Nexyad RoadNex v2.2 – Road Detection on little road in Forest

Nexyad RoadNex v2.2 – Road Detection on little road in Forest
RoadNex detecting the lane on the road with or without markings.
The green Arrow shows the possible direction to follow.

Nexyad provides modules for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : some of those modules such as RoadNex road detection or ObstaNex obstacles detection are competitors of the famous modules of the company Mobileye.

RoadNex v2.2 Scooter passing by in City Traffic

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection – Scooter passing by in City Traffic

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection – Scooter passing by in City Traffic
RoadNex detecting the lane on the road with or without markings.
Here, see the red line that reduces with scooters and cars; and the red surface highlighted which stops with scooters and cars, telling us it’s not road anymore, so detecting obstacles in negative.
The green Arrow shows the possible direction to follow.

Nexyad provides modules for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : some of those modules such as RoadNex road detection or ObstaNex obstacles detection are competitors of the famous modules of the company Mobileye.

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection for ADAS : Green Desert Track

NEXYAD RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection for ADAS : Green Desert Track
RoadNex detects the lane and the road surface and does not depend on the level of equipment of road infrastructure. Example here, on a dirt track in the middle of nowhere…

SafetyNex & EcoGyzer : the Sportive-Safe Driver

SafetyNex by NEXYAD and EcoGyzer by NOMADIC SOLUTIONS together to estimate the Driver Behaviour Signature.
We ask an experimented driver to drive the same path four times with a different behaviour.
Here we show the Sportive-Safe Driver :

The Sportive-Safe Driver is not Eco, but he is safe most of the time. Despite, he accelerates strongly, he slows down when he arrives to intersections and pedestrian pathways. He has only four points in the red area of the signature mapping to compare with the Quiet-Dangerous Driver seen in an earlier news

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection for ADAS : Case of Red Road

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection for ADAS : Case of Red Road
RoadNex detecting the lane and the surface of a road in red color.

Nexyad provides modules for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : some of those modules such as RoadNex road detection or ObstaNex obstacles detection are competitors of the famous modules of the company Mobileye.

SafetyNex & EcoGyzer : the Quiet-Dangerous Driver

SafetyNex by NEXYAD and EcoGyzer by NOMADIC SOLUTIONS together to estimate the Driver Behaviour Signature.
We ask an experimented driver to drive the same path four times with a different behaviour.
Here we show the Quiet-Dangerous Driver :

The Quiet-Dangerous Driver is always Eco, he doesn’t accelerate too hard and he doesn’t brake strongly, but he passes through intersections and pedestrian pathways without slowing down… He is potentialy Dangerous.

RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection for ADAS on Road at Night

Nexyad RoadNex v2.2 Road Detection for ADAS on Road at Night
RoadNex detecting the lane and the surface of the road at night when the light are on.

Nexyad provides modules for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : some of those modules such as RoadNex road detection or ObstaNex obstacles detection are competitors of the famous modules of the company Mobileye.

SafetyNex & EcoGyzer : the Bad Driver

SafetyNex by NEXYAD and EcoGyzer by NOMADIC SOLUTIONS together to estimate the Driver Behaviour Signature.
We ask an experimented driver to drive the same path four times with a different behaviour.
Here we show the Bad Driver :

RoadNex v2.2 Road with markings on both sides

RoadNex v2.2 Road with markings on both sides.
RoadNex detecting the lane on road and detecting the surface of the road with strong sun light on front of the car and the camera…

Nexyad provides modules for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : some of those modules such as RoadNex road detection or ObstaNex obstacles detection are competitors of the famous modules of the company Mobileye.

Le CCFA parle de Nexyad

Le Comité des Constructeurs Français d’Automobiles CCFA a repris LES ECHOS
à la Une de son site internet :

« Le smartphone peut-il améliorer la sécurité au volant ? »

Lire l’article ici

RoadNex v2.2 Desert Track

RoadNex v2.2 Desert track
RoadNex detecting the lane on the desert track : sand road, no markings, stones, etc…
Contrast of colors is very poor, detection is still fine.

Nexyad provides modules for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) : some of those modules such as RoadNex road detection or ObstaNex obstacles detection are competitors of the famous modules of the company Mobileye.

La PFA (Plateforme Française de l’Automobile) parle de NEXYAD

La PFA parlait déjà de Nexyad l’année dernière :

PFA – Ateliers de la filière automobile – 26 novembre 2014

« Pour Bernard Delaporte, PDG du groupe Danielson, spécialisé dans l’ingénierie en motorisation auprès des grands constructeurs, la solution vient notamment de l’union : « Même si notre entreprise est reconnue et appréciée, il me semble que nous manquons d’une dynamique forte dans un avenir proche. Pour pallier ce déficit, nous avons décidé de multiplier les participations collaboratives, notamment dans le cadre du GIE Everest Team, créé il y a six ans, partie prenante du pôle de compétitivité Mov’eo. Pour autant, nous sommes toujours référencés par entité par les constructeurs, alors que nous sommes une force de proposition collective qui apportons ensemble des solutions ». Sentiment partagé par Gérard Yahiaoui, PDG de la PME de haute technologie Nexyad, spécialisée dans le capital mathématique, et vice-président du pôle de compétitivité Mov’eo.

Prendre en compte la diversité culturelle à l’échelle européenne

Selon Gérard Yahiaoui (Nexyad), l’un des freins à son intégration à la filière française de l’automobile réside dans la taille de son entreprise. « En France, les grands groupes ne savent pas travailler avec des petites entreprises de dix personnes comme la mienne. En Allemagne, au contraire, plus vous êtes petit par la taille et plus vous êtes aidé pour croître. Côté français, notre entreprise n’est pas jugée assez importante pour pouvoir prétendre à une véritable activité industrielle.
Pourtant, alors qu’un industriel doit procéder à des investissements très lourds, une TPE a au contraire la possibilité de se développer sur un filet de marché très innovant qui peut devenir le marché de demain. Il est donc indispensable de collaborer avec elles ». Gérard Yahiaoui souligne également l’impressionnante « variabilité culturelle en Europe » qui implique une force d’adaptation des PME/ETI/TPE en fonction des attentes de chaque constructeur européen, qui diffèrent d’un pays à un autre. »

The Newsletter #5 is now available !

The Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #5 is now available !

Autonomous & Connected Cars at ITS World Bordeaux

Summary :

Read the Newsletter #5 HERE

ITS Patchwork





The company NEXYAD developped software modules for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems :
. RoadNex (Road detection) : lane detection, detection of the borderlines of drivable area in the lane, detection of the surface of drivable area in the lane.
Sensor : camera (color)

. ObstaNex (Obstacles detection) : obstacles detection (if they have a vertical dimension or – inclusive – if they have their own movement)
Sensor : camera (N&B or color), accel, gyro

. VisiNex onboard (weather visibility measurement) : visibility measurement (quality and distance)
Sensor : camera

. SafetyNex : onboard road safety / risk estimation
Sensor : navigation map, gps, accel or car speed

Those modules were made to develop very efficient ADAS.
There are many ways of comining those modules, depending on the function that should be developped.


For this function, modules may be integrated in a rather complex way :
Nexyad Suite 1
Such an application needs to know where it works and where it doesn’t work (reliability). For that, VisiNex helps because it measures weather visibility and the nit is possible to know in which context artificial vision algorithms are efficient or not. It is also possible to switch setting parameters of artificial vision based algorithms using visibility characteristics, in order to expand the range of good performance of the global system (this is robustness).

NEXYAD applies a validation methodology called AGENDA (see papers in CESA Automotive 2014 in Paris and in SATETYWEEK 2015 in Aschaffenburg). This methodology is the onlt approach that allows to know what the system is supposed to do in a functional point of view, with measurable characterisctics of road scenes.
NEXYAD of course uses the NEXYAD ADAS validation data base : a part of this validation data base for artificial vision-based ADAS will be soon online for free (usable by every researcher or engineer in the world).

Note : the AGENDA methodology also provides a method to measure the similarity of a road scene in the validation data base anda current road scene : this is applied to estimate a confidence score.


SafetyNex measures the adequation of driving to road infrastructure characteristics.
It generates then a risk if the driver goes too fast when approaching a crossing road or a dangerous curve.
Of course, a poor visibility should lead the driver to drive slower.
In addition, there could be auxiliary inputs that would tell SafetyNex if there are obstacles on the pathway :
Nexyad Suite 2
This scheme is the same than the previous one but the outputs of RoadNex and ObstaNex are used INSIDE the scheme (they don’t provide an output of the global scheme).



Validation of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems by Gérard Yahiaoui & Nicolas Du Lac
CESA Paper by Gérard Yahiaoui & Pierre Da Silva Dias
Road detection for ADAS and autonomous vehicle
Using the NEXYAD road detection (RoadNex) to make obstacles detection more robust
Real Time Onboard Risk Estimation Correlated with Road Accident
Visibility Measurement for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle