NEXYAD at CES 2018 in Las Vegas

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #20, January 22th, 2018


NEXYAD at CES 2018 in Las Vegas

Headlines :

– CES 2018 Nexyad Report

– SafetyNex animated video of a use case : The Car Insurer’s Choice

– Nexyad in media

– SafetyNex can bring Artificial Intelligence into Autopilots in respect of ASIL ISO 26262

– Nexyad team wishes you an happy New Year 2018

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CES 2018 Nexyad Report

For the second time, NEXYAD went to CES (2018) in Las Vegas (from 9th to 12th of Jan).

Paris CDG AirportArrival at Las VegasTakeoff at Paris CDG Airport                                         Arrival in Las Vegas
Flight to Vegas from Paris is long but it’s worth the trip for a high-tech startup like NEXYAD.

Of course, for NEXYAD, it is the year of deployment in series for our onboard software modules (Connected car/Car telematics, ADAS, Autopilots, Drive and Car sharing), and especially for SafetyNex (estimation of driving risk 20 times per second), and we had organized for a while 6 meetings per day : ADAS and Telematics OEMs that are already currently integrating SafetyNex, and of course new prospects. Very good new contacts too with qualifies prospects from the USA, Japan, Europe.
We also got some interest for RoadNex that integrates a computer vision based free space detection that works perfectly for large round abouts and intersections. We brought a real time RoadNex implementation into an android smartphone (using the smartphone cam and CPU) and we could do some real time demos that show that RoadNex works in a regular smartphone in real time (for those who care of CPU consumption) :

This year we had a barrow on the LeddarTech booth located at Central Plaza, close to Faurecia, Valeo, Google, Visteon, etc … : LeddarTech is member of the MOV’EO Groupement ADAS, and the whole Groupement was part of the « LeddarTech ecosystem » showcase area.

LeddarTech BoothGroupement ADAS DeskLeddar Ecosystem Pavillon at LVCC                               Groupement ADAS Desk

We also used some time slots to do our homeworks on Business Intelligence and visited many boothes including competitors of NEXYAD.
From this visits we could extract some heavy trends : of course, CES deals with quite EVERY subject, then we focused on mobility and what is connected to mobility issues.
First, we must notice that 2018 is THE year of Lidar :
Of course, our partner LeddarTech, but also many other solutions from Startups to Major automotive companies :

Lidar LeddarTech   LeddarTech;                                       
Lidar InnovizLidar Velodyne   Innoviz                                                                           Velodyne
Lidar QuanergyLidar Pioneer   Quanergy                                                                       Pioneer
Startup II-VIAEye   Startup II – VI                                                                      Startup AEye


Another heavy trend is smart cities :

Itron (Energy issues)                                                         Deloitte (Complete systems and strategy)
LoRa (IOT)                                                                       Ericsson (Telecom 5G)
Mobility was a big part of Smart Cities and Urban mobility this year in Las Vegas.
Some soft mobility solutions (electric and connected 2-wheels vehicles) :

Ujet                                                                                   Genze
And of course, autonomous shuttles were numerous this year :

Navya                                                                              IBM (Olli)

Toyota (ePalette)                                                            Transdev

                                         Startup ISFM (MILLA) © MILLA is an innovation from ISFM
As you may notice, you can find shuttles from : a pure leader player, an IT major firm, a major car manufacturer, a major operator of urban mobility, and a high-tech startup.
At least, another completely new trend is the autonomous flying vehicles :


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SafetyNex animated video of a use case :
The Car Insurer’s Choice

SafetyNex by NEXYAD is a Driving Risk Assessment App/API for prevention (accompanied driving, young drivers, individuals, professional drivers, seniors) in every kind of 4 wheels vehicle. SafetyNex is worth for UBI (risk profiles, usage profiles) at the end of every trip; reduction of costs (lower rate of accident and in particular of personal injuries + transformation of some severe personal injuries accidents into material accidents); Detection of behaviour modifications in time and Distraction detection (mobile phone …) : under implementation.

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Nexyad in media

Rémi Bastien interview, the new President of competitive cluster Mov’eo and also President of VEDECOM Institute and VP Automotive Prospective of Renault Group.

    For English subtitles click the button on the video

Mov’eo is a Mobility and Automotive R&D competitiveness cluster, which since 2006 has been mobilizing its energies at the service of its members to meet the objectives assigned by the State to competitiveness clusters: to foster the development of collaborative projects between members, to contribute to development in the regions of companies, in particular SMES, and to promote innovation in the sector.

Created in february 2014, VEDECOM is a French Institute for Public-Private Partnership Research and Training dedicated to individual, carbon-free and sustainable mobility.

The new MOV’EO President quote NEXYAD SafetyNex at the beginning of its intervention…

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SafetyNex can bring Artificial Intelligence into Autopilots
in respect of ASIL ISO 26262

SafetyNex integration in the ASIL 26262.

SafetyNex Asil 26262
© NEXYAD 2017

Complex Automation MUST be ASIL ISO 26262.
Artificial Intelligence CANNOT BE ASIL ISO 26262 (by definition) and acts only on parameters of Complex Automation doing ++/– – variations, never skipping « reflexes actions » (emergency braking, etc), but allowing anticipation speed adaptation to reduce frequency of emergency situations (and then give more margin to reflexes actions and also improve comfort). Maximum acceptable Driving Risk can be changed depending on driving situation in order to set « aggressivity level» of HAV.

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Nexyad team wishes you an happy New Year 2018

Greetings 2018

SafetyNex episode 3 : The Car Insurer’s Choice

SafetyNex by NEXYAD is a Driving Risk Assessment App/API for prevention (accompanied driving, young drivers, individuals, professional drivers, seniors) in every kind of 4 wheels vehicle. SafetyNex is worth for UBI (risk profiles, usage profiles) at the end of every trip; reduction of costs (lower rate of accident and in particular of personal injuries + transformation of some severe personal injuries accidents into material accidents); Detection of behaviour modifications in time and Distraction detection (mobile phone …) : under implementation.

SafetyNex episode 2 : Your Driving Assistance System

Nexyad has developed a smartphone App which is a driving assistance system that alerts the driver IF AND ONLY IF speed of the car is not adequate with the road infrastructure. Then SafetyNex allows the driver to slow down or brake BEFORE a situation of danger. SafetyNex is also available as an API to be integrate into devices or other applications.

SafetyNex episode 1 : Driving Risk Assessment

Nexyad explains in this video the key notion of driving risk. From zero risk when the car is sleeping into the garage to 100% risk when driving behaviour is by far not adapted to a particular road context.

Economic Intelligence presentation on Nexyad-ADAS blog

NEXYAD always looking at surveys about ADAS and driverless cars market … Here is a relevant study about Automotive Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Market (2015-2025), by

The Next Step Towards Autonomous, Self-Driving & Driverless Cars

LONDON, May 12, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Report Details

In many ways, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are the first step on the road to semi-autonomous or fully-autonomous self-driving and driverless vehicles. In 2015, Park Assistance, Surround-View Cameras, and Adaptive Cruise Control applications dominate the ADAS market; however, the penetration into passenger cars is relatively low despite the increasing rate of installations into the premium car segment manufacturers.
Often these are fitted in isolation, and even where multiple systems are fitted in a vehicle, great care is taken to ensure that these systems are perceived only as assisting the driver (who must remain fully alert) rather than taking over his role. As the number and abilities of these systems increases, the situation will move further along a continuum from driver assistance to in effect driver substitution, meaning that the driver would no longer be required to be alert and instead the onus would fall on the vehicle to warn the driver when his input was required, bringing him back to a state of full alertness.

To read more :




Detection of the road, detection of the lane, in front of the vehicle is now a « must-have »
for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and of course for Autonomous Cars too.
Every R&D team is able to show cases of good detection. The difference between different
modules is robustness : ability to work in many cases (almost every cases).

For instance, robustness consideration led many big Automotive firms to interger the MOBILEYE
detection system : jus because MOBILEYE is more robust than detection systems developed by
those big firms. And robustness is not a matter of deployment : you won’t get a more robust
module is you put 10 000 developers on the project. You need time, big amount of data, and
« smart ideas ».

Note : This robustness definition leads to question on ADAS validation (« almost » every case is
not that well defined … how could we put some maths on those words). NEXYAD has been
developing an applied maths-based methodology for ADAS validation and is currently
recording a validation data base that will be soon available for free worldwide on the internet.

But let’s go back to road detection modules comparison.

There is another difference between road detection systems : do they need white markings
or are they able to work even without markings ?

NEXYAD founders has been working on road detection since the beginning of the 90’s and never
stopped (*). The NEXYAD team is one of the moste experienced team in the world about road detection.
That actually makes the difference, and RoadNex is a module that would take long to develop by
other teams. RoadNex is currently available on PC (windows, Linux) in the real time framework
RT-MAPS. RoadNex will be soon available :
. on electronic device of an Automotive Tier One Company
. on smartphones (so it works in real time on a smartphone usual processor ! try to compare to other modules)
(*) publication at a scientific congress in France in 1993 :
« Texture-based Image Segmentation for Road Recognition with Neural Networks », G. Yahiaoui, M. de Saint Blancard,
Sixth international conference on neural networks and their industrial & cognitive applications NeuroNîmes93, EC2,
Nîmes, 1993,

In order to have an idea of what robustness means, here are some case used to test RoadNex :

How many kilometers should you drive to sample those few road scenes variations ?

For more information :

RoadNex v2.2 Scooter passing by in City Traffic

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection – Scooter passing by in City Traffic

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection – Scooter passing by in City Traffic
RoadNex detecting the lane on the road with or without markings.
Here, see the red line that reduces with scooters and cars; and the red surface highlighted which stops with scooters and cars, telling us it’s not road anymore, so detecting obstacles in negative.
The green Arrow shows the possible direction to follow.

Nexyad provides modules for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : some of those modules such as RoadNex road detection or ObstaNex obstacles detection are competitors of the famous modules of the company Mobileye.