NEXYAD Deep Tech Startup : AI and XAI onboard real time software modules for road safety applicable to ADAS, Autonomous Driving, Car Insurance, Fleet Management, and new Smart Mobility Services.

NEXYAD Executive Pitch video by CEO Gérard Yahiaoui.

BMW Group France CEO and Nexyad CEO
on TV channel BFM Business

June 13th 2016, Serge Naudin BMW Group France CEO and Gerard Yahiaoui Nexyad CEO were invited by Stephane Soumier for Good Morning Business on the french TV Channel BFM Business.

BMW is betting on French Tech to develop Connecting Mobility

To celebrate its 100 years, BMW is trying to develop connected mobility, while promoting respect for the environment. The group’s strategy is based on three pillars: innovation, connectivity and personal mobility. To get there, its French subsidiary has selected three innovative companies to develop the mobility of the future. The start-up Nexyad is one of them. Nexyad developed a vision algorithm that would allow drivers to detect obstacles. This software will be directly integrated into smartphone and into the car.

7 companies to launch driverless cars by 2020

New post on Nexyad-ADAS Solutions blog

NEXYAD Intelligence : trends of driverless cars in 2020

We already showed you when you will be able to buy a driverless car using predictions from research companies and futurists. Since that article was published in July, automakers have been announcing when they anticipate to release their driverless vehicles. This was mostly done to ride the viral wave after Google’s driverless car video was released. So, which company is going to be first to deliver an autonomous model to showrooms?

We’ve grouped companies into four categories:

1.Expected to launch a driverless car by 2020
2.Expected to launch a driverless car after 2020
3.Developing a driverless car, but no official launch date
4.No expected launch of a driverless car

to read more

NEXYAD made functional analysis of driverless car and focused on reliability and robustness. Then this high-tech SME (that already developed an autonomous vehicle in 2007 with other SMEs such as Induct, for the DARPA Challenge : team « Blue Froggie ») proposes software modules that may help (available for sale) :

RoadNex for Road Detection
ObstaNex for Obstacles Detection
VisiNex Onboard for Visibility Measurement
SafetyNex for Road Safety

Please choose Products in the menu above for further information

New releases of NEXYAD algorithms for ADAS (January 31, 2014)

New releases of NEXYAD algorithms for ADAS :

RoadNex : detection of the road in front of vehicle for your ADAS

Link :

ObstaNex : detection of obstacles/pedestrians in front of the vehicle for your ADAS

Link :

VisiNex Onboard : measurement of visibility in front of the vehicle for your ADAS

Link :

DrowsiNex : Detection of driver’s drowsiness for your ADAS

Link :

SafetyNex : car safety/risk onboard estimation for your ADAS

Link :

Those software blocs are available as user licences for research (autonomous vehicles and adas demo cars, …) as dll for windows or as RT-MAPS components.

NEXYAD also takes into account opportunities to embed those blocs into your ADAS systems for new vehicles or as after market solutions in your distribution network.

NEXYAD joins the business cluster INI (in Mov’eo) / NEXYAD rejoint le Groupement INI (Intégration du Numérique pour l’Industrie) du pôle de compétitivité Mov’eo (July 1, 2013)

NEXYAD joins the high tech business cluster INI (Integration of Digital Technologies into Industrial applications) :
. Special machines for quality control and intelligent sorting and defects detection
. Integration of cameras, sensors, actuators, digital pasting, computers, software, … into car prototypes
and complex products
. Portable diagnosis systems
. Communication car to car and car to back office (geo localization, statistics, …)
. Library for real time ADAS development

SMEs of this business cluster gather their products, know how and skills, in order to bring new innovative wing to wing solution to customers.

Link :

INI is a business clusters of SMEs gathered by Mov’eo

Official web site (French spoken) :

Blog of the High Technologies SMEs of Mov’eo :