Presentations of NEXYAD at SafetyWeek in Germany

At the safety week symposium in Aschaffenburg (Germany), NEXYAD presented :

. A paper about ADAS validation : methodology and tools
. The products on the booth : RoadNex (road detection), ObstaNex (Obstacles detection),
VisiNex Onboard (visibility measurement), SafetyNex (estimating safety level of driving).

NEXYAD at the Safety Week in Germany

NEXYAD has got a booth at the Safety Week symposium in Aschaffenburg in Germany from may 19th to 21st showing the module RoadNex (road detection), ObstaNex (obstacle detection) running in the real time environment RT-MAPS, and available for customers that want to quickly develop an autonomous vehicle/demo car. Those modules are under shifting to smart phones and electronic devices.

NEXYAD also presents a paper written with the company INTEMPORA, about ADAS validation methodology and tools.

NEXYAD is member of the “Groupement ADAS”.

NEXYAD vision-based ADAS modules for a demo car of “Université de Haute Alsace”

NEXYAD delivered a camera and two high-tech software modules :
. RoadNex : vision-based road detection in front of a car (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)
. ObstaNex : vision and inertial navigation – based obstacle detection (for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles)

Those two modules are integrated as component into the real time environment RT-MAPS (Intempora), and communicate with de neural network – based pattern recognition module Neuro-RBF (GlobalSensing Technologies).

NEXYAD will support Université de Haute Alsace during 2015 to integrate ObstaNex with their intertial
navigation unit.

NB : the 3 companies Nexyad, Intempora, GlobalSensing Technologies are members of the Mov’eo Groupement ADAS :


NEXYAD on Vision symposium in Stuttgart, Germany

Presentation of the two NEXYAD software blocs :

– RoadNex : road detection for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles development

– ObstaNex : obbstacle detection for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles development

On a booth on the VISION symposium.

This booth gathers 3 hight-tech SMEs of Mov’eo working together in Mov’eo Groupement ADAS. (GlobalSensing Technologies, Intermpora, NEXYAD)

NEXYAD joins the business cluster ITS Infra (Mov’eo) / NEXYAD rejoint le Groupement de Pme ITS Infra (intégration des technologies de l’information dans les infrastructures routières) du pôle de compétitivité Mov’eo (September 23, 2013)

NEXYAD joins the hich tech SMEs business cluster ITS Infra (Information Technologies for intelligent road infrastructures) :
. Visibility measurement / mesure de la visibilité
. Bad weather identification using artificial vision based-systems (rain, fog, smoke, …) / identification des intempéries par caméra (pluie, brouillard, fumées, …)
. Smart camera based application / applications des cameras intelligentes
. Statistics and data analysis on the road traffic / statistiques sur le traffic routier

This business cluster gathers high tech SMEs of the Competitive Cluster Mov’eo.

NEXYAD joins the business cluster INI (in Mov’eo) / NEXYAD rejoint le Groupement INI (Intégration du Numérique pour l’Industrie) du pôle de compétitivité Mov’eo (July 1, 2013)

NEXYAD joins the high tech business cluster INI (Integration of Digital Technologies into Industrial applications) :
. Special machines for quality control and intelligent sorting and defects detection
. Integration of cameras, sensors, actuators, digital pasting, computers, software, … into car prototypes
and complex products
. Portable diagnosis systems
. Communication car to car and car to back office (geo localization, statistics, …)
. Library for real time ADAS development

SMEs of this business cluster gather their products, know how and skills, in order to bring new innovative wing to wing solution to customers.

Link :

INI is a business clusters of SMEs gathered by Mov’eo

Official web site (French spoken) :

Blog of the High Technologies SMEs of Mov’eo :

Closing meeting of the collaborative research project SURVIE : 2012 June 28 in Paris (June 13, 2012)

The closing meeting of the collaborative research project SURVIE will take place the 28th of June 2012, in the Région Ile de France office in Paris.

SURVIE dealt with measurement of visibility during recovery (wipers, lights, demist, defrost, etc …). Measurement was performed using the onl device in the worl that can measure visibility for a human being ; VisiNex Developed par the company Nexyad.

The project gathered Saint Gobain, Valeo, CETE Lyon laboratory (Clermont Ferrand Lab), Oktal, Aximum, Nexyad.

Project Purpose: Research on the technical ways to improve or restore visibility to the driver, and development of new functionalities of VisiNex.

Several innovative measurement functionalities could be integrated to VisiNex by Nexyad, allowing partners to improve their understanding of visibility recovery in many cases of real world scenes.

This research program got the label of the French competitive cluster on automotive and transportation mov’eo.

Predit (December 9, 2009)

President CEO of NEXYAD at the « Startegic Orientation Council » (Conseil d’Orientation Stratégique) of the French Research Program PREDIT at the « House of Latin America » (Maison de l’Amérique Latine) in Paris.