We are glad to announce two sponsors for DREAMOTOR 1 !
We will show their logo, colors, and will relay their messages through our participation to events all over Europe in 2022.
The commitment of those 2 majors industrial of the automotive sector show how important our demo car project is.
A new startup is joinging DREAMOTOR 1
with an original modern radar technology
Welcome onboard ! An interview of Greenerwave will soon explain why this technology is a good complement to DREAMOTOR1.
Presentation of Nextcar and Dreamotor 1 to french media
The second of december at ESIGELEC in Saint Etienne du Rouvray, the french Automotive & Mobility Cluster NEXTMOVE has organized the presentation of the two demo cars involved with Demo ICIM project : NextCar by Nextmove and Dreamotor1 by Nexyad.
#Esigelec #Nextmove #Nextcar #Kad! #Good Angel #Gulplug #HyVibe #TechnoMap #ProtectEcran #StEtienneduRouvray #dreamotor1 #roadsafety #intelligentcar #democar #Nexyad #YoGoKo #SGBsystems #FHelectronics #Intempora #EcoTechnilin #!important #NormandyRegion #EuropeanUnion #roadsafety #safetyscore #safetycoach #anticipativeACC #ACC #green #newmaterials #cockpit #PFA #Paris
NEXYAD Newsletter #35 is now available
NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #35, November 23th, 2021
– Nexyad CEO Editorial
– NEXYAD CEO Interviewed by HERE Technologies at ITS World Congress 2021 in Hamburg
– Another look on PFA event (french automotive sector day) in Paris
– New article from Auto News by Laurent Meillaud (in french)
– French Automovive Sector day “PFA” In Paris
– Nexyad has launched the cooperative demo car DREAMOTOR 1 at ITS World 2021 in Hamburg
– Nexyad Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Automotive
NEXYAD CEO Interviewed by HERE Technologies
at ITS World Congress 2021 in Hamburg
Thanks to Karoline Jerchow and Franck Despouy for their nice welcome on Here Booth at ITS World 2021 in Hamburg.
Another look on PFA event (french automotive sector day) in Paris
Video of DREAMOTOR 1 at PFA event in Paris Oct. 26th 2021
Featured participant to DREAMOTOR 1 demo car : Nexyad, Nextmove, EcoTechnilin, Intempora, YoGoKo
Visit the PFA website
#dreamotor1 #roadsafety #intelligentcar #democar #nexyad #YoGoKo #SGBsystems #FHelectronics #Nextmove #Intempora #EcoTechnilin #!important #NormandyRegion #EuropeanUnion
#roadsafety #safetyscore #safetycoach #anticipativeACC #ACC #green #newmaterials #cockpit #PFA #Paris
New article from Auto News by Laurent Meillaud (in french)
La PME française a mis au point un outil qui permet de calculer les risques en fonction du profil de la route, de l’environnement et de la vitesse. Ce système combine l’intelligence artificielle, des capteurs et des cartes de haute précision.
Lors du récent congrès sur les transports intelligents (ITS) de Hambourg, on a pu voir tourner dans les rues de la ville une Renault ZOE baptisée « Dreamotor 1 ». Et elle serait, selon ses concepteurs, l’un des plus sûres au monde. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’elle intègre un système d’intelligence artificielle très évolué, fruit de 20 ans de recherche au sein de la PME Nexyad, et qui a fait ses preuves*. Ce système a pour nom SafetyNex et mesure 20 fois par seconde le niveau de risque en fonction du contexte routier (vitesse, analyse de l’environnement, type de route). Cet outil assez unique s’appuie sur les cartes pour GPS de haute précision de HERE Technologies, dans le cadre d’un partenariat. La ZOE intègre une fonction « safety coach » qui s’appuie sur des données en temps réel pour recommander au conducteur à quelle vitesse maximale il peut rouler. Précisons que ce coach peut aussi agir en cas d’urgence sur le régulateur de vitesse intelligent (ACC), s’il estime que le niveau de danger est trop élevé et en cas de non-réaction. Le système d’IA de Nexyad bénéficie à bord de ce prototype de l’apport d’autres technologies pour calculer encore plus précisément en temps réel le risque routier. Lire l’article en entier sur le site
French Automovive Sector day « PFA » In Paris
Nexyad has launched the cooperative demo car DREAMOTOR 1 at ITS World 2021 in Hamburg
Our DREAMOTOR 1 car was not already available. What we call DREAMOTOR 1 V0 is a RENAULT ZOE that we’ve been renting in Hamburg. In this ZOE we installed a PC + sensors etc. and could showcase 3 automotive functions : . Safety score : at the end of every trip, we give statistics of caution : driving behavior is described with caution profile, risk (= lack of caution) profile, and global scores such as driving caution score, anticipation ability score, driving skills score, and observed self-confidence score. This V0 did not integrate already all the technologies of partners which bring for most of them new inputs to NEXYAD caution assessment cognitive AI in order to get a better description of context. |
Some OEMs tried DREAMOTOR1 V0 in the streets of Hamburg (real tests in real streets) and NEXYAD got very good feedbacks. Now we are on partners technologies integration to improve functions. Soon the next episode at PFA Day (journée de la Plateforme Française de l’Automobile) à Paris.
NEXYAD Newsletter #34 is now available
NEXYAD Automotive & Transportation Newsletter #34, September 29th, 2021
– Nexyad CEO Editorial
– HERE360 Article about Nexyad Cognitive AI for Road Safety
– SIA Study Day: AI Applied to AV
– Democar Nexyad DREAMOTOR1
– New Book : From AI to Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
– Chair VAC at INSA Rouen – Press about Nexyad
New Book : From AI to Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Gérard YAHIAOUI, Nexyad CEO, participate to this new publication from ISTE-WILEY.
From AI to Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Volume 2 – Digital Science SET Coordinated by Abdelkhalak El Hami
Article on Nexyad & Here partnership by GeoSpatial World
Maximum speed recommended for a specific vehicle at a specific time
Nexyad’s real-time data aggregation platform provides two output values 20 times every second: the lack of caution of the driver and the maximum speed recommended given the road conditions – legal speed limit, road roughness, topography of the road, weather, and traffic. Nexyad bases its analysis on several thousand road accident reports, using a set of rules from modern hybrid AI which includes knowledge-based systems, deep learning, neural gas, PAC (Possibly Approximatively Correct) learning, game theory, reinforcement learning, possibility theory and fuzzy logic.
By recommending a ‘maximum cautious speed’ based on real-time data and context-specific to every single vehicle, driver and driving environment, Nexyad’s approach goes much further than the European requirement for vehicles to be aware of the legal speed limit on each road segment (Intelligent Speed Assist). Nexyad’s safety coach called SafetyNex acts as a true co-pilot for the driver as it provides real-time guidance so as to anticipate possible emergency situations ahead that may lead to an accident. This proactive coaching activates while driving and has been demonstrated to reduce accident rates by at least 25%.
New article about HERE & Nexyad partnership on « Modern Manufacturing India »
Nexyad and HERE Technologies Deploy Next-Gen cognitive AI to Improve Vehicle Safety
Paris, France – Nexyad, an embedded, real-time platform for aggregating on-board data, and HERE Technologies, the leading location data, and technology platform, have teamed up to bring cognitive Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the world of road safety. Nexyad employs cognitive AI to aggregate and interpret extensive data sources in a vehicle in real-time to determine whether a particular driving behavior is appropriate given the surrounding context. This assessment can be easily delivered to a driver via mobile phone and is calculated using only four sets of data: HERE map, Global Navigation Satellite System, electronic horizon, and acceleration. Nexyad’s platform is also scalable, with the ability to aggregate data from Advanced Driving Assistant Systems (ADAS) sensors such as camera, radar and lidar, weather (visibility and temperature), and traffic data.
Read full article on
A new article of HERE360 about Nexyad Cognitive AI for Road Safety
What if you could see a crash before it even happened?
Welcome to the future of road safety with Nexyad and HERE.
A car accident in Paris when he was a student would later set Gerard Yahiaoui on the path to making the roads safer for us all.
The incident, which saw both cars damaged beyond repair, was unavoidable, and neither driver saw it coming. Fortunately, Gerard and the driver of the other car escaped without injury. But the incident left him with a yearning to do more to help other people avoid a similar situation.
After his crash Gerard recalls thinking at the time: “I had this thought in my head that I should have been warned in advance. »
Nexyad and HERE improve vehicle safety with next generation, cognitive artificial intelligence
• Nexyad aggregates extensive data sources in a vehicle, including HERE data, in real time to assess driving behaviour given the surrounding context
• Based on this assessment, Nexyad recommends a maximum speed and delivers a driving score
• Nexyad’s technology is already being used by Brightmile in the UK, Montbleu in India and Milla in France
July 6, 2021
Paris and Amsterdam – Nexyad, the embedded, real-time platform for aggregating on-board data, and HERE Technologies, the leading location data and technology platform, are now working together to apply cognitive AI to road safety.
On-board data
Nexyad uses cognitive AI to aggregate extensive data sources in a vehicle in real time and interprets them to assess whether a certain driving behaviour is appropriate given the surrounding context. Nexyad’s assessment, that can easily be delivered to a driver via a mobile phone, can be calculated from four sets of data only: HERE map, Global Navigation Satellite System, electronic horizon and acceleration. Nexyad’s platform is also scalable and can aggregate data from Advanced Driving Assistant Systems (ADAS) sensors to include camera, radar and lidar, weather (visibility and temperature), and traffic data.
Maximum speed recommended for a specific vehicle at a specific time
Nexyad’s real-time data aggregation platform provides two output values 20 times every second: the lack of caution of the driver and the maximum speed recommended given the road conditions – legal speed limit, road roughness, topography of the road, weather, and traffic. Nexyad bases its analysis on several thousand road accident reports, using a set of rules from modern hybrid AI which includes knowledge-based systems, deep learning, neural gas, PAC (Possibly Approximatively Correct) learning, game theory, reinforcement learning, possibility theory and fuzzy logic.
By recommending a “maximum cautious speed” based on real-time data and context-specific to every single vehicle, driver and driving environment, Nexyad’s approach goes much further than the European requirement for vehicles to be aware of the legal speed limit on each road segment (Intelligent Speed Assist). Nexyad’s safety coach called SafetyNex acts as a true co-pilot for the driver as it provides real-time guidance so as to anticipate possible emergency situations ahead that may lead to an accident. This proactive coaching activates while driving and has been demonstrated to reduce accident rates by at least 25% (Impact assessment on road accident rate reduction of NEXYAD cognitive AI SafetyNex, available on demand).
A risk score for drivers and autonomous shuttles
Nexyad provides drivers with a score that reflects the risk associated with their driving behavior. Nexyad’s platform is being used by insurers to provide recommendations to drivers and generate a risk profile. For example, Brightmile, a start-up incubated by Kamet, AXA’s insurer tech studio, is using Nexyad’s SafetyNex software as one of the parameters of their smartphone-based telematics solutions for fleets. India’s Montbleu also relies on Nexyad’s SafetyNex for its smartphone-based app ‘ROAD-Drive it Safe’. Milla, the French autonomous electric shuttle, uses SafetyNex to adapt vehicle speeds according to driving conditions and alerts the service operator (on-board and/or off-board) to take appropriate action when the level of risk is estimated too high.
Nexyad has started to integrate the HERE HD Live Map to provide OEMs with Predictive Automotive Cruise Control services whereby appropriate speeds are not only being recommended but automatically implemented. Moving forward, connected vehicles will use SafetyNex to assess the level of caution of their own driving and will be able to adopt the appropriate speed even in unknown road conditions.
“We found that the maps from HERE are accurate to the centimetre and constantly updated to the second. Every detail counts for us – the topography of the road, the exact positioning of the crossing, the location of a school. With our mission being to save lives, we cannot settle for anything less than the best,” says Gérard Yahiaoui, CEO of Nexyad.
“Nexyad’s SafetyNex software is one of a kind – not only does it provide a score for the lack of caution of the driver, based on the environment in real time, it also recommends an appropriate driving speed. This is the future for Predictive Automotive Cruise Control systems, insurers and autonomous vehicles,” says Gilles Martinelli, Director of Automotive at HERE Technologies.
Demos of Nexyad’s safety coach SafetyNext can be found here and here.
Media Contacts
Adrianne Montgobert
+49 151 72 11 67 81
Gerard Yahiaoui
About HERE Technologies
HERE, a location data and technology platform, moves people, businesses and cities forward by harnessing the power of location. By leveraging our open platform, we empower our customers to achieve better outcomes – from helping a city manage its infrastructure or a business optimize its assets to guiding drivers to their destination safely. To learn more about HERE, please visit and
About Nexyad
Nexyad is a Paris-based AI start-up founded by former professors and researchers of AI and applied maths, specialized in road safety. We propose a unique next generation hybrid cognitive AI that improves road safety, avoids emergency situations and road accidents, and saves lives. We help our customers integrate our technology into their valuable products for insurance & fleets, for automotive Safety Coach or Predictive ACC, and for Autonomous Vehicles « aware » of their level of caution in driving regardingcontext and able to adapt to unknown situations to keep caution level high enough.
NEXYAD CEO Interview about OASIS Project at Mobility TV
Mobility TV – OASIS, when data improves road safety
When data, artificial intelligence and vehicle-to-vehicle connectivity improve road safety, that is the goal of the OASIS project. Fruit of the cross collaboration of 3 French SMEs, each expert in their field. A collaboration made possible thanks to the NextMove competitiveness cluster. An interview conducted by Pierre de Vilno, with Marc Charlet director at NextMove, Frédéric Mathis CEO of MILLA Group, Thierry Ernst CEO of YoGoKo, and Gérard Yahiaoui CEO of Nexyad.
Mobility TV – OASIS, quand les data améliorent la sécurité routière
Quand les données, l’intelligence artificielle et la connectivité entre véhicules améliorent la sécurité routière, c’est l’objectif du projet OASIS. Fruit de la collaboration croisée de 3 PME françaises expertes chacune dans leur domaine. Une collaboration rendue possible grâce au pôle de compétitivité NextMove. Une interview conduite par Pierre de Vilno, avec Marc Charlet Directeur Général de NextMove, Frédéric Mathis PDG de MILLA Group, Thierry Ernst PDG de YoGoKo, et Gérard Yahiaoui PDG de Nexyad.
NEXYAD Newsletter #32 « Safety Coach for Car Manufacturers » is available
NEXYAD Automotive-Transportation Newsletter #32, June 8th
Safety Coach for car manufacturers
Headlines :
– Nexyad CEO Editorial
– Safety Coach for car manufacturers by SafetyNex NEXYAD
– Article and Video « Oasis is a total and integrated vision of road safety » by l’Automobile l’Entreprise
– NEXYAD CEO interview on top french RADIO Europe 1
– The discussing on government ordinances regarding Autonomous Vehicle data
– The Independant News Company foodnewstoday24 takls about OASIS Project
To read the entire Newsletter #32
Article and Video » Oasis is a total and integrated vision of the road safety » by L’AUTOMOBILE & L’ENTREPRISE
« Président de Nexyad, qui a développé une IA cognitive globale, Gérard Yahiaoui nous présente le projet Oasis qui réunit aussi Yogoko, spécialiste des télécoms appliqués à la sécurité, et Milla Group, qui développe des navettes autonomes de dernière génération. Vers la fin des accidents ? » « Toujours aussi brillant et pédagogue, Gérard Yahiaoui nous explique les détails du projet Oasis qui s’est formé dans le cadre de Nextmove (ex Mov’eo) : « Il faut le souligner car Nextmove est pleinement dans son rôle en créant des échanges entre des entreprises aux expertises variées et en faisant naître des projets ». CEO of Nexyad, which has developed a global cognitive AI, Gérard Yahiaoui presents the Oasis project, which also brings together Yogoko, a specialist in telecommunications applied to safety, and Milla Group, which develops the latest generation of autonomous shuttles. Towards the end of accidents? « Always brilliant and pedagogue, Gérard Yahiaoui explains the details of Oasis project which was formed as part of Nextmove (ex Mov’eo):« This must be emphasized because Nextmove is fully in its role by creating exchanges between companies with varied expertise and by giving birth to projects.” Source et suite de l’article |
NEXYAD CEO interview on top french radio EUROPE 1
Trois PME françaises élaborent une voiture capable d’anticiper les risques de la route.Trois PME françaises spécialisées dans l’automobile du future et l’intelligence artificielle cherchent à développer un programme capable d’analyser la qualité des routes, les conditions de trafic et les comportements des conducteurs afin d’anticiper la conduite à adopter et prévenir ainsi les accidents de la route. Three French SMEs are developing a car capable of anticipating the risks on roads.Three French SMEs specializing in the automobile of the future and Artificial Intelligence are seeking to develop a program capable of analyzing the quality of roads, traffic conditions and driver behavior in order to anticipate the behavior to be adopted and thus prevent road accidents. |
Trois PME françaises élaborent une voiture capable d’anticiper les risques de la route (