Demonstration to Continental of Dreamotor1
Feb 15th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of Continental around Renault Guyancourt (west of Paris).
Feb 15th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of Continental around Renault Guyancourt (west of Paris).
Feb 7th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of VALEO Mobility Tech Center around Créteil (south of Paris).
We could showcase DREAMOTOR1 yesterday at RENAULT with NEXYAD of course, and our partner HERE Technologies. Functions showcased: . Safety score, . Safety CoachThere will be many showcases of DREAMOTOR1 in France and in Europe during 2022.We have integrated technologies from NEXYAD, INTEMPORA, ECOTECHNILIN, and we wrote all the global and detailed specifications for integration of technologies from SBG Systems, YOGOKO, IMPORTANT. |
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We are discussing with GREENERWAVE to fancy the best way to integrate their technology. DREAMOTOR1 is already the smarter demo car and will remain it in time.
On the picture at RENAULT Guyancourt, I am with Olivier Beldi from HERE Technologies. HERE Technologies believed in NEXYAD from the very start, And we showcase together at RENAULT (that have signed with GOOGLE), and in a way, we « bring » HERE with us, and they help us being better. Small teams may bring strategic advantages … We’re happy about this.
Now that we have DREAMOTOR1, our unique embedded cognitive AI technology SafetyNex, which is second to none, can be showcased for 3 functions:
. Safety Score: much more accurate and relevant than TESLA one. Think again ! it is not everyday that you have the opportinuty to take over TESLA !
. Safety Coach that advices driver during trip and helps to avoid most emergency situations (and then many accidents)
. Preventive ACC / AD (soon available on DREAMOTOR1) that controls vehicle speed in order to keep driving behavior cautious regarding static and dynamic contexts
Nobody stops Dreamotor 1.
#NEXYAD #HERE #HEREtechnologies #TESLA #RENAULT #DREAMOTOR1 #AI #embedded #ADAS #GOOGLE #CognitiveAI #DemoCar #Emergency #EmergencySituations #Accident #RoadSafety
The second of december at ESIGELEC in Saint Etienne du Rouvray, the french Automotive & Mobility Cluster NEXTMOVE has organized the presentation of the two demo cars involved with Demo ICIM project : NextCar by Nextmove and Dreamotor1 by Nexyad.
#Esigelec #Nextmove #Nextcar #Kad! #Good Angel #Gulplug #HyVibe #TechnoMap #ProtectEcran #StEtienneduRouvray #dreamotor1 #roadsafety #intelligentcar #democar #Nexyad #YoGoKo #SGBsystems #FHelectronics #Intempora #EcoTechnilin #!important #NormandyRegion #EuropeanUnion #roadsafety #safetyscore #safetycoach #anticipativeACC #ACC #green #newmaterials #cockpit #PFA #Paris
Video of DREAMOTOR 1 at PFA event in Paris Oct. 26th 2021
Featured participant to DREAMOTOR 1 demo car : Nexyad, Nextmove, EcoTechnilin, Intempora, YoGoKo
Visit the PFA website
#dreamotor1 #roadsafety #intelligentcar #democar #nexyad #YoGoKo #SGBsystems #FHelectronics #Nextmove #Intempora #EcoTechnilin #!important #NormandyRegion #EuropeanUnion
#roadsafety #safetyscore #safetycoach #anticipativeACC #ACC #green #newmaterials #cockpit #PFA #Paris
La PME française a mis au point un outil qui permet de calculer les risques en fonction du profil de la route, de l’environnement et de la vitesse. Ce système combine l’intelligence artificielle, des capteurs et des cartes de haute précision.
Lors du récent congrès sur les transports intelligents (ITS) de Hambourg, on a pu voir tourner dans les rues de la ville une Renault ZOE baptisée « Dreamotor 1 ». Et elle serait, selon ses concepteurs, l’un des plus sûres au monde. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’elle intègre un système d’intelligence artificielle très évolué, fruit de 20 ans de recherche au sein de la PME Nexyad, et qui a fait ses preuves*. Ce système a pour nom SafetyNex et mesure 20 fois par seconde le niveau de risque en fonction du contexte routier (vitesse, analyse de l’environnement, type de route). Cet outil assez unique s’appuie sur les cartes pour GPS de haute précision de HERE Technologies, dans le cadre d’un partenariat. La ZOE intègre une fonction « safety coach » qui s’appuie sur des données en temps réel pour recommander au conducteur à quelle vitesse maximale il peut rouler. Précisons que ce coach peut aussi agir en cas d’urgence sur le régulateur de vitesse intelligent (ACC), s’il estime que le niveau de danger est trop élevé et en cas de non-réaction. Le système d’IA de Nexyad bénéficie à bord de ce prototype de l’apport d’autres technologies pour calculer encore plus précisément en temps réel le risque routier. Lire l’article en entier sur le site
Our DREAMOTOR 1 car was not already available. What we call DREAMOTOR 1 V0 is a RENAULT ZOE that we’ve been renting in Hamburg. In this ZOE we installed a PC + sensors etc. and could showcase 3 automotive functions : . Safety score : at the end of every trip, we give statistics of caution : driving behavior is described with caution profile, risk (= lack of caution) profile, and global scores such as driving caution score, anticipation ability score, driving skills score, and observed self-confidence score. This V0 did not integrate already all the technologies of partners which bring for most of them new inputs to NEXYAD caution assessment cognitive AI in order to get a better description of context. |
Some OEMs tried DREAMOTOR1 V0 in the streets of Hamburg (real tests in real streets) and NEXYAD got very good feedbacks. Now we are on partners technologies integration to improve functions. Soon the next episode at PFA Day (journée de la Plateforme Française de l’Automobile) à Paris.
– Nexyad CEO Editorial
– HERE360 Article about Nexyad Cognitive AI for Road Safety
– SIA Study Day: AI Applied to AV
– Democar Nexyad DREAMOTOR1
– New Book : From AI to Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
– Chair VAC at INSA Rouen – Press about Nexyad