for Good Morning Business on the french TV Channel BFM Business.

BMW is betting on French Tech to develop Connecting Mobility

To celebrate its 100 years, BMW is trying to develop connected mobility, while promoting respect for the environment. The group’s strategy is based on three pillars: innovation, connectivity and personal mobility. To get there, its French subsidiary has selected three innovative companies to develop the mobility of the future. The start-up Nexyad is one of them. Nexyad has developed SafetyNex an APP onboard real-time that estimates the risk in driving. Based on artificial intelligence, the system can calculate at every moment the risk taken by the driver, by comparing the driving behavior (speed, acceleration, etc.) to the difficulties of the road (crossroads, school, turns tight, etc). In an environment where 75% of risk situations on the road are caused by infrastructure, this innovation proves to be a powerful prevention tool. Sole system to have been validated over 50 million km, this software performs all calculations locally (in the smartphone the driver or embedded electronics) and is thus compatible with the requirements of the french CNIL on the registration of personal data.

In the media :

Usine Nouvelle


Les Echos

Planet sans fil

Industrie & Technologies

L’Automobile & l’Entreprise,5131


Auto Infos,8429


Launch of Nexyad SafetyNex App on Android Smartphone

SafetyNex on Smartphone

Functions of SafetyNex :

– onboard real time risk assessment every second
– warning for driver when speed doesn’t fit difficulty of road infrastructure
– automatic « Call » in case of severe collision
– risk and usage profiles (for Insurance Companies)

Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous

Active Safety Munich

Wenesday May 18th : Presentation at the conference by Nicolas du LAC General Manager of Intempora, France

« ADAS Validation: non-deterministic algorithms vs ISO-26262 »
Number crunching technologies and non-deterministic algorithms (image processing, neural networks, data fusion…) are taking in charge more and more functions and driving tasks in vehicles. Autonomous vehicles will be based on many of these. How to validate such functions when facing such different possible driving scenarios?


Focus on two companies present at the symposium in Munich :

is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Corporation, is the leader in 3D vision and gesture recognition technologies. The company, located in Belgium and the USA, delivers state-of-the-art solutions in the field of 3D sensing and processing, in particular for “natural interfaces”. These include CMOS 3D Sensors, 3D camera reference designs, SDKs, algorithms and applications for gesture recognition, object scanning, automotive control and AR/VR. With over 8 years of R&D on both hardware and software, SoftKinetic solutions have already been successfully used in the fields of automotive, interactive digital entertainment, consumer electronics, health care and other professional markets (such as digital signage and medical systems).

Founded in 2007 as a successful spin-off of Canada’s leading optics and photonics research institute, LeddarTech® is the world’s only supplier of advanced detection and ranging systems based on patented, leading-edge sensing technology that performs time-of-flight measurement using pulses from infrared light processed through innovative algorithms, detecting a wide range of objects in various environmental conditions. Leddar technology is highly adaptable, serves multiple markets such as automotive, trucks and unmanned vehicles and comes in different formats, providing brand owners and OEMs with a solution that meets their needs while ensuring quick and simple integration.

Watch video : Affordable Sensing Solutions for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium 2016

Testing Expo

Wenesday 1st of June : Presentation at the conference by Gérard YAHIAOUI President & CEO of NEXYAD, France

Validation of camera-based artificial vision systems applied on open world is a very complex issue. An HD colour camera may generate more than 65 000 power 2 000 000 different images (information theory), so it is not possible to test every possible message. We propose a deterministic approach for building a validation database using the AGENDA methodology that was developed and published in the 1990s for neural network database (learn & test) design.

A large audience attended to this conference that questions the way for Autonomous Vehicle ADAS validation.

Conference Stuttgart 2016
Gérard on the left, the conference’s audience on the top and the booth of Groupement ADAS from the mezzanine.

Focus on some french companies present at the exhibition

OPAL-RT Technologies
is pushing the boundaries of innovation in hardware-in-the-loop simulation for ECU testing. Its automotive offering includes a new, dedicated family of motor and power electronic models. Its turnkey HIL solutions provide a flexible, comprehensive, environment for the development, testing and validation of all Embedded software. Opal-RT simulators optimally employ multi-core CPUs and FPGAs, maximising the fidelity that can be achieved when simulating complex, multi-domain systems.

has more than 25 years’ experience in the design and manufacturing of engine and vehicle testing solutions. From chassis dyno to hub dyno, it has already realised testbeds that meet most of your vehicle testing spécifications. the company’s versatile design allows it to pass all kinds of vehicles, including hybrid, electrical and two, three and four-Wheel vehicles. Its powerful automation system is also able to manage your engine or component testing application. It can answer your braking and/or motoring needs using its wide range os standard or tailor-made EC and AC dyno, emotor, exhaust testing, valvetrain, gearbox and combustion analysis Tools.

Based in northern France, Critt M2A is an independant R&D test centre dedicated to the automotive industry. Thanks to its high testing capabilities and know-how, the company can offer services in line with the highest industry requirements. Its turbocharged department is recognised by customers and automotive suppliers as one of the world’s leading testing centres. Critt M2A is also known as an NVH and engine development test provider, and now offers new skills in the electrification of vehicles, with an important range of testing facilities.


is a team of innovative companies with over 20 years’ experience in the field of technologies used in driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles (design, implementation, integration of ADAS in vehicles for safety features, driver assistance, partial delegation to the autonomous vesicle). Members of Groupement ADAS offer complementary expertise, Tools and test Equipment (including test tracks) to take up challenging projects covering vehicle electronics, vehicle dynamics, command/control, HMI, perception, vision, data fusion, communication, eco-driving and so on. Groupement ADAS include : CAR&D, GlobalSensing Tehnologies, Intempora, Nexyad, Nomadic Solutions, Sherpa Engineering and Transpolis. It is coordinated by the french MOV’EO cluster.

is a global supplier of Advanced test systems, servicing the automotive and Aerospace markets. It offers a diverse and multi-functional product portfolio and a strong ability to meet Customer-specific focused needs. The company’s strong relationships with a global Customer base allow it to anticipate fast-changing regulatory and local market needs. It also invests heavily in R&D to meet those needs. BIA offers Equipment related to safety, engine and powertrain, vehicle dynamics, components, and enviromental chambers.

provides comprehensive lab and end-of-line test solutions and industrial connectors up to 300 000. Since 2015, Creatique has offered very powerful real-time test benches and connectics at extremely competitive prices, dedicated to manufacturers, suppliers and integrators of the automotive industry. This transversal solution is adapted to tests for ECU, doors, cockpits, seats, etc. With more than 450 systems in place all over the world and with a team of more 190 employees, Creatique is an indistrial group with complementary skills, tailored according to the customer’s criteria, standards and organisation.

has manufactured a complete range of pressure transcuders since 1973. During this time, it has designed its proprietary sensing technologies and created a unique range of high-performance and miniature pressure transcuders. Its products are designed to be used in the most demanding operating environments and to give highly accurate and reliable measurements. Available from 100mbar up to 3000bar, -55°C to 250°C, its sensors, which are fully metallic, with lare bandwidth capabilities, are used with the most aggressive fluids on vehicle and test benches.

is a European builder solution, with subsidiaries worldwide (in the UK, Germany, Spain, Brazil, China and Morocco), which proposes a large range of test benches for laboratory or production. These include engines, powertrains, e-motors, starters, alternators, etc. Actemium also offers all components needed for load testing, simulation, durability tests, crash tests, and characterisation, in addition to final acceptance on the production line. It also provides engineering turnkey solutions for complete test centres.


is specialised in injector testing. It provides Equipment and services in this domain. EFS provides benches for R&D, endurance or production, shot to shot flow measurement, spray visualisation, injector’s driver for coil or piezo stack. EFS has three benches in its company to provide testing service to qualify the injectors in flow and in visualisation and answer for diesel or gasoline injectors from light vehicles up to electrical power plant.

is a company founded in 1993, which specialises in testing engines, vehicles andd components. It has two technical centres with 30 facilities, including engine benches for durability and climatic purpose, climatic chassis dynos, and several rigs (GDI pumps, glow plugs, belt, swivels and so on). Since 2009 EMC has developed for its customers specific testing solutions in the domain of hardware-in-the-loop rigs, software, dynamic control, climatic process and fluid conditioning. EMC is ready to become an expert for your complex system developments.

develops hardware and software testing solutions for CAN, Dig On Can, LIN, VAN, ISO9141, J2534, J1939 and NMEA2000. It provides a large range of hardware solutions such as USB, PCI and Ethernet multi-channel communication interfaces, standalone dataloggers, intelligent gateways and integration/validation table and models. These Tools, associated with Exxotest’s comprehensive and ergonomic software solutions such as MUXTRACE Expert bus analyser, datalogger control advanded configuration tool, graphical analysis solution and utilities, offer complete and cost-effective solutions for bus and component testing, analysis, emulation and datalogging.

studies energy optimisation in powertrain and global vehicle systems. Based on the work of highly skilled research and development specialists, it has developed and offers innovative approaches such as Advanced high-power climate test cells, robot driver or specific sensors design and integration. The company provides its innovations to support various OEMs or their suppliers in fuel economy, CO2 and emissions reduction challenges. Greenmot supports its customers through the design phase, sensor selection, implementation and calibration, test program definition and analysis. For each challenge, it proposes a dedicated solution and is able to adapt its Equipment to fulfil worldwide Customer requirements.

is a subsidiary of the Impedance Group specialist for more than 20 years in acoustics, mechanics and vibrations. DataVIB is the designer of Vib360, the most powerful software on the market dedicated to torsional vibrations analysis and diagnostics of early mechanical failure of engines and rotating machines. Vib360 includes a set of modules for order analysis, static and dynamic torque in selected harmonics, couples and other specific modules, such as driving diagnosis or gearings. Vib360 adresses the technical departments of maintenance as well as R&D teams that wish to have a powerful, high-resolution, non-intrusive and preditive tool.

provides turnkey testing solutions products based on the latest technologies. It is the franch laeder in accurate acyclism generation and management. It also provides bespoke software development, data acquisition systems and test rigs for its customers, among them Valeo, PSA, Hutchinson and SKF. Nerys has presented VEGA, its latest solution. VEGA is the only product fully compatible with test machines, that easily générâtes torsional vibration (respect SAE J2432). It has showed the VASCO suite, the test management software, fully customisable and configurable (based on LabVIEW and a database).

Mov’eo Days

Nexyad, Nomadic Solutions and Transpolis members of « Groupement ADAS » were present in a shared booth at Moveo Days in Estaca.
Moveo Imagine Mobility is the main pole of competivity for Automotive in France.
Moveo Days is the Annual Convention of the pole with focus on new uses for Mobility, strategy and future of the pole and thematic workshops & R&D projects sessions.

Imagine Mobility Awards 2016
Winner for Clean & Eco Mobility : ADACCESS
Winner for Smart & Connected Mobility : HYPE

A Young woman tries a Hublex gyropode

A Hype Taxi above and a Faar Industry Autonomous Car

Groupement ADAS (SMEs cluster) booth

Four Nexyad Camera-based software modules

Click on software name for more information.

RoadNex v2.3

RoadNex detects all kind of roads (detection of the sides of the road and the drivable surface) on front of vehicle.

ObstaNex v2.1

ObstaNex detects obstacles (everything in a area of interest with a relative speed) on front of vehicle.

ObstaNex BiCam v1.0

ObstaNex BiCam
Obstanex BiCam detects obstacles with two mono cameras (data fusion for stereo reconstruction), still works in degraded mode (one cam down).

VisiNex Onboard v2.0

VisiNex Onboard measures visibility conditions where your computer vision algorithms work: reliability estimation in real time.

This four module sotwares are available in :
– the Framework for real time asynchronous sensors RT-Maps of Intempora.
– Android Smartphone (soon in IOS)
– in specific device on demand

Where to find Nexyad at Testing Expo 2016 in Stuttgart

Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2016 will take place at Stuttgart Messe May 31th, June 1er and 2nd.
This congress is huge and Nexyad will share the booth #1170 of Groupement ADAS (SME’s cluster) with Intempora and GlobalSensing Technologies.This venue is sponsorized by Moveo.
See in the planfloor below where to find NEXYAD which will present his three camera based onboard software : RoadNex for Road Detection, ObstaNex for Obstacle Detection and VisiNex for Visibility Measurement, and also our onboard software for measurement of risk in driving SafetyNex.

Testing Expo 2016 Floorplan

ADAS & Connected Cars
The future on the road

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #9, May the 9th, 2016

Headlines :

– Connected Car Insurance Europe Symposium in London

– Robustness of RoadNex v2.3

– Future Presence of Nexyad on Congresses & Exhibitions (ADAS, Connected Cars & Autonomous Vehicles)

Connected Car Insurance Europe Symposium in London

This year NEXYAD has participated to Connected Car Insurance Europe 2016 Congress at London the 12th and 13th april.
NEXYAD shared the booth 17 with the french company INTEMPORA creator of the famous Framework RT-MAPS to present SafetyNex. MOV’EO and cluster « Groupement ADAS » helped to sponsorize this venue.

HERE is a leader in mapping and location technology backed by a consortium of leading automotive brands. With highly precise, industrial grade maps and a robust and flexible platform of location services we help governments around the world and businesses across industries, from fleet management to retail, analyze and optimize their operations and better manage their assets with location intelligence. To learn more about our solutions for enterprise, visit

Having shipped more than 1 million telematics units to leading service providers, Queclink is now one of the world’s largest suppliers of Fleet, UBI and M2M hardware. Established in 2009, we provide international design and manufacturing quality with the economics of Chinese high volume supply chains. Headquartered in Shanghai, our global management team with deep industry and technical skills can provide both standard and bespoke products for automotive, fleet, asset and personnel tracking as well as hardware designed specifically to meet the needs of the insurance market as it transitions to telematics based policies.

As a true global end-to-end telematics solution for insurance companies, car manufacturers and consumers, Scope Technology solutions includes hardware, an advanced actuarial platform, claims management support and actuarial support services. It is the only comprehensive insurance telematics solution available on the market with more than 35 usage-based insurance (UBI) projects spanning across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Our UBI products enable insurers to better manage client risk and encourage safer driving. Globally patented Advanced Pattern Recognition self-calibrates for highly accurate exception reporting related to driver abuse, and state-of-the-art Whiplash probability index.
Scope Technology, multi-awarded insurance telematics solutions are competitively priced, reliable, and designed for claims management support and fraud detection, Pay as you Drive plans, UBI and vehicle recovery, while meeting various industry requirement since 1999.

Connected Car Insurance
Telematic met Insurance in London

RELX Group is a world‐leading provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries. The group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs approximately 30,000 people of whom half are in North America. RELX PLC is a London listed holding company which owns 52.9% of RELX Group. RELX NV is an Amsterdam listed holding company which owns 47.1% of RELX Group. The shares are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX and RENX.

Hubio provides integrated solutions to help organizations in the insurance and automotive sectors increase efficiency, reduce claims, build customer engagement and enable usage-based personalization.
Through the innovative use of telematics, UBI, mobile, gamification and enterprise technologies, Hubio is bringing new levels of data-driven insights to the insurance and automotive industries, while challenging and redefining established business models.
Hubio was formed to be a best-in-class solutions provider, bringing together several industry-leading technology and service businesses. As one organization, we are uniquely placed to deliver and support true end-to-end solutions.
For more information visit

MSG Global Solutions
Working in balance with our customers and industry partners, msg global delivers solutions and services to help our customers achieve operational efficiency, meet regulatory standards and realize digital excellence. We bring expertise, a customer-centric philosophy, and a focus on innovation to everything we do.
We help insurers globally collect, manage and leverage data in the new IoT landscape. The Telematics Analyzer is the centerpiece of our IoT offering. We also offer a mobile application for usage-based insurance which is certified by a world-leading software provider.

infoware is a specialist for map enabled technologies such as driver analysis, routing, geocoding and navigation. infoware’s APIs enable pay as you drive tariffs by analysing a driver’s driving style based on map and traffic data.
Infowares business is to deliver consultant services and contract services as well as products, based on platforms from IBM and Open Source. We are IBM premier Business Partners and have been working with IBM and Lotus technology since 1995. We address organizations with large production environments in need of services and products with high quality and security.

CalAmp (NASDAQ: CAMP) is a proven leader in providing wireless communications solutions to a broad array of vertical market applications and customers. CalAmp’s extensive portfolio of intelligent communications devices, robust and scalable cloud service platform, and targeted software applications streamline otherwise complex machine-to-machine (M2M) deployments. These solutions enable customers to optimize their operations by collecting, monitoring and efficiently reporting business critical data and desired intelligence from high-value remote assets.

Redtail Telematics is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of quality customised telematics products. Redtail’s systems have recorded over a billion miles worth of data and Redtail’s design and manufacturing teams have delivered over 5.5 million devices into the automotive aftermarket worldwide. Redtail is a full service TSP into the UBI and fleet markets, including devices, airtime, datawarehousing and analytics including crash notification and reconstruction and advanced scoring. Redtail notably supplies Ingenie and Admiral Group among others. Founded in 2010, Redtail is a sister company of Plextek, the award winning communications technology design house founded in 1989.

Connected Car Insurance London 2016
Some booths : TrackM8, CalAmp, Vodafone Automtive and Nexyad

Vodafone Automotive is a leading provider of automotive products and services – which include InCar Telematics, Stolen Vehicle Tracking and Usage Based Insurance solutions – for vehicle manufacturers, insurance companies and fleets.​
When it comes to the connected car, we offer the end to end solution by developing and fully managing:
• The onboard telematics unit
• The GDSP SIM connectivity over the Vodafone network
• The telematics infrastructure
• The network of National Service Providers (NSPs) and Secure Operating Centres (SOCs) across 49 countries globally.
Vodafone Automotive is part of Vodafone’s M2M business unit which connects devices such as cars to the internet.

Danlaw is a recognized leader in automotive electronics and engineering solutions for OEM’s, Tier 1 suppliers, and automotive and fleet insurance companies worldwide since 1984. Danlaw’s specialty areas include embedded systems development and testing for Embedded Control Units (ECUs), vehicle network communications, infotainment testing, connected car solutions, and V2X certification services.
Danlaw is headquartered in Novi, MI, with offices in India and China.

Trakm8 is a UK-based big data company which uses innovative telematics as their primary enabler. The brand collect over two billion miles worth of data every year and create fine-tuned algorithms to track vehicles, score driver behaviour and provide FNOL in order for insurers to make informed decisions with regards to premium renewal and to assist in offering enhanced customer propositions.
The Group supplies telematics hardware, dash cams and other comprehensive fulfilment packages to a range of industries. Trakm8’s partners include well-known brands in the insurance sector such as Direct Line, Churchill and Young Marmalade.

SafetyNex Presentation
Gerard Yahiaoui present SafetyNex to the Congressmen

Beside his products of Artificial Vision for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle, Nexyad has been developing since 2001 Onboard Risk Assessment algorithms and propose a unique tool that really measures Risk of Accident : SafetyNex. SafetyNex was scientifically validated through french national research programs and by scientific papers from 11 european countries, it was proven by a campaign of 50 millions km by 500 cars running for 3 years; it is fast and easy to use because SafetyNex gives an immediate result of risk taken by user. The risk is directly computed by the microprocessor of smartphone. Risk assessment histogram and every usage data histograms are sent to the customer : it is not big data, it is « small data ». The benefit of this appoach compared to all the other competitors that compute scores in the cloud are :
– small data upload doesn’t consume too much of the driver’s phone bundle
– the definition of risk used in SafetyNex fits into actuaries expectations
– no need to wait for accident to know that driver is risky
– because it’s real time, SafetyNex allows prevention (alarm to the driver before risky situation); this alarm statisticaly reduces number of accident and speed during unavoidable accident (then reduces lost cost)

SafetyNex runs in smartphones, in devices on demand and there is a Studio version on RT-Maps for PCs.

Robustness of Road Detection by RoadNex v3.2

Nexyad compiled ten technology demos of our module software RoadNex v2.3

. 10 different roads : highway, desert track, country road, red road, et.
. 10 different conditions : fog, rain, front sunshine, overtaking, etc.
. 10 same excellent results : road on front of vehicle is detected

The 10 complete demos on « PRODUCTS » menu above

Future Presence of Nexyad on Congresses & Exhibitions (ADAS, Connected Cars & Autonomous Vehicles)

Nexyad at Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous

Actice Safety Europe 2016

Come to visit Nexyad the 17th & 18th may in Munich, Germany, for the Congress & Exhibition Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous.
Nexyad will be present with Intempora firm, provider of famous real time framework RT-Maps, Don’t miss the 18th : Software “Embeddibility”, Speaker Nicolas Dulac, CEO, Intempora.
Nexyad and Intempora are members of french cluster Groupement ADAS sponsored by MOVEO.

Nexyad at Autonomous Car Test & Development

Autonomous Car Test & Developement
Day 2 : June 1st 09:30 – Building a relevant validation database for camera-based ADAS
Gérard Yahiaoui, President and CEO, Nexyad, France
Validation of camera-based artificial vision systems applied on open world is a very complex issue. An HD colour camera may generate more than 65 000 power 2 000 000 different images (information theory), so it is not possible to test every possible message. We propose a deterministic approach for building a validation database using the AGENDA methodology that was developed and published in the 1990s for neural network database (learn and test) design.

RENAULT R-Link system allows SMEs to develop car applications

Renault R-Link : TomTom HD Traffic and Coyote Series

R-Link has TomTom navigation including IQ Routes technology. This calculates the ideal itinerary based on a statistical analysis of journey times during the six previous months, taking the day of the week and time of day into account.

It has LIVE services including:
•HD Traffic: the market’s best traffic information service, including an analysis of traffic flow by cross-referencing different sources of information for sections of road of just a few dozen metres in length. For any given itinerary, HD Traffic will optimise the motorist’s journey in order to avoid time loss or save fuel. It also provides precise information about the estimated arrival time as soon as the motorist sets off.
•TomTom Places: an online search facility in real time to locate a variety of features and services.
•5-day weather forecasts.
•Hazard warnings: depending on local legislation.

R-Link also has the Coyote Series (depending on market) driver aid application. This indicates hazardous zones thanks to real-time input from other users. Such zones may or may not include fixed speed checks. Coyote Series also warns of traffic incidents (accidents, items on the road, etc.) to improve everyday road safety by enabling the driver to anticipate the presence of slower-moving vehicles.

Renault R-Link Store
Renault’s aim is to make this a benchmark catalogue for automotive applications.

The strength of Renault R-Link lies in the fact that it proposes a store of applications designed for automotive use, without the functional or ergonomic- related shortcomings inherent in smartphones. R-Link Store is the first automotive application store for in-car use. The launches of New Clio and ZOE will coincide with the availability of an Introductory Pack of four pre-installed applications to enable owners to familiarise themselves with the connectivity made possible by R-Link. The free, pre-installed apps will be: e-mail, Weather, Renault Assistance and Renault R-Link Tweet, plus the LIVE services associated with the TomTom and Coyote Series functions (depending on market). The system is fully independent and there is no need to use a phone to access the available services and applications.

Instead, it is possible to consult or download a variety of services directly from the car or from a personal computer (via ‘My Renault’ where available). There are currently some 20 applications available via R-Link Store, and this choice is poised to expand very quickly as the system is extended to other vehicles of the range.

To read more :

Robustness of Road Detection by RoadNex v3.2

Nexyad compiled ten technology demos of our module software RoadNex v2.3

. 10 different roads : highway, desert track, country road, red road, et.
. 10 different conditions : fog, rain, front sunshine, overtaking, etc.
. 10 same excellent results : road on front of vehicle is detected

The 10 complete demos on « PRODUCTS » menu above

Nexyad RoadNex v2.3 – Road Detection for ADAS : Highway Dark Night

Nexyad RoadNex v2.3 – Road Detection for ADAS, Autonomous Vehicle & Connected Car on Highway by Dark Night.

RoadNex detects the lane and the road surface and does not depend on the level of equipment of road infrastructure. Here, low light and poor contrast don’t prevent detection.