Example of SafetyNex Risk Profiles Data

See below an example of Risk Profile Data Nexyad is able to give to their customers. SafetyNex provides Eco Driving profiles data, and usages profiles (Kms, date, hours, kind of roads, etc…) all of these can be crossed with Risk Profiles.

SafetyNex Risk Profile

Look at the entire SafetyNex User Manual

NEXYAD new award :
Champion SME (PME championne) of the French cluster MOV’EO

NEXYAD is proud to announce that MOV’EO selected NEXYAD to be one of their CHAMPION high tech SMEs
(PME championne du pôle de compétitivité MOV’EO).

 » we are very proud to get this award from MOV’EO that works hard for high tech SMEs development » said Gerard YAHIAOUI, CEO of NEXYAD. « We participated to the MOV’EO mission at CES 2017 in LasVegas, with Business France, and for us, it is already a success ». « This new award will give us more exposure and for a High-Tech SME it is always a good thing ».


« Nous sommes très fiers d’obtenir cette récompense de MOV’EO qui œuvre pour le développement des PME de hautes technologies dans le secteur de la mobilité. Nous avons participé à la la mission CES 2017 à Las Vegas, avec Business France, et pour Nexyad, c’est déjà un succès. Cette nouvelle récompense nous apporte plus d’exposition et pour une PME de High-Tech c’est toujours une bonne chose. » a déclaré Gérard Yahiaoui le P-DG de Nexyad.

« Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications »
Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14 is Available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #14, December 23th, 2016

Check NEXYAD Technologies for New Mobility Applications

Headlines :

– Demo video of SafetyNex : Smartphone App Onboard Real Time for Driving Risk Assessment
– Cercle LAB Symposium : new digital technologies for Insurance and Bank
– FinTech Community Symposium
– New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies
– Nexyad Technologies for Car Industry and New Mobility : SafetyNex – RoadNex – ObstaNex – VisiNex
– R&D project BIKER ANGEL (Driving Risk Assessment for Motorbikes) has been certified by the pôle FINANCE INNOVATION
– Business Trip to CES at Las Vegas

Read the Newsletter #14


ADAS Technologies of Nexyad about to be deployed Worldwide

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #13, November 25th, 2016

ADAS Technologies of Nexyad
about to be deployed Worldwide

Headlines :

– New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies

– Update of RoadNex & ObstaNex : Road Detection and Obstacles Detection for ADAS and Driverless

– CESA Automotive 2016 : Symposium on Automotive Innovation

– First issue of ADAS Morning on ADAS for Road Safety

– New white paper : ROI Evaluation for Car Insurance Companies with SafetyNex (Real TimeDriving Risk Assessment)

– Vision Systems presented their ADAS Solution Smart-Vision at Automotive Techdays 2016 and announced their partnership with Nexyad

– Nexyad in Media

* * * * *

New Release of SafetyNex : Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Car Industry and Insurance Companies

Reminder :
. SafetyNex App gives risk of accident
. No Big Data on Cloud, but risk is fully calculated inside driver’s smartphone
. The App warns the driver in case of high risk able to generate dangerous situation
. With 4 secondes anticipation that let time to reduce speed or to brake
. Risk construction implements concept of near accident invented by searchers in accidentology
. Near accident is explainable by cause/effect relations
. Regularity of this concept ensures the perfect correlation of calculated risk by SafetyNex with accidentology
. Nexyad work since 2001 and work basis used came from scientific publications

General ergonomics of SafetyNex has changed and after each run you have immediate results of your driving score with Gold Cup if you are safe.

SafetyNex Screenshots
SafetyNex comprehensive HMI


* * * * *

Update of RoadNex & ObstaNex : Road Detection and Obstacles Detection for ADAS and Driverless

Nexyad realised a major update of RoadNex v3.0 & ObstaNex v3.1

Obstacle Detection with ObstaNex by Nexyad: this run was made with a single camera

Obstacle Detection with ObstaNex by Nexyad : city traffic

* * * * *

CESA Automotive 2016 :
Symposium on Automotive Innovation

Nexyad on the booth Groupement ADAS at CESA Automotive 2016


Gérard Yahiaoui & Jochen Langheim













RENAULT ZOE of Adaccess on Groupement ADAS booth at CESA Automotive 2016.






Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad and Jochen Langheim Vice President of ST microelectronics and Chairman of CESA Automotive 2016 on Groupement ADAS booth at CESA in Versailles.

Nexyad Presented SafetyNex at CESA 4.0 2016

Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad presented SafetyNex Real Time Onboard Driving Risk Assessment for Car Telematics at the Conference « Highly Automated Driving New Sensors » of CESA 2016 in Versailles.

Groupement ADAS booth shows top technologies and competences of 9 companies dedicated to ADAS and  sponsored by MOVEO.

. ADACCESS is a French engineering company specialized in embedded measurement and vehicle prototyping.

. CAR&D : Creative Automotive Research and Development (Car Dynamics)

. GLOBALSENSING Technologies : pattern recognition and embedded electronic system specialist

. INTEMPORA : MultiSensor Software Solutions, editor of RT-Maps

. LEDDARTECH : Mastering Lidar Sensor Technology

. NEXYAD: your host

. NOMADIC Solutions : Mobility Creator, electronic devices

. SHERPA Engineering is a company specialized in modeling, simulation and control design

. TRANSPOLIS : Exploring innovative Urban mobility solutions (tracks)



* * * * *

First issue of ADAS Morning on ADAS for Road Safety

Cluster « Groupement ADAS » Launched the october 18th first ADAS Morning co-organized with MOVEO in Paris. Thema was ADAS and Road Safety : to discuss challenges, solutions and opportunities with many specialists personalities in the field in front of a large audience.

Les enjeux
Les enjeux humains
ADAS et véhicules autonomes quels enjeux pour les personnes ayant des besoins spécifiques –  Claude Dumas – CEREMH 
Les chiffres de l’insécurité routière : Christophe Ramond – Prévention Routière
ADAS et facteurs humains : Apports des sciences cognitives- Franck Techer – IFFSTAR
Les enjeux économiques
Risque routier lié au travail: quel coût pour les entreprises ? Patrick Oberto – Promotion et Suivi de la Sécurité Routière en Entreprise
ADAS et TIC, outils de disruption de la chaîne assurancielle :  Philippe Caton – COVEA
Diminution de la sinistralité responsable : Jean Zermati – ORANGE

Les solutions actuelles 
Les systèmes de sécurité active et les ADAS
Evolution technique de l’accidentologie et de la problématique d’estimation du gain des ADAS  : Philippe Chrétien – CEESAR 
Nouvelles mobilités et sécurité routière : quelles  évolutions pour l’infrastructure ?  : Eric Violette – CEREMA 
Assistant nomade à la conduite sûre et responsable : Gérard Yahiaoui – NEXYAD

Les Perspectives 
Le défi de la sécurité routière : l’intégration des facteurs humains dans les cas d’usages d’expérimentation des ADAS :  Stéphane Barbier – TRANSPOLIS
Véhicule autonome, une révolution de la mobilité  – Rémi BASTIEN–RENAULT 

Eric Violette – Cerema

Jean Zermati – Orange

Philippe Caton – COVEA

Gérard Yahiaou – Nexyad

Franck Techer – IFSTTAR
Christophe Ramon – Prévention Routière

Rémi Bastien – Renault

Nicolas du Lac - Intempora

Nicolas du Lac – Intempora

Stéphane Fernier - Transpolis

Stéphane Fernier – Transpolis

You’ll find all the videos of presentations HERE

NEXYAD presented SafetyNex Driving Risk Assessment Smartphone App
Download the presentation of SafetyNex by Nexyad

* * * * *

New white paper : ROI Evaluation for Insurance Companies with SafetyNex

New Nexyad paper :

Real time App for onboard driving risk assessment SafetyNex used by Insurance Companies
(onboard telematics with smartphone for car insurance)
Evaluation of return on investment (ROI)
European and American car Insurance Companies are all currently testing onboard telematics systems (on professional electronics devices or on Smartphones), in order to study new opportunities provided by digital technologies in the evolution of their business and business models [1].
We also can see now some experiments in Asia. Indeed, digitization of the economy has an impact on insurance industry too, as new competitors such as GAFAMs (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) come to their car insurance market with new approaches, always ready to capture value.
The main idea behind testing telematics is that it would be nice to adjust at best pricing of insurance depending on the driver. Onboard telematics is expected to « measure » usage (kind of road, day/night, number of km, et …) and to estimate risk taken by the driver.
Read the entire paper

* * * * *

Vision Systems presenting Smart-Vision
at Automotive Techdays 2016

Friday, november 4th, at Automotive Techdays in Lyon (Rhône-Alpes), Vision System announced its new technology Smart-Vision. This ADAS innovation is fully developed by the firm from Brignais in partnership with Nexyad.
Techdays 2016
Smart-Vision is a unique and complete rearview and surround view system replacing traditional mirrors with HD digital cameras and interior screens.This system informs the driver :
. When a vehicle is coming from the back 80 meters away
. When a vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian enters the blind spot area, each with a specific signal, regardless of the speed of the vehicle or the external environment.
. When they can safely change lane (for example, after overtaking).
Smart Vision
Smart-Vision reduces power/fuel consumption significantly, enhances ergonomics and improves safety.
Both hardware and software are tailor-made by Vision Systems.

* * * * *

Nexyad in Media

Article de la PFA (Filières Automobile et Mobilités) citant Nexyad :

Retour sur le congrès du CESA 4.0 – « Automotive Electronic Systems »

un article de la PFA qui cite Nexyad

Pitch of Nexyad at CESA Automotive 2016 in Versailles
Pitch de Nexyad au Congrès CESA Automotive 2016 à Versailles

Interview du P-DG de Nexyad au Mondial de l’Automobile

Dans le cadre du Mondial de l’Automobile à Paris 2016, Gérard Yahiaoui était interviewé le 3 octobre sur le plateau de la chaîne TV du Mondial. (English translation coming soon)

Interview of Nexyad CEO, Gérard Yahiaoui, by Laurent Meillaud at Mondial de l’Auto TV

Evolution of ObstaNex v3.0

New Release of Nexyad ObstaNex v3.0

This new version included pattern recognition and tracking, and new management of camera model of with a special component that allows multiple camera models on a same RT-Maps diagram.
Applications are ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Driverless Car, but also Road Safety.

ObstaNex v3.0 : Obstacles Detection for ADAS (here filter on vehicles detection)

L’accident mortel en Tesla aurait peut-être pu être évité

L’accident mortel en TESLA aurait peut-être pu être évité grâce à des modules logiciels de NEXYAD

English translation

par NEXYAD, août 2016

Les passions se déchaînent autour de la question des véhicules autonomes, ou semi-autonomes. Récemment, une personne a perdu la vie dans son véhicule TESLA alors qu’il était en mode auto-pilote.
NEXYAD a étudié la sécurité routière pendant une vingtaine d’année, et nous donnons quelques éléments de réflexion sur ce type d’accident.

Les chaînes de traitement de l’information des systèmes auto-pilote, driverless, etc… allant de la perception de l’environnement jusqu’à la prise de décision et à la gestion automatique des actionneurs, sont généralement très bien conçues, et mettent en œuvre des modules performants. Mais cela ne suffit pas à rendre nul le risque d’accident. En effet, pour traiter ce risque, il manque une chaîne parallèle (et indépendante) de « monitoring ».
C’est pour bien comprendre cette nécessité, il faut tout d’abord appréhender le niveau de complexité d’une scène routière vue par une caméra.

Le livre blanc à lire ici

Accident fatalities in a TESLA car

Accident fatalities in a TESLA car might have been avoided by using software modules of NEXYAD :
the time for monitoring circuit has come.

Version française


Processing circuit, informing auto-pilot systems, control, etc … from perception, data fusion, decision-making, and automatic control of actuators, are usually very well designed, and based on high-performance modules. But unfortunately, this is not enough to void the risk of accidents. Indeed, for the treatment of this risk, it lacks a parallel circuit (parallel and independent) called « monitoring » circuit.
To understand this need for a monitoring circuit, one must first understand the level of complexity of a road scene viewed from a camera.

The variability of road scenes is actually much more than what a normal person comes to imagine. Indeed, a color image, which has eight bits for each colors (then, 24-bit, as there are 3 colors) may encode 224 different color levels per pixel (more than 65,000 different possible values). HD video has more than 2 million pixels.
This means that the matrix of HD 8-bit color image may encode more than 65 0002 000 000 images !
This huge number is simply unimaginable.

Read the entire paper

Accidented Tesla

A scale model car to test ADAS

NEXYAD will use a scale model car for ADAS and driverless software modules testing & validation.

Nexyad built their own intelligent scale model of car integrating a camera and telecommunications to a PC running the RT-MAPS framework (by INTEMPORA).

Scale Model Car Nexyad

The PC runs real world detection software modules of NEXYAD into the framework RT-MAPS. Then the
scale model car can evoluate on a scale model landscape where it is easy to generate complex use cases
such as sun rising and other perturbations that are not easy to record in the real world and that are not that easy to simulate.

Beside, Nexyad built a testing and validation database that will represent thousands of million km of natural driving with the fewest number of vids as possible.
NB : this NEXYAD validation database will be available for free to every research and development team in the world on the NEXYAD web site.


This database will be used by NEXYAD of course to test and validate their own software modules for ADAS and Driverless cars :
. RoadNex for road detection
. ObstaNex for obstacles detection
. ObstaNex BiCam for obstacles detection using 2 cams
. VisiNex for visibility measurement
. SafetyNex for real time onboard risk assessment

This database is the result of a advanced methodology published in the 90’s by Nexyad Founder. The methodology « AGENDA » allows to build and validate camera-based complex detection and recognition systems (for ADAS and driverless cars).
This methodology was recently re-published and presented in different symposiums in Europe to show exactly how it may be used by car manufacturers and their OEMs.

SafetyNex uses Here Maps

Nexyad SafetyNex is an App of risk assessment for smartphone, onboard in real-time.

SafetyNex was built on a knowledge base. Our App analyses in real time the adequacy of driver behavior (speed, etc.) and the difficulties of the road infrastructure. To do this, SafetyNex reads the Here Map in front of the vehicle (some seconds before) and an artificial intelligence system gives the risk taken by the driver every second.
The Here Map was selected because it offers the greatest number of points of interest so far, and for his high sharpness.


– warns the driver of danger if the speed of the car is too high
– warns the driver when speed doesn’t fit difficulty of road infrastructure
– calls automatically a chosen phone number in case of severe collision
– gives risk and usage profiles (for insurances companies)

SafetyNex is able to manage safety of the driver in about 200 different countries, this makes SafetyNex an International service.

Here Maps

Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development : second day

Wenesday 1st of June : Presentation this morning by Gérard YAHIAOUI President & CEO of NEXYAD, France

Validation of camera-based artificial vision systems applied on open world is a very complex issue. An HD colour camera may generate more than 65 000 power 2 000 000 different images (information theory), so it is not possible to test every possible message. We propose a deterministic approach for building a validation database using the AGENDA methodology that was developed and published in the 1990s for neural network database (learn & test) design.

A large audience attended to this conference that questions the way for Autonomous Vehicle ADAS validation.

Conference Stuttgart 2016
Gérard on the left, the conference’s audience on the top and the booth of Groupement ADAS from the mezzanine.

Where to find Nexyad at Testing Expo 2016 in Stuttgart

Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2016 will take place at Stuttgart Messe May 31th, June 1er and 2nd.
This congress is huge and Nexyad will share the booth #1170 of Groupement ADAS (SME’s cluster) with Intempora and GlobalSensing Technologies.This venue is sponsorized by Moveo.
See in the planfloor below where to find NEXYAD which will present his three camera based onboard software : RoadNex for Road Detection, ObstaNex for Obstacle Detection and VisiNex for Visibility Measurement, and also our onboard software for measurement of risk in driving SafetyNex.

Testing Expo 2016 Floorplan

Second and last day in Munich at Active Safety Congress

Active Safety Europe : ADAS to Autonomous.

Lot’s of visitors yesterday and many contacts for Nexyad.
Today Nicolas du LAC CEO of Intempora and member of Groupement ADAS make a presentation for the congressmen : ADAS Validation: non-deterministic algorithms vs ISO-26262
Number crunching technologies and non-deterministic algorithms (image processing, neural networks, data fusion…) are taking in charge more and more functions and driving tasks in vehicles. Autonomous vehicles will be based on many of these. How to validate such functions when facing such different possible driving scenarios ?

Nicolas Dulac Intempora
Our colleague Nicolas du LAC of Groupement ADAS (SME’s cluster)