Newsletter #21 is now available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #21, March 19th, 2018


Artificial Intelligence for Automotive with SafetyNex

Headlines :

– CAC Conference 2018 on Connected Car in Paris
– NEXYAD SafetyNex in Media
– The value of driving risk notion for Telematics, ADAS and Autonomous Driving
– SafetyNex and the compliance Package of CONNECTED VEHICLES AND PERSONAL DATA

Go to the Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #21

Artificial Intelligence for Automotive with SafetyNex

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #21, March 19th, 2018


Artificial Intelligence for Automotive with SafetyNex

Headlines :
– CAC Conference 2018 on Connected Car in Paris

– NEXYAD SafetyNex in Media

– The value of driving risk notion for Telematics, ADAS and Autonomous Driving

– SafetyNex and the compliance Package of CONNECTED VEHICLES AND PERSONAL DATA

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CAC Conference 2018 on Connected Car in Paris

The Connected Automotive Conference, held March 13, 2018 in Paris, is the French reference in conference on the connected vehicle.
Several themes were discussed around selected guests:
– What is the innovation « Made in France »? Decryption of the latest advances and ongoing pilot projects that will bring major changes in the field of mobility.
– New expectations of the French. Analysis of the latest studies conducted with citizens and put in perspective with the results around the world.
Which ADAS will integrate the automobile tomorrow? After smart parking and cameras, what driving assistants will be used in tomorrow’s vehicles and for what use?
– How will AI change the lives of motorists? From GAFA to start-ups, everyone dreams of designing the intelligent assistant of the motorist. The relationship with the brand will be transformed.
Then, followed interview, key-note, startup contest and experts workshops, all day long.

Gérard YAHIAOUI, CEO of Nexyad, was invited to participate at the conference as an expert in Articicial Inteligence, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Highly Automated Driving.

CAC Paris 2018

To know more about the conference (in French language)

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NEXYAD SafetyNex in Media

Here is a news in French press that talks about the Academic Chair that the cluster of startups and SMEs « MOVEO Groupement ADAS » organized with INSA Rouen.
NEXYAD is part of this cluster of high-tech startups and SMIs (on ADAS, connected car, and autonomous driving) and is quoted in this article of Journal du Net (French spoken), they interviewed Mr Aziz Benrshair, director of the « Autonomous and Connected Vehicle » Academic Chair launched by INSA Rouen :
Comment ces partenaires contribuent-ils concrètement ?

« Ils assurent environ 50% de l’enseignement. Des experts de ces entreprises viennent enseigner sous forme de TP ou de TD. Ils transmettent leur savoir faire et expliquent les projets sur lesquels ils travaillent. La société Sherpa Engineering est par exemple intervenue sur les questions d’actionneurs, de prise de décision et de commande automatique. Nexyad a abordé l’analyse du comportement du conducteur, proposée par sa solution d’évaluation des risques d’accidents SafetyNex. Des partenaires historiques extérieurs à cette chaire, comme Valeo ou Vedecom, sont également intervenus. »

Aziz Benrshair
Aziz Benrshair

Reed the entire news

Others news about the Academic Chair : Normandinamik &

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The value of driving risk notion
for Telematics, ADAS and Autonomous Driving

The value of driving risk notion for Telematics, ADAS and Autonomous Driving.


Every year, more than 25.000 persons die on roads in Europe which has the safest infrastructures anyway. Brasil, Russia, USA, have more fatalities and the situation is worst in development countries. Everywhere people are aware by these risk for their health or life. Driving can be dangerous for drivers and passengers, however most of people accept these risk fairly minimal (in average three dead by billion km in OECD countries) for all advantages of fast point to point terrestrial mobility. But by the way, what is exactly what people use to call driving risk?

Let’s take an example, if someone plays Russian roulette: probability to die is one on six when one pulls the trigger. If one decides finally not to play, probability to die with a bullet in the head disappears completely. If you pull the trigger, risk to die is 100% (although probability is 1/6).
Another example: if a car is static parked into garage, then driving risk is zero. On the opposite, if a car passes a stop sign at 20km/h, driving risk taken by the driver is equal to 100%: driver takes the full risk). Probability depends on the traffic at the intersection.

More generally, driving risk taken by driver (and we talk about “the risk you take” a priori) will goes from 0 to 100% depending on the adequate of driving behaviour to driving context. This driving context has several dimensions: complexity of infrastructure, traffic of other road users, weather conditions, etc. Inadequate of driving behaviour to complexity of infrastructure can predict 75% of accident.

Read the entire article

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SafetyNex and the compliance Package of

In march 2018, french CNIL will publish the final version of the Compliance Package for the Connected Vehicles and Personal Data.

NEXYAD appears in the list of Bodies consulted by the CNIL (p.3). An interesting article about the collected data shows that SafetyNex is fully compliant with french law and recommendations for European Union (p.25).

Extract :


The data control shall only collect personal data that are strictly necessary for the processing. In the case of a contract for the provision of services, the only data that can be collected are those that are essential for the provision of service.

Concerning data relating to criminal offences:

For purpose 1 (model optimisation and product improvement) and 3 (commercial use of the vehicle’s data): except in the case of specific legal provision, data that are likely to reveal criminal offences shall not be processed by legal persons who do not administer a public service,
except to defend their rights in court. However, that data can be processed locally, directly in the vehicle, in accordance with scenario No. 1, in order to give the user control over that particularly sensitive data and limit as much as possible the consequences on privacy.

strong caracters are made by Nexyad

Reminder: onboard systems, telematics devices or smartphone Apps, which collect speed and location data, allow easily to make reconstruction of criminal offences.

Read the Compliance Package of Connected Vehicles and Personal Data

Pack de conformité véhicules connectés de la CNIL

NEXYAD SafetyNex in Media

Here is a news in French press that talks about the Academic Chair that the cluster
of startups and SMEs « MOVEO Groupement ADAS » organized with INSA Rouen.
NEXYAD is part of this cluster of high-tech startups and SMIs (on ADAS, connected
car, and autonomous driving) and is quoted in this article of Journal du Net (French spoken), they interviewed Mr Aziz Benrshair, director of the « Autonomous and Connected Vehicle » Academic Chair launched by INSA Rouen :
Comment ces partenaires contribuent-ils concrètement ?

« Ils assurent environ 50% de l’enseignement. Des experts de ces entreprises viennent enseigner sous forme de TP ou de TD. Ils transmettent leur savoir faire et expliquent les projets sur lesquels ils travaillent. La société Sherpa Engineering est par exemple intervenue sur les questions d’actionneurs, de prise de décision et de commande automatique. Nexyad a abordé l’analyse du comportement du conducteur, proposée par sa solution d’évaluation des risques d’accidents SafetyNex. Des partenaires historiques extérieurs à cette chaire, comme Valeo ou Vedecom, sont également intervenus. »

Aziz Benrshair
Aziz Benrshair

Reed the entire news

Others news about the Academic Chair : Normandinamik &

Newsletter #17 is now available

ADAS, Driverless and Connected Car Symposiums with Nexyad

Headlines :

– Nexyad and Groupement ADAS at Automotive Symposium
– New Papers of Nexyad on advantages of SafetyNex
– Challenge Open Innovation Renault
– Nexyad at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017
– Nexyad presenting the driving risk solution SafetyNex to Eurapco
– Conference at “Cercle LAB” Paris
– HERE invited NEXYAD to Le Mans
– Meeting HappYnnov at Chamber of Commerce Versailles-Yvelines
– Nexyad booth to la fête du THD at Acome in Mortain (Normandy)
– NEXYAD in Media

Go to the Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #17

ADAS, Driverless and Connected Car Symposiums with Nexyad

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #17, July 10th, 2017


ADAS, Driverless and Connected Car Symposiums with Nexyad

Headlines :

– Nexyad and Groupement ADAS at Automotive Symposium

– New Papers of Nexyad on advantages of SafetyNex

– Challenge Open Innovation Renault

– Nexyad at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017

– Nexyad presenting the driving risk solution SafetyNex to Eurapco

– Conference at « Cercle LAB » Paris

– HERE invited NEXYAD to Le Mans

– Meeting HappYnnov at Chamber of Commerce Versailles-Yvelines

– Nexyad booth to la fête du THD at Acome in Mortain (Normandy)

– NEXYAD in Media

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Nexyad and Groupement ADAS at Automotive Symposium

Symposium 2017 in Stuttgart

June 20, 21 and 22th 2017 saw the big Automotive Symposium in Stuttgart, land of Daimler, Porsche, Robert Bosch GmbH.
We present our modules based on Artifical Vision and A.I. for ADAS, Connected Cars and Driverless.
This year Groupement ADAS is represented by Intempora, New Imaging Technologies, Sherpa Engineering and Nexyad.

Nexyad booth at Autonomous Vehicle Symposium
Nexyad booth at Hall 2C

This year, we made a focus on three big engineering companies in Europe. No surprise two are germans and one is Austrian. Those companies are worldwide with offices and plants in other continents. They work for car manufacturers and suppliers.

FEV is an internationally recognised development service provider for drive and vehicle technologies, and an innovative supplier of cutting-edge software and testing solutions. Thanks to the synergy of these complementary activities, FEV is the perfect partner for providing test fields, measuring equipment and software solutions that fit with the needs of the automobile market. As a powertrain development specialist, it helps to make the development process more efficient and to transfer significant process steps from the road to the test rig and to the desktop, thanks to its leading-edge methodologies and tools. FEV’s competencies also include powertrain electronic control systems and hydro-electric engine concepts that address future emission and fuel economy standards.

Employing over 6500 members of staff, IAV is one of the world’s leading providers of engineering services to the automotive industry. The company has been developing innovative concepts and technologies for future vehicles for more than 30 years. Core competencies include production-ready solutions in all fields of electronics, powertrain and vehicle development. Clients include all of the world’s premier automobile manufacturers and suppliers. In addition to development centres in Berlin, Gifhorn and Chemnitz/Stollberg, IAV operates from other locations in Germany, Europe and Asia, as well as in North and South America.

AVL is the world’s largest independent company developing IC engine powertrains along with the associated instrumentation and test systems. It develops and improves all kinds of powertrain systems, including alternative and hybrid systems, and is an effective partner to the engine and automotive industry. In addition, AVL develops and markets all simulation methods and easy-to-use software tools necessary for development work. The company’s unique power derives from the systematic netting of single simulation results to integrated, multidimensional simulation platforms on the basis of its deep engineering expertise. Its Engine Instrumentation and Tests Systems business area produces all instruments and systems required for engine and vehicle testing.

Texting Expo Stuttgart 2017

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New Papers from Nexyad on advantages of SafetyNex


Lire la version Française

NEXYAD has been developing the smartphonte application SafetyNex which estimates the risk of driving in real time [1]. SafetyNex is both a driver assistance system (ADAS), which alerts the driver (vocal alert) before danger (When the risk increases too much), and a telematics system that records risk profiles and usage profiles.
Warning before the danger gives the driver time to slow down and avoid the accident. Road Safety studies show that SafetyNex can reduce the number of accidents by 20% [2]. This simple functionality is of interest of car insurers, fleet managers, and to car manufacturers.
SafetyNex also rewards the driver with cups (gold, silver, bronze) that can be transformed into money incentive (vouchers, etc.) so that the safe drivers stil have a daily interest to go on using SafetyNex. Indeed, tools that are not used over a period of time rarely have a real effect on the accidentology. SafetyNex is therefore distinguished from other products, on the one hand by its real time and driving assistance, but also for its « reward » side. SafetyNex informs the driver In real time when the risk exceeds a threshold of danger, than one can say that SafetyNex gives the risk in the hands of the driver first. The driver is in control of his/her risk.
Then SafetyNex distinguishes from all telematics products that ultimately provide information to the insurer or fleet manager, but not to the driver who feels rightly spied on.
Risk and usage profiles [3] are forwarded to managers who have an interest in minimizing risk and the number of accidents. This paper presents a simple way to interpret the risk profiles constructed by SafetyNex.

Read the entire paper here

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Paper for French Car Insurers


Depuis 1996, les assureurs français se sont engagés auprès de l’Etat à mener des actions de prévention routière. Ils doivent consacrer ainsi chaque année à ce type d’action de prévention 0,5% du montant des cotisations de responsabilité civile automobile perçues.
Traditionnellement, les actions menées sont des opérations de sensibilisation dans les écoles, conseils pratiques en vidéo, pistes de conduite avec moniteur, simulateurs de conduite, voiture tonneau, etc… Ces actions doivent avoir un effet à long terme sur la réduction du nombre d’accidents de la route. Récemment, les applications smartphone sont aussi utilisées, toujours en opération de sensibilisation.
C’est dans le cadre de cette entrée du numérique, dans l’action obligatoire de prévention, que SafetyNex représente une avancée très intéressante pour les assureurs automobile. En effet, SafetyNex évite les dangers liés à une vitesse inadaptée aux difficultés de l’infrastructure, ce qui correspond à 75% des accidents de la route. SafetyNex est actuellement le seul système permettant de prévenir en temps réel et de façon prédictive le conducteur afin qu’il ralentisse pour éviter l’accident. SafetyNex répond ainsi aux critères des actions de prévention à mettre en œuvre, si bien qu’il est possible pour un assureur de déployer massivement SafetyNex sans aucune dépense supplémentaire. C’est une opportunité unique de réaliser une action de prévention efficace, tout en préparant la transition digitale du métier d’assurance.

Lire l’article en entier

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Challenge Open Innovation Renault

On June 13th, RENAULT entrusted the MOV’EO competitiveness cluster with the organization of a new Open Innovation Challenge on the theme « Connectivity and services ».
Through this initiative, RENAULT wishes to detect new proposals from SMEs and innovative startups on these themes, in order to develop collaborations on the most relevant projects.
Among the selected startups were Nexyad that presented SafetyNex, and the « Groupement ADAS » cluster of 10 companies working in the field of ADAS and autonomous vehicle.

Challenge Open Innovation Renault

Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO Nexyad – Nicolas Dulac for « Groupement ADAS »

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Nexyad at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017

The 1st of june, Nexyad and Groupement ADAS shared a booth at Imagine Mobility Forum 2017. This event organized by the competitivity cluster MOV’EO is located in the Engineer school ESTACA at Montigny le Bretonneux.

Imagine Mobility Forum 2017
Interview of Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO

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Nexyad presenting the driving risk solution SafetyNex
to Eurapco

The 31th of May, Nexyad has presented SafetyNex to Eurapco (European Mutual Insurance Companies).
Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad
Gérard Yahiaoui
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Conference at « Cercle LAB » Paris

Several times a year, the « Cercle LAB » organizes conferences giving the opportunity for Startups to present innovative products or services to insurers. Last April 24th, thema was Internet Of Things or with others words Connected Objects as SafetyNex by Nexyad.

SafetyNex is a real time driving risk assessment smartphone App that warns (vocal alert) the driver before danger, letting time to slow down and avoid accident, and that records risk profiles and usage profiles on the NEXYAD cloud.
Road Safety studies show that SafetyNex can reduce by 20% accident rate (ref)
This smartphone App is disruptive, as it lets insurance companies and fleet management teams decrease the number of accident before they try any new digital pricing or strategy.
Of course, UBI is easy with SafetyNex because :
. usage is completely described
. risk profiles give : risk that the driver agrees to take, extertise level of the driver, lacks of anticipation of the driver
This conference at Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Assurance Banque) in Paris was very interesting and led to questions and new contacts with insurance companies (SafetyNex is under deployment and testing worldwide).

Gerard Yahiaoui
Gérard Yahiaoui presenting SafetyNex

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HERE invited NEXYAD to Le Mans

HERE the famous digital Map drovider is sponsor of Alpine Racing Team. As costumer and Partner of HERE, Nexyad has been invited to see the essaies. HERE provides maps for SafetyNex. Many Thanks to Jacques-Etienne Grandjean and Patrick Jean for the spectacular show!

Le Mans 24H 2017
Le Mans 24H Alpine run at night

Gérard Yahiaoui and Pierre Da Silva Dias
Heads of Nexyad: Gérard Yahiaoui and Pierre Da Silva Dias

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Meeting HappYnnov at Chamber of Commerce

The International Chamber of Commerce Versailles-Yvelines, via its community of innovation Open’Ynnov, with its partners – engineers school Estaca, competitiveness cluster Mov’eo, Institute Vedecom, the Ravi, the car manufacturer Renault et Engie – proposed june 7th a special « Mobilities of the future » meeting.HappYnnov

After the introduction of Gérard Bachelier – President of the CCI, Stéphane Masson – development manager of the Estaca presented the book « Mobility of the Future ». A round table moderated by Stéphane Parpinelli brought together Philippe Orvain – Vice President of Mov’eo for the IDF; Luc Marbach – Managing Director of Vedecom and Ghislain Delabie Mobility Connector for OuiShare. Dominique Levent, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Mobility for Renault, presented the latest advances in the manufacturer’s innovation strategy, before Lucie Ruchon, Assistant to the Delegate Director of Ile-de-France of Engie, explains the axes of innovation of the energy group.

Three Startups of the Yvelines presented their product :
. SafetyNex, the road safety App for Nexyad
. Electrical scooters for Pink Mobility
. A solution of shared mobility by Ecov

HappYnnovPresentation of SafetyNex at HappYnnov
HappYnnov Round Table and presentation by Nexyad of SafetyNex App

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Nexyad booth to la fête du THD at Acome in Mortain (Normandy)

The « Fête du Très Haut Débit » or (Very High Speed Festival), organized by Acome on its French industrial site in Normandy in partnership with Mov’eo the competitiveness cluster in mobility and automotive R & D, is a UNIQUE event in France that brings together actors Deploying Ultra Broadband and facilitating the sharing of experiences both for telecom infrastructure networks and for building wiring, communicating vehicles and intelligent transport systems.
The 2017 edition (the 9th) opened up to the automotive industry in view of the obvious synergies that are developing with the telecom industry.
It is in this capacity that Acome invited Nexyad Automotive & Transportation and its partner Nomadic Solutions of the Groupement ADAS to attend the event and present their products.

Fête du THD chez ACOME à Mortain
Nexyad through these products such as the embedded and connected software SafetyNex, , helps to make the road safer for its users and others.
Acome is a manufacturer of cables, fiber optics and synthetic tubes. Specialist and market leader in networks. It is the leading European manufacturer of environmentally friendly and halogen-free high-tech automotive wires and cables approved by European manufacturers and its markets are expected to continue to grow rapidly with the advent of the connected vehicle.


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Before Imagine Mobility Forum 2017 Nexyad CEO, Gérard Yahiaoui, was interviewed by Gérard Feldzer for the national radio network France Info.

Gérard Yahiaoui
Gérard Feldzer and Gérard Yahiaoui