SafetyNex is a real time driving risk assessment system. Of course, Driving Risk makes everyone think of car insurance and fleet management. And it is a natural application (deployment has already started). But it is important to note that Driving Risk is also a key notion for ADAS and Driverless car.
Indeed, Driving Risk happens when there is no adequation between Driving Behaviour and Driving Context. ADAS and Driverless act on Driving Behaviour :
. ADAS modifies Driving Behaviour : braking when the human driver did not, etc …
. Driverless car creates Driving Behaviour : there is still a driver called « artificial intelligence ».
Driving context is measured :
. Map Electronic Horizon
. Accelerometers
. Times to collision (front and rear)
. Number of vulnerables around (even on sidewalks)
. Atmospheric visibility / weather condition (fog, pouring rain, etc.)
. X2Car Data Streams (accident, weather alert, construction area, etc.
So you can now imagine that if you have the opportunity to ESTIMATE adequation between Driving Behaviour and Driving Context, then you can build much more relevant ADAS and Driverless Artificial Intelligence (adequation or inadequation).
You may notice that Driving Context is measured through heterogenous sensors and data streams. It brings no difficulty to SafetyNex that uses Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory to estimate adequation, givin a Driving output called Driving Risk (that you should want to minimize under constraints of mobility efficiency).
Then SafetyNex is actually a sensor and data fusion system (high level fusion), much more efficient than every fusion systems that you ever developed, because it generates a variable (Driving Risk) that is a KEY NOTION for driving and is EASY TO UNDERSTAND AND USE.
NEXYAD implemented a low cost version with only the first 3 inputs (more than 5,000 road safety rules to cope with the infrastructure dangers …) and is now implementing simple rules to take into account mobile context. Example: « the shorter the time to collision, the higher the risk ». And that’s it ! The knowledge based artificial intelligence of SafetyNex automatically does the fusion with the 5,000 rules. There is no need to « weight » the rules, as possibility theroy allows a fusion with every rule competing with the others … Elegant applied maths to a problem that most engineers describe in a so complicated way that it becomes impossible to solve.
We really encourage ADAS and Driverless engineers to come to us and simply integrates SafetyNex (low CPU consumption, easy real time, etc.) and then get NOW a proven sensor fusion and data fusion system that works. This gives ONE dimension of Driving Systemic Analysis items: Driving Risk, in real time.
Of course, if you do the systemic analysis you will find other dimensions of interest (we let you do that, we’ve done it for ourselves, trace of the military research past of NEXYAD founders).
SafetyNex is now under implementation by big ADAS OEM companies. Series deployment will start in 2018. We will be glad to help you being a part of it.
SafetyNex App is a real time driving risk assessment. We present below 3 videos to explain as simply as possible the concept of driving risk.
Luck doesn’t change the risk that the driver takes. It means that risk taken by the « lucky risky driver » is exactly the same than risk taken by the « unlucky risky driver ». It is possible then to detect risky drivers before they have accident (anticipation of costs). Once detected, it is possible to train them (prevention program).
Because SafetyNex driving risk assessment is done in real time, it is possible to alert the driver (when risk is higher than an acceptable value), and if driver slows down, then risk never rises at the red level. It is an onboard prevention system (ADAS).
Observation of accidents on a short period of time (3 months for instance) may not show any difference between « cautious driver » and « lucky risky driver » (both of them may not have accident). It is a big problem for UBI, and SafetyNex brings the solution as it anticipates accident (sooner or later the « lucky risky driver » will have a severe accident).
NEXYAD has been developing the smartphonte application SafetyNex which estimates the risk of driving in real time [1]. SafetyNex is both a driver assistance system (ADAS), which alerts the driver (vocal alert) before danger (When the risk increases too much), and a telematics system that records risk profiles and usage profiles.
Warning before the danger gives the driver time to slow down and avoid the accident. Road Safety studies show that SafetyNex can reduce the number of accidents by 20% [2]. This simple functionality is of interest of car insurers, fleet managers, and to car manufacturers.
SafetyNex also rewards the driver with cups (gold, silver, bronze) that can be transformed into money incentive (vouchers, etc.) so that the safe drivers stil have a daily interest to go on using SafetyNex. Indeed, tools that are not used over a period of time rarely have a real effect on the accidentology. SafetyNex is therefore distinguished from other products, on the one hand by its real time and driving assistance, but also for its « reward » side. SafetyNex informs the driver In real time when the risk exceeds a threshold of danger, than one can say that SafetyNex gives the risk in the hands of the driver first. The driver is in control of his/her risk.
Then SafetyNex distinguishes from all telematics products that ultimately provide information to the insurer or fleet manager, but not to the driver who feels rightly spied on.
Risk and usage profiles [3] are forwarded to managers who have an interest in minimizing risk and the number of accidents. This paper presents a simple way to interpret the risk profiles constructed by SafetyNex.
SafetyNex estimates risk of driving at every instant.
Since SafetyNex also measures usages, it measures among other things the durations and the number of traveled kilometers.
One can then construct the curve Risk (t) which is the risk at each moment, and also the curve Risk (km) which is the risk at each point of the route.
Let’s consider one or the other of those curves, it is easy then to cut the risk into slots:
It is therefore possible to calculate the total duration spent [resp the total number of km carried out] with a risk
between 10% and 20%, for example (or between 50% and 60%). The graph of these durations [resp number of km] for each range of risk (0% -10%, 10% -20%, etc.), looks like :
It can be seen that this graph can be seperated into three parts:
. A very high bar of near zero risk
. A shape of « bell curve » comparable to a gaussian
. Rising at the very end towards high risks
NEXYAD has run over 3,500 testers since June 2016, and has been able to interpret the shapes of these curves.
The large quasi-zero risk bar simply expresses the fact that overall the car is a safe mode of transportation.
The part that draws a bell curve has a more or less strong spread : we have noticed that experienced drivers have a narrow curve (repeatability of their driving style is high) while beginners have a huge spread (they can’t drive always the same way).
The centering of the bell curve (maximum likelihood) corresponds to the way in which the driver takes a controlled Risk : cautious beginners have a low maximum likelihood (they try to take as less risk as they can) while experienced drivers have a higher maximum likelihood : they know what risk level thay can cope with.
Finally, the values that go up to the right (tail of distribution of the curve in bell) correspond to the vocal alerts, that is to saycases where the driver has not fully understood that the risk is high. In other words, it is the lack of anticipation and misunderstanding of road.
SafetyNex’s risk profiles make it possible to understand the kind of driver you have :
. Cautious / not cautious (maximum likelihood of the bell curve position)
. Experienced / beginner (spreading of the bell curve)
. Lack of anticipation / very good anticipation (queues of distribution of the curve in bell)
Fleet insurers and managers therefore have all the information that they need to help the driver.
For example, within the framework of prevention plans, offering training adapted to each type of risky driving.
We validated this information by driving 3,500 testers, including beginners, experienced drivers, and also pilots (who in take risks appearance, but in reality have a very safe driving). This allowed us to give these interpretations of SafetyNex’s risk profiles.
With the deployment of SafetyNex to reduce the number of accidents, professionals structurally gain margin, and can use this margin to analyze profiles, segment them, and find the segments where it may be interesting to develop UBI (Usage Based Insurance) and real time pricing fleet.
This multi-functionality of SafetyNex makes it a unique and effective tool for managing driving risks.
Risk profiles estimated by SafetyNex: Analysis of profiles, and possible use to detect fatigue and hypovigilance of driver.
SafetyNex is a nomadic real-time risk estimation system. The system has been described in detail in previous publications [1] and uses the key concept of « near-accident » or « quasi-accident », and is a result of 15 years of collaborative research with road safety experts and researchers.
The main competitive advantage of SafetyNex is that it allows, since the risk is estimated in real time,
to warn the driver (vocal alert), and thus to allow driver to avoid accident. Studies show that SafetyNex can reduce accident rate by 20% [2], which represents for insurers and fleet managers a consequent increase in margin [3].
But of course, SafetyNex also records usage and risk profiles. These profiles provide the behavior of the driver, or more precisely, his/her ability to regulate driving task consistently with danger. No need to record large volumes of data (accelerations, etc…) which in reality are not data (these are signals) for a possible back-office analysis, SafetyNex provides exactly the interesting data [4].
Below are examples of usage profiles and driver risk profiles.
NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14, December 23th, 2016
Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications
Headlines :
– Demo video of SafetyNex : Smartphone App Onboard Real Time for Driving Risk Assessment
– Cercle LAB Symposium : new digital technologies for Insurance and Bank
– FinTech Community Symposium
– New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies
– Nexyad Technologies for Car Industry and New Mobility : SafetyNex – RoadNex – ObstaNex – VisiNex
– R&D project BIKER ANGEL (Driving Risk Assessment for Motorbikes) has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION
– Business Trip to CES at Las Vegas
R&D project BIKER ANGEL has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
This project consists in making SafetyNex available for motorcycles.
Partners of this project are : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
NEXYAD is the project leader.
Submission of this project has been sent to FUI (Fond Unifié Interministériel – France).
Le project BIKER ANGEL a été labellisé par le Pôle FINANCE INNOVATION.
Ce projet consiste à adapter SafetyNex pour les motards.
Les partenaires de ce projet sont : HERE, IFSTTAR, NEXYAD, POINT CORE
BIKER ANGEL est porté par NEXYAD.
Ce projet fait l’objet d’une demande FUI.
Nexyad SafetyNex, Onboard Real Time App of Driving Risk assessment, received Label Finance Innovation 2016 from world cluster Finance Innovation !
FINTECH COMMUNITY 4e édition à Paris le 7 décembre, le plus grand rendez-vous bi-annuel de rencontres entre le monde des financeurs et des sociétés de technologies innovantes. Nexyad, au travers de l’application de mesure temps réel du risque en conduite : SafetyNex, a reçu le Label Finance Innovation 2016 par le pôle de compétitivité mondial Finance Innovation.
Plus tard dans la matinée, Gérard Yahiaoui, le P-DG de Nexyad, a pitché dans la catégorie Assurances FinTech et a récolté le plus grand nombre de votes de la part de l’assistance, recevant un autre prix à cette occasion qui permettra une exposition conséquente de SafetyNex.
30th Nov 2016, seven high-tech startups had to pitch in front of almost all French Insurance Companies. This was organized by the Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Assurance Banque), at ALLIANZ tower (Paris La Défense) : « colloque prospective annuel du cercle LAB ».
NEXYAD was introduced to Cercle LAB by the competitiveness cluster FINANCE & INNOVATION.
It was an interesting challenge and the jury had to pick only ONE startup from seven talented ones, to give the special prize « coup de coeur des assureurs ».
Gérard Yahiaoui pitching at Allianz Tower « Coup de Cœur des Assureurs » Diploma
NEXYAD pitched on SafetyNex : a smartphone App for real time onboard driving risk assessment (with vocal alerts that warn the driver before a potential danger), that can reduce accident rate by 20%.
Winner : NEXYAD !!!
We thank all the insurers that came to this high tech day that gave a broadchurch view on research and development for Insurance applications (artificial intelligence, deep learning, iot, blockchain, telematics, …), we thank Pôle FINANCE INNOVATION & Cercle LAB.
Real time App for onboard driving risk assessment SafetyNex used by Insurance Companies
(onboard telematics with smartphone for car insurance)
Evaluation of return on investment (ROI)
European and American car Insurance Companies are all currently testing onboard telematics systems (on professional electronics devices or on Smartphones), in order to study new opportunities provided by digital technologies in the evolution of their business and business models [1].
We also can see now some experiments in Asia. Indeed, digitization of the economy has an impact on insurance industry too, as new competitors such as GAFAMs (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) come to their car insurance market with new approaches, always ready to capture value.
The main idea behind testing telematics is that it would be nice to adjust at best pricing of insurance depending on the driver. Onboard telematics is expected to « measure » usage (kind of road, day/night, number of km, et …) and to estimate risk taken by the driver.
New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies
Reminder :
. SafetyNex App gives risk of accident
. No Big Data on Cloud, but risk is fully calculated inside driver’s smartphone
. The App warns the driver in case of high risk able to generate dangerous situation
. With 4 secondes anticipation that let time to reduce speed or to brake
. Risk construction implements concept of near accident invented by searchers in accidentology
. Near accident is explainable by cause/effect relations
. Regularity of this concept ensures the perfect correlation of calculated risk by SafetyNex with accidentology
. Nexyad work since 2001 and work basis used came from scientific publications
General ergonomics of SafetyNex has changed and after each run you have immediate results of your driving score with Gold Cup if you are safe.
Update of RoadNex & ObstaNex : Road Detection and Obstacles Detection for ADAS and Driverless
Nexyad realised a major update of RoadNex v3.0 & ObstaNex v3.1
Obstacle Detection with ObstaNex by Nexyad: this run was made with a single camera
Obstacle Detection with ObstaNex by Nexyad : city traffic
* * * * *
CESA Automotive 2016 : Symposium on Automotive Innovation
Nexyad on the booth Groupement ADAS at CESA Automotive 2016
RENAULT ZOE of Adaccess on Groupement ADAS booth at CESA Automotive 2016.
Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad and Jochen Langheim Vice President of ST microelectronics and Chairman of CESA Automotive 2016 on Groupement ADAS booth at CESA in Versailles.
Nexyad Presented SafetyNex at CESA 4.0 2016
Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad presented SafetyNex Real Time Onboard Driving Risk Assessment for Car Telematics at the Conference « Highly Automated Driving New Sensors » of CESA 2016 in Versailles.
Groupement ADAS booth shows top technologies and competences of 9 companies dedicated to ADAS and sponsored by MOVEO.
. ADACCESSis a French engineering company specialized in embedded measurement and vehicle prototyping.
. CAR&D : Creative Automotive Research and Development (Car Dynamics)
First issue of ADAS Morning on ADAS for Road Safety
Cluster « Groupement ADAS » Launched the october 18th first ADAS Morning co-organized with MOVEO in Paris. Thema was ADAS and Road Safety : to discuss challenges, solutions and opportunities with many specialists personalities in the field in front of a large audience.
Les enjeux
Les enjeux humains
ADAS et véhicules autonomes quels enjeux pour les personnes ayant des besoins spécifiques – Claude Dumas – CEREMH
Les chiffres de l’insécurité routière : Christophe Ramond – Prévention Routière
ADAS et facteurs humains : Apports des sciences cognitives- Franck Techer – IFFSTAR
Les enjeux économiques
Risque routier lié au travail: quel coût pour les entreprises ? Patrick Oberto – Promotion et Suivi de la Sécurité Routière en Entreprise
ADAS et TIC, outils de disruption de la chaîne assurancielle : Philippe Caton – COVEA
Diminution de la sinistralité responsable : Jean Zermati – ORANGE
Les solutions actuelles
Les systèmes de sécurité active et les ADAS
Evolution technique de l’accidentologie et de la problématique d’estimation du gain des ADAS : Philippe Chrétien – CEESAR
Nouvelles mobilités et sécurité routière : quelles évolutions pour l’infrastructure ? : Eric Violette – CEREMA
Assistant nomade à la conduite sûre et responsable : Gérard Yahiaoui – NEXYAD
Les Perspectives
Le défi de la sécurité routière : l’intégration des facteurs humains dans les cas d’usages d’expérimentation des ADAS : Stéphane Barbier – TRANSPOLIS
Véhicule autonome, une révolution de la mobilité – Rémi BASTIEN–RENAULT
New white paper : ROI Evaluation for Insurance Companies with SafetyNex
New Nexyad paper :
Real time App for onboard driving risk assessment SafetyNex used by Insurance Companies
(onboard telematics with smartphone for car insurance)
Evaluation of return on investment (ROI)
European and American car Insurance Companies are all currently testing onboard telematics systems (on professional electronics devices or on Smartphones), in order to study new opportunities provided by digital technologies in the evolution of their business and business models [1].
We also can see now some experiments in Asia. Indeed, digitization of the economy has an impact on insurance industry too, as new competitors such as GAFAMs (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) come to their car insurance market with new approaches, always ready to capture value.
The main idea behind testing telematics is that it would be nice to adjust at best pricing of insurance depending on the driver. Onboard telematics is expected to « measure » usage (kind of road, day/night, number of km, et …) and to estimate risk taken by the driver. Read the entire paper
* * * * *
Vision Systems presenting Smart-Vision
at Automotive Techdays 2016
Friday, november 4th, at Automotive Techdays in Lyon (Rhône-Alpes), Vision System announced its new technology Smart-Vision. This ADAS innovation is fully developed by the firm from Brignais in partnership with Nexyad. Smart-Vision is a unique and complete rearview and surround view system replacing traditional mirrors with HD digital cameras and interior screens.This system informs the driver :
. When a vehicle is coming from the back 80 meters away
. When a vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian enters the blind spot area, each with a specific signal, regardless of the speed of the vehicle or the external environment.
. When they can safely change lane (for example, after overtaking).
Smart-Vision reduces power/fuel consumption significantly, enhances ergonomics and improves safety.
Both hardware and software are tailor-made by Vision Systems.
* * * * *
Nexyad in Media
Article de la PFA (Filières Automobile et Mobilités) citant Nexyad :
Retour sur le congrès du CESA 4.0 – « Automotive Electronic Systems »
1 – Role of the insurer
The insurance idea would have appeared on the occasion of the first great journey by boat, and the appearance of « modern » insurance is generally dated from the 19th century.
The principle of insurance is easy to understand : if accidents are rare (compared to the number of occurrences – travel, car trips, etc.), a simple and prudent idea then is to « put aside » a certain amount of money for each occurrence (which on average does not lead to an accident) and to use the money to repay the cost of the claim in case (rare) of accident.
One could imagine that individuals manage themselves each a « pot » of this type. Of course, even if an accident is rare, you never know when it happens and it may happen at any beginning of the process so that the pot is almost empty.
We could then easily make a common pot between several people, to smooth it : if three people make a common pot, it is unlikely that the three have an accident while starting hoarding. But… it is anyway possible. Although if the pot is conceived with hundreds of thousands of people there, you secure the problem of « instant » of the accident. This is the « law of large numbers », which allows a deterministic modeling of chance : the odds. It remains to define the amount of money to set aside each month for example (or each travel).
To handle this (a pot shared by hundreds of thousands of contributors, the estimated sum to put aside, etc…), it is obvious that it is necessary to have qualified personnel, sufficient… and finally, it happens naturally to the idea of the Insurance Company.
L’idée d’assurance serait apparue à l’occasion des premiers grands voyages maritimes, et l’apparition
« moderne » de l’assurance est généralement datée du 19ème siècle.
Le principe de l’assurance est le suivant : si les accidents sont rares (comparativement au nombre
d’occurrences : de voyages, de trajets automobile, etc.), une idée simple et prudente consiste alors à « mettre de côté » une certaine somme pour chaque occurrence (qui en moyenne ne conduit pas à un accident) de manière à utiliser cette somme pour rembourser le coût du sinistre en cas (rare) d’accident.
On pourrait imaginer que les particuliers gèrent eux-mêmes chacun une « cagnotte » de ce type. Bien sûr, même si un accident est rare, on ne sait jamais quand il arrive et il se peut qu’il arrive au tout début du processus si bien que la cagnotte est presque vide.
On peut alors facilement faire une cagnotte commune entre plusieurs personnes, pour lisser ce problème : si trois personnes font une cagnotte commune, il est peu probable que les trois
aient un accident au tout départ de la thésaurisation. Mais … c’est quand-même possible. On conçoit bien que si l’on construit la cagnotte avec plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes, là
on a sécurisé le problème du « moment » de l’accident. C’est la loi des grands nombres qui permet d’utiliser une modélisation déterministe du hasard : les probabilités. Reste à définir le montant de la somme à mettre de côté, chaque mois par exemple (ou à chaque trajet).
The Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #11
SafetyNex the Driving Force of Nexyad Products
Headlines :
– Future Events
– Accident fatalities in Tesla car
– White paper « Vehicle Telematics, Measurement of Risk in Driving, Respect of Individual Freedoms »
– A scale model car to test ADAS
– SafetyNex available on App Store and Google Play Store end of october
NEXYAD at the Mondial de l’Automobile 2016, october 5th.
NEXYAD will be on Mondial de l’Automobile 2016 at Paris, october 5th invited by BMW on BMW booth.
After have been choosen as one of the three winners of BMW Techdate Challenge 2016.
Reminder : BMW Techdate wished to push ahead the french innovative high tech and identify new partners for technology matters. After a picky skimming, 20 startups were selected to present their project in front of a professional panel of Automotive, mobility, and connected car experts.
The quality of SafetyNex impressed the jury and the 9th june, BMW France announced Nexyad as part of the 3 winners of the first Techdate Challenge with Oridao and Sentryo.
Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO
Reporter Stephane Soumier invited Serge Naudin CEO of BMW Group France and Gerard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad at « Good Morning Business » on the major french TV Channel BFM Business.
From left to right : Serge Naudin, Stéphane Soumier, Gérard Yahiaoui
NEXYAD will visit Automotive major companies in Germany
Four french competitive clusters, Mov’eo, ID4CAR, LUBT and Véhicule du futur organized a new mission for their members : The International Partnership Approach. NEXYAD will take part of it.
Onboard Systems for the Connected and Smart Car – 28th november / 1st december 2016
The delegation will visit BMW, AUDI, CONTINENTAL, DAIMLER, BOSCH, PORSCHE, and the University of Nuremberg… in the cities of Munich, Regensburg, Nuremberg and Stuttgart.
NEXYAD at the next CES in Las Vegas 5-8 January, 2O17
All lights are green for SafetyNex App on Smartphone
Four french Insurance companies are currently testing SafetyNex.
Since end of june 2016, it is possible to ask NEXYAD for a test (30 days) of SafetyNex App on Android Smartphone.
Do not hesitate to request.
TRY IT ! SafetyNex for IOS (Iphone) will be available at the end of september.
Accident fatalities in Tesla car : NEXYAD modules might prevent accident.
Accident fatalities in a TESLA car might have been avoided by using software modules of NEXYAD : the time for monitoring circuit has come.
Processing circuit, informing auto-pilot systems, control, etc … from perception, data fusion, decision-making, and automatic control of actuators, are usually very well designed, and based on high-performance modules. But unfortunately, this is not enough to void the risk of accidents. Indeed, for the treatment of this risk, it lacks a parallel circuit (parallel and independent) called « monitoring » circuit.
To understand this need for a monitoring circuit, one must first understand the level of complexity of a road scene viewed from a camera.
The variability of road scenes is actually much more than what a normal person comes to imagine. Indeed, a color image, which has eight bits for each colors (then, 24-bit, as there are 3 colors) may encode 224 different color levels per pixel (more than 65,000 different possible values). HD video has more than 2 million pixels.
This means that the matrix of HD 8-bit color image may encode more than 65 0002 000 000 images !
This huge number is simply unimaginable.
White paper « Vehicle Telematics, Measurement of Risk in Driving, Respect of Individual Privacy » (Auto Insurance and ADAS applications)
« Vehicle Telematics, measurement of risk in driving, respect of individual privacy » is the new white paper from Nexyad, which explains important points to check on a vehicle telematics application to assess the risk taken by the driver about his driving task.
The calculation of risk requires having contextualized data that are inherently confidential, personal, and therefore which must in no case be recorded on computer servers in a cloud as they contain, directly or indirectly, information about offenses (in France it is forbidden: by respect of the criminal code and rules CNIL).
NEXYAD will use a scale model car for ADAS and driverless software modules testing & validation.
Nexyad built their own intelligent scale model of car integrating a camera and telecommunications to a PC running the RT-MAPS framework (by INTEMPORA).
The PC runs real world detection software modules of NEXYAD into the framework RT-MAPS. Then the
scale model car can evoluate on a scale model landscape where it is easy to generate complex use cases
such as sun rising and other perturbations that are not easy to record in the real world and that are not that easy to simulate.
Beside, Nexyad built a testing and validation database that will represent thousands of million km of natural driving with the fewest number of vids as possible.
NB : this NEXYAD validation database will be available for free to every research and development team in the world on the NEXYAD web site.
This database will be used by NEXYAD of course to test and validate their own software modules for ADAS and Driverless cars :
. RoadNex for road detection
. ObstaNex for obstacles detection
. ObstaNex BiCam for obstacles detection using 2 cams
. VisiNex for visibility measurement
. SafetyNex for real time onboard risk assessment
This database is the result of a advanced methodology published in the 90’s by Nexyad Founder. The methodology « AGENDA » allows to build and validate camera-based complex detection and recognition systems (for ADAS and driverless cars).
This methodology was recently re-published and presented in different symposiums in Europe to show exactly how it may be used by car manufacturers and their OEMs.
SafetyNex available on App Store and Google Play Store end of october
Interest for the driver :
. SafetyNex warns you when there is a danger ahead in function of your car speed (save your health or your life)
. SafetyNex warns you when your speed is over legal limitation (save your money and your driving licence)
Interest for Insurance Companies :
. SafetyNex provides qualified data as histogram of risk taken by the driver, eco driving score, statistics of usages, contingency tables, etc.
Interests for car manufacturers :
. SafetyNex can be used as ADAS for customers
. SafetyNex gives the risk taken by the robot driver of future Autonomous Car
Connected Car Insurance Europe Symposium in London
This year NEXYAD has participated to Connected Car Insurance Europe 2016 Congress at London the 12th and 13th april.
NEXYAD shared the booth 17 with the french company INTEMPORA creator of the famous Framework RT-MAPS to present SafetyNex. MOV’EO and cluster « Groupement ADAS » helped to sponsorize this venue.
HERE is a leader in mapping and location technology backed by a consortium of leading automotive brands. With highly precise, industrial grade maps and a robust and flexible platform of location services we help governments around the world and businesses across industries, from fleet management to retail, analyze and optimize their operations and better manage their assets with location intelligence. To learn more about our solutions for enterprise, visit
Having shipped more than 1 million telematics units to leading service providers, Queclink is now one of the world’s largest suppliers of Fleet, UBI and M2M hardware. Established in 2009, we provide international design and manufacturing quality with the economics of Chinese high volume supply chains. Headquartered in Shanghai, our global management team with deep industry and technical skills can provide both standard and bespoke products for automotive, fleet, asset and personnel tracking as well as hardware designed specifically to meet the needs of the insurance market as it transitions to telematics based policies.
As a true global end-to-end telematics solution for insurance companies, car manufacturers and consumers, Scope Technology solutions includes hardware, an advanced actuarial platform, claims management support and actuarial support services. It is the only comprehensive insurance telematics solution available on the market with more than 35 usage-based insurance (UBI) projects spanning across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Our UBI products enable insurers to better manage client risk and encourage safer driving. Globally patented Advanced Pattern Recognition self-calibrates for highly accurate exception reporting related to driver abuse, and state-of-the-art Whiplash probability index.
Scope Technology, multi-awarded insurance telematics solutions are competitively priced, reliable, and designed for claims management support and fraud detection, Pay as you Drive plans, UBI and vehicle recovery, while meeting various industry requirement since 1999.
Telematic met Insurance in London
RELX Group is a world‐leading provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries. The group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs approximately 30,000 people of whom half are in North America. RELX PLC is a London listed holding company which owns 52.9% of RELX Group. RELX NV is an Amsterdam listed holding company which owns 47.1% of RELX Group. The shares are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX and RENX.
Hubio provides integrated solutions to help organizations in the insurance and automotive sectors increase efficiency, reduce claims, build customer engagement and enable usage-based personalization.
Through the innovative use of telematics, UBI, mobile, gamification and enterprise technologies, Hubio is bringing new levels of data-driven insights to the insurance and automotive industries, while challenging and redefining established business models.
Hubio was formed to be a best-in-class solutions provider, bringing together several industry-leading technology and service businesses. As one organization, we are uniquely placed to deliver and support true end-to-end solutions.
For more information visit
MSG Global Solutions
Working in balance with our customers and industry partners, msg global delivers solutions and services to help our customers achieve operational efficiency, meet regulatory standards and realize digital excellence. We bring expertise, a customer-centric philosophy, and a focus on innovation to everything we do.
We help insurers globally collect, manage and leverage data in the new IoT landscape. The Telematics Analyzer is the centerpiece of our IoT offering. We also offer a mobile application for usage-based insurance which is certified by a world-leading software provider.
infoware is a specialist for map enabled technologies such as driver analysis, routing, geocoding and navigation. infoware’s APIs enable pay as you drive tariffs by analysing a driver’s driving style based on map and traffic data.
Infowares business is to deliver consultant services and contract services as well as products, based on platforms from IBM and Open Source. We are IBM premier Business Partners and have been working with IBM and Lotus technology since 1995. We address organizations with large production environments in need of services and products with high quality and security.
CalAmp (NASDAQ: CAMP) is a proven leader in providing wireless communications solutions to a broad array of vertical market applications and customers. CalAmp’s extensive portfolio of intelligent communications devices, robust and scalable cloud service platform, and targeted software applications streamline otherwise complex machine-to-machine (M2M) deployments. These solutions enable customers to optimize their operations by collecting, monitoring and efficiently reporting business critical data and desired intelligence from high-value remote assets.
Redtail Telematics is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of quality customised telematics products. Redtail’s systems have recorded over a billion miles worth of data and Redtail’s design and manufacturing teams have delivered over 5.5 million devices into the automotive aftermarket worldwide. Redtail is a full service TSP into the UBI and fleet markets, including devices, airtime, datawarehousing and analytics including crash notification and reconstruction and advanced scoring. Redtail notably supplies Ingenie and Admiral Group among others. Founded in 2010, Redtail is a sister company of Plextek, the award winning communications technology design house founded in 1989.
Some booths : TrackM8, CalAmp, Vodafone Automtive and Nexyad
Vodafone Automotive is a leading provider of automotive products and services – which include InCar Telematics, Stolen Vehicle Tracking and Usage Based Insurance solutions – for vehicle manufacturers, insurance companies and fleets.
When it comes to the connected car, we offer the end to end solution by developing and fully managing:
• The onboard telematics unit
• The GDSP SIM connectivity over the Vodafone network
• The telematics infrastructure
• The network of National Service Providers (NSPs) and Secure Operating Centres (SOCs) across 49 countries globally.
Vodafone Automotive is part of Vodafone’s M2M business unit which connects devices such as cars to the internet.
Danlaw is a recognized leader in automotive electronics and engineering solutions for OEM’s, Tier 1 suppliers, and automotive and fleet insurance companies worldwide since 1984. Danlaw’s specialty areas include embedded systems development and testing for Embedded Control Units (ECUs), vehicle network communications, infotainment testing, connected car solutions, and V2X certification services.
Danlaw is headquartered in Novi, MI, with offices in India and China.
Trakm8 is a UK-based big data company which uses innovative telematics as their primary enabler. The brand collect over two billion miles worth of data every year and create fine-tuned algorithms to track vehicles, score driver behaviour and provide FNOL in order for insurers to make informed decisions with regards to premium renewal and to assist in offering enhanced customer propositions.
The Group supplies telematics hardware, dash cams and other comprehensive fulfilment packages to a range of industries. Trakm8’s partners include well-known brands in the insurance sector such as Direct Line, Churchill and Young Marmalade.
Gerard Yahiaoui present SafetyNex to the Congressmen
Beside his products of Artificial Vision for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle, Nexyad has been developing since 2001 Onboard Risk Assessment algorithms and propose a unique tool that really measures Risk of Accident : SafetyNex. SafetyNex was scientifically validated through french national research programs and by scientific papers from 11 european countries, it was proven by a campaign of 50 millions km by 500 cars running for 3 years; it is fast and easy to use because SafetyNex gives an immediate result of risk taken by user. The risk is directly computed by the microprocessor of smartphone. Risk assessment histogram and every usage data histograms are sent to the customer : it is not big data, it is « small data ». The benefit of this appoach compared to all the other competitors that compute scores in the cloud are :
– small data upload doesn’t consume too much of the driver’s phone bundle
– the definition of risk used in SafetyNex fits into actuaries expectations
– no need to wait for accident to know that driver is risky
– because it’s real time, SafetyNex allows prevention (alarm to the driver before risky situation); this alarm statisticaly reduces number of accident and speed during unavoidable accident (then reduces lost cost)
Nexyad compiled ten technology demos of our module software RoadNex v2.3
. 10 different roads : highway, desert track, country road, red road, et.
. 10 different conditions : fog, rain, front sunshine, overtaking, etc.
. 10 same excellent results : road on front of vehicle is detected
The 10 complete demos on « PRODUCTS » menu above
Future Presence of Nexyad on Congresses & Exhibitions (ADAS, Connected Cars & Autonomous Vehicles)
Nexyad at Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous
Come to visit Nexyad the 17th & 18th may in Munich, Germany, for the Congress & Exhibition Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous.
Nexyad will be present with Intempora firm, provider of famous real time framework RT-Maps, Don’t miss the 18th : Software “Embeddibility”, Speaker Nicolas Dulac, CEO, Intempora.
Nexyad and Intempora are members of french cluster Groupement ADAS sponsored by MOVEO.
Nexyad at Autonomous Car Test & Development
Day 2 : June 1st 09:30 – Building a relevant validation database for camera-based ADAS Gérard Yahiaoui, President and CEO, Nexyad, France
Validation of camera-based artificial vision systems applied on open world is a very complex issue. An HD colour camera may generate more than 65 000 power 2 000 000 different images (information theory), so it is not possible to test every possible message. We propose a deterministic approach for building a validation database using the AGENDA methodology that was developed and published in the 1990s for neural network database (learn and test) design.
The abstract of Dr Grégoire Julien « Functional safety: on-board computing of risk of accident » has been accepted for the 20th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2016) on September 22-23 at Brussel, Belgium, as an oral presentation as well as for publication in the AMAA conference book.
Dr Grégoire Julien
Functional safety: on-board computing of risk of accident
Dr. Grégoire Julien, Pierre Da Silva Dias, Gérard Yahiaoui
Nexyad S.A.
95 Rue Pereire, F-78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Safety estimation is of utmost importance for in the perspective of fully automated vehicles. In particular, recent progress on accident estimation measurement made by insurance companies have revealed that correlation-based considerations do not give satisfaction. Indeed, there is no correlation between accident data bases and data collected by accelerometers such as the so-called “severe braking” that was supposed to estimate anticipation of the driver and ten “risk of accident”. Indeed, statistical correlation cannot explain causality relationship. More recently, it has been demonstrated [1] that accidents are rare events being the consequence of the repetition of “near-misses” accidents: the larger the number of detected “near-misses” accidents, the higher the probability to generate an accident. It has also been shown that it exists causality relationships which fully explain “near-misses” accidents [2].
Based upon results discussed above, we propose a new solution, SafetyNex, taking into account the dynamics of the vehicle and inputs of different nature (visibility, grip, shape of the road, …) to estimate the risk: a dimensionless quantity r∈{0;1} is output: if r=0, the risk does not exist, if r=1, the risk is high and a “near miss” accident is detected. Hence, this solution, based on deep knowledge of causality relationships, can be used for making data-based services richer, for a more relevant estimation of safety level and a better accident anticipation. SafetyNex is then a knowledge-based system using “possibility theory” [3] and its implementation into fuzzy sets theory [4]. With more than 5 000 rules of causality, SafetyNex is the only onboard module that computes a risk that has a meaning for insurers and car manufacturers. SafetyNex has been validated by experts of accidents of French Road Safety Administration [5].
In the perspective of fully automated vehicles, the detection of “near misses” accident can act directly on the decision process for the vehicle control. Furthermore, a “risk profile” as a function of the distance forward the vehicle can be obtained with our solution. It is thus possible to fully anticipate the risk in the future considering the current behavior of the vehicle. However, the main limitation of such an approach lies in the map resolution. Finally, as a further extension of our solution, the risk estimation could be improved by adding camera in order to merge signals obtained from the road/obstacles detection in front of the vehicle with the map matching.
[1] Final document of the SARI program by the French research institut IFSTTAR
[2] Final document of the SARI program by the French research institut CEREMA
[3] « Théorie des possibilités », D. Dubois, H. Prade ; 2006, REE, 8, 42
[4] « Fuzzy Sets as a Basis For Theory of Possibility », A. Zadeh ; 1978, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 3-28
[5] « Evaluation du risque de sortie de route pour l’aide à la conduite ou le diagnostic d’infrastructure », J. Brunet, P. Da Silva Dias, G. Yahiaoui, Session « caractérisation du risque routier », conférence PRAC 2010, 3-4 Mai 2010.
« Handpicked pioneering executives from the most innovative insurers, brokers and automakers leading the way in insurance telematics. See a unique collection of speakers to be found at no other event. »
NEXYAD is waiting for that since 2010 as they’ve been developing a module that measures in real time the risk of accident and then can help to prenvent from accident (car manufacturer application) and/or monitor the driver (insurance companies application). This module is called SafetyNex and is the only one that estimates road safety correlated to accident (tested, validated, proven).
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