Newsletter #19 is now available

Nexyad at CES 2018 January 8-12
in Las Vegas

Headlines :

– Come to meet Nexyad at CES 2018 in Las Vegas – January 8-12
– NEXYAD giving the award of the best Insurtech startup «prix coup de cœur des assureurs 2017»,
organized by Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Banque Assurance) at Allianz Tower in Paris La Défense
– Nexyad invited speaker at UNESCO Conference on Artificial Intelligence : use case of autonomous vehicle
– SafetyNex driving risk assessment (20 times per second while driving): anticipation of danger
– INTEMPORA and NEXYAD, members of MOVEO Groupement ADAS interviewed on BFM Business (Major French TV)
– Bitumen Free Space Detection by Nexyad RoadNex module in real time on a Smartphone
– Nexyad on Groupement ADAS booth at Equip’Auto 2017
– Validation of ADAS Nexyad Database with ground reality
– Individual driving risk assessment and car insurance : what applications ? what business models ?
– SafetyNex can bring Artificial Intelligence into Autopilots in respect of ASIL ISO 26262
– Welcome to YOGOKO, new member of “MOV’EO” Groupement ADAS cluster

Go to the Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #19

Nexyad at CES 2018 January 8-12
in Las Vegas

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #19, November 29th, 2017


Nexyad at CES 2018 January 8-12 – Las Vegas

Headlines :

– Come to meet Nexyad at CES 2018 in Las Vegas – January 8-12

– NEXYAD giving the award of the best Insurtech startup «prix coup de cœur des assureurs 2017»,
organized by Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Banque Assurance) at Allianz Tower in Paris La Défense

– Nexyad invited speaker at UNESCO Conference on Artificial Intelligence : use case of autonomous vehicle

– SafetyNex driving risk assessment (20 times per second while driving): anticipation of danger

– INTEMPORA and NEXYAD, members of MOVEO Groupement ADAS interviewed on BFM Business (Major French TV)

– Bitumen Free Space Detection by Nexyad RoadNex module in real time on a Smartphone

– Nexyad on Groupement ADAS booth at Equip’Auto 2017

– Validation of ADAS Nexyad Database with ground reality

– Individual driving risk assessment and car insurance : what applications ? what business models ?

– SafetyNex can bring Artificial Intelligence into Autopilots in respect of ASIL ISO 26262

– Welcome to YOGOKO, new member of « MOV’EO » Groupement ADAS cluster

* * * * *

Come to meet Nexyad at CES 2018 in Las Vegas (Jan 8-12)

CES 2018

Nexyad invite you to visit us at the Leddar Ecosystem Pavillion at East LVCC – Central Plaza (booth CP-23)
If you want to reserve a meeting slot, please contact us at

CES 2018 East LVCC - Central Plaza Map

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NEXYAD giving the award of the best Insurtech startup
« prix coup de cœur des assureurs 2017»,
organized by Cercle LAB (Laboratoire Banque Assurance)
at Allianz Tower in Paris La Défense

Nexyad CEO at Cercle Lab

Gerard Yahiaoui at Cercle Lab

Last year Nexyad won the special prize « Coup de Cœur » by french insurers of Cercle Lab with SafetyNex the driving risk assessment App in real time. For this, Gerard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad handed the 2017 new prize to the winner KAP-Code represented by Adel Mebarki. Kap-Code is dedicated to improve the care of chronic diseases and the detection of drug safety signals on social networks thruth 3 solutions : helping patients and health advisors with connected objects, Digital Health that allows profesionals to provide care for their patients and harnessing Big Data for science.

Adel Mebarki of Kap-Code
Adel Mebarki, head of innovation of Kap-Code

* * * * *

Nexyad invited speaker at UNESCO Conference on
Artificial Intelligence : use case of autonomous vehicle

Nexyad CEO Gérard Yahiaoui A.I. expert was invited to speak (invited paper) in a conference in Paris on Artificial Intelligence (JNI/IESF, Under the patronage of UNESCO, 2017 Oc 19). He talked about Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicle : « Intelligence Artificielle pour le Véhicule Autonome, et exemple de réalisation : SafetyNex ». Very interesting papers during this day showing a broad range of AI applications (automotive, fashion, HR management, Legal, …). More than 400 people in the audience.

Unesco AI Congress

Gerard Yahiaoui explaning difference between A.I. and complex automation for autonomous driving

* * * * *

SafetyNex driving risk assessment
(20 times per second while driving): anticipation of danger

SafetyNex estimates driving risk 20 times per second, during driving (real time).
On the following figure, you can see risk rising when approaching a stop sign with an inappropriate car speed :

Example of driving 1
Speed of the car is quite high before the STOP sign and Risk goes to the maximum with a vocal alarm to the driver which have time to slow down or brake to stop.

This estimation is computed INSIDE the local device (inside the car). Current implementation is on smartphones (IOS and Android), then computing of risk is completely done INSIDE the smartphone : that makes SafetyNex compliant with all driver’s privacy regulations and laws in Europe.

Click to read the entire article

See here 3 more use cases

* * * * *

INTEMPORA and NEXYAD, members of MOVEO Groupement ADAS on BFM Business (Major French TV)

1st Nov 2017, the Tech & Co tv show on the subject : will self-driving car come sooner than expected ?
Nicolas du Lac & Gerard Yahiaoui

Nicolas du Lac & Gerard Yahiaoui

Nicolas du LAC, INTEMPORA, and Gerard YAHIAOUI, NEXYAD, presented their innovations and explained how the MOVEO Groupement ADAS helps to be stronger for their innovative startups.
Nicolas talked about RT-MAPS that is a software tool for R&D, making easy the task of developing applications with multiple sensors (cameras, lidar, radar, …) that of course are not synchronized and that must collaborate through algorithms of sensor fusion in order to get good objects detection and recognition.
Gerard talked about SafetyNex that is an onboard real time module that is the only module in the world that can estimate driving risk 20 times per second. Self-driving car can then know the risk it takes with and it simplifies the development of autopilot (example : « if risk too high then slow down »).

* * * * *

Bitumen Free Space Detection
by Nexyad RoadNex on Smartphone

RoadNex detects free space on road with negative detection of obstacles as vehicle on the video below.

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Nexyad present with Groupement ADAS at Equip’Auto 2017

Equip'Auto_Groupement ADAS

Philippe Orvain, CEO of Nomadic Solutions

Nexyad was present with Groupement ADAS at Equip’Auto Congress in Paris. Groupement ADAS is a SME’s cluster : 10 companies with expertise in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Connected car and Autonomous vehicle. Philippe Orvain CEO of Nomadic Solutions and competitiveness cluster MOV’EO Vice President has responsed to journalist Laurent Meillaud on Congress TV channel.

Watch Philippe Orvain interview on the congress channel with SafetyNex video demo :

* * * * *

Validation of ADAS Nexyad Database with ground reality


Free space ground reality (for RoadNex) and obstacles ground reality (for ObstaNex)

The NEXYAD company is currently developing the construction of a database for the validation of systems of driver assistance and driving delegation, (ADAS and Autonomous car) using the AGENDA methodology published in the 1990s by Gérard Yahiaoui in the field of machine learning and artificial neural networks applications. Here is an example of ground reality : ground reality is needed in order to automate performance / KPIs measurement when you modify the perception system.(methodology initially intended to handle, among other things, the construction of learning databases and tests for the implementation of neural networks).

This database has two essential characteristics:

1) Real-life situations
     Indeed, the AGENDA methodology recommends describing the possible variations of signals and input images as factors of variability and their crosses.
     Example, for obstacle detection:
          . weather (dry weather, sunny weather, rain, fog)          . overall brightness (low, medium, high)
          . vehicle speed (low, moderate, high)
          . type of road (motorway, road with marking, road without marking, …)
          . coating (bitumen 1, bitumen 2, …, pavers)
          . day / night (car headlights and infrastructure lighting)
          . season (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
          . etc.

NEXYAD’s ambition is to propagate its methodological expertise and to enable everyone to evaluate the performance of vision systems for ADAS, be they systems developed by NEXYAD or others.

Click to read the entire article

« Methodology for ADAS Validation: The Potential Contribution of Other Scientific Fields Which Have Already Answered the Same Questions », Gérard Yahiaoui, Pierre Da Silva Dias, CESA congress Dec 2014, Paris, Proc. Springer Verlag

« Methods and tools for ADAS validation », Gérard Yahiaoui, Nicolas du Lac, Safetyweek congress, May 2015, Aschaffenburg

* * * * *

Individual driving risk assessment and car insurance :
what applications ? what business models ?

As many people know now, NEXYAD has been developing the first real time driving risk assessment system called SafetyNex.

SafetyNex is currently available in B2B :
          . as a smartphone App (Android and IOS)
          . as a real time driving risk assessment API that OEMs and Insurers may integrate into their own smartphone App or into their own telematics or ADAS device (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows).

This real time driving risk assessment module has been validated on 50 million km, and applies proven methods for risk assessment, using, for instance, the Frank E. BIRD « safety triangle » concept, and running in real time a knowledge-based system AI that has been built by NEXYAD since 2001. It took 15 years to extract thousands of road safety knowledge atoms from experts of 19 countries. Some of this knowledge is directly operational, some is deep knowledge on detection theory (a mix of Information Theory and Knowledge on Human Brain abilities). And of course, SafetyNex also applies fundamental knowledge on mechanics (braking abilities, …) including complex issues such as grip for example.

Click to read the entire article

* * * * *

SafetyNex can bring Artificial Intelligence into Autopilots
in respect of ASIL ISO 26262

SafetyNex integration in the ASIL 26262.
SafetyNex Asil 26262
© NEXYAD 2017

Complex Automation MUST be ASIL ISO 26262.
Artificial Intelligence CANNOT BE ASIL ISO 26262 (by definition) and acts only on parameters of Complex Automation doing ++/– – variations, never skipping « reflexes actions » (emergency braking, etc), but allowing anticipation speed adaptation to reduce frequency of emergency situations (and then give more margin to reflexes actions and also improve comfort). Maximum acceptable Driving Risk can be changed depending on driving situation in order to set « aggressivity level» of HAV.

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Welcome to YOGOKO, new member of « MOV’EO » Groupement ADAS cluster

In november, cluster Groupement ADAS, from Mobility and Automotive R&D competitiveness national cluster Mov’eo, welcomed YOGOKO as new member. It makes eleven players like a football team, and we hope to score goals in the Automotive market competition.


YoGoKo is a startup company founded in 2014 by employees from three research institutes : Mines ParisTech, Telecom Bretagne and Inria. YoGoKo makes use of software developed in teams specialized in Internet technologies (RSM at Telecom Bretagne) and robotics (CAOR at Mines ParisTech and RITS at Inria). These research teams have been working together since 2006 on innovative communication solutions applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems. They contributed to several collaborative R&D projects related to ITS (CVIS, ITSSv6, GeoNet, DriveC2X, SCORE@F, …).

In 2012, these laboratories engaged together into the development of a common demonstration platform which comprises connected vehicles (fleet of conventional vehicles from Mines ParisTech and fleet of autonomous vehicles from Inria), roadside equipments and cloud-based services.

YoGoKo demonstration platform was finally revealed on Feb. 11 th 2014 during the Mobilité 2.0 event organized by the French Ministry of Transport. This successful demonstation and the extremely warmfull feedack gained at this occasion triggered the launch of YoGoKo as a company.

Thierry Ernst
Thierry Ernst, CEO of Yogoko

SafetyNex driving risk estimation during driving : anticipation of danger

SafetyNex estimates driving risk 20 times per second, during driving (real time).
On the following figure, you can see risk rising when approaching a stop sign with an inappropriate car speed :

Example of driving 1
Speed of the car is quite high before the STOP sign and Risk goes to the maximum with a vocal alarm to the driver which have time to slow down or brake to stop.

Now with a slower speed profile :

Example of driving 2
Speed of the car is lesser here but still too high approaching the STOP sign, there is a vocal alarm again but for lesser time.

And finally the « good » safe speed profile :

Example of driving 3
There is a good anticipation here before the STOP sign, speed is adequate and risk is very low, then null.

This estimation is computed INSIDE the local device (inside the car). Current implementation is on smartphones (IOS and Android), then computing of risk is completely done INSIDE the smartphone : that makes SafetyNex compliant with all driver’s privacu regulations and laws in Europe.

Applications :
. insurance and fleets : vocal alert when risk is too high. As you can see, it lets time to slow down and avoid potential accident. This leads to a reduction of accident rate and a reduction of personal injuries. Of course, risk values can be recorded to do stats (risk profiles) for UBI (Usage Based Insurance) applications. 
. Automotive : same application is navigation with risk alerts. But with a robotized braking system (ADAS), it is possible to trigger braking with risk value. In such a case, it is not emergency braking but rather anticipation braking. 

In addition, it is possible, in the case of HAD (highly Automated Driving) car, to control speed (longitudinal part of auto pilot) very easily : « if risk too high, then slow down », « if risk is low, then accelerate until risk becomes the max value you accept or until you’re at the speed limit ». You write your autopilot with very few lines of code !

Individual driving risk assessment and car insurance : what applications ? what business models ?

As many people know now, NEXYAD has been developing the first real time driving risk assessment system called SafetyNex.

SafetyNex is currently available in B2B :
          . as a smartphone App (Android and IOS)
          . as a real time driving risk assessment API that OEMs and Insurers may integrate into their own smartphone App or into their own telematics or ADAS device (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows).

This real time driving risk assessment module has been validated on 50 million km, and applies proven methods for risk assessment, using, for instance, the Frank E. BIRD « safety triangle » concept, and running in real time a knowledge-based system AI that has been built by NEXYAD since 2001. It took 15 years to extract thousands of road safety knowledge atoms from experts of 19 countries. Some of this knowledge is directly operational, some is deep knowledge on detection theory (a mix of Information Theory and Knowledge on Human Brain abilities). And of course, SafetyNex also applies fundamental knowledge on mechanics (braking abilities, …) including complex issues such as grip for example.

A tough work was to be made in order to build such a knowledge-based system that could cope with « gradual truth » and could run a complex knowledge-based model in real time. Implementation uses fuzzy sets both for facts and knowledge representation, and competition between knowledge atoms uses deep Possibility Theory concepts. Of course, SafetyNex deals with dynamic problems (road accident, with distances, speed, …) and had to find a proper representation of TIME. NEXYAD was not very quick to develop all those solutions and to integrate them into a product called SafetyNex : SafetyNex is proposed for sale since Jan 2017 (first R&D on SafetyNex : 2001). But the result is efficient : you can run SafetyNex on your smartphone while driving your car and see how it helps you to drive much safer without alerting for nothing.

This unique technology places now NEXYAD in the center of the worldwide telematics/adas/data collecting race for car insurers.

So let’s see what are the main applications of SafetyNex for car insurers :

          . PREVENTION : SafetyNex alerts (vocal alert) driver BEFORE a dangerous situation, letting time to slow down and avoid accident. It is the best prevention tool ever : studies showed that 20% of accident can be avoided (then also 20% of personal injuries and fatalities !!!). SafetyNex is the ONLY tool that runs in real time inside the smartphone or inside the telematics/adas devices and then is the ONLY module that can alert driver (all the other systems apply scoring methods on the cloud …). This is a major differenciation for SafetyNex : avoid accident ! Observation of drivers using SafetyNex showed that they change their way of driving in order to mimnimize the number of alerts, then they change their driving behaviour in the long term.

          . COMMUNICATION : SafetyNex gives driver a score of Safe Driving after every trip. This is a positive way of presenting risk and driver appreciate being given a gold cup for his/her high safe driving score. You can imagine many ways to communicate for car insurers. Example : every year, sort all drivers (customers) of a country, find the best (highest SafetyNex safe driving score) and give a huge incentive (offer a brand new car, for instance). Such an incentive tranforms the car insurer’s customers set into a community that tries to drive better, and you can build of course a social network for experience share and local challenges … etc. This is a simple and very concrete use of digital technology both for getting better profits and for saving lives. Marketing executives call this ‘the Nudge Theory ». SafetyNex is a natural candidate for applying this Nudge Theory.

          . KNOWLEDGE : car insurers only know about risk by accident observation. Although the theory of Frank E. BIRD (safety triangle) shows that the proper variable to observe would be what is called « near miss » or « quasi accident ». SafetyNex alerts every time that driver’s behaviour leads to a quasi accident situation. Then car insurers can use SafetyNex to build this new knowledge and sort and cross all their variables with this new notion. Actuaries will quickly find clever ways to use those new sets of data and you will be surprised to see how productive data scientists can be when they have a direct access to new qualified huge set of data.

          . USAGE BASED INSURANCE : Of course, SafetyNex is THE perfect tool for UBI. At the end of every trip, SafetyNex sends data (statistics) : usage (urban, road, highway, time, duration, km, postal code, etc …) and risk (risk profiles). Then it is very easy to propose Usage Based princings (‘as you drive » or « how you drive » etc).

SafetyNex Risk and usage crossed

It is important to notice that real time abilities of SafetyNex also simplify business models :

          . Anyway car insurer does effective prevention with SafetyNex : it is only needed to avoid few personal injuries and fatalities to « pay » the deployment of SafetyNex. That’s the key of SafetyNex deployment : SafetyNex alerts driver WHILE DRIVING and BEFORE danger, then many accident are avoided … then many personal injuries are avoided. If you know the price of a personal injury in you car insurance, then you see that SafetyNex price was made in order to let you get a fair ROI on this issue.
          . Communication (incentive) is then already paid by the number of avoided personal injuries !
          . and in addition, car insurer gets qualified data : for knowledge acquisition and UBI opportunities study.

As a conclusion, we can remember main facts :

          . SafetyNex real time abilities make it VERY DIFFERENT from any other risk assessment solutions (using stats and data science in the cloud) because then SafetyNex ACTS on driving behaviour BEFORE accident and then lets avoid many accidents.
          . Prevention effect of SafetyNex finances it deployment cost.
          . Knowledge extraction and UBI opportunities business models can be done without stress as SafetyNex already gives a fair ROI to car indurer.

Some OEMs and insurers already started to integrate SafetyNex API into their smartphone App or into their telematics/adas device.

It is now time to move forward to the 21st century with digital insurance.

Interpretation of Risk Profiles with SafetyNex
A new paper by Nexyad



Lire la version Française

NEXYAD has been developing the smartphonte application SafetyNex which estimates the risk of driving in real time [1]. SafetyNex is both a driver assistance system (ADAS), which alerts the driver (vocal alert) before danger (When the risk increases too much), and a telematics system that records risk profiles and usage profiles.
Warning before the danger gives the driver time to slow down and avoid the accident. Road Safety studies show that SafetyNex can reduce the number of accidents by 20% [2]. This simple functionality is of interest of car insurers, fleet managers, and to car manufacturers.
SafetyNex also rewards the driver with cups (gold, silver, bronze) that can be transformed into money incentive (vouchers, etc.) so that the safe drivers stil have a daily interest to go on using SafetyNex. Indeed, tools that are not used over a period of time rarely have a real effect on the accidentology. SafetyNex is therefore distinguished from other products, on the one hand by its real time and driving assistance, but also for its « reward » side. SafetyNex informs the driver In real time when the risk exceeds a threshold of danger, than one can say that SafetyNex gives the risk in the hands of the driver first. The driver is in control of his/her risk.
Then SafetyNex distinguishes from all telematics products that ultimately provide information to the insurer or fleet manager, but not to the driver who feels rightly spied on.
Risk and usage profiles [3] are forwarded to managers who have an interest in minimizing risk and the number of accidents. This paper presents a simple way to interpret the risk profiles constructed by SafetyNex.

SafetyNex estimates risk of driving at every instant.
Since SafetyNex also measures usages, it measures among other things the durations and the number of traveled kilometers.
One can then construct the curve Risk (t) which is the risk at each moment, and also the curve Risk (km) which is the risk at each point of the route.

Risk Distance

Risk Distance rated

Let’s consider one or the other of those curves, it is easy then to cut the risk into slots:

Risk 03

It is therefore possible to calculate the total duration spent [resp the total number of km carried out] with a risk
between 10% and 20%, for example (or between 50% and 60%). The graph of these durations [resp number of km] for each range of risk (0% -10%, 10% -20%, etc.), looks like :

Graph 4

It can be seen that this graph can be seperated into three parts:

Graph 05

. A very high bar of near zero risk
. A shape of « bell curve » comparable to a gaussian
. Rising at the very end towards high risks
NEXYAD has run over 3,500 testers since June 2016, and has been able to interpret the shapes of these curves.

The large quasi-zero risk bar simply expresses the fact that overall the car is a safe mode of transportation.
The part that draws a bell curve has a more or less strong spread : we have noticed that experienced drivers have a narrow curve (repeatability of their driving style is high) while beginners have a huge spread (they can’t drive always the same way).
The centering of the bell curve (maximum likelihood) corresponds to the way in which the driver takes a controlled Risk : cautious beginners have a low maximum likelihood (they try to take as less risk as they can) while experienced drivers have a higher maximum likelihood : they know what risk level thay can cope with.
Finally, the values that go up to the right (tail of distribution of the curve in bell) correspond to the vocal alerts, that is to saycases where the driver has not fully understood that the risk is high. In other words, it is the lack of anticipation and misunderstanding of road.

SafetyNex’s risk profiles make it possible to understand the kind of driver you have :
. Cautious / not cautious (maximum likelihood of the bell curve position)
. Experienced / beginner (spreading of the bell curve)
. Lack of anticipation / very good anticipation (queues of distribution of the curve in bell)
Fleet insurers and managers therefore have all the information that they need to help the driver.
For example, within the framework of prevention plans, offering training adapted to each type of risky driving.
We validated this information by driving 3,500 testers, including beginners, experienced drivers, and also pilots (who in take risks appearance, but in reality have a very safe driving). This allowed us to give these interpretations of SafetyNex’s risk profiles.
With the deployment of SafetyNex to reduce the number of accidents, professionals structurally gain margin, and can use this margin to analyze profiles, segment them, and find the segments where it may be interesting to develop UBI (Usage Based Insurance) and real time pricing fleet.
This multi-functionality of SafetyNex makes it a unique and effective tool for managing driving risks.