« NEXYAD SafetyNex cognitive AI brings a new paradigm for road safety in ADAS and Autonomous Driving »
Vincent ABADIE, VP Autonomous Vehicle at STELLANTIS

We are proud and glad to work on advanced robotized driving projects with STELLANTIS talented engineers team.
Let’s make it a reality for common people.

Vincent ABADIE, VP Autonomous Vehicle at STELLANTIS and Gerard YAHIAOUI, NEXYAD CEO

Demonstration to VALEO of Dreamotor1


Feb 7th, Dreamotor1 was tested by several persons of VALEO Mobility Tech Center around Créteil (south of Paris).



We could showcase DREAMOTOR1 yesterday at RENAULT with NEXYAD of course, and our partner HERE Technologies.
Functions showcased:
. Safety score,
. Safety CoachThere will be many showcases of DREAMOTOR1 in France and in Europe during 2022.We have integrated technologies from NEXYAD, INTEMPORA, ECOTECHNILIN, and we wrote all the global and detailed specifications for integration of technologies from SBG Systems, YOGOKO, IMPORTANT.

We are discussing with GREENERWAVE to fancy the best way to integrate their technology. DREAMOTOR1 is already the smarter demo car and will remain it in time.
On the picture at RENAULT Guyancourt, I am with Olivier Beldi from HERE Technologies. HERE Technologies believed in NEXYAD from the very start, And we showcase together at RENAULT (that have signed with GOOGLE), and in a way, we « bring » HERE with us, and they help us being better. Small teams may bring strategic advantages … We’re happy about this.

Now that we have DREAMOTOR1, our unique embedded cognitive AI technology SafetyNex, which is second to none, can be showcased for 3 functions:
. Safety Score: much more accurate and relevant than TESLA one. Think again ! it is not everyday that you have the opportinuty to take over TESLA !
. Safety Coach that advices driver during trip and helps to avoid most emergency situations (and then many accidents)
. Preventive ACC / AD (soon available on DREAMOTOR1) that controls vehicle speed in order to keep driving behavior cautious regarding static and dynamic contexts

Nobody stops Dreamotor 1.

#NEXYAD #HERE #HEREtechnologies #TESLA #RENAULT #DREAMOTOR1 #AI #embedded #ADAS #GOOGLE #CognitiveAI #DemoCar #Emergency #EmergencySituations #Accident #RoadSafety

Presentation of Nextcar and Dreamotor 1 to french media

The second of december at ESIGELEC in Saint Etienne du Rouvray, the french Automotive & Mobility Cluster NEXTMOVE has organized the presentation of the two demo cars involved with Demo ICIM project : NextCar by Nextmove and Dreamotor1 by Nexyad.

#Esigelec #Nextmove #Nextcar #Kad! #Good Angel #Gulplug #HyVibe #TechnoMap #ProtectEcran #StEtienneduRouvray #dreamotor1 #roadsafety #intelligentcar #democar #Nexyad #YoGoKo #SGBsystems #FHelectronics #Intempora #EcoTechnilin #!important #NormandyRegion #EuropeanUnion #roadsafety #safetyscore #safetycoach #anticipativeACC #ACC #green #newmaterials #cockpit #PFA #Paris

Another look on PFA event (french automotive sector day) in Paris

Video of DREAMOTOR 1 at PFA event in Paris Oct. 26th 2021
Featured participant to DREAMOTOR 1 demo car : Nexyad, Nextmove, EcoTechnilin, Intempora, YoGoKo

Visit the PFA website
#dreamotor1 #roadsafety #intelligentcar #democar #nexyad #YoGoKo #SGBsystems #FHelectronics #Nextmove #Intempora #EcoTechnilin #!important #NormandyRegion #EuropeanUnion
#roadsafety #safetyscore #safetycoach #anticipativeACC #ACC #green #newmaterials #cockpit #PFA #Paris

New article from Auto News by Laurent Meillaud (in french)



La PME française a mis au point un outil qui permet de calculer les risques en fonction du profil de la route, de l’environnement et de la vitesse. Ce système combine l’intelligence artificielle, des capteurs et des cartes de haute précision.

Lors du récent congrès sur les transports intelligents (ITS) de Hambourg, on a pu voir tourner dans les rues de la ville une Renault ZOE baptisée « Dreamotor 1 ». Et elle serait, selon ses concepteurs, l’un des plus sûres au monde. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’elle intègre un système d’intelligence artificielle très évolué, fruit de 20 ans de recherche au sein de la PME Nexyad, et qui a fait ses preuves*. Ce système a pour nom SafetyNex et mesure 20 fois par seconde le niveau de risque en fonction du contexte routier (vitesse, analyse de l’environnement, type de route). Cet outil assez unique s’appuie sur les cartes pour GPS de haute précision de HERE Technologies, dans le cadre d’un partenariat. La ZOE intègre une fonction « safety coach » qui s’appuie sur des données en temps réel pour recommander au conducteur à quelle vitesse maximale il peut rouler. Précisons que ce coach peut aussi agir en cas d’urgence sur le régulateur de vitesse intelligent (ACC), s’il estime que le niveau de danger est trop élevé et en cas de non-réaction. Le système d’IA de Nexyad bénéficie à bord de ce prototype de l’apport d’autres technologies pour calculer encore plus précisément en temps réel le risque routier.

Lire l’article en entier sur le site








French Automovive Sector day « PFA » In Paris


The 26th of october 2021 took place at la Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie in Paris, the day of the French Automotive Sector (PFA). Many officials, president of PFA, Luc Chatel, Industry miniter Bruno Lemaire, and automotive executives as Luca De Meo CEOof Renault Group were present.
Nexyad participated and showed outside its demo car Dreamotor 1 (below).


DEMO ICIM (above) is a demo car of the French Automotive & Mobility cluster NEXTMOVE that integrates technologies of member SMEs including NEXYAD Cognitive AI SafetyNex. This demo car Demo ICIM is a « sister » of DREAMOTOR 1. NEXYAD and NEXTMOVE have a signed partnership to promote the two cars together and show the excellence in clean and intelligent vehicles.


Nexyad has launched the cooperative demo car DREAMOTOR 1 at ITS World 2021 in Hamburg


Our DREAMOTOR 1 car was not already available. What we call DREAMOTOR 1 V0 is a RENAULT ZOE that we’ve been renting in Hamburg. In this ZOE we installed a PC + sensors etc. and could showcase 3 automotive functions :

. Safety score : at the end of every trip, we give statistics of caution : driving behavior is described with caution profile, risk (= lack of caution) profile, and global scores such as driving caution score, anticipation ability score, driving skills score, and observed self-confidence score.
. Safety coach : during driving, caution and risk are estimatied onboard in real time (20 times per second), and then are used to give advices to driver in order to avoid incautious behaviors. It has been validated that this system reduces accident rate by at least 25%.
. Anticipative ACC and AD : in real time, knowing context, the same system can estimate 20 times per second what should be the good behavior in order not to exceed a max accepted risk (= lack of caution). In particular, what should be vehicle speed (which brings a setpoint value to ACC).

This V0 did not integrate already all the technologies of partners which bring for most of them new inputs to NEXYAD caution assessment cognitive AI in order to get a better description of context.
This will be done in DREAMOTOR 1 V1.

Some OEMs tried DREAMOTOR1 V0 in the streets of Hamburg (real tests in real streets) and NEXYAD got very good feedbacks. Now we are on partners technologies integration to improve functions.

Soon the next episode at PFA Day (journée de la Plateforme Française de l’Automobile) à Paris.


See all information about DREAMOTOR 1.

NEXYAD Newsletter #34 is now available

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #34, September 29th, 2021


Democar Nexyad Dreamotor1



– Nexyad CEO Editorial

– HERE360 Article about Nexyad Cognitive AI for Road Safety

– SIA Study Day: AI Applied to AV

– Democar Nexyad DREAMOTOR1

– New Book : From AI to Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

– Chair VAC at INSA Rouen – Press about Nexyad


Read NEXYAD Newsletter #34

Meetup Connected Vehicles : Technologies & Applications

Gérard YAHIAOUI presented Artificial Intelligence SafetyNex at Meetup « Connected Vehicles : Technologies and Applications organized by Laurent Dunys, COO of Xmotion.
This meetup took place at Dunasys with a speech of Frédéric Lassara to explain Dunasys activities.

Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of NEXYAD


New NEXYAD Scientific Publication

Real Time Driving Risk Assessment for Onboard Accident Prevention :
Application to Vocal Driving Risk Assistant, ADAS, and Autonomous Driving

by Johann Brunet, Pierre Da Silva Dias, Gérard Yahiaoui


Proceedings of the 5th CESA Automotive Electronics Congress, Paris, 2018.

Jochen Langheim, Editor





Nexyad and Augmented Intelligence

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #27, May 13th, 2019


Nexyad and Augmented Intelligence


Headlines :

– Nexyad CEO speaker at Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit
– High Level Nexyad at Secours&Vous Congress in Paris
– Rotary Digital Meeting 2019
– La Route Zéro wrote about Nexyad
– SafetyNex at VivaTech 16-18 may in Paris


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Nexyad CEO speaker at Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit



Vincent Beaufils interviewing Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO

NEXYAD was pleased to participate to this summit on Artificial Intelligence. We could explain how our Artificial Intelligence -based software component SafetyNex is now embedded in many products worldwide and how it transforms industry (aftermarket for telematics – fleets & insurance -, new vehicles – cockpit and AD systems ).

We also explained how such a module, via a reward system, can be used by B2C mass market distribution firms to acquire consumers at low cost, in a « nudge » positive loop that will save many lives.

And we were very interested in other speakers presentations with so many different interesting point of views on AI.

Many famous speakers gave their view during the day, such as Jacques Aschenbroich, Valeo CEO; Luc Julia, Samsung CTO & Senior Vice President Innovation; Antoine Bordes, Facebook AI Research Director; Luc Bretones, Orange Technocentre Director; Jean-François Copé, former minister: Marko Erman, Thales Technical & research Director;

Lunch Time, from the left: Luc Julia – CTO of Samsung, Gérard Yahiaoui – CEO of Nexyad and Jacques Aschenbroich – CEO of Valeo

Challenge Startup & Innovation

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Nexyad at Secours & Vous Congress in Paris


NEXYAD presenting SafetyNex for road accident prevention on the NEXYAD booth offered by French Government as a reward for the 2019 Innovation Prize of ROAD SAFETY that SafetyNex got last month from Ministry of Interior.

The French Road Safety invited other winners of 2019 Innovation Prize from different categories :

AWAKEN Car is a real solution to save motorists’ lives and reduce car theft. Real time notifications to emergency services, notifications during a vehicle theft, vehicle diagnostic, preventive maintenance, budget management and privacy policy.

ABEILLES is an editor of Kid’s Educational Games from 3 to 12 years old, around Road Safety, Nutrition, First Aid, Health, Environment & Discovery.

GOOD ANGEL provides a revolutionary Connected Alcohol Sensor, in order to reduce the risk of drunk driving and to compensate for the lack of management solutions for drivers under the influence of alcohol and accompanying passengers. The reusable device is connected to user’s smartphone. In case of positive detection, a concierge service is proposed to pick up driver and passengers 24/7.

ELLCIE HEALTHY proposes smart connected frames designed to look after user everyday without any discomfort. They will evolve thanks to software updates, and user will be able to benefit from new features with the same connected eyewear purchased. Today their connected eyewear detects drowsiness; tomorrow they will detect falls, and even prevent them, allow activity tracking and a lot more.

G-ADDICTION is an association that organized Escape Games on themes like:alcohol, speed, drugs, phone and hands-free kit while driving; seatbelt; dangers of 2 wheels; compliance with the Road Code, pedestrians, and disability after the accident.

Abeilles top left, G-Addiction top right, Awaken Car down left and Good Angel down right


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Rotary Digital Meeting 2019




2019, 10th April, at the prestigious Engineering School Mines ParisTech in Paris, the Rotary club has organized a Conference about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Two moderators from the Rotary Club Philippe Simon and Franck Simon interviewed four speakers:

– STIM: Frédéric ARNOUX, PhD
– GOOGLE: Béatrice de Clermont Tonnerre

Gérard YAHIAOUI, Nexyad CEO, explaining AI


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La Route Zéro wrote about Nexyad


AI to Serve Road Safety

Artificial Intelligence is developing in many sectors including automotive. Zérotracas met Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad, who presented his SafetyNex driver alert solution. Thanks to its embedded artificial intelligence, SafetyNex computes at every moment the risk taken by the driver and the alert case of risk taking too important to improve its safety and avoid the accident.Check out the company that received the Innovation Award for Road Safety for this solution.

Read the French article


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Nexyad at VivaTech 16-18 may in Paris


Nexyad will present revolutionary SafetyNex, winner of 2019 Innovation prize by French Road Safety administration.

SafetyNex is a unique proactive solution to keep drivers safe on roads. This can reduce accident rate at least by 20%.

SafetyNex at Vivatech 16-18 may in Paris

Nexyad will present revolutionary SafetyNex, winner of 2019 Innovation prize by French Road Safety administration.

SafetyNex is a unique proactive solution to keep drivers safe on roads. This can reduce accident rate at least by 20%.

NEXYAD at Secours&Vous Congress in Paris

NEXYAD presenting SafetyNex for road accident prevention on the NEXYAD booth offered by French Government as a reward for the 2019 Innovation Prize of ROAD SAFETY that SafetyNex got last month from Ministry of Interior.

The French Road Safety invited other winners of 2019 Innovation Prize from different categories :

AWAKEN Car is a real solution to save motorists’ lives and reduce car theft. Real time notifications to emergency services, notifications during a vehicle theft, vehicle diagnostic, preventive maintenance, budget management and privacy policy.

ABEILLES is an editor of Kid’s Educational Games from 3 to 12 years old, around Road Safety, Nutrition, First Aid, Health, Environment & Discovery.

GOOD ANGEL provides a revolutionary Connected Alcohol Sensor, in order to reduce the risk of drunk driving and to compensate for the lack of management solutions for drivers under the influence of alcohol and accompanying passengers. The reusable device is connected to user’s smartphone. In case of positive detection, a concierge service is proposed to pick up driver and passengers 24/7.

ELLCIE HEALTHY proposes smart connected frames designed to look after user everyday without any discomfort. They will evolve thanks to software updates, and user will be able to benefit from new features with the same connected eyewear purchased. Today their connected eyewear detects drowsiness; tomorrow they will detect falls, and even prevent them, allow activity tracking and a lot more.

G-ADDICTION is an association that organized Escape Games on themes like:alcohol, speed, drugs, phone and hands-free kit while driving; seatbelt; dangers of 2 wheels; compliance with the Road Code, pedestrians, and disability after the accident.

Abeilles top left, G-Addiction top right, Awaken Car down left and Good Angel down right

Nexyad CEO speaker at
Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit

Nexyad CEO speaker at Challenge Startup & Innovation Summit


NEXYAD was pleased to participate to this summit on Artificial Intelligence. We could explain how our Artificial Intelligence -based software component SafetyNex is now embedded in many products worldwide and how it transforms industry (aftermarket for telematics – fleets & insurance -, new vehicles – cockpit and AD systems ).

We also explained how such a module, via a reward system, can be used by B2C mass market distribution firms to acquire consumers at low cost, in a « nudge » positive loop that will save many lives.

And we were very interested in other speakers presentations with so many different interesting point of views on AI.

Vincent Beaufils interviewing Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO

Challenge Startup & Innovation

New Important Reward for SafetyNex

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #26, March 24th, 2019


New Important Reward for SafetyNex
Headlines :

– SafetyNex won Road Safety Innovation Prize
– Road Detection RoadNex New Update
– Go from Level 3 to Level 5 with SafetyNex
– High Level Fonctional Specification of a Self-Driving Vehicle (Point to Point, any Destination): What about Driving Risk ?
– News about NEXYAD in Global Fleet
– Nexyad CEO Speaker at two conferences on AI


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SafetyNex won Road Safety Innovation Prize
February 20th was held at the House of the RATP the award ceremony of the Innovation Road Safety Challenge and Innovation Road Safety Award. Through these two competitions, Delegation to road safety attached to French Ministry of Interior supports innovations that make the road safer.
Nexyad presented SafetyNex, Artificial Intelligence based software component that computes at each moment the Driving Risk (like the teacher besides you the day of the driving licence) that the driver is currently taking :
. for human drivers, a vocal alert makes you aware that your taking too much risk and then driver can slow down and avoid emergency situations
. for Autonomous Driving systems, it is possible to servo-control Driving Risk and keep it under a maximum accepted risk value : AD system becomes adaptive to risk.

All Nexyad Team is proud with this Innovation Prize !

French Road Safety Innovation Prize


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Road Detection RoadNex New Update

Some companies try to detect freespace with a regular camera, without IR (SWIR etc …), without fusion with LIDAR, just because it allows low cost applications especially for aftermarket. Here is an example of the NEXYAD module RoadNex. One can see that there are a lot of cracks, patches (highlights and dark zones), and that RoadNex still detects free space in front of the car. Especially useful in the roundabout (see video).
Note : It runs on a regular chip (real time on a regular smartphone, for instance). It means that cost of deployment is « cost of software only », NO NEED for a special smart hardware architecture (NVIDIA …) or a special camera. This is the differentiation of NEXYAD : we do not try to provide « perfect and beautiful » detection (that is already achieved by MOBILEYE for instance, but we think, beyond market price for markets we target), but rather an efficient quick detection for some valuable functions at market price. Our free space detection is currently under integration into dashcams.


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Go from Level 3 to Level 5 with SafetyNex
Do not change your AD System but enhance its Autonomy from level 3 to level 5 by making it Adaptative.
Yes, level of autonomy is not a matter of number of use cases taken into account during fine tuning or deep Learning, and during validation. Indeed, a feedforward chain cannot be trusted anyway because it is not adaptive. The number of use cases is quite infinite and there will alsways be a « hole » in your scenario crossings
So once your feedforward AD system chain seems to work at 94% (that’s what Elon MUSK said about new TESLA), it is not necessary to go on developing it. Yes, it is time to make it adaptive by integrating this AD system into a loop of safety monitoring. Of course, everyone thinks of functional safety (covariance, etc), and it must be done, but again it is not enough. We propose to measure at each moment the Driving risk that the AD system is taking (road safety) in order to adapt decision automatically to keep risk under a maximum accepted value. This is easy to do using our software component SafetyNex as an added layer to your existing AD system.
See figure below.

Schéma SafetyNex ADS adaptative


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High Level Fonctional Specification of a Self-Driving Vehicle
(Point to Point, any Destination): What about Driving Risk ?

A general usage self-Driving vehicle is an object that picks you at a point A (that may be anywhere) and takes you to a point B (that may be any reachable point from A), as fast as possible, in comfort and safety. And that’s it (main features).

a . as far as possible : it is the actual efficiency of transportation, as mobility is a key element of Economy
b . comfort : it is the fact that the travel is enjoyable
c . safety of Driving : risk of road accident is few because the vehicle controls the Driving risk that it takes. Note : we consider that the object in itself is already safe (functional safety solved).

How to control those 3 items ?
a . chronometer, speed measurement
b . score of comfort : noise, vibration, user friendly HMI that cancels stress (infotainment), entertainment, …
c . score of Driving risk (in terms of ROAD safety) that the vehicle is taking while Driving : it already exists and it is the module SafetyNex, developed by NEXYAD (validation on 50 million km).

This gives a clue about how SafetyNex is used by Tier One Companies for their AD system.


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News about NEXYAD in Global Fleet
The online network Global Fleet wrote an article about Nexyad:

Nexyad uses artificial intelligence to improve road safety

“75% of road accidents happen because of driver behaviour that is not adapted to local infrastructure,” said Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO, Nexyad. His company sells software components that use artificial intelligence to improve road safety. Fleet Europe wanted to know more about where his company came from and where it is going.

Read article here :

In June 2013, Nexus Communication has launched GLOBAL FLEET, the first networking and crossmedia platform for multinationals willing to optimize their fleet management through globalization. It provides professionals with in-depth knowledge and up-to-date information on global and regional fleet management as well as on BRICs and other economies on the rise.

Global Fleet


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Nexyad CEO Speaker at two conferences on AI
Do not miss Nexyad CEO, Gérard Yahiaoui:
– at round table on Artificial Intelligence & Industry Transformation for Startup Innovation Challenge March 27th 2019 (Paris).
See more :
– at ROTARY Digital Meeting april 10th 2019 (Paris).
See more :