Visibility measurement for SAINT GOBAIN using VISINEX™ (March 23, 2011)
NEXYAD got a new contract from the automotive division of the firm SAINT GOBAIN to measure the windshield defogging and defrost system efficiency using VisiNex™
NEXYAD got a new contract from the automotive division of the firm SAINT GOBAIN to measure the windshield defogging and defrost system efficiency using VisiNex™
NEXYAD developed a new release of their VisiNex™ product (visibility measurement using a camera) : new version can give local visibility scores and their distribution on the whole windshield of a car (applications are wipers efficiency enhancement and misting system efficiency measurement and enhancement for car industry).
NEXYAD demonstrated a result of the research program MERIT at the members day of the Competitive Cluster Mov’eo :
onboard road recognition, visibility measurement, obstacle detection, and road safety level estimation … implanted into a 3G mobile phone (Android OS)
NEXYAD signed a 2 years research and innovation contract (project Centrale OO, research and innovation project of the French competitive cluster Mov’eo), in the field of applied maths for energy saving and travel optimization of electric taxis in Paris (Partners : French Ministry of Industry DGCIS, Région Ile de France, STEP, Ecole des Ponts).
NEXYAD is reviewed for their collaboration with INRIA on the collaborative research program MERIT (mov’eo) on Autonomous vehicles and ADAS.
Nexyad has received from the French Ministry of Reseach its « Credit d’Impôt Recherche » label for 2010. Researches that French customers ask NEXYAD to do for them are elligible to the tax refund french program Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR).
Nexyad a reçu son agrément (label) Crédit d’Impôt Recherche 2010. Toutes les recherches confiées à NEXYAD par leurs client français sont elligibles au calcul de la base du Crédit d’Impôt (CIR).
Nexayd signed a new research and development contract with the French Car Industry Firm Faurecia for obstacle detection.
NEXYAD gets the special prize of their scientific poster at the PRAC2010 Conference :
évaluation du risque de sortie de route pour l’aide à la conduite ou le diagnostic d’infrastructure (going off the road risk assessing for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems -ADAS – or diagnodtic of the infrastructure)
NEXYAD published with AXIMUM, at PRAC 2010 about visibility measurement using VisiNex :
« visibilité de la signalization horizontale : evaluation des performances avec une méthode innovante »
NEXYAD presented 2 scientific papers at the PRAC2010 conference :
This conference was organized to give an overview of the PREDIT/SARI French research program results.
NEXYAD presented 2 papers :
– conference : visibilité de la signalisation horizontale : évaluation de différents niveaux de performance avec une méthode innovante
(visibility of road markings: evaluation showing different levels of performance using an innovative method)
– poster : évaluation du risque de sortie de route pour l’aide à la conduite ou le diagnodtic d’infrastructure
(going off the road risk assessing for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems -ADAS – or diagnodtic of the infrastructure)
Work meeting of the research project SURVIE:
Definition of standard rules of measurement with the NEXYAD product VisiNex™ for road safety applications.
Work meeting with the company Induct for the research project MERIT (after market ADAS involving innovetive pattern recognition and risk estimation to help drivers navigation).
Delivery meeting of Pattern Recognition research results for the internet start up company CRYSTAL CONTENT.
NEXYAD at the board meeting of the french competitive cluster MOV’EO.
President CEO of NEXYAD at the « Startegic Orientation Council » (Conseil d’Orientation Stratégique) of the French Research Program PREDIT at the « House of Latin America » (Maison de l’Amérique Latine) in Paris.
Nexyad at the MET meeting (comité Richelieu pacte PME) with Thales.
Kick off of the research project SURVIE:
Definition of standard rules of measurement with the NEXYAD product VisiNex™ for road safety applications.
NEXYAD worked with the company Prosign on visibility measurement during driving.
Context is the French collaborative research program SARI, project VIZIR, final report.
NEXYAD developed algorithms for road recognition and obstacle detection (ADAS) in the collaborative research project ARCOS. This project is included into PREDIT research program.
NEXYAD work on visibility measurement is quoted in the PhD thesis of Nicolas Hautière.