NewsRoad Safety Estimation

SafetyNex driving risk estimation during driving : anticipation of danger

SafetyNex estimates driving risk 20 times per second, during driving (real time).
On the following figure, you can see risk rising when approaching a stop sign with an inappropriate car speed :

Example of driving 1
Speed of the car is quite high before the STOP sign and Risk goes to the maximum with a vocal alarm to the driver which have time to slow down or brake to stop.

Now with a slower speed profile :

Example of driving 2
Speed of the car is lesser here but still too high approaching the STOP sign, there is a vocal alarm again but for lesser time.

And finally the « good » safe speed profile :

Example of driving 3
There is a good anticipation here before the STOP sign, speed is adequate and risk is very low, then null.

This estimation is computed INSIDE the local device (inside the car). Current implementation is on smartphones (IOS and Android), then computing of risk is completely done INSIDE the smartphone : that makes SafetyNex compliant with all driver’s privacu regulations and laws in Europe.

Applications :
. insurance and fleets : vocal alert when risk is too high. As you can see, it lets time to slow down and avoid potential accident. This leads to a reduction of accident rate and a reduction of personal injuries. Of course, risk values can be recorded to do stats (risk profiles) for UBI (Usage Based Insurance) applications. 
. Automotive : same application is navigation with risk alerts. But with a robotized braking system (ADAS), it is possible to trigger braking with risk value. In such a case, it is not emergency braking but rather anticipation braking. 

In addition, it is possible, in the case of HAD (highly Automated Driving) car, to control speed (longitudinal part of auto pilot) very easily : « if risk too high, then slow down », « if risk is low, then accelerate until risk becomes the max value you accept or until you’re at the speed limit ». You write your autopilot with very few lines of code !