SafetyNex the Revolutionary App of Road Safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #12, October 6th, 2016

Headlines :

– Nexyad on BMW booth at the Mondial de L’Automobile

– The SafetyNex Revolution for everyone

– Papers about SafetyNex

– Visit of BMW Startup Garage

– Important Release of ObstaNex : our Obstacles Detector for ADAS

– French Minister Ségolène Royal congrats SME’s

– Nexyad researcher speaker at Brussels

– Nexyad in Media

Nexyad on BMW booth at the Mondial de L’Automobile

NEXYAD was invited by BMW on BMW booth at Mondial de l’Automobile Paris 2016, october 5th, .
After have been choosen as one of the three winners of BMW Techdate Challenge 2016.
BMW booth
Up left: presentation of SafetyNex by Nexyad; up right: Serge Naudin, CEO BMW Group France, Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO Nexyad. Down left: the fabulous BMW i8

Thanks to BMW for this amazing event
BMW gave the opportunity for three innovative french startups to present their technologies on the business lounge on BMW booth. Serge Naudin, CEO of BMW Group France made a speech that remains the goal of the challenge BMW techdate that bring the winners to BMW Startup Garage in Munich (two weeks ago). He congratulated Nexyad, Oridao and Sentryo and introduced each of them to a bench of selected journalists.
Gérard Yahiaoui presented SafetyNex (that reduces accident rate by 20%) Nexyad onboard App of Risk assessment for driver, then he answered the questions and received several invited customers and partners.

Reminder : BMW Techdate wished to push ahead the french innovative high tech and identify new partners for technology matters. After a picky skimming, 20 startups were selected to present their project in front of a professional panel of Automotive, mobility, and connected car experts.
The quality of SafetyNex impressed the jury and the 9th june, BMW France announced Nexyad as part of the 3 winners of the first Techdate Challenge with Oridao and Sentryo.

Read more

Interview of Nexyad CEO, Gérard Yahiaoui, by Laurent Meillaud at Mondial de l’Auto TV

The SafetyNex Revolution for everyone

SafetyNex, une App SmartPhone qui révolutionne le monde de l’automobile : véhicules intelligents, assurance auto, gestion de flottes, utilisation du digital pour le retail

SafetyNex is a Samartphone App developed and sold by NEXYAD, it’s allows to reduce Accident Rate by 20% [1]. This App has a straight applied interest for several users.

– Driver
– Insurance Company
– Car Manufacturer
– Fleet Manager
– Big Retailer

Read Full Paper

Papers about SafetyNex

SafetyNex is the ultimate SmartPhone App for real time onboard driving risk assessment.
See how it works and how SafetyNex can reduce accident rate by 20% with respect for driver’s privacy.
Just read all the papers (available both in English and En Français) and feel free to contact NEXYAD for any question :
Note : NEXYAD will present SafetyNex on the BMW booth at MONDIAL de L’AUTO, in Paris, the 5th of October (*)
SafetyNex Card 1SafetyNex Card 2
(*) SafetyNex was selected by BMW during the BMW Tech Date Challenge in Paris in June 2016.

En Français :

. SafetyNex réduit de 20% le nombre d’accidents de la route

. Modification profonde du métier de l’assurance auto : apport de SafetyNex

. Estimation du risque d’accident par télématique embarquée dans le véhicule, et respect des libertés individuelles grâce à SafetyNex

. Présentation de SafetyNex : LA solution d’estimation temps réel embarquée du risque de conduite

In English :

. SafetyNex reduces road accident rate by 20%

. Deep changes in the business of Car Insurance : SafetyNex can help

. Car telematics for onboard real time driving risk assessment, and respect for privacy using SafetyNex

. SafetyNex presentation : the ultimate solution for real time onboard driving risk assessment

Visit of BMW Startup Garage

NEXYAD was received by BMW in Munich last week.
From an initiative of BMW France, we were invited in the heart of BMW with two other Laureats of BMW Tech_date : ORIDAO and SENTRYO.

BMW headquarter Munich

The BMW Startup Garage is a special department of BMW that seek for innovative SME’s to work with.
The program was pretty complete with presentation of SME’s and their products to an audience of chosen BMW teams, visits of BMW Welt (show room), BMW Museum, and BMW plant.
We were very impressed by the welcome of everybody, specialy from Startup Garage !
We want to thank again Carolina, Gregor and Matthias.

Next meeting october 5th on BMW Booth at Mondial de l’Automobile Paris 2016.

BMW Startup GarageBMW Techdate Winner Teams
BMW Techdate Winner Teams, Nexyad, Oridao and Sentryo

Important Release of ObstaNex :
our Obstacles Detector for ADAS

New Release of Nexyad ObstaNex v3.0

This new version included pattern recognition and tracking, and new management of camera model of with a special component that allows multiple camera models on a same RT-Maps diagram.
Applications are ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Driverless Car, but also Road Safety.

ObstaNex v3.0 : Obstacles Detection for ADAS (here filter on vehicles detection)

French Minister Ségolène Royal congrats SME’s

September 28th, in Paris, Madame Ségolène Royal, french Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy gave « Initiative SME’s » Prices from ADEME (French Environment & Energy Management Agency).

Voir la liste ici

Nexyad concourrait dans le cadre du projet SEMACOR (portage de SafetyNex sur les smartphones).

Merci à l’ADEME.
Ademe IPME 01
the laureates of « Innovative SME’s »

Ademe 02
French Minister Ségolène Royal, Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO


Nexyad researcher speaker in Brussels

Smart Systems for the Automobile of the Future Brussels, 22-23 September 2016

Nexyad researcher Grégoire Julien, Dr Physics at Ecole Normale, presented a scientific publication at 20th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2016).

Grégoire Julien, Pierre Da Silva Dias, Gérard Yahiaoui

Read the Paper

One can also find the paper in « Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2016 » published by Springer 2016


Nexyad in Media


Ces trois start-up françaises qui ont séduit le groupe BMW
Trois start-up françaises, sélectionnées parmi 80 dossiers de candidatures, se sont vu ouvrir les portes du groupe BMW à Munich.

Lire la suite


BMW Connected : une mise à jour importante pour le Mondial de l’Auto 2016
Des start-up françaises pour aller plus loin

Lire la suite


Trois start-ups françaises ont séduit le groupe BMW

Lire la suite

Thanks to BMW for this amazing event

October 5th, on the BMW stand at Mondial de l’Automobile Paris 2016.

BMW gave the opportunity for three innovative french startups to present their technologies on the business lounge on BMW booth. Serge Naudin, CEO of BMW Group France made a speech that remains the goal of the challenge BMW techdate that bring the winners to BMW Startup Garage in Munich (two weeks ago). He congratulated Nexyad, Oridao and Sentryo and introduced each of them to a bench of selected journalists.
Gérard Yahiaoui presented SafetyNex (that reduces accident rate by 20%) Nexyad onboard App of Risk assessment for driver, then he answered the questions and received several invited customers and partners.

Serge Naudin & Gerard Yahiaoui
Serge Naudin, CEO of BMW Group France & Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad

Communiqué de Presse BMW Group

BMW Tech_Date : les 3 startups gagnantes présentent leurs technologies innovantes au Mondial de l’Automobile à Paris.
Les gagnants du concours sont accueillis dans l’espace BMW sur le Mondial à Paris et bénéficient ainsi d’une forte visibilité.
Les startups lauréates ont aussi été reçues à Munich par les équipes de BMW Group du 19 au 23 septembre autour d’un programme personnalisé.
BMW met le projecteur sur l’excellence des startups françaises et leur rôle dans la mobilité de demain.

Paris, 5 octobre. Les trois startups gagnantes de la première édition du BMW Tech_Date ont été accueillies ce jour par BMW Group au Mondial de l’automobile pour présenter leurs technologies innovantes primées lors du concours le 9 juin dernier:

Nexyad pour SafetyNex, un logiciel d’estimation embarquée du risque de conduite ; Oridao pour Radiobus, une technologie de mise en réseau instantanée des véhicules avec des objets connectés ; Sentryo pour ICS CyberVision, une solution de cybersécurité pour l’internet industriel.

Lire le communiqué de presse BMW

BMW Tech_date Laureates

SafetyNex Revolution in Road Safety

SafetyNex the Smartphone App that revolutionizes automotive world : Autonomous car, Car insurance, Fleet management, use of Telematics for retail.

Version française

SafetyNex is a smartphone application developed and marketed by NEXYAD and which reduces by 20% the number of road accidents [1]. This application is of direct interest to many application targets.

– Driver
– Insurance Companies
– Car Manufacturers
– Fleet Managers
– Mass Marketers

Read the Paper Here

Ségolène Royal a félicité les Lauréats IPME

Le 28 septembre 2016 à la Maison de la Chimie, Ségolène Royal, Madame la Ministre de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie a remis les prix aux lauréats « Initiative PME » de l’ADEME.

Voir la liste ici

Nexyad concourrait dans le cadre du projet SEMACOR (portage de SafetyNex sur les smartphones).

Merci à l’ADEME.

Ademe IPME 01
Les Lauréats IPME

Ademe 02
Madame la Ministre Ségolène Royal, Gérard Yahiaoui, P-DG de Nexyad


La Révolution SafetyNex

SafetyNex, une App SmartPhone qui révolutionne le monde de l’automobile : véhicules intelligents, assurance auto, gestion de flottes, utilisation du digital pour le retail

English translation

SafetyNex est une application Smartphone développée et commercialisée par NEXYAD, et qui permet de réduire de 20% le nombre d’accidents de la route [1]. Cette application présente un intérêt applicatif direct pour de nombreuses cibles.

– Le conducteur
– L’assureur automobile
– Le constructeur automobile
– Le gestionnaire de flotte auto
– Le grand distributeur

Lire le papier

Read the Papers about SafetyNex

SafetyNex is the ultimate SmartPhone App for real time onboard driving risk assessment.
See how it works and how SafetyNex can reduce accident rate by 20% with respect for driver’s privacy.
Just read all the papers (available both in English and En Français) and feel free to contact NEXYAD for any question :
Note : NEXYAD will present SafetyNex on the BMW booth at MONDIAL de L’AUTO, in Paris, the 5th of October (*)
SafetyNex Card 1SafetyNex Card 2
(*) SafetyNex was selected by BMW during the BMW Tech Date Challenge in Paris in June 2016.

En Français :

. SafetyNex réduit de 20% le nombre d’accidents de la route

. Modification profonde du métier de l’assurance auto : apport de SafetyNex

. Estimation du risque d’accident par télématique embarquée dans le véhicule, et respect des libertés individuelles grâce à SafetyNex

. présentation de SafetyNex : LA solution d’estimation temps réel embarquée du risque de conduite

In English :

. SafetyNex reduce road accident rate by 20%

. Deep changes in the business of Car Insurance : SafetyNex can help

. Car telematics for onboard real time driving risk assessment, and respect for privacy using SafetyNex

. SafetyNex presentation : the ultimate solution for real time onboard driving risk assessment

SafetyNex App could reduce accident rate by 20%


Version française

by Nexyad


Onboard telematics now can measure behavior of a driver, and therefore, car insurers have early started this adventure of connected car, more or less successfully.

The simplest applications that have been deployed are:
. locate stolen vehicles
. measure the usage of the driver, and in particular the number of kilometers traveled in order to propose adaptive pricing (vehicle that always stays in a garage will never have an accident!)

But the main business of the insurer deals with the concept of risk, and then, we have seen a lot of telematics firms proposing automatic detection of risky behaviors. The most common is the so-called detection of « severe braking », which is based on the assumption that severe braking reveals a lack of anticipation, and thereby a dangerous driving. We now know that this assumption is totally false [1], but it is still in the mind of some insurers that « want to believe » there is a simple way to classify human beings behaviours. However, the lack of results of these deployments has led some German and US insurers to abandon Telematics [2].

Read the entire paper

Nexyad excited before visiting BMW in Munich

As part of the challenge BMW Techdate, last june, Nexyad is invited to visit BMW facilities and to share with their researchers in Munich.

BMW in Munich
BMW Headquarters

Indeed, as a reminder, Nexyad is one of the three winners of this challenge organized by BMW France to honor the French technology innovations : we had been presented our Onboard Risk Assessment App on smartphone : SafetyNex that measures risk taken by the driver. Gérard Yahiaoui our CEO participated at this time with Serge Naudin President of BMW France to a TV Show on BMF Business.
Then Nexyad team will fly monday to the capital of Bavaria for a stay of four days.
We already want to thank BMW for this opportunity.

BMW Techdate Laureat

Nouveau papier de Nexyad


English translation



La télématique embarquée permet de mesurer en situation le comportement d’un conducteur, et de ce fait, les assureurs auto se sont assez tôt lancés dans l’aventure, avec, il faut le dire, plus ou moins de succès.

Les applications les plus simples qui ont été déployées sont :
. localiser les véhicules volés
. mesurer les usages du conducteur, et en particulier le nombre de km parcourus pour proposer des tarifs au km (un véhicule qui ne roule jamais n’aura jamais d’accident !)

Mais le métier principal de l’assureur tourne autour de la notion de risque, et assez vite, on a vu des tentatives de détection automatique des comportements à risque. Le plus répandu est la détection des « freinages sévères », qui s’appuie sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle un freinage sévère révèle un manque d’anticipation, et par là-même une conduite dangereuse. Nous savons maintenant que cette hypothèse est totalement fausse [1], mais elle est encore présente à l’esprit de pas mal d’assureurs.

Le manque de résultats de ces déploiements a d’ailleurs conduit des assureurs allemands et américains à abandonner la télématique [2].

Lire la suite

App SafetyNex pour les assureurs

SafetyNex pour les compagnies d’assurance

. SafetyNex est une App Smartphone qui se vit par les conducteurs comme étant un véritable copilote digital : alerte en amont d’une difficulté dès lors que la vitesse excessive du véhicule montre clairement que le conducteur n’a pas identifié le danger. SafetyNex remonte périodiquement aux assureurs des profils d’usages et de risque.

. Les utilisations prévues de SafetyNex par les compagnies d’assurance sont :

– Augmentation de la marge opérationnelle de l’assureur : SafetyNex peut permettre d’éviter 20% des accidents de la route d’après les études publiées en Grande Bretagne et aux USA. Si la compagnie d’assurance déploie SafetyNex à primes constantes : elle offre à ses assurés, un outil perçu comme utile, et elle baisse l’accidentologie de 20%. Par ailleurs, les accidents non évités arrivant statistiquement moins vite (puisque le conducteur est prévenu en amont, il a le temps de ralentir), la sinistralité est plus faible. Cela s’applique à l’ensemble des conducteurs, y compris les jeunes conducteurs qui coûtent cher aux assureurs. Cet effet sur la marge ne demande aucun travail particulier à l’assureur.

– Pay as you drive : les usages sont tracés (km parcourus, tranches horaires, type d’infra Ville/Route/Autoroute, etc…) ce qui permet de proposer des tarifs à l’utilisation.

– Pay how you drive : le risque pris par le conducteur est mesuré, et permet à l’assureur d’ajuster ses segmentations de clientèles et ses tarifs s’il veut proposer des tarifs modulés par le risque.

– Prime écologique : SafetyNex intègre en option un système de calcul de l’éco-conduite qui est inversement proportionnel à la brutalité de la conduite.

– Prévention : les profils de risque peuvent être croisés avec des causes de risque (vitesse inadaptée en virage, sur croisement, sur zones piétonnes, etc…) si bien qu’il est possible de proposer des sensibilisations, stages, et formations ciblés sur une population.

– Silver coaching : le suivi des risques dans le temps peut permettre de déceler une baisse d’aptitude à la conduite chez les séniors. Dans ce cas, l’assureur peut intervenir pour aider son client à baisser son risque tout en restant conducteur le plus longtemps possible.

– Assistance : en cas de choc sévère, le smartphone propose un « gros bouton » OK permettant d’appeler en un clic un numéro de téléphone préenregistré par l’App.

NB : SafetyNex s’inscrit parfaitement dans les évolutions du métier de l’assureur, telles que présentées dans les publications de synthèse des cabinets de Consulting de renommée mondiale (Accenture, BCG, Deloitte, KPMG, McKinsey, etc …)

SafetyNex ne remonte AUCUNE donnée brute et/ou indiscrète (compatibilité CNIL à 100%). Toutes les données brutes, nécessaires aux calculs, sont utilisées DANS le smartphone (calculs sur le microprocesseur du smartphone) et non stockées.

SafetyNex a été validé sur 50 millions de km.

Les données remontées dans le cloud sont des histogrammes (profils) et tous les croisements des variables :
. usages : km parcourus, ville/route/autoroute, tranches horaires, zone géographique (département)
. risque (histogrammes et grandes catégories de risques)
. note éco (en option)

Voici des écrits synthétiques de NEXYAD :

Modification profonde du métier d’assureur (et apport dans ce cadre de l’App SafetyNex)

Mesure embarquée du risque d’accident avec SafetyNex et respect des libertés individuelles.

Estimation embarquée et temps réel du risque de conduite, corrélé avec l’accidentologie : SafetyNex

SafetyNex for Insurance Companies

SafetyNex for insurance companies

. SafetyNex is a Smartphone road safety App that works like a true digital co-pilot : warning the driver when approaching a dangerous area, once the excessive speed of the vehicle clearly shows that the driver did not notice the danger. SafetyNex records for insurers profiles of risk and usage.

. Insurance Companies can use SafetyNex for several purposes :

– Increase operating margin of the insurer
SafetyNex can prevent 20% of road accidents according studies published in Great Britain and the USA. If the insurance company deploys SafetyNex with no premiums change : it offers a tool to its policyholders perceived as useful, and it decreases the accident of 20%. Moreover, accidents that may not be avoided come statistically slower (because the driver is warned and has time to slow down), the loss ratio is lower. This applies to all drivers, including young drivers that are costly to insurers.

– Pay as you drive: usages are plotted (km traveled, type of infra City / Highway / Highway, time slots, etc …) allowing to offer per-use rates.

– Pay how you drive: the risk taken by the driver is measured, and allows the insurer to adjust its client segmentation and its prices if it wants to offer rates modulated by the risk.

– Ecological bonus: SafetyNex incorporates an optional eco-driving scoring system that is inversely proportional to the brutality of driving.

– Prevention: the risk profiles can be crossed with class of risk (inappropriate speed cornering, on crossing over pedestrian zones, etc …) so it is possible to provide sensitization, courses, and targeted training on a population.

– Silver coaching: risk monitoring among time may help to detect a decline in driving ability for seniors. In such a case, the insurer may act to help its customers to lower their risk while staying as long as possible a driver.

– Support: in severe crash, the smartphone pops up a « big OK button » for calling in one click a phone number prerecorded by the App.

NB: SafetyNex fits perfectly with deep changes in the car insurance business, as presented in publications of Major Consulting Groups (Accenture, BCG, Deloitte, KPMG, McKinsey, etc …)

SafetyNex doesn’ record any raw data and / or intrusive data (100% CNIL and privacy protection compatibility). All raw data required for risk assessment are used INSIDE the smartphone (computing on the microprocessor of the smartphone) and those raw data are not recorded.

SafetyNex was validated on 50 million km.

Data recorded in the cloud are histograms (profiles) and all crossings of variables:
. usage : kilometers traveled, city / highway / motorway, time slots, geographical area (department)
. risk (histograms and broad risk categories)
. Eco rating (optional)

Here are papers of NEXYAD:

Deep Changes in the Business of Car Insurance. Contribution of Smartphone App SafetyNex in this Global Context.

Onboard Measurement of Risk of Accident with SafetyNex (real time risk assessment): Application to Prevention, Auto Insurance Pricing, Respecting Privacy of Driver

The Ultimate Solution for Insurance Companies that need Onboard Risk Assessment.

Deep Changes in the Business of Car Insurance
Nexyad White Paper #3

« Deep changes in the business of car insurance.
Contribution of smartphone App SafetyNex in this global context. »

Version française

September 2016

1 – Role of the insurer
The insurance idea would have appeared on the occasion of the first great journey by boat, and the appearance of « modern » insurance is generally dated from the 19th century.
The principle of insurance is easy to understand : if accidents are rare (compared to the number of occurrences – travel, car trips, etc.), a simple and prudent idea then is to « put aside » a certain amount of money for each occurrence (which on average does not lead to an accident) and to use the money to repay the cost of the claim in case (rare) of accident.
One could imagine that individuals manage themselves each a « pot » of this type. Of course, even if an accident is rare, you never know when it happens and it may happen at any beginning of the process so that the pot is almost empty.
We could then easily make a common pot between several people, to smooth it : if three people make a common pot, it is unlikely that the three have an accident while starting hoarding. But… it is anyway possible. Although if the pot is conceived with hundreds of thousands of people there, you secure the problem of « instant » of the accident. This is the « law of large numbers », which allows a deterministic modeling of chance : the odds. It remains to define the amount of money to set aside each month for example (or each travel).
To handle this (a pot shared by hundreds of thousands of contributors, the estimated sum to put aside, etc…), it is obvious that it is necessary to have qualified personnel, sufficient… and finally, it happens naturally to the idea of the Insurance Company.

Read the entire paper

Modification profonde du métier de l’assurance auto
Nexyad Livre Blanc n°3

Modification profonde du métier de l’assurance auto.
Apport de l’App smartphone SafetyNex dans ce contexte global.

Sept 2016

English translation

1 – Rôle de l’assureur

L’idée d’assurance serait apparue à l’occasion des premiers grands voyages maritimes, et l’apparition
« moderne » de l’assurance est généralement datée du 19ème siècle.
Le principe de l’assurance est le suivant : si les accidents sont rares (comparativement au nombre
d’occurrences : de voyages, de trajets automobile, etc.), une idée simple et prudente consiste alors à « mettre de côté » une certaine somme pour chaque occurrence (qui en moyenne ne conduit pas à un accident) de manière à utiliser cette somme pour rembourser le coût du sinistre en cas (rare) d’accident.
On pourrait imaginer que les particuliers gèrent eux-mêmes chacun une « cagnotte » de ce type. Bien sûr, même si un accident est rare, on ne sait jamais quand il arrive et il se peut qu’il arrive au tout début du processus si bien que la cagnotte est presque vide.
On peut alors facilement faire une cagnotte commune entre plusieurs personnes, pour lisser ce problème : si trois personnes font une cagnotte commune, il est peu probable que les trois
aient un accident au tout départ de la thésaurisation. Mais … c’est quand-même possible. On conçoit bien que si l’on construit la cagnotte avec plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes, là
on a sécurisé le problème du « moment » de l’accident. C’est la loi des grands nombres qui permet d’utiliser une modélisation déterministe du hasard : les probabilités. Reste à définir le montant de la somme à mettre de côté, chaque mois par exemple (ou à chaque trajet).

Lire le livre blanc ici

Nexyad at the « Mondial de l’Automobile 2016 »

NEXYAD will be on Mondial de l’Automobile 2016 at Paris, october 5th invited by BMW on BMW booth.
After have been choosen as one of the three winners of BMW Techdate Challenge 2016.
Mondial Nexyad

Reminder : BMW Techdate wished to push ahead the french innovative high tech and identify new partners for technology matters. After a picky skimming, 20 startups were selected to present their project in front of a professional panel of Automotive, mobility, and connected car experts.
The quality of SafetyNex impressed the jury and the 9th june, BMW France announced Nexyad as part of the 3 winners of the first Techdate Challenge with Oridao and Sentryo.

Read more

Newsletter #11 is available

The Nexyad Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #11

SafetyNex the Driving Force of Nexyad Products

Headlines :

– Future Events
– Accident fatalities in Tesla car
– White paper « Vehicle Telematics, Measurement of Risk in Driving, Respect of Individual Freedoms »
– A scale model car to test ADAS
– SafetyNex available on App Store and Google Play Store end of october

Read the Newsletter

SafetyNex the Driving Force of Nexyad Onboard Products

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #11, August the 24th, 2016

Headlines :

– Future Events

– Accident fatalities in Tesla car : NEXYAD modules might prevent accident.

– White paper « Vehicle Telematics, Measurement of Risk in Driving, Respect of Individual Privacy » (Auto Insurance and ADAS applications)

– A scale model car to test ADAS (ADAS validation)

– SafetyNex available on App Store and Google Play Store end of october

Future Events

NEXYAD at the Mondial de l’Automobile 2016, october 5th.

NEXYAD will be on Mondial de l’Automobile 2016 at Paris, october 5th invited by BMW on BMW booth.
After have been choosen as one of the three winners of BMW Techdate Challenge 2016.
Mondial Nexyad

Reminder : BMW Techdate wished to push ahead the french innovative high tech and identify new partners for technology matters. After a picky skimming, 20 startups were selected to present their project in front of a professional panel of Automotive, mobility, and connected car experts.
The quality of SafetyNex impressed the jury and the 9th june, BMW France announced Nexyad as part of the 3 winners of the first Techdate Challenge with Oridao and Sentryo.

BMW Techdate winner
Gérard Yahiaoui, Nexyad CEO

Reporter Stephane Soumier invited Serge Naudin CEO of BMW Group France and Gerard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad at « Good Morning Business » on the major french TV Channel BFM Business.

BFM Business
From left to right : Serge Naudin, Stéphane Soumier, Gérard Yahiaoui

NEXYAD will visit Automotive major companies in Germany

Four french competitive clusters, Mov’eo, ID4CAR, LUBT and Véhicule du futur organized a new mission for their members : The International Partnership Approach. NEXYAD will take part of it.

Onboard Systems for the Connected and Smart Car – 28th november / 1st december 2016

The delegation will visit BMW, AUDI, CONTINENTAL, DAIMLER, BOSCH, PORSCHE, and the University of Nuremberg… in the cities of Munich, Regensburg, Nuremberg and Stuttgart.
Mission Germany

More information here

NEXYAD at the next CES in Las Vegas 5-8 January, 2O17
CES 2017

All lights are green for SafetyNex App on Smartphone
Four french Insurance companies are currently testing SafetyNex.

Since end of june 2016, it is possible to ask NEXYAD for a test (30 days) of SafetyNex App on Android Smartphone.

Do not hesitate to request.
SafetyNex for IOS (Iphone) will be available at the end of september.

Accident fatalities in Tesla car : NEXYAD modules might prevent accident.

Accident fatalities in a TESLA car might have been avoided by using software modules of NEXYAD : the time for monitoring circuit has come.

Processing circuit, informing auto-pilot systems, control, etc … from perception, data fusion, decision-making, and automatic control of actuators, are usually very well designed, and based on high-performance modules. But unfortunately, this is not enough to void the risk of accidents. Indeed, for the treatment of this risk, it lacks a parallel circuit (parallel and independent) called « monitoring » circuit.
To understand this need for a monitoring circuit, one must first understand the level of complexity of a road scene viewed from a camera.

The variability of road scenes is actually much more than what a normal person comes to imagine. Indeed, a color image, which has eight bits for each colors (then, 24-bit, as there are 3 colors) may encode 224 different color levels per pixel (more than 65,000 different possible values). HD video has more than 2 million pixels.
This means that the matrix of HD 8-bit color image may encode more than 65 0002 000 000 images !
This huge number is simply unimaginable.

Read the entire paper

Accidented Tesla

White paper « Vehicle Telematics, Measurement of Risk in Driving, Respect of Individual Privacy » (Auto Insurance and ADAS applications)

SafetyNex for Insurance

« Vehicle Telematics, measurement of risk in driving, respect of individual privacy » is the new white paper from Nexyad, which explains important points to check on a vehicle telematics application to assess the risk taken by the driver about his driving task.

The calculation of risk requires having contextualized data that are inherently confidential, personal, and therefore which must in no case be recorded on computer servers in a cloud as they contain, directly or indirectly, information about offenses (in France it is forbidden: by respect of the criminal code and rules CNIL).


A scale model car to test ADAS (ADAS validation)

NEXYAD will use a scale model car for ADAS and driverless software modules testing & validation.

Nexyad built their own intelligent scale model of car integrating a camera and telecommunications to a PC running the RT-MAPS framework (by INTEMPORA).

Scale Model Car Nexyad

The PC runs real world detection software modules of NEXYAD into the framework RT-MAPS. Then the
scale model car can evoluate on a scale model landscape where it is easy to generate complex use cases
such as sun rising and other perturbations that are not easy to record in the real world and that are not that easy to simulate.

Beside, Nexyad built a testing and validation database that will represent thousands of million km of natural driving with the fewest number of vids as possible.
NB : this NEXYAD validation database will be available for free to every research and development team in the world on the NEXYAD web site.


This database will be used by NEXYAD of course to test and validate their own software modules for ADAS and Driverless cars :
. RoadNex for road detection
. ObstaNex for obstacles detection
. ObstaNex BiCam for obstacles detection using 2 cams
. VisiNex for visibility measurement
. SafetyNex for real time onboard risk assessment

This database is the result of a advanced methodology published in the 90’s by Nexyad Founder. The methodology « AGENDA » allows to build and validate camera-based complex detection and recognition systems (for ADAS and driverless cars).
This methodology was recently re-published and presented in different symposiums in Europe to show exactly how it may be used by car manufacturers and their OEMs.

SafetyNex available on
App Store and Google Play Store end of october

SafetyNex One Pager

Interest for the driver :
. SafetyNex warns you when there is a danger ahead in function of your car speed (save your health or your life)
. SafetyNex warns you when your speed is over legal limitation (save your money and your driving licence)

Interest for Insurance Companies :
. SafetyNex provides qualified data as histogram of risk taken by the driver, eco driving score, statistics of usages, contingency tables, etc.

Interests for car manufacturers :
. SafetyNex can be used as ADAS for customers
. SafetyNex gives the risk taken by the robot driver of future Autonomous Car


More information

Nexyad SafetyNex leading actor of ADAS Active Safety

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #10, June the 20th, 2016

Headlines :

– First BMW tech_date : Nexyad Laureat

– Launch of Nexyad SafetyNex App on Android Smartphone

– Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous

– Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium 2016

– Mov’eo Days 2016

– Four Nexyad Camera-based software modules

First BMW tech_date : Nexyad Laureat

BMW techdate

The BMW Tech_Date wants to highlight French excellence in innovation and identify new technology partners through a contest : Nexyad is rewarded for SafetyNex

BMW Press Release

The french TV channel BFM Business gave the exclusive news on the program « Good Morning Business ».

June 13th 2016, Serge Naudin BMW Group France CEO and Gerard Yahiaoui Nexyad CEO were invited by Stephane Soumier for Good Morning Business on the french TV Channel BFM Business.

BMW is betting on French Tech to develop Connecting Mobility

To celebrate its 100 years, BMW is trying to develop connected mobility, while promoting respect for the environment. The group’s strategy is based on three pillars: innovation, connectivity and personal mobility. To get there, its French subsidiary has selected three innovative companies to develop the mobility of the future. The start-up Nexyad is one of them. Nexyad has developed SafetyNex an APP onboard real-time that estimates the risk in driving. Based on artificial intelligence, the system can calculate at every moment the risk taken by the driver, by comparing the driving behavior (speed, acceleration, etc.) to the difficulties of the road (crossroads, school, turns tight, etc). In an environment where 75% of risk situations on the road are caused by infrastructure, this innovation proves to be a powerful prevention tool. Sole system to have been validated over 50 million km, this software performs all calculations locally (in the smartphone the driver or embedded electronics) and is thus compatible with the requirements of the french CNIL on the registration of personal data.

In the media :

Usine Nouvelle


Les Echos

Planet sans fil

Industrie & Technologies

L’Automobile & l’Entreprise,5131


Auto Infos,8429


Launch of Nexyad SafetyNex App on Android Smartphone

SafetyNex on Smartphone

Functions of SafetyNex :

– onboard real time risk assessment every second
– warning for driver when speed doesn’t fit difficulty of road infrastructure
– automatic « Call » in case of severe collision
– risk and usage profiles (for Insurance Companies)

Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous

Active Safety Munich

Wenesday May 18th : Presentation at the conference by Nicolas du LAC General Manager of Intempora, France

« ADAS Validation: non-deterministic algorithms vs ISO-26262 »
Number crunching technologies and non-deterministic algorithms (image processing, neural networks, data fusion…) are taking in charge more and more functions and driving tasks in vehicles. Autonomous vehicles will be based on many of these. How to validate such functions when facing such different possible driving scenarios?


Focus on two companies present at the symposium in Munich :

is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Corporation, is the leader in 3D vision and gesture recognition technologies. The company, located in Belgium and the USA, delivers state-of-the-art solutions in the field of 3D sensing and processing, in particular for “natural interfaces”. These include CMOS 3D Sensors, 3D camera reference designs, SDKs, algorithms and applications for gesture recognition, object scanning, automotive control and AR/VR. With over 8 years of R&D on both hardware and software, SoftKinetic solutions have already been successfully used in the fields of automotive, interactive digital entertainment, consumer electronics, health care and other professional markets (such as digital signage and medical systems).

Founded in 2007 as a successful spin-off of Canada’s leading optics and photonics research institute, LeddarTech® is the world’s only supplier of advanced detection and ranging systems based on patented, leading-edge sensing technology that performs time-of-flight measurement using pulses from infrared light processed through innovative algorithms, detecting a wide range of objects in various environmental conditions. Leddar technology is highly adaptable, serves multiple markets such as automotive, trucks and unmanned vehicles and comes in different formats, providing brand owners and OEMs with a solution that meets their needs while ensuring quick and simple integration.

Watch video : Affordable Sensing Solutions for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium 2016

Testing Expo

Wenesday 1st of June : Presentation at the conference by Gérard YAHIAOUI President & CEO of NEXYAD, France

Validation of camera-based artificial vision systems applied on open world is a very complex issue. An HD colour camera may generate more than 65 000 power 2 000 000 different images (information theory), so it is not possible to test every possible message. We propose a deterministic approach for building a validation database using the AGENDA methodology that was developed and published in the 1990s for neural network database (learn & test) design.

A large audience attended to this conference that questions the way for Autonomous Vehicle ADAS validation.

Conference Stuttgart 2016
Gérard on the left, the conference’s audience on the top and the booth of Groupement ADAS from the mezzanine.

Focus on some french companies present at the exhibition

OPAL-RT Technologies
is pushing the boundaries of innovation in hardware-in-the-loop simulation for ECU testing. Its automotive offering includes a new, dedicated family of motor and power electronic models. Its turnkey HIL solutions provide a flexible, comprehensive, environment for the development, testing and validation of all Embedded software. Opal-RT simulators optimally employ multi-core CPUs and FPGAs, maximising the fidelity that can be achieved when simulating complex, multi-domain systems.

has more than 25 years’ experience in the design and manufacturing of engine and vehicle testing solutions. From chassis dyno to hub dyno, it has already realised testbeds that meet most of your vehicle testing spécifications. the company’s versatile design allows it to pass all kinds of vehicles, including hybrid, electrical and two, three and four-Wheel vehicles. Its powerful automation system is also able to manage your engine or component testing application. It can answer your braking and/or motoring needs using its wide range os standard or tailor-made EC and AC dyno, emotor, exhaust testing, valvetrain, gearbox and combustion analysis Tools.

Based in northern France, Critt M2A is an independant R&D test centre dedicated to the automotive industry. Thanks to its high testing capabilities and know-how, the company can offer services in line with the highest industry requirements. Its turbocharged department is recognised by customers and automotive suppliers as one of the world’s leading testing centres. Critt M2A is also known as an NVH and engine development test provider, and now offers new skills in the electrification of vehicles, with an important range of testing facilities.


is a team of innovative companies with over 20 years’ experience in the field of technologies used in driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles (design, implementation, integration of ADAS in vehicles for safety features, driver assistance, partial delegation to the autonomous vesicle). Members of Groupement ADAS offer complementary expertise, Tools and test Equipment (including test tracks) to take up challenging projects covering vehicle electronics, vehicle dynamics, command/control, HMI, perception, vision, data fusion, communication, eco-driving and so on. Groupement ADAS include : CAR&D, GlobalSensing Tehnologies, Intempora, Nexyad, Nomadic Solutions, Sherpa Engineering and Transpolis. It is coordinated by the french MOV’EO cluster.

is a global supplier of Advanced test systems, servicing the automotive and Aerospace markets. It offers a diverse and multi-functional product portfolio and a strong ability to meet Customer-specific focused needs. The company’s strong relationships with a global Customer base allow it to anticipate fast-changing regulatory and local market needs. It also invests heavily in R&D to meet those needs. BIA offers Equipment related to safety, engine and powertrain, vehicle dynamics, components, and enviromental chambers.

provides comprehensive lab and end-of-line test solutions and industrial connectors up to 300 000. Since 2015, Creatique has offered very powerful real-time test benches and connectics at extremely competitive prices, dedicated to manufacturers, suppliers and integrators of the automotive industry. This transversal solution is adapted to tests for ECU, doors, cockpits, seats, etc. With more than 450 systems in place all over the world and with a team of more 190 employees, Creatique is an indistrial group with complementary skills, tailored according to the customer’s criteria, standards and organisation.

has manufactured a complete range of pressure transcuders since 1973. During this time, it has designed its proprietary sensing technologies and created a unique range of high-performance and miniature pressure transcuders. Its products are designed to be used in the most demanding operating environments and to give highly accurate and reliable measurements. Available from 100mbar up to 3000bar, -55°C to 250°C, its sensors, which are fully metallic, with lare bandwidth capabilities, are used with the most aggressive fluids on vehicle and test benches.

is a European builder solution, with subsidiaries worldwide (in the UK, Germany, Spain, Brazil, China and Morocco), which proposes a large range of test benches for laboratory or production. These include engines, powertrains, e-motors, starters, alternators, etc. Actemium also offers all components needed for load testing, simulation, durability tests, crash tests, and characterisation, in addition to final acceptance on the production line. It also provides engineering turnkey solutions for complete test centres.


is specialised in injector testing. It provides Equipment and services in this domain. EFS provides benches for R&D, endurance or production, shot to shot flow measurement, spray visualisation, injector’s driver for coil or piezo stack. EFS has three benches in its company to provide testing service to qualify the injectors in flow and in visualisation and answer for diesel or gasoline injectors from light vehicles up to electrical power plant.

is a company founded in 1993, which specialises in testing engines, vehicles andd components. It has two technical centres with 30 facilities, including engine benches for durability and climatic purpose, climatic chassis dynos, and several rigs (GDI pumps, glow plugs, belt, swivels and so on). Since 2009 EMC has developed for its customers specific testing solutions in the domain of hardware-in-the-loop rigs, software, dynamic control, climatic process and fluid conditioning. EMC is ready to become an expert for your complex system developments.

develops hardware and software testing solutions for CAN, Dig On Can, LIN, VAN, ISO9141, J2534, J1939 and NMEA2000. It provides a large range of hardware solutions such as USB, PCI and Ethernet multi-channel communication interfaces, standalone dataloggers, intelligent gateways and integration/validation table and models. These Tools, associated with Exxotest’s comprehensive and ergonomic software solutions such as MUXTRACE Expert bus analyser, datalogger control advanded configuration tool, graphical analysis solution and utilities, offer complete and cost-effective solutions for bus and component testing, analysis, emulation and datalogging.

studies energy optimisation in powertrain and global vehicle systems. Based on the work of highly skilled research and development specialists, it has developed and offers innovative approaches such as Advanced high-power climate test cells, robot driver or specific sensors design and integration. The company provides its innovations to support various OEMs or their suppliers in fuel economy, CO2 and emissions reduction challenges. Greenmot supports its customers through the design phase, sensor selection, implementation and calibration, test program definition and analysis. For each challenge, it proposes a dedicated solution and is able to adapt its Equipment to fulfil worldwide Customer requirements.

is a subsidiary of the Impedance Group specialist for more than 20 years in acoustics, mechanics and vibrations. DataVIB is the designer of Vib360, the most powerful software on the market dedicated to torsional vibrations analysis and diagnostics of early mechanical failure of engines and rotating machines. Vib360 includes a set of modules for order analysis, static and dynamic torque in selected harmonics, couples and other specific modules, such as driving diagnosis or gearings. Vib360 adresses the technical departments of maintenance as well as R&D teams that wish to have a powerful, high-resolution, non-intrusive and preditive tool.

provides turnkey testing solutions products based on the latest technologies. It is the franch laeder in accurate acyclism generation and management. It also provides bespoke software development, data acquisition systems and test rigs for its customers, among them Valeo, PSA, Hutchinson and SKF. Nerys has presented VEGA, its latest solution. VEGA is the only product fully compatible with test machines, that easily générâtes torsional vibration (respect SAE J2432). It has showed the VASCO suite, the test management software, fully customisable and configurable (based on LabVIEW and a database).

Mov’eo Days

Nexyad, Nomadic Solutions and Transpolis members of « Groupement ADAS » were present in a shared booth at Moveo Days in Estaca.
Moveo Imagine Mobility is the main pole of competivity for Automotive in France.
Moveo Days is the Annual Convention of the pole with focus on new uses for Mobility, strategy and future of the pole and thematic workshops & R&D projects sessions.

Imagine Mobility Awards 2016
Winner for Clean & Eco Mobility : ADACCESS
Winner for Smart & Connected Mobility : HYPE

A Young woman tries a Hublex gyropode

A Hype Taxi above and a Faar Industry Autonomous Car

Groupement ADAS (SMEs cluster) booth

Four Nexyad Camera-based software modules

Click on software name for more information.

RoadNex v2.3

RoadNex detects all kind of roads (detection of the sides of the road and the drivable surface) on front of vehicle.

ObstaNex v2.1

ObstaNex detects obstacles (everything in a area of interest with a relative speed) on front of vehicle.

ObstaNex BiCam v1.0

ObstaNex BiCam
Obstanex BiCam detects obstacles with two mono cameras (data fusion for stereo reconstruction), still works in degraded mode (one cam down).

VisiNex Onboard v2.0

VisiNex Onboard measures visibility conditions where your computer vision algorithms work: reliability estimation in real time.

This four module sotwares are available in :
– the Framework for real time asynchronous sensors RT-Maps of Intempora.
– Android Smartphone (soon in IOS)
– in specific device on demand

ADAS & Connected Cars
The future on the road

NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #9, May the 9th, 2016

Headlines :

– Connected Car Insurance Europe Symposium in London

– Robustness of RoadNex v2.3

– Future Presence of Nexyad on Congresses & Exhibitions (ADAS, Connected Cars & Autonomous Vehicles)

Connected Car Insurance Europe Symposium in London

This year NEXYAD has participated to Connected Car Insurance Europe 2016 Congress at London the 12th and 13th april.
NEXYAD shared the booth 17 with the french company INTEMPORA creator of the famous Framework RT-MAPS to present SafetyNex. MOV’EO and cluster « Groupement ADAS » helped to sponsorize this venue.

HERE is a leader in mapping and location technology backed by a consortium of leading automotive brands. With highly precise, industrial grade maps and a robust and flexible platform of location services we help governments around the world and businesses across industries, from fleet management to retail, analyze and optimize their operations and better manage their assets with location intelligence. To learn more about our solutions for enterprise, visit

Having shipped more than 1 million telematics units to leading service providers, Queclink is now one of the world’s largest suppliers of Fleet, UBI and M2M hardware. Established in 2009, we provide international design and manufacturing quality with the economics of Chinese high volume supply chains. Headquartered in Shanghai, our global management team with deep industry and technical skills can provide both standard and bespoke products for automotive, fleet, asset and personnel tracking as well as hardware designed specifically to meet the needs of the insurance market as it transitions to telematics based policies.

As a true global end-to-end telematics solution for insurance companies, car manufacturers and consumers, Scope Technology solutions includes hardware, an advanced actuarial platform, claims management support and actuarial support services. It is the only comprehensive insurance telematics solution available on the market with more than 35 usage-based insurance (UBI) projects spanning across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Our UBI products enable insurers to better manage client risk and encourage safer driving. Globally patented Advanced Pattern Recognition self-calibrates for highly accurate exception reporting related to driver abuse, and state-of-the-art Whiplash probability index.
Scope Technology, multi-awarded insurance telematics solutions are competitively priced, reliable, and designed for claims management support and fraud detection, Pay as you Drive plans, UBI and vehicle recovery, while meeting various industry requirement since 1999.

Connected Car Insurance
Telematic met Insurance in London

RELX Group is a world‐leading provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries. The group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs approximately 30,000 people of whom half are in North America. RELX PLC is a London listed holding company which owns 52.9% of RELX Group. RELX NV is an Amsterdam listed holding company which owns 47.1% of RELX Group. The shares are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX and RENX.

Hubio provides integrated solutions to help organizations in the insurance and automotive sectors increase efficiency, reduce claims, build customer engagement and enable usage-based personalization.
Through the innovative use of telematics, UBI, mobile, gamification and enterprise technologies, Hubio is bringing new levels of data-driven insights to the insurance and automotive industries, while challenging and redefining established business models.
Hubio was formed to be a best-in-class solutions provider, bringing together several industry-leading technology and service businesses. As one organization, we are uniquely placed to deliver and support true end-to-end solutions.
For more information visit

MSG Global Solutions
Working in balance with our customers and industry partners, msg global delivers solutions and services to help our customers achieve operational efficiency, meet regulatory standards and realize digital excellence. We bring expertise, a customer-centric philosophy, and a focus on innovation to everything we do.
We help insurers globally collect, manage and leverage data in the new IoT landscape. The Telematics Analyzer is the centerpiece of our IoT offering. We also offer a mobile application for usage-based insurance which is certified by a world-leading software provider.

infoware is a specialist for map enabled technologies such as driver analysis, routing, geocoding and navigation. infoware’s APIs enable pay as you drive tariffs by analysing a driver’s driving style based on map and traffic data.
Infowares business is to deliver consultant services and contract services as well as products, based on platforms from IBM and Open Source. We are IBM premier Business Partners and have been working with IBM and Lotus technology since 1995. We address organizations with large production environments in need of services and products with high quality and security.

CalAmp (NASDAQ: CAMP) is a proven leader in providing wireless communications solutions to a broad array of vertical market applications and customers. CalAmp’s extensive portfolio of intelligent communications devices, robust and scalable cloud service platform, and targeted software applications streamline otherwise complex machine-to-machine (M2M) deployments. These solutions enable customers to optimize their operations by collecting, monitoring and efficiently reporting business critical data and desired intelligence from high-value remote assets.

Redtail Telematics is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of quality customised telematics products. Redtail’s systems have recorded over a billion miles worth of data and Redtail’s design and manufacturing teams have delivered over 5.5 million devices into the automotive aftermarket worldwide. Redtail is a full service TSP into the UBI and fleet markets, including devices, airtime, datawarehousing and analytics including crash notification and reconstruction and advanced scoring. Redtail notably supplies Ingenie and Admiral Group among others. Founded in 2010, Redtail is a sister company of Plextek, the award winning communications technology design house founded in 1989.

Connected Car Insurance London 2016
Some booths : TrackM8, CalAmp, Vodafone Automtive and Nexyad

Vodafone Automotive is a leading provider of automotive products and services – which include InCar Telematics, Stolen Vehicle Tracking and Usage Based Insurance solutions – for vehicle manufacturers, insurance companies and fleets.​
When it comes to the connected car, we offer the end to end solution by developing and fully managing:
• The onboard telematics unit
• The GDSP SIM connectivity over the Vodafone network
• The telematics infrastructure
• The network of National Service Providers (NSPs) and Secure Operating Centres (SOCs) across 49 countries globally.
Vodafone Automotive is part of Vodafone’s M2M business unit which connects devices such as cars to the internet.

Danlaw is a recognized leader in automotive electronics and engineering solutions for OEM’s, Tier 1 suppliers, and automotive and fleet insurance companies worldwide since 1984. Danlaw’s specialty areas include embedded systems development and testing for Embedded Control Units (ECUs), vehicle network communications, infotainment testing, connected car solutions, and V2X certification services.
Danlaw is headquartered in Novi, MI, with offices in India and China.

Trakm8 is a UK-based big data company which uses innovative telematics as their primary enabler. The brand collect over two billion miles worth of data every year and create fine-tuned algorithms to track vehicles, score driver behaviour and provide FNOL in order for insurers to make informed decisions with regards to premium renewal and to assist in offering enhanced customer propositions.
The Group supplies telematics hardware, dash cams and other comprehensive fulfilment packages to a range of industries. Trakm8’s partners include well-known brands in the insurance sector such as Direct Line, Churchill and Young Marmalade.

SafetyNex Presentation
Gerard Yahiaoui present SafetyNex to the Congressmen

Beside his products of Artificial Vision for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle, Nexyad has been developing since 2001 Onboard Risk Assessment algorithms and propose a unique tool that really measures Risk of Accident : SafetyNex. SafetyNex was scientifically validated through french national research programs and by scientific papers from 11 european countries, it was proven by a campaign of 50 millions km by 500 cars running for 3 years; it is fast and easy to use because SafetyNex gives an immediate result of risk taken by user. The risk is directly computed by the microprocessor of smartphone. Risk assessment histogram and every usage data histograms are sent to the customer : it is not big data, it is « small data ». The benefit of this appoach compared to all the other competitors that compute scores in the cloud are :
– small data upload doesn’t consume too much of the driver’s phone bundle
– the definition of risk used in SafetyNex fits into actuaries expectations
– no need to wait for accident to know that driver is risky
– because it’s real time, SafetyNex allows prevention (alarm to the driver before risky situation); this alarm statisticaly reduces number of accident and speed during unavoidable accident (then reduces lost cost)

SafetyNex runs in smartphones, in devices on demand and there is a Studio version on RT-Maps for PCs.

Robustness of Road Detection by RoadNex v3.2

Nexyad compiled ten technology demos of our module software RoadNex v2.3

. 10 different roads : highway, desert track, country road, red road, et.
. 10 different conditions : fog, rain, front sunshine, overtaking, etc.
. 10 same excellent results : road on front of vehicle is detected

The 10 complete demos on « PRODUCTS » menu above

Future Presence of Nexyad on Congresses & Exhibitions (ADAS, Connected Cars & Autonomous Vehicles)

Nexyad at Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous

Actice Safety Europe 2016

Come to visit Nexyad the 17th & 18th may in Munich, Germany, for the Congress & Exhibition Active Safety Europe 2016 : ADAS to Autonomous.
Nexyad will be present with Intempora firm, provider of famous real time framework RT-Maps, Don’t miss the 18th : Software “Embeddibility”, Speaker Nicolas Dulac, CEO, Intempora.
Nexyad and Intempora are members of french cluster Groupement ADAS sponsored by MOVEO.

Nexyad at Autonomous Car Test & Development

Autonomous Car Test & Developement
Day 2 : June 1st 09:30 – Building a relevant validation database for camera-based ADAS
Gérard Yahiaoui, President and CEO, Nexyad, France
Validation of camera-based artificial vision systems applied on open world is a very complex issue. An HD colour camera may generate more than 65 000 power 2 000 000 different images (information theory), so it is not possible to test every possible message. We propose a deterministic approach for building a validation database using the AGENDA methodology that was developed and published in the 1990s for neural network database (learn and test) design.